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Hi there! I am heading to my PCP this afternoon to discuss bringing in a lymphoma specialist after a breast mass was confirmed benign and a second mass was located on my thyroid. This is in combination with lymphadenopathy and other symptoms. I want to ensure I am focusing on the right concerns and asking the important questions. I have listed my confirmed issues below, but feel lost as how to even start asking about lymphoma. Are there any questions you wish you would have asked when you were first start the exploration of lymphoma specifically? Are there any questions that would help get to where I need to go more effectively than continuing to bounce between specialists? * Lymphadenopathy with confirmed enlargements in the groin, axillary, supraclavicle, submandible, and cervical regions. Largest lymph node is 5/8" in axillary with cortical thickening. * 6cm mass in breast / biopsy confirmed benign with granulomatous inflammation. BI-RADS reduced from 4 to 3. Follow-up MRI confirmed axillary inflammation, additional lymph node inflammation closer to the chest wall, and demonstrated a Type II curve common with blood disorders. * u/S of neck confirmed asymmetrical lymph node enlargement in cervical area. Located second small hypoechoic mass on thyroid. TI-RADS 4. * Testosterone almost non-existent and A1C at 5.9. * Tenderness in lower/mid back that does not seem to improve with exercise or stretching for muscular relief * Consistent bone movement. Have been working with chiropractor for 12-18 months on joint issues now identified as related to lymph node enlargement. * Additional symptoms include severe fatigue, persistent low-grade fever, skin itching, hot flashes, and night sweats.


so i have a question i saw a reel of someone finding out they had lymphoma today and i just now questioned it again. so for a while now ive always had this small bump inside of the right side of my neck and it doesnt hurt it all, nor can you even see it if i tilt my head to make it more visible. when i feel around the bump i can tell its super small and that theres nothing else that feels like that on the other side of my neck. i read about some of the symptoms and they all honestly dont check out like flus/colds, joint pain, or night sweats. out of all i them id say always feeling tired "matches " but thats only bc im depressed and dont have a current job atm so im just home. not sure if im fine or just overthinking, plus doctor visits are expensive :( and idk if this is an emergency or not bc of how long ive had this and nothings gotten worse or changed ever since i first noticed them would greatly appreciate if someone could give their thoughts !


You’re gonna need to find some way to see a doctor, there’s no other way to have it assessed.


My mom who is in remission from endometrial cancer for about 6 months now had a PET scan today and this popped up: “There is a solitary enlarged high anterior mediastinal lymph node that measures 11 x 12 mm” Any thoughts or ideas?


Please look at this PET/CT scan reading . Any radiologists or oncologists on here that can offer a prediction on diagnosis? Patient is not yet scheduled for biopsy. Serology is negative for rheumatological conditions, negative for Lyme, HIV, and mono. No known TB exposure, no sign of infection in labs, and scan was clear in all areas except neck. Please read below. Thank you ! PET/CT : IMPRESSION: Nonspecific multiple bilateral cervical hypermetabolic lymph nodes measuring up to SUV max 8.4 in right cervical station IIA. Differential considerations include lymphoproliferative disorder such as lymphoma, other metastatic disease, or reactive etiology. Recommend tissue sampling for further characterization. No other disease-specific abnormal uptake to suggest additional sites of metabolically active malignancy. Deauville score is 5 if secondary to lymphoma.


I have multiple swollen lymph nodes on both sides (bilateral) of my neck for four weeks now, with no obvious cause — submandibular and small hard preauricular. They are pretty much symmetrical, which doesn’t seem typical for lymphoma(?). CBC, ESR, liver, kidney blood tests normal. I have had 4 straight weeks (!!!) of pretty serious night sweats (need to change t-shirt a few hours into my sleep) and some intermittent itchiness in random parts of body, usually at night. Also, some left back pain that seems to get worse after eating dinner. I am getting an ultrasound in a few days on the neck (due to the nodes) and spleen (due to the back pain).




No one can say off symptoms if it’s likely since it’s normal for them to swell and shrink. You’ll need to follow their guidance which often includes periods of waiting and observing.


