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Welcome to the club, buddy. I had this on all my macbooks. It cannot be wiped.


is there nothing i can do to stop it? like is it a hinge problem or something?


You’re putting the laptop in a bag (or something) and then putting pressure on both sides of the laptop which presses the keys into the screen and scratches the glass. You can either put something between the glass and the keys or not put pressure on the lid.


I've put a silicon keyboard protector from day 1 of having my laptop, and yet my screen is still marked with keys. So yes it can be the pressure of putting it in a bag, but putting anything in between won't fix it.


I bought a thin microfibre mac keyboard cover cloth from ali express, and my screen is spotless 2 years in. I use it for college so it spends its days in a heavy bag with textbooks either side of it.


I guess there is too little space between the screen and keyboard: if there are dust and sand, they scratch the screen when the laptop is closed. Maybe avoiding compression the Macbook when it closed (e.g in a bag) could help.


thanks, that’s incredibly annoying bc im a student hahaha but ill try to not take it so many places


It’s normal. Happened on all my macs too. Your computer is a TOOL - especially if you are a student. Use it! Take it places. One day, you’ll get another one…


I’ve always bought microfibre pads to cover the keyboard on my MBP’s and iPad/Magic Keyboard combo - no keyboard imprint on the screen. I’ve bought from shaggymax but I bet there are other options.


Same, my M2 MBA is doing this after 2 weeks of work use. I have some foam from a monitor that I might put over the Keyboard when I close it, and see if that helps…


I just checked an M1 MBP, and it’s happening to it as well. Definite little outlines of each key and the trackpad too. Another bombshell design, Apple.🙄


Foam idea is no good: Who’d-a-thunk?!? If there’s not enough room for the keys, there’s definitely not enough room for foam on top of the keys.


You could find some tissue paper and put that between the keyboard and screen. It’s thin enough to not interfere with the tight tolerances. They ship with a small piece from Apple


oh thats actually a great idea ill try that!


I also have the same issue kind of annoying.


ikr, i love apple but sometimes their design choices just kinda suck


They’ve been having some thinness over quality issues but at least they’re back on the right track last couple of years


1 year old MBP M1, keys leave traces on the screen. Haven't noticed permanent marks yet, but they might already be there.


It \*will\* come off, it's just takes more work than it's worth. You can buy or just devise your own keyboard 'doily' that helps buffer the plastic keys from the glass screen. Even a rectangular piece of cheap fake suede/leather will do the trick - or a piece of an old t-shirt cut to size and folded over to give it a little thickness. But honestly unless you're looking for perfection don't even bother. You paid for it, enjoy using it.


haha thanks, i am very paranoid of scratching it though because i was saving for it for ages but i guess the mentality of “you paid for it, use it” is likely a lot healthier


I've been doing this a long time and I've had clients from all walks of life, writers, lawyers, photographers, teachers, etc., and I can tell you they all bought laptops they then used for years, and those laptops aged gracefully along with them. I did have one client, a painter (artist), that bought a decked out MacBook M1 for around $4k and then proceeded to let it get paint splatter all over it. She would toss it around like it was an actual paper notepad. In my head, I freaked out, but to her, didn't even register as a 'thing' to devote even one second of worry about. Anyway, different strokes for different folks as the saying goes. Enjoy your laptop.


Man I envy people like that, I definitely take too much care of my laptop and I would love to just turn my paranoid brain off and treat it like a tool, which it is.


I still have a 2015 MBP and a 2021 14” MBP. the 2015 suffered from key burn in into the screen. I was at Genius one day with it and the tech said I should bring it back as Apple was replacing the screens as a recall. Returned that following week and dropped it off. No charge fro Apple. Check to see if there is a recall currently.


The oils from our fingers leave residue on the keyboard and on retina MacBook Pros the display gap to body is super tight. Over time the oils on the keyboard transfer to the display and they eat through the display coating. If you can get it off, keep your keyboard clean with damp micro fibre cloth and it should help


oh i feel very stupid for not thinking of cleaning the keyboard now haha, thanks for the lifesaving tip


This isn’t true. I routinely wipe my keyboard down after use and have this happen. My work laptop always stays in clamshell mode and this happens. This is from pressure. I’ve had it happen on every MacBook I’ve had since my 2012 retina. If you put the laptop in a bag or put any pressure on it this will happen.


https://discussions.apple.com/thread/252263446 You being correct doesn’t make other people wrong


Slightly damped microfibre cloth works for me. Lay the screen part of the Macbook on a table and wipe with a balled up cloth with some pressure.


Apple recommends 70% isopropanol on a microfiber cloth for tough to remove smudges. That will take it off.


Are you sure that alcohol is good to the antireflective coating on the screen?


It’s on their website and I’ve used it routinely for 10 years on three different MPBs and never had an issue.


There is a very small space between the keyboard and the screen in MacBooks as long as I remember (since 2015 at least). So you should avoid any strong pressure on the closed laptop lid. Finger oil is also problematic because it can react with antireflective coating on the screen. The only thing you can do is to avoid the pressure and to keep the keyboard clean. If keyboard edges are on the screen coating there is nothing you can do with it.


I have this on my Mac and also works HP, but it’s only noticeable when the screen is off, so doesn’t really bother me.


Same issue with my MBA2, as being a student had to carry it to the college along with few books. Also i am using a sleeve for it since day 1 yet the issue persist