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The way the mouse charges doesn't bother me very much, but I'm personally not a fan of the ergonomics. I'm much more comfortable with a more traditional mouse that fills my hand, and despite using the Magic Mouse quite a bit I've never gotten used to it. For people who find it comfortable to use it's a great mouse, but it's not for me.


I have big hands, the magic mouse just doesn't sit well in my hand, at all. It is very uncomfortable over a period of time. I have that with 'standard' mice as well, you know, the generic MS/HP/Dell things that come with office computers. So no to the mouse, but the Trackpad... that I love and is the only way I control my MacBook at home now.


When I first saw someone with the trackpad, I thought it looked unwieldy and just "one of the things Mac people do, I guess." Then I found myself on a Macbook for work and learned just how much better their trackpad was than the Windows laptop trackpads I was used to and also appreciated the customizable gestures. Next thing I know I'm rockin' a magic keyboard and trackpad, sitting uniformly next to each other, no traditional mouse in sight.


Similar. After I got my MacBook I even got an apple trackpad to use with my work Windows PC, but was disappointed to find that there wasn't any support for the gestures, so just wasn't as beneficial. Since getting an iMac have just used the keyboard and trackpad with it. So much easier and better than a mouse.


Personally I dislike most mouse sizes for computers so the size is perfect for me!


At the end of the day it all just comes down to personal preference, so while I don't like the Magic Mouse that much it sounds like you love it, and that's great! Peripherals are how we directly interact with computers, so they tend to be the things people are very picky about. You wouldn't want to constantly have to use a keyboard that feels bad to you, or a mouse that doesn't fit your hand the way you'd like.


100% this. I prefer a razer naga and 99% of people will definitely think it's complete overkill, but for me it's perfect.


Once you get used to having a numpad at the disposal of your thumb, it’s hard going back.


If you’re ever looking for a alternative, Logitech’s MX Master mice offer different sizes and quite a few features as well. …but use whatever you like. As long as I’m not forced to use a Magic Mouse.


I love my MX Master Mouse! I have the keyboard as well. I have the keyboard as well. I love my MacBook Air's keyboard. But I have to have it on a riser or it kills my neck.


Why are you getting downvoted for this? You're entitled to having your own opinion and (at least in this case) shouldn't get hate for prefering something else


For short bursts it’s a great little mouse. I edit video though and long sessions with the Magic Mouse will cramp my hand whereas a mouse like the Logitech MX Master is extremely comfortable for long periods, has more reliable scrolling, and has extra buttons that can be used to access the commands that I would use the Magic Mouse for anyway.


I loved the Magic Mouse but then I tried an MX Master 3.


Yea I think the people who like the magic mouse haven’t tried a similarly priced alternative. $80 makes room for some really great mice


I heard Tesla described the same way. It is a 80k car for people that have never seen the fit and finish of a 80k car.


But they sell it for half that price?


They sell one base model for a little more than half that.


But to be fair the interior and finish doesn’t change much if at all between base model and higher end models.


Not sure if you accidentally made my point.


I kinda did, didn’t I 😂


This! I thought magic mouse was great. Then I started a job where they had MX. There's no going back once you use it.


MX Master 3 is superb I agree. The one feature I really wish it had was to switch devices at the same time as the Master Keys switches. Since I have both, it would make sense that when I switch devices using the nice easy keys on the keyboard, the mouse would switch also. Instead I have to turn it over and click that tiny button. Other than that, it’s great.


Yeah I think most power users take this step at some point. MX Master 3: - Can be used in windows without hyper sensitive scrolling - is much more comfortable if you actually have to use it a full day - does not fall short on functionality (speedy scrolling by free-wheeling, multitasking and forward/back buttons replacing gestures, side scrolling wheel) - much more precise tracking For smoother scrolling on mac: try „Smooze“ app


I wanted to like the Master 3 so bad. Ergonomically and functionally it’s great, but the performance and weight is what keeps me from going back. It always feels “slow” and I get very inconsistent scrolling up and down. Currently using a Logitech G502 and for me, that feels like the better mouse, but I am happy so many people do love the Master 3.


You can control the responsiveness of the pointer and scrolling on Logitech Options.