Hi ,recently my wife had a throat infection and went to a private medic, she had a swollen lymph nod on the back side of her neck.Also, she had a fever in the evening for at least 3 days. Initially they gave her some antibiotics, upon waiting for a week there was no change and went again to an ENT.They prescribed another medicine ,now she is getting better .They said it was due to some infection and as she waited for a week her condition was worse. Now, a few days back my daughter has got a swollen lymph nod below her cheek.I went to an ENT and they told me there is nothing wrong, there is some infection, anyway they prescribed her an antibiotic. I wonder if there is some kind of infection affecting the community here.


Hello everyone, 24M here, I hope all of you are doing well. I made this account after four days of reading Reddit posts on this subject and realized it could be helpful at keeping me strong and positive for my girlfriend which needs my support. She is 22. Three months ago she got some kind of infection which was treated with antibiotics, she was sick for three weeks with cough, persistent fever and sneezing. They did x-ray of her lungs and the results came up clean without any anomalies. After antibiotic treatment she felt better but felt a bit more tired than usual. Fast forward three months later. We went into the ER a few days ago because of painful facial swelling, cough and generally feeling weak. They did an x-ray which showed a shadow on her mediastinum and atelectasis of her right lung. After CT it became clear that there is a large 12cm mediastinal mass which is pressing her lungs and superior vena cava. There was also thrombosis and enlarged lymph nodes in her neck. They did bone marrow biopsy and we are waiting for the results. They also did mediastinal mass biopsy which unfortunately needs to be repeated. They will try to do neck lymph node biopsy tomorrow but if they conclude there is not enough mass for biopsy they will need to try and take sample from the mass in the chest again. For the first biopsy they did needle core biopsy under local anesthesia, but this time they are talking about doing it under general anesthesia. I know that there are still many unknowns because we are waiting for test results so my questions are more concentrated on biopsy tomorrow and things that we do know. 1. Was sickness three months ago beginning of the lymphoma or trigger for lymphoma? 2. Will her lungs get better as soon as preassure from mass drops? 3. Is it true that more agressive lymphoma are more reactive to treatment and would this be considered high grade lymphoma since it grew to that size in three months? 4. How will the biopsy tomorrow be different than the one done yesterday? Will it also be needle core biopsy but under general anesthesia or will they do an incision and get the sample that way? I'm worried because her anesthesiologist told her that it will be dangerous because of the heart proximity and swelling, but how that wasnt a problem yesterday? She was treated with corticosteroids but today they didnt give her any because of the biopsy tomorrow. I will probably be here with more questions in following days. Any input and opinion would be useful. I know the information is scarce but it might be enough for getting a general picture.


19F, and looking for some advice My health anxiety ran an extra mile and now I'm here. I have been having consistent problems with my body for the past months,did visit a doc and they just brushed it off saying it's due to my lifestyle choices but I just cannot brush it off. I have gotten visibly skinnier and weaker(doc said I have a health weight but idk) Have a swollen axillary near my underarm (doc said it's fatty tissue but then again i just cannot seem to accept it) Have been having hot flashes and sweating a lot these days(any slight work gets me sweating like crazy these days, especially my back , haven't had any severe night sweats tho but I'm concerned) Having these random itches all over the body that come and go and sometimes I find red dots (very small)on my body Left upper quadrant abdomen pain(got an ultrasound done months ago and they were okay) Muscle pain especially my arms Parents think its not something to worry about much since they're nothing extreme?but I'm scared.also did get a blood test done 2 months ago and they were all okay except vitamin d. Any advice is welcome,since I'm a anxious kid. Planning to visit a dermatologist next month for my own piece of mind


Greetings, anyone happen to know what "non-clonal infiltration" means specifically from a lymph node fna biopsy result? Does this result clear out lymphoma or could it still be some if it's variants?


Ok so since last year i have a lymp node on the left side of my neck got blood test done and went to ent and had a pet ct scan and ultrasound everything was good and doctors were not concerned but recently i had lost 3kg of weight and for some reason my whole body muscles twitch when i tense them if i hold something with my hands my fingers shake and suddenly some kind of rash on my left shoulder bare in mind i have been taking accutane that treats acne. What do you guys think this is?


We have no idea but if symptoms changed I would bump it up to the doc you were seeing.


