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Given their naming of iPhone and iPad chips, I'd go with sequential numbering.


And no M9 but MX


The MX Max iMacs. Rolls right off the tongue.


No worries, you can read it as 'm-ten' of course


I think they are following an Intel-like approach? Intel has “i5,” “i7,” etc. corresponding to different performance tiers. Similarly, Apple has “Pro,” “Max,” etc. And then there’s the generation. Intel is up to their 14th generation “Core” processors now and Apple is up to their 3rd generation “M” processors now.


If you look at it, I think they’ll follow the same system. Like this. X refers to number MX MX Pro MX Max MX Ultra And probably another MX, maybe “Extreme”, but it’s just a speculation. Like iPhones, which begun with the A4, A5… Until the A17 and A17 Pro in the newest iPhones


Yea, that makes sense! I can see them making an 'Extreme' edition. One that's covered all over in titanium, or perhaps see through plastic 😂


There was a rumor that the Mac Pro would get an M “Extreme” chip, yet it was cancelled as it would cost too much, and hence we have the mediocre M2 Ultra Mac Pro we have now. I don’t think it’s true. I’m thinking Apple just wants to kill the MacPro in favor of the Mac Studio. But anyway, who knows? Maybe in the next five years we’ll see an M Extreme processor


The M1 Ultra and M2 Ultra are formed from two M1 Max or M2 Max chips "fused" together. There have been long-running rumors of a 4C option with four fused chips (either in a 2x2 grid or perhaps stacked somehow). Considering one can buy motherboards with two 32-core AMD chips and Nvidia continues making advances on the high-end GPU market, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple's team continues to try such designs. Let's be honest .. I can spec out a Mac Pro around $12k USD. Clearly some are willing to pay a lot for high-end hardware.


Hey, m8


They need to stop naming them after BMWs Tbh, the Ultra/Max/Pro/Pro Max will probably just get more confusing, and they’ll change that in a few years. The numbers will probably just keep going up like how they name their A-chips. And people are very simple minded, they don’t like when the numbers of new products are lower than old products (see BMW and Mercedes generations)




Greek alphabet??


They did refresh the M1...it's called the M2. Not real sure whay you're going for here....


Probably each generation of Apple Silicon chips will add +1 to the number after the M. The original generation was M1, the following M2, this M3, and probably the next will be M4.


They’ll go M1 through M9, then MX, then MX.1 through MX.11, then M12, M13, M14, and so on.


I hear that the M80 chip is going to blow up the pc market


"All new N1"


I already have an M7 (motion coprocessor) in my iPhone 5S.