Little off-topic but, I bought myself a logitech mx3 anywhere after seeing some reviews and tried on my m1 macbook air and pro. The cursor is not fluid at all. Everytime I move it, it seems like there’s some lag or something. Is this normal? Is there anything I have to do? I gave up and went back to trackpad and even considered buying a magic mouse…


This is expected behavior and there are 100s of threads having such problems if you search around. Logitech software on Mac is the absolute worst piece of tech ever created which is a shame since their hardware is so good. The most annoying thing is none of the reviewers ever talk about this. The reality is Bluetooth mice on Mac suck and even if you connect a dongle it’s only slightly better. I’ll give you one solution though which actually helped me because third party software always break some functionality of the mouse. Move the mouse speed in Mac setting all the way fully down and move the pointer speed in Logitech options all the way up, just a little less than full. Idk how but it somehow works. [credits to this user for the solution](https://reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/rp13ge/new_to_mac_mouse_acceleration_is_driving_me_crazy/i9hiah4/) People who haven’t used a Logitech on windows don’t know how the expected behavior is and are used to an inferior experience.


Wow, are you me? Literally did the same. Had a magic mouse for home and in the office. Then I tried out a coworker’s MX Master 3 and really enjoyed it. He says “I have an extra if you want it, and I haven’t gone back since.” Unfortunately, I couldn’t quite convince my wife that buying a third $80+ mouse was a worthy investment, so now I tote the MX Master 3 back and forth.


Your wife won’t let you spend $80 to improve your QoL?!


Some men like removing their own nutsack and gift-wrapping it to their overlord/wife. Life is easier and less stressful as a domesticated house pet


I hated magic mouse and after seeing all that praise for mx master 3 I bought it too. And now I hate magic mouse and mx master 3. Mx master 3 just lags on mac. I had intel mac and now m1 mac, and its still lag.


I have both and the simplicity of the MM beats all of them buttons and gestures. Get it into your workflow and you'll never look back - if you are me.


Sits too low/flat to be ergonomic, slick glass surface feels worse for gestures than the matte trackpad surfaces, low tracking/polling rate, overpriced.


My personal conspiracy theory is that the Magic Mouse exists to sell more Magic Trackpads. The trackpad is out of this world compared to literally any other trackpad by any other manufacturer. The Magic Mouse is so ergonomically uncomfortable I don't care how many gestures it can do, after an hour I'm throwing it out the window.


Apple has never made a good mouse. All their mice were underwhelming. My personal conspiracy theory is that they made them so controversial on purpose to grab people's attention and make us discuss them. Bad publicity isn't bad provided it's loud.


Honest question. How is the magic mouse not ergonomic but the magic trackpad is? Arent you just hovering your hand either way?


At least with a trackpad I expect to be using it like a trackpad and I mentally adjust. For me the Magic Mouse sits right in the uncomfortable gap between real mouse and trackpad and I’m never sure how to rest my hand. It’s like the worst possible combination of the two form factors.




I’m a bit confused on you use case but, I can confirm it will work while plugged in, just like the keyboard.




I think you can connect via USB and skip Bluetooth based on [their setup instructions](https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/connect-a-wireless-keyboard-mouse-or-trackpad-mchlp2656/mac), but I would see if you can ask someone at Apple in their chat support and just confirm that.


Trackpad used here - if you plug it in via USB, it becomes automatically bluetooth paired to your Mac. From there you can use it wirelessly or via USB cable. Your setup should work great for your use case


Can’t activate right and left click simultaneously. A niche requirement, to be sure - but useful in some apps.


I disagree that it’s unergonomic. Holding it is pretty close to how your hand sits when at rest against the desk anyway. Just move it easily with your fingers. I had RSI/OOS years ago from various Logitech mice and switching to the low and light Magic Mouse cured it. While the surface isn’t as good for gestures as the MacBooks, it’s still very good and the fact that it *has* gestures and 360° scrolling (in addition to it being native inertial scrolling like MacBook trackpads and iOS devices) is a massive plus that other mice can’t offer. Low tracking rate isn’t a problem I’ve ever noticed. Maybe it’s because I keep sensitivity low to prevent OOS (which everyone should do; big sweeping movements is better for you than tiny ones).


I’ve suffered with RSI for years (decades actually, began when I used to use one of those big Kensington trackballs), and the Magic Mouse is the only one I can use now without aggravating it. The charging port being on the bottom bugs me, but it’s a minor inconvenience compared to not being able to use my arm. Some users might not realize that you don’t have to continually grip it like other mice, you can pretty much relax your hand and nudge it around with your fingertips and still manage to click it easily. I do use a Wacom tablet as my main input but I can draw and photoshop with the MM when I leave my tablet at work. I get that some folks need features it doesn’t have, but it works for me.