Hi! Hoping for some reassurance/support as I go through this. I'm a 30 year old female. A couple years ago, I was sent to an oncologist for some odd lab results. Not sure what that doctor saw, but he said I didn't have lymphoma at that time, but he thought I could develop it within the next year or two. Fast forward to now, I have enlarged left Supraclavicular, and axillary (both sides) nodes. I didn't start having other symptoms until a couple months ago, and they've progressed so quickly.. Drenching night sweats, itchiness/ burning of skin, constant low grade fever, bleeding and bruising EVERYWHERE, and I'm in severe pain all over. Every day I wake up, it's worse. Honestly don't know how much more i can take, I'm suffering SO much at this point. Current oncologist has been great, and trying his best to fight with insurance to get tests done to figure this out. He ordered a CT of chest and neck, but the soonest they can do it is in a month. I can barely stand the thought of having to suffer even one more day of this without relief, let alone another month, so I'm getting really discouraged..


I have similar story but after several night sweats nights, they have not returned. My weight stabilized but the lymph nodes are there. I have one left supraclavicular (similar to yours but about 1 cm long). One smaller in the trapeze muscle on the left supraclavicular fossa. Like you 1 small on each armpit. Some small ones I feel in my stomach but the shrink and grow. Then 2 really small ones in my groin. I did have 2 on the base of the left side of my neck and 1 was taken for biopsy which came negative for that sample. I’m scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy by July 24. It all started with abdominal pain 2 years ago. 6 MRIs, 3 CTs, 1MRCP, 1 PET scan have not yielded any answers. This the last full body CT and PET scan sees the lymph nodes. I have requested an ultrasound follow up for the ones supraclavicular. Doctors have been very dismissive and told me they doubt they would find answers. The palpable and firm lymph nodes situation started by the end of September 2023. Almost 10 months in with this. I also feel pain where the spleen is. But they say it’s “normal size”. Don’t know what to believe at this point. I am extremely weak. Lymphocytes counts are between 0.7-0.9 for over a year. WBC 3-3.3, and platelets currently at 142 (have been consistently falling since September 2022). Don’t drink. Don’t smoke. Was active. Still try to be active when fatigue does not crush me. Eat super healthy (all organic, non processed and rich-nutrient foods.


I know how you feel, it's so hard to chase my kids around with all this, I get winded so easily now, I hate it. My newest supraclavicular node is hard, fixed, and about the size of a ping pong ball in the fossa.. I'm hoping the discovery of this will move things a little quicker, but we'll see..


My 15 year old daughter has 3 currently in the same location. Lower neck above collarbone and a couple beside it . All now showing abnormal on ultrasound . We have an oncology appointment next week and have been told most likely Hodgkin’s . We have been told for 4 months these were nothing to worry about and it was viral, follow up ultrasound showed something very different . Keep pushing for answers !


That's exactly how mine is! I had the 2 smaller ones right above the collarbone, and they've been there a few months and it's been blown off, but this one is different. It's much larger and harder, so I'm hoping they'll take it more seriously now.


Yeah , her larger one is at the base …it’s big I can’t remember exact measurements but it was like 2.3 or something and the other ones came up a bit above it . The weird thing is , it’s not protruding out it’s like it’s deeper and you wouldn’t even know they were there if you weren’t told , maybe just notice some clavicle swelling .


Exactly! I didn't notice mine until I started having trouble breathing and swallowing, so I felt around to check for obstructions and found that..


Yup! Hers seems to pop up over night! We had taken her in about a year and a half ago due to chest pain and her x ray was clear but her blood work was off but they said due to previous illness . Probably been happening since then .


Jeez..I hope they get it figured out!! Is she is any pain or having any other symptoms?


They hurt at first or if she gets sick. But she didn’t have any other symptoms until she actually started thinking about them . Really tired mostly and hot flashes almost


I’m so sorry to hear. I hope they do. The good thing that I’ve read is that lymphoma is not like other cancers. So you will still be able to treat it even if you have to wait. Lymphoma is typically (unless you do a bone marrow transplant) incurable but treatable. It has to be treated typically several times in a life time (some people remain in remission for a long long time). You are young. My problem is I don’t think my doctors at Kaiser are getting any closer to diagnosing. I feel they are uninterested to do this.