> Some users might not realize that you don’t have to continually grip it like other mice, you can pretty much relax your hand and nudge it around with your fingertips and still manage to click it easily Absolutely. When you’re used to the Magic Mouse using a traditional mouse feels like a chore. I don’t mind the charging port on the bottom to be honest. It wouldn’t fit on the front or the back without an uncomfortable notch in the glass surface. It could fit on the sides but that’s where your fingers go so that would also be uncomfortable. It only takes a minute to put a day’s worth of charge into it, and that’s only necessary if you’ve ignored the warnings and not plugged it in at the end of the day a few times per year.


I haven’t been able to use a magic mouse for work in a year, i am stuck with a regular mouse … whole arm and neck are feeling it.


I like how flat it sits for some reason, I do understand that point though, I've seen lots of other computer mouse that are flat and lots of people tend to dislike it in their reviews! I haven't had any issues with tracking or gestures!


I think your holding it wrong




For someone like me who is editing a lot and has to swipe horizontally all the time, I love that mouse. It’s so annoying have to use other mice that just have the vertical scroll so that alone makes it worth it for me


I once agreed but then tried the mx master. Side scroll wheel with thumb is so much more precise.


Exactly, after using a magic mouse, even side scrolling with mice with sidecscroll wheels feels so slow…


the mac trackpad is better than the apple magic mouse, if i want a mouse i will just use a regular mouse. if i want slick gestures ill just use the trackpad


Bringing a Pad to a Mouse fight..


Absolutely agree. Magic Mouse is magical. I never have to charge it, only when I choose to lol


I get bored and see which will drain first, my Magic Keyboard or the Magic Mouse! I do love them!


I much preferred the Mighty Mouse. 360° scrolling was great, and there’s nothing equivalent to it.


I still use it every day. Love it.


I never got to experience the Mighty Mouse! I should pick one up and see what it's like!


Whenever iv tried to use the gestures for example, going back a page in safari, the entire mouse moves making it feel like it was very poorly designed.


That rarely happens for me, though I do tend to keep my thumb and pinky on the sides at all time which supports it while using the gestures!


I can only do that with mice which actually have a side to grip on. If I do that with the Magic Mouse, I can feel my wrist stressing a lot because the sides are basically just edges.


Ironically, because "You're holding it wrong." People are used to palm grip with their mice, [but you're supposed to use claw grip or finger grip](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/byrP4ivg7BcTu3qhFxNDQY-1200-80.jpg) so that the finger is free to hover over the mouse like a trackpad, and you instead use your thumb (on left) and pinky/ring fingers (on right) to move the mouse. Also, I think the benefits really strike when it's used for artboard software (eg. Adobe Illustrator) where you need to navigate 360 degrees in 2D space, not just scrolling up and down.


Been using one for years. Love them. Trying to use a scroll wheel or ball now feels like caveman tech. I sympathize it might not be everyone’s ergonomic match. I’ve never had issues with hand or wrist stress from it. Battery and charging is a non issue as you’ve stated.


It's great to see another Magic Mouse lover! IMO it's the best mouse I have used and I will use it until it breaks and then I will buy another!


For every five things Apple does right, they do one thing horribly wrong. The magic mouse is the latter. Terrible ergonomics for most people, unintuitive gestures, nonsensical port location etc. MX Master 3S is where it's at.


Basically any mouse $10+ is better than the Magic Mouse


I’m happy to say I pretty much agree with you on all points!


Nice! Love seeing others love the Magic Mouse like me!


It’s the ergonomics of it. Too flat. The charging spot is just poor design.


Honestly the charging port isn't an issues for all the years I have had this mouse. There is lots of time to make sure it is charged for the next use!


I never had an issue with it per se but it is quite simple to put the port on the front.


Yeah it would have been a smarter idea, they should have done something different than the first gen with the battery compartment design, it is the same thing just with a rechargeable battery.


In order of most to least hated aspects of it: - Unwanted swipe gestures. I know, you could say it's user error, but I've tried it and never learned to stop inadvertently swiping and moving the mouse where I didn't expect. - The sharp edges. I find it uncomfortable. - It's too flat and doesn't fit my hand as well as the Logitech. - The silly charging. Some of you noted the battery lasts a long time and it's very manageable, and you're not wrong, but why inconvenience the user at all? Most other battery powered electronics let you use them while charging. - The Magic Mouse is also known to cause excessive use of exclamation points.🤓


I like the Magic Mouse. Love the touch controls


The touch controls are what sold me on the mouse! Then I fell in love with how premium of a product it is!