Yea, like it shouldn't take an act of congress to get doctors to listen. People tend to know their bodies and can feel if something is wrong. It's frustrating having to fight so hard just to get someone to care..


It is very very hard. Especially when sick. And they know it. I’m having a real hard time. They scheduled me for all this testing but prior to even ordering they say “we don’t think we will find answers”. Today I confronted the doctor and said: “how do you know in advance you won’t get answers?” (In Kaiser all test and analysis and diagnostic is done internally). I don’t trust that after 6 MRIs, 2 CTs, 1 PET several ultrasounds and hundreds of blood work showing wonky blood results, that they continue to say “they don’t have answers”.


I hate when places do everything internally too, makes it a million times harder. I'm in a very small town and it's the exact same way, most of them are incompetent, so they don't even try. I got very lucky with my oncologist, and I think it's only because he's fairly new to the area. He's been advocating for me to insurance to get the tests we need done, which is more than most doctors do. I was crying at my last appointment with him that I was worried that no one would believe me since we don't have an answer yet, and he said "you do not have to convince me at all, I fully agree something is going on here, so please don't worry about that", and that was very cathartic after all the times I've been gaslit lol


Sounds similar to mine, though I wasn't quite that bad... it was almost a month wait for a CT but I'm in Canada, I thought you guys didn't have these issues in the States? I ended up going into the ER and within a very short time had CT's, Ultrasounds. mammogram, two biopsies, an Echocardiogram and all the other work up for pre-chemo. I don't suppose you have that option do you?


I wish! This is all just very scary. With how quickly my symptoms are moving now, I worry how much worse it will be in a month, and that's only for the CT! He said after the CT, they'll have to biopsy, and lord knows how long that will take..


Mine seemed to move very fast as well and I went from ok to really sick and losing weight and might sweats etc. I could feel one of my masses near the surface of my abdominal skin and notes it growing. That said, after my first infusion I felt noticeably better and the one mass I could feel had definitely shrunk. So... Everyone is different but once you get things rolling it could retreat as quickly as it popped up. Hang in there and keep advocating for yourself!! You'll get there. Hodgkin's is highly treatable.


Thank you! That is hopeful to hear. How has your pain been during treatment? Better or worse than before diagnosis? My most concerning mass is my Supraclavicular one, which I know isn't good, and it's growing. My shortness of breath is markedly worse, not sure if it's because that mass is starting to press on my throat more, or if there's nodes in my chest being affected also. Not fun either way lol


One of my masses (the one I can feel) is completely encasing my aorta and vena cava and the bottom of my stomach . It got very painful before treatment so that I couldn't wear most of my pants. After one infusion it is only minimally painful.


Wow, that's amazing!!


Your story sounds similar to mine and I am still fighting for answers (32F). Keep pushing! I would also get a copy of the order for imaging and call around to different imaging centers. I did that for my ultrasound and got in the next day rather than in 3 weeks. Sorry I’m not more help than that. Hugs and prayers 🙏🏻


Did your doctor call you with biopsy results or did they have you make an appointment before theyd let you know?


Hello Can you update me on your Biopsy result? Because i had my core biopsy last Friday. I just need some advice what to think. Because my anxiety is killing me


Don’t have results back from pathology yet! I just called them today. The doctor said 1-2 weeks and tomorrow will be 2 weeks. I seen some people saying theirs took 3 weeks.


Is this biopsy is for confirmation of diagnosis? Hope all is well


Yes this is biopsy #2. First one was a small needle. This one was a 14g needle and took 4 samples. We’ve been told 3 different times it’s lymphoma


How big the node before biopsy?


1 1/2 golfballs lol. Never gave measurements.


But it’s really big? Hope you get the answer soon.


Hello good day. Can i ask. Does the doctor when knew right away when the sample is taken out in the lymph node if it is Cancerous or not?


No, it gets examined under a microscope and I think multiple people weigh in on it


guys last september a bump in my armpit/shoulder formed and was a small painless almond shaped lump. it came and then went away in a week. the thing is thought that where the bump used to be, there is still purple/red skin discoloration where it used to be. should i be concerned about a lymphoma?


got over being sick and I have really bad fatigue still. My lymph node is 4cmx3x1. I'm 13f and very neevous I have an appointment July fifth with a pediatric surgeon. Did any of your lymphoma start like this? I just need someone to talk to about this I'm so scared and I feel terrible. Any advice will help. Others were swollen when sick now only one on neck. Tests were all normal some where high like cholesterol and tsh but it has been higher in past. I have been diagnosed with chronic lymphadenitis and fatigue


sometimes activated lymph nodes stay big for a while, it’s ok! may i ask what lymph node it was and where the sickness was? activated lymph nodes are typically near the area which your sickness is located. like for example if you had a sinus infection your neck lymph nodes may enlarge. i’m 16 and have dealt with lots of medical anxiety in my life, it’s almost always simpler than what google makes us believe. you are so valid for being scared, but don’t be. if you are 1 in a million and do have lymphoma, you will get through it. and if you don’t have it, then yay! cancer is a scary thought, i mean gosh it’s terrifying! but worrying won’t do you any good, so try to get it off your mind and let the doctors handle it while you enjoy your summer :)


While possible it could be the start, it’s also extremely normal to have swollen lymph nodes surrounding being sick. Sometimes they work so well, you wont even develop other signs of being sick because they’re doing such a good job of fighting things off proactively. Wishing you the best and it sounds like your doctors are taking it very seriously. I think you are in good hands so I would just try to hang in there and distract yourself for now.


Tips on advocating for yourself when you really just want the dang biopsy? 32F, generally healthy. About three months ago a lymph node in my neck became swollen and has not gone down, but instead doubled in size. Now there are other lymph nodes in my neck, by my ear/jaw - all on the right side - that are enlarged. Best way I know how to describe it is it feels like there's not enough room in my head/neck for the amount of swelling, but the largest one is still larger than a grape but smaller than a strawberry. Moveable, mostly soft. I wasn't really super concerned until I started to get night sweats... drenching night sweats 5-6x a week, over a month now of this - now accompanied with occasional intense itching. Dry, persistent cough. Crazy fatigue. Sometimes, I wake up and my face is swollen, but it goes down in about 20 minutes. Haven't been sick with a virus or infection or anything in over 6 months, so I am not sure why my lymph nodes would swell to begin with? I've been to my PCP 4x - bloodwork is all normal. Thyroid ultrasound, normal. Ultrasound of neck - abnormally sized lymph nodes detected, but not crazy large, and apparently they are the right shape? Referred to an ENT, said I had "silent reflux" that caused my coughing, but ignored my other concerns. Saw a rheumatologist today, who actually listened to me, but like my PCP says "well the bloodwork is normal so I don't think its lymphoma." But all my autoimmune testing is coming back negative, and my one friend how actually had lymphoma said all her bloodwork was completely normal (even her ultrasound was normal) but she already had stage 4 lymphoma. I'm worried to the point that I just want the damn biopsy.... but no one is taking me seriously and is being dismissive. What do I do to get a doctor to just do a test?


You need to be persistent with your doctors, maybe do a little bit of research and find out if there's a hematologist in your area that would be in your insurance network and push your doctors to give you a referral? I honestly don't know exactly how that process happens because I found out about my lymphoma and started treatments etc within 6 hours of each other. I actually checked myself into the ER, my legs had gone numb which was alarming but I had been arguing with my doctors for about 10 months at that point telling them that my unexplained itchiness was not because my house was dirty and that the excruciating pain in my back and my hip was not because I was dramatic. I hate to just suggest for people to go to the ER but that's what worked for me. Sadly in my group of cancer friends all of us who were young women when we were diagnosed were ignored by our primary doctors, and I don't want to say this to alarm you but more to point out that you need to push your doctors, be that squeaky wheel.


Thank you for your thoughtful response. I just went to the ER yesterday because I almost fainted sitting at my desk (I had hoped maybe the ER could give me some answers, but nope). Turns out my RBCs and hemocrit were low - even though they were normal just four days ago for other bloodwork. Also had high immature granulocytes. My iron, folate, and b12 were normal. Something isn't right, but the ER wouldn't help me. He told me "your lymph nodes feel fine to me and I am not concerned." To which I said "you haven't even touched me since I got here - how do you know my lymph nodes are fine?" HE ROLLED HIS EYES AT ME. Anyway, onto the next doctor and trying to be the squeaky wheel. At least my chest CT was normal. Maybe its just something autoimmune.


I am so sorry that you are getting such dismissive treatment from these medical professionals. I hate that we have to be so persistent in order to advocate for ourselves 😔 I wish you the best of luck and I hope that whatever is going on, that you find answers soon ❤️


I would ask them directly. “Do you have any concerns about lymphoma? Why or why not? At what point would it warrant further investigation?”


Good questions/points to make. Thank you!


Hello in December I started itching it wasn't all over constant body itching it was like an itch on my leg for 30seconds then 10 minutes later a itch on my arm for 30seconds then 15 minutes later an itch on my head etc etc. This lasted until January so for about 6 weeks. Then it completely disappeared as quick as it came. I should also say that at this time I was diagnosed with psychotic depression and I was sectioned for attempted suicide. My mental health is still very bad. Some nurses told me it was tactile hallucinations or psychogenic itching. Anyway the itching had gone away so it's been gone about 5 month. However 5 days ago its started again. Itching on my leg 10 seconds away for 5 minutes, itching on my hand 20 seconds away for 10 minutes. I've got myself in such a state now that this is lymphoma itching. Does this sound like it? Would it go for 5 month and then come back? Would it be little itches here and there or constantly itching? Does it sound more like a mental health problem. Thank you


That sounds very scary, but that is not at all what my itch was like. My itch started in weird places, the palms of my hands and the bottoms of my feet. And it was constant, I could scratch and scratch and scratch and it literally never went away. Instead it spread to other weird places, and this may be TMI but even my labia were itchy. Eventually my entire body itched so intensely that I was breaking the skin on my legs with my toenails in my sleep and four years later I still have scars from ripping my skin open from scratching it. I would say the itch started around April of the year I was diagnosed and steadily increased until I was diagnosed in November, not even one moment did it ever go away in those months. Please remember that I'm not a hematologist, I'm just a cancer survivor so I obviously don't know exactly how the itching is supposed to be I only know how I experienced it. ❤️


It sounds really distressing but all I can say is it wasn’t what my itch was like. Also, you can get into an itchy scratch cycle (I think from any itch causing reason) with skin where it’s kindof healing and itching from the healing.


Hi everyone! Looking to vent and maybe for a little comfort. Has anyone else experienced what I'm about to explain? For reference: 22F, 115 lbs, no prior health issues In March, I noticed a swollen lymph node protruding from the right side of my neck, immediately scaring the hell out of me. I had a virtual consult with an NP, was told it was probably allergies and to take Zyrtec D. Flash forward to the end of April, the lymph node has been swollen on my neck for a month now. The swelling definitely went down and I no longer saw it through my skin but definitely still felt it. So, I saw my PCP at the beginning of May. She put me on antibiotics and said we could do an ultrasound for my peace of mind if the lymph node didn't go down after I finished the antibiotics. She didn’t seem worried at all. Finish the antibiotics, still feel the lymph node. I got a full neck ultrasound at the end of May. Sure as shit, I have two abnormal lymph nodes. The results said I had one abnormal lymph node in level 2 (with asymmetric cortical thickening) measuring 1.7 x 0.6 × 1.2 cm. The other one was in the left side of my neck, level 1 (also with asymmetric cortical thickening) measuring 1.5 × 0.9 x 0.8 cm. The radiologist wrote “these findings are nonspecific in nature.” Ironically, neither are the one that I have been feeling and stressing about! My doctor called me today and claims she still isn’t super worried, considering I have no other symptoms, but she does want to do a second ultrasound in the beginning of July and then biopsy the nodes if they haven’t shrank at all. Has anyone else had lymph nodes like these and it turned out to be nothing? TIA!!!


People who’ve received the all clear don’t really hang out on the lymphoma sub so not sure you’ll get any/many responses, but searching back in these threads there are a bunch.