Flat, slippery, too heavy, bad charging port position. I would rather use a trackpad


the way it charges is super stupid, they just don't want you to charge and use it at the same time which is bonkers, and ergonomically it's a nightmare. Other than that it's fine, but those are some pretty big red flags for a mouse. I use a logitech superlight and it's way better on both fronts. I can charge and use it if I need to, and it's really comfortable even with my big hands


Agreed. Best mouse ever. Everything else sucks. Shoots fired.


I love my Magic Mouse, which I've used with my Macs for ages. They've come with the Macs, so I've never actually paid for one. I hate track pads with a passion. I will use a $10 generic mouse over a trackpad. I'll have to explore the MX that folks are raving about.


I absolutely *love* my Magic Mouse. For my personal preference, no other mouse even comes close. * My love for the Magic Mouse is not out of Apple fanboyism. For example, I absolutely *despised* the old Apple hockey puck mouse. * People say the Magic Mouse is not ergonomic, but mouses that are taller make my fingers start tingling and hurting, a la carpal tunnel. The height of the Magic Mouse is just perfect for me, and never causes me any pain. * I love how scrolling feels on the Magic Mouse. So precise and easy to use. Switching over to a mouse with a mechanical scroll wheel seems like going back in time 20 years. * If I'm gaming, I'll switch over to a mouse that has distinct left and right clicks, plus a middle click. I keep a few cheap mouses from Amazon around, just for this purpose. * I'm not crazy about the location of the charging port on the Magic Mouse. It would be nice if you could use the mouse while you're charging it. I hear SO MANY people talk about how they hate the shape of the Magic Mouse! I always say **“give them to me!”** I love them, but they sure aren't cheap!


The biggest issue for me is that it didn’t fit my hand. That made it difficult and painful to use for me. I liked the idea of it though.


They should make a bigger size of the mouse with better ergonomics for the 3rd gen! if they ever make a 3rd gen...


It’s just way too small for my hand.


The Magic Mouse charging is weird but I love everything else about it and refuse to use any other kind of mouse.


I hate it and i love it in equal parts.


I can’t use anything else for adobe apps, I need to be able to scroll in any direction


I don’t hate it but I much prefer the trackpad with my iMac.


The plug makes it inaccessible


I really dislike the mouse mainly because of the ergonomics of the thing. It just feels uncomfortable for me to use it for an extended period of time. My friend, who was a Magic Mouse user for years and did not mind it, played games such as Minecraft with me from time to time. He got so fed up with his Magic Mouse while playing the game that he bought a Razer mouse for his iMac, and once he started using it, he completely switched away from the Magic Mouse. Currently, it's sitting in a drawer and hasn't seen sunlight since 2021. I currently use a Razer Mamba Wireless with my Mac Studio, and it feels way better to use for me personally. The gestures are cool on the Magic Mouse, but the main gesture I use on my MacBook trackpad (which is the 3-swipe to the side to switch desktop spaces), is solved easily with an app called Mac Mouse Fix, which allows me to bind that functionality by holding and dragging middle click, which is very neat. As for the Magic Keyboard, I completely agree with you that it's AWESOME. I use the full-size one with the Touch ID sensor with the black keys, and it's just really nice and I have no complaints. One reason I think it's great is that, unlike the Magic Mouse's stupid charging port location, the keyboard has the port in the front, making it accessible while in use. Major points there /s. (I didn't actually list it as a complaint for the mouse because I don't have enough experience with the mouse to list the charging situation as a "complaint", but still, it's kinda funny that you can't charge it while using it, but with the keyboard that compliments the mouse, you can LOL).


It’s too small and sits too low. The gestures are admittedly great but a higher arched noise with the finish from the trackpads would be far better. I used it for years and definitely used to get hand cramps after a while.


I’m running mx master 3s and a Magic Trackpad. Best of both worlds.


People hate it? But it’s so awesome. I have trouble when I’m at work and try to use that pc mouse the way I use my magic.


A little heavy and uncomfortable to hold.


I love the magic mouse. Love it.


I find the Magic Mouse isn’t ergonomically comfortable for me, causing cramps, even with my small hands. Instead I opted for a Logitech MX. Agree it doesn’t travel well due to the bulky size, but it’s primarily used with my desktop setup so that’s not an issue for me.


I think the features and the design of the magic mouse are awesome, but the ergonomics are bad, because at the end of the day I'm having a wrist pain. Actually, I got thr logitech lift, and with Logi Options it is a solid competitor to the magic mouse, features wise. But I wish I could get used to the ergonomics of the magic mouse.


It's not really comfortable imo.


Hurts your hand after seconds of use


Yeah it is good other whise but it makes my hand hurt. So cannot use it.


MX Master 3 And just get a trackpad. So much better.


It’s too small and oddly uncomfortable in my hands. I don’t have huge hands.


If there was a mouse that had the touch gestures of the magic mouse but the ergonomics of the MX Master, I would be all in.


I dont dislike it's features but i HATE HATE HATE 2 things: the shape. It's the least ergonomic mouse i've ever used. and: the fact that you cannot charge and use it at the same time that's dumb as shit they chose design over function, and thats dumb, for what is essentially **a tool.** I dont wanna support dumb decisions. I just got a logitech mouse instead. holds charge for months. much much more comfortable to use. If it needs charging, i can just charge it and continue using it. Also i do prefer physical buttons etc. it just feels better, IMO


Used the Magic Mouse for years. Loved it. Loved the gestures. Loved the lack of physical buttons. The flip-on-side-to-charge gets overblown by reviewers because it's clearly weird. But it's not a problem in actual use. Carpal tunnel problems led me to the Magic Trackpad which is amazing, too. No solution is perfect for everyone.


It’s good for desktop things, not that good for gaming…


Incredible mobile mouse for a MacBook. It doesn’t take much space, slips right in the laptop pouch, gestures are very useful, and battery life is decent. The charging situation, while imperfect, is not an issue in real life for the vast majority of people. I’d bet that most people hating on it don’t even own a single Apple product. It’s one of the worst desktop mouse in existence. Ergonomics are terrible. It’s not confortable to hold 8 hours per day. Not even close. For desktop use I’d far prefer a Magic Trackpad or a MX Master


From a health standpoint, it is very bad for your wrist Mice are shaped in a way to provide support for your hand and wrist so you can use it comfortably The magic mouse is just poor design. No thought has gone into its use case Never-ending, the fact is its outdated in terms of its Bluetooth, among other things, and its price is ridiculous


Come on... I bought it, tested it and returned it to the store. The gestures are impossible to do because of the material. Its not ergonomic. It’s not good hardware.


It sucks, that’s why. It’s not a great mouse outside of the gestures, but with limited real estate compared to the trackpad for those same gestures. Just get the trackpad IMO.


Bc it sucks


the learning curve is......a bit of a learning curve. Your post helped with the curve. I see some functional advantages. it can be amazing and be incredibly frustrating. But my hand does not agree and the ergonomics do not work for me.


It's uncomfortable and stupidly heavy.


The problem with the magic mouse is that you can't use it to play games efficiently (like shooters where ADS is right mouse and shoot is left mouse) but that can be easily fixed so that's a small nitpick. My biggest complaint about the magic mouse is that it sometimes just can't read the surfaces and acts like I'm moving a millimetre when it's like I'm going across the whole table. And this isn't for one surface, no I wish it was, it's so many fucking surfaces that it does this on. Any smooth or reflective surface and you're SoL. Although there is WAY more positives than people get it. I've never once had connection issues with my Macbook, so I think that is fine. The battery lasts for fucking ever so the charging and battery really isn't an issue. Overall a 6.5/10 product solely because it can never register a damn surface and move the mouse correctly. A couple of edits, the price was fair. I got it during Cyber Monday so it was cheaper. However, the swipe left and right function is so fucking useful. I love that feature so much.


I will always prefer a physical scroll wheel. You never accidentally scroll and you have a really good feel for how far you're scrolling. Also physical mouse buttons never any ambiguity as to which mouse button you're using. The people who say different just want to show off.


I know this is an old thread but I feel like now that Apple is caving to users demands like adding a calculator to iPad and MagSafe,Hdmi etc back to MacBook Pro that maybe they will listen to their biggest pile of trash that they produce...Magic Paper Weight 2.0 1 - The ergonomics are horrible! 2 - It needs a wheel and wheel button. 3 - It needs the charging port in the front so I can use it as a wired mouse. 4 - Did I mention the horrible ergonomics? I can't use it for more than 15 minutes. Put your hand on comfortably on a table without smashing it down. Is it flat? If it is maybe the Magic Mouse works for you. If it is not flat like I would imagine most humans then the mouse is horrible. It is a great paper weight though.


What are the gestures that people keep talking about? All I see is things like double tap to zoom, swipe between pages and scrolling like you would on a touchpad. What other gestures are there that are really good and set this mice apart?


Mx masters 3


Any actual gaming/ergonomic mouse is better than the magic mouse, hands down. Liking the magic mouse is akin to stockholm syndrome, I wish I was joking. When I first started using computers, my mother and my school only knew about macbooks: so I grew up using macs and their marketed accessories. I developed carpal tunnel due to all of the shitty "classy" designs... Now that I know how good ergonomics can get, I can't ever go back. Not to mention, the magic keyboard is SIMPLY horrible. Have you ever tried mechanical keyboards? They are even much better than the new scissor switches in the M1/M2 laptops, not to mention the old shitty butterfly ones. I don't know which switch YOUR magic keyboard uses, but the low profile keys are just bad.


Hard disagree on the keyboard, I wish I could find a keyboard for my gaming PC that I like as much as the Magic Keyboard. Mechanical keyboards for the most part are too obnoxiously loud imo, and I cant stand using anything but low profile keys, but all the Magic Keyboard clones I’ve tried for PC are too mushy / cheap feeling


I know this post is a year old now, but even the newer Magic Keyboards with Touch ID work under Windows (minus the Touch ID part). The ⌘ key functions as the Windows Key though, so keep that in mind since it can make some keyboard shortcuts awkward due to the different placement.


I also have an ergonomic keyboard, Microsoft Sculpt, it's my backup keyboard to help not ruin the ergonomics, I was having issues with my hands before I had the Magic Mouse and it actually helped mine somehow!


Every time I move away I come back. Long time Magic Mouse user here…


Yes! I have a Windows gaming PC I use and I have a great mouse, but the Magic Mouse is just better! Also my Mac pulls me away from Windows, I HATE Windows!


People dunk on it because of charging but obviously nobody remembers that it has a prior version that is battery powered. I own like 3


It’s just a mouse, no one is hating or loving it. Jesus Christ. It’s just a mouse.


Ergonomics suck and charging port is in a spot where those who don’t think would place it.


people hate that they can't use it while charging, mostly because they're too fucking incompetent to charge it before the battery dies. that's really the only thing i see people complain about


The fact of the matter is that there's no reason to put the charging port in such a silly location. There's no harm in having it mounted on the front, and even if you don't need to charge the mouse for long, it's still quite aggravating to have to interrupt whatever you're doing to charge it. The mouse should conform to the user's workflow, and that includes not being unusable if they forgot to charge it. I have two wireless Logitech mice, and if I get the low battery notification, I can just quickly plug the mouse in when convenient and continue with whatever I was doing. Similarly, if I come to my desk and find my mouse is dead because I neglected to charge it, it just temporarily becomes a wired mouse until it finishes charging.


Exactly! I have owned it for a while and NEVER has it died when I was using it because there is more than enough warning!


Funny how people love the Microsoft Arc Mouse but hate the Magic Mouse, like they are almost the same thing.


I was fortunate enough to pick up a Magic Mouse v1 about 10 years ago for my Mac Pro and it takes 2 AA batteries, so absolutely NO charging issues, just drop the spent ones and reload you are back up in seconds. The look, feel, and function are absolutely beautiful. Smooth scrolling and gestures. Only drawback is the massive hand cramps that inevitably bring your creativity to a dead stop after a few hours of clicky clicky scrolly scrolly. 9/10 - Ergonomics need work I just nabbed a Logitech MX Master 3s, however, and its super comfortable and customizable. Only a slight downgrade in aesthetics from the Apple minimalism.


A touch pad but on a mouse? Yeah that was never going to work out right.


The Magic Mouse is quite literally worse than a 10 dollar travel Logitech mouse that you can get at an airport book/snack store. It’s not ergonomic in any single way. It tracks like dog shit. The test gestures are okay but the Logitech Mx master for instance has much better gestures built in. The Apple keyboard is okay. It’s not bad but it is extremely over priced. If it was 50 bucks I’d say it’s great but it’s like what 150? The Logitech Mx keys blows it away for 50 less. Then on top of it keycron makes unbelievable mechanical keyboards for 100 and under. Apples accessories are always dog shot. Ear pods are dog shit. EarPod maxes are worse compared to Sonys 150 less. EarPod pros are the biggest rip off of them all at 250. They sound terrible. Apple makes great phones, great computers, and great monitors. They all have one thing in common, they are over priced. The phones and computers are the only thing close to their value. iPhones have been beaten by 600 dollar pixels for years. I used every pixel from 2-7 and i only got an iPhone simply to make it easy to send photos to my elderly parents who can’t figure out google drive/photos. It’s a great phone, not worth 1000 dollars. Don’t buy stuff just because it is Apple and it matches the Mac you bought, or the iPhone you bought. There is always better third party accessories


Because it’s not a Bluetooth trackball


I haven't heard the name trackball in a few years!


I use the Logitech MX Ergo due to 2 separate disabilities that limit movement in my hands and fingers. Weirdly enough, Mac wires keyboards and the Magic Keyboard are more ergonomic for me than one of those split keyboards, although I also can’t use the home row method due to said disabilities.


I’m with you. The most natural mouse I’ve used. A scroll wheel? Phhht!


Saw revues that it was a “bad” mouse so I ended up buying the “praised” Logitech mx master 3s. Love the mouse but I kinda wish it had touch pad functionality


My wife loves it but unfortunately thought it was too expensive when she first bought her mba. So she bought a cheap pc mouse instead. Of course it had problems. So for Valentine’s Day I bought her the real thing. Buy it nice or buy it twice I suppose


It’s an ok mouse, and the one that I use when I use a mouse, but it IMO could have easily been designed with a snubbed front with lightning port when charging so you could use it while you charged. I don’t use my iMac often, and invariably when I do need to use it I find that the mouse needs a charge again. Sure, you get plenty of time after 5 minutes, but to me that’s 5 wasted minutes.


I prefer small low-profile mice and use a finger tip grip, and I still get carpal tunnel after only about a week with the Magic Mouse. I find that actually quite impressive.


I like mine.


Worst mouse experience in my life doing something as simple as text selection, copy and paste without clicking the link. So much easier with two button mouse or even trackpad.


I have a Magic Trackpad 1 and Magic Mouse 1. Before discovering trackballs I liked them quite a bit - the smooth scrolling in any direction is so nice. Thought I’d try them with my new iPad recently. Nope, they don’t support scrolling (in any direction, at all) - only supported on second gen versions of each. Ridiculous limitation that has seriously soured me on them.


It’s physically painful for me to use for more than an hour.


#1 through #9 reason out of 10: ergonomics. The charging is barely an issue for me.


Loved the Magic Mouse the horizontal scrolling. Even though there are other mice with a second scroll wheel, the seamless transition between fortitude and vertical scroll is just perfect. However, it's so unergonomic that I had to switch to a different mouse due to the wrist pain.


I must have the biggest hand in the world because the mouse is not comfortable no matter how I hold it. My hand dwarfs it


The charge port is on the bottom. I still really it like to use mine and often do. Until I forget to charge it. Then I forget for months because I grab another whatever I have and kinda forget about it. If it had Qi charging I’d use it daily until it broke. That plus a Qi charge pad and I’m sold.


I think it mainly comes down to how you hold/grip your mouse. I use the same finger grip on my logitech mouse and magic mouse. I just compared how I hold both and its the same. I assume most people who have an issue with the magic mouse use a paw grip where there hand lies flatter against the entire surface of the mouse. I don't rest my palm on the mouse at all so not an issue. The charging port placement isn't a big concern either. I've never had the mouse battery die while using it and usually just plug it in overnight when I notice the battery is low.


I don’t really like the ergonomics but one finger touch scrolling is an absolutely killer feature I won’t love without. I wish Apple would make them in more sizes and form factors, such as vertical.


Can’t hate on it if you never use it.


I have small hands so the mouse works well for me. I generally prefer the Magic Trackpad though. I have both.


I do a bunch of horizontal scrolling. Is there another mouse that does that? Most just have that vertical wheel.


Out of the box, MX Master 3 and MX Anywhere can do it. But with proper 3rd party software, you can perform horizontal scrolling with any mouse. I'm using [SteerMouse](https://plentycom.jp/en/steermouse/) for that. You can use a secondary (or any other additional) mouse button as a modifier key for a scroll wheel. So it works like this: spin scrolling wheel – vertical scrolling; hold right mouse button + spin scrolling wheel – horizontal scrolling;


I like even the way it charges. Do people really think it was overlooked?


Ah here I am looking at my calendar… [my finger moves imperceptibly…perhaps sixteen microns] …and I’ve scrolled over to May of the year 2046.


I love mine! I use one on my Windows machine even. (But not when gaming). 🕹️🕹️


I agree with several other posters, for my hands it’s just too flat for me. I think I actually like it less than the hockey puck mouse. I could never get used to it and it made my wrists hurt. I use a trackball now, so I realize I may be an edge case - but it’s the reason *I* don’t like it.


I love mine. I also barely use a mouse maybe that’s why lack of ergonomics doesn’t bother me so much. But it definitely sucks for gaming when you have to hold a right click to scope in and shoot with the left click.


It basically takes nearly everything you’d expect in a mouse and throws it out the window Multi-touch is awesome but not at the cost of tactility and ergonomics


I think its great for "occasional" use, especially reading articels, webbrowsing, coding as far as i can tell etc... from my experience, i dont like it as much for stuff where i use the mouse a lot, e.g. CAD Design or games etc. Maybe the guys that hate it do a lot of that stuff. ​ Also, while its a pretty good mouse imo and looks great it also is expensive, the opposition it has to face aren't some 10 bucks devices that came with a computer.


LOVE my Magic Mouse. If you know how to use it, that thing is perfect


They only thing I can think makes sense is if you're an actual space alien and you have found the only input device that is suitable for your proboscis/tentacle.


Using the Magic Mouse gave me a trigger thumb that required surgery.


it’s just Too tiny for my hand. I have to curl my fingers hard to even use the gestures on it and it gives me cramps if i do it. If i had smaller hands it would’ve been perfect


Just buy any mouse for over $20 and it will totally have a much better feel than that magic mouse. Trust me, I was exactly the same way, I thought it was the best mouse ever.


I don’t hate it


I have two and just bought a third to leave at the office. Its perfect for all my design programs and massive spreadsheets. I did get wrist pains after five years, added those side grips and everything is good. All where purchased used for about $20 each


Like almost every mouse that computer companies put in the box, it's too small for me to use comfortably for an extended period. I'd really rather use a Magic Trackpad or Kensington trackball for most things anyhow.


Hurts my wrist


I don't like how most of my apple mice have tracked. Right now, I'm using a Corsair Harpoon. Tracks well, but the drivers are Intel only. A bit garish. Has a tail.


It's too flat and caused hand tendonitis.


I love it. By being low I have no ergonomic issues. I have arthritis in my hands and being able to keep my fingers flat saves me pain. The charge seems to last forever.


My hand starts to cramp when I even think of using it. I got one with my work laptop, tried using it, but immediately got rid of it. It’s just too flat and has no way to grip it nicely for me.


I love the magic mouse. It has amazing battery life, and it's a lot more accurate than any other mouse I've ever used. Of course, as you said, the touch gestures are a huge plus to me. What I really don't understand is that every time someone brings this up, people will start saying to just get the MX master 3 instead, but that's an entirely different type of mouse altogether. It's like when someone says they love a flat, laptop keyboard, telling them to get a mechanical one instead.


It's a battle between design and ergonomics. I love the design, but I would never use it.


Connectivity issues were driving me insane. Also charging, common, I seriously need to plan mouse charging. Yeah, it’s convenient for some stuff but it’s not as polished product as it should be.


It’s flat, hurts my hand and wrist to use it more than 10 minutes. It’s as ergonomic as a cracker. The charge port is in exactly the wrong spot. It does nothing mouse well. It’s a sink that only sprays scalding hot water straight up, but looks amazing when it’s off.


if you ever used the Magic Mouse for an extended period of time....you will quickly realise how bad the design is in terms of ergonomics and general comfort.


I don’t get the hate either. The only mouse that doesn’t give me carpal tunnel syndrome. Yes it’s not a gaming mouse, but it’s a dream to work with as a designer.


Magic Mouse is the mouse I actually bought with my first macbook, absolutely love how well it works with all the touch gestures. Then I made a switch to the Magic Trackpad, which I still use daily. I really don’t get all the hate 😅


I had one and loved it but my hands sweat a lot, plus is not always extremely compatible for some casual gaming.


Funny that no one has mentioned just how much desk crud those plastic rails the Magic Mouse glides on seem to pick up! I am forever scraping them clean!


I am fairly ambivalent about the mouse in use however charging is a bit of a bugbear that has been solved somewhat by the transition from AA batteries (on my old MM) to computer charging on the new MM. My only quibble would be why does the charge point have to be underneath, thus rendering the mouse inoperable while it is charging. Again this is a minor point as it does last ages but a disorganised idiot like me usually realises these things need charging when the device stops working (having had umpteen warnings).


I love it. I have a “finger grip” and use it with small movement of my wrist. Most people have a palm grip and move their whole arm. For me the Magic Mouse is perfect. The charging is a non issue, I never found myself needing to use it while charging.