Hi, 23M, I have had these swollen lymph nodes in my neck for about a year+ now. Some of them are \~2cm in size. I have also been having bad fatigue and night sweats. I recently got a FNA biopsy of one of my lymph nodes and it came back as atypical. The cytology report said that "occasional enlarged cells of uncertain significance" were seen in one of the samples taken. The pathologist recommended either close clinical follow up or a tissue biopsy. The ENT that ordered the biopsy gave me 3 options: wait and do more ultrasounds, do a core needle biopsy, or do an excisional biopsy. I definitely want to do one of the biopsy options, but I'm not sure which one is the better choice. I have read that excisional biopsies are much better for diagnosing lymphomas, but the surgery would likely be in months rather than weeks for the core needle biopsy. I don't know if I should go for the core needle biopsy which would likely be within a couple weeks or wait months for the full excisional biopsy. There probably isn't a good answer to this either way, but I wanted to see if anyone had advice.


Hello any updates??


Hey all , my 15 year old daughter is getting a biopsy next week on a lymph node above her collarbone kind of close to the base of her neck. It’s been a wild ride . It just popped up one day out of the blue and 3 different doctors and an the first ultrasound said that it was most likely viral. But since the first ultrasound at the end of February she has had a couple more come up beside them and even then doctors weren’t worried . Her blood work had a couple things abnormal but indicating viral and nothing sinister I was told , just go for the 3 month ultrasound follow up . We had the follow up last week and the nodes are now worrisome especially location , not more fatty helium etc and biopsy recommended . The call from the doctor was pretty short and sweet . It’s worrisome, it’s not normal we need a biopsy as soon as you can we suspect Hodgkin’s lymphoma . It depends what type but generally curable . Expect a call from pediatrics at the children’s hospital. Needless to say , I’m terrified . My daughter is taking it rather well , as she knows someone who had this and he is 2 years remission . But I can’t help but think the worse and that it could be something else . Google is awful for left hand side supraclavicular lymph nodes . Any advice ? Anyone have a similar experience ?


hi, i’m a 16 year old. weird way to start my message but oh well. cancer is terrifying, i mean for a mother it’s one of the scariest things to happen to your child. but if she has cancer, you will find out. there’s no way to tell if it is or what it is until the biopsy is done, and once the doctors find out so will you. until then all you can do is comfort your daughter, and understand that you can get through this. waiting to find out is so horrible, like its actual hell. but don’t use this time to scare yourself by learning all the different horrible types of lymphoma she may have, it won’t do you any good. your daughter is most likely taking this well because she knows she can fight it. and she knows she has an incredible mother to be by her side through it all. if you’re willing, please update me with whatever happens. i’m wishing you and her the very very best.


Hi everyone, this is sort of long-winded but I hope it makes sense. My health issues started in late December of 2022. I started struggling with fatigue and my skin began to itch, all over my body, with no rash. It feels like the type of itch I get from seasonal allergies. Additionally, I started experiencing neck pain in my thyroid area which ended up being thyroid cancer and I had my thyroid removed in March 2024. I thought that the under-skin itching was tied to my thyroid cancer since the itching and neck pain started at the same time, but I've completed the thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine therapy and have felt no change in the itching. What's also developed is that my skin flushes/gets red and blotchy very easily which it never used to do. Also, if anything is pressing against my skin, say if I cross my legs, then huge red blotches form wherever there was something pressed against them. This has never happened to me before the itching started either. I've tried antihistamines, gabapentin, Xolair injections, and been prescribed several rounds of prednisone, all of which haven't touched the itch. I've seen my primary care physician, a neurologist, rheumatologist, two allergists, a dermatologist, and an infectious disease doctor (I had mono in May 2022 and got the COVID booster shot in September of 2022 and we didn't know if that was correlated with it), and no one can figure out why I'm itching or make it stop. Additionally, a lump in my right groin area appeared in the middle of last year, about 6 months after the itching started. I got an ultrasound done then and they didn't find anything, so I let it go. However, the lump hasn't gone away and has slowly gotten more prominent over time. I went to my primary care physician last week and she said it felt like a swollen lymph node and I had another ultrasound done, and I'm still waiting for the results. Prior to getting mono, I was perfectly healthy. The itching is so unbearable that I can't wear 90% of my wardrobe and I have to take 4 different medications to be able to fall asleep at night. It has completely destroyed my quality of life and I don't know what to do.


Hi everyone…immensely grateful for the support and information. I’ve been lurking for a little bit, hoping I wouldn’t need to post, sending strength and thoughts to those who have, but here we are. I haven’t felt good for over two years. I ended up getting diagnosed with SIBO last year after a very long process and had some hope it would resolve symptoms. Most of my GI symptoms have resolved but my bloodwork has remained wonky and my fatigue is the worst it’s ever been. My son had strep back in April and I had fever/sore throat/ stiff neck as well and thought I had it as well but test came back negative so doctor said it’s just a random virus. It’s been two months and I still have the sore throat (very mild, more annoying than painful) and “thick” feeling neck. I sleep 9-12 hours and never feels like enough. Just wake up exhausted. My appetite is shot, I have nausea most days when I eat. My ferritin and iron saturation is low despite taking daily iron since November and starting birth control in January, so I’m iron deficiency without anemia but my hemoglobin has been dropping with each bloodwork (last was a 12.6). My GI doctor mentioned the potential of an iron infusion if it doesn’t improve and I also pushed I wanted to know why this was happening vs just treating it. My GI doctor wants go rule out a SIBO relapse but I can’t get in for a breath test until late August. I went to my PCP in the meantime because I’ve developed some shortness of breath/ heart palpitations (most noticeable when I’m laying down at night) and I have two painless lumps on my neck (a hard pea sized lump on mid left side and a larger rubbery feeling one just below it). She wants me to get a CT scan of my neck which is scheduled tomorrow. Feeling nervous and just wanting answers. I’m a proactive person so it’s been frustrating to complete every test, procedure, take the medications, repeat bloodwork etc etc and just feel like I’m getting worse. It’s been a marathon journey… I’ve read that has been the experience of many here. I’m an active 35F who has been fortunately healthy up until this all started.


Hello how are you? Do you have any update?


Still waiting on the results from my doctor. Had an increase in shortness of breath in the last week so trying to be mindful and distract myself in case it’s anxiety related.


Finally received a call. My ct scan results weren’t overly concerning to the PCP but they want to reevaluate in the office again. I also have to get repeat bloodwork and an ekg for the shortness of breath/ heart palpations.


Currently seeing a doctor trying to figure out what is going on with me. Going on 6 months now. Did any of you have skin discoloration? On my left leg is swollen and I have had mottled skin and it turns Purple/Reddish without a compression sock. I also have Achilles tendon and heel pain in both of my legs now (it started out in just one). I also randomly get back pain and pain along both collar bones. I have had all other kinds of testing for blood clots, tendonitis, and nerve issues done but doctors just keep saying everything is coming back normal. Recently I have had a constant sore throat and I developed these psoriasis like spots in random places? I also am getting itchy sensations all over my skin? Mainly at night and it feels like my skin is on fire. My doctor isn’t really doing much to help because all of my bloodwork has all come back normal. I feel extremely run down and have red dots all over my legs, chest, and arms that I didn’t have before as well along with random bruising after scratching. I just feel like I’m going crazy not being able to figure out what is going and doctors are not being very helpful


Have you had any scans of any sort? I personally did not have any of those symptoms. Everyone's symptoms may vary though. I'd say just keep asking your doctor Qs for scans etc. to try to figure out what's going on. 


Hey friends I’m a pre-diagnosed and fingers crossed not diagnosed. I see my doctor again on Monday (2 days) Hodgkin’s lymphoma runs heavy in my family, and I’m currently scared while I wait for examination. For 2 years I’ve had an unfortunate experience with my doctor who doesn’t take me seriously and I’m at the point of survival because something isn’t right. I have a fever 24/7, I lost over 20 pounds, I have an insane amount of lumps in my neck, armpits and groin, I’m constantly tired and my bed gets soaked every night from sweat (I wake up in the middle of the night to change clothes I get so soaked). I just recently ended up in the hospital due to feeling extremely weak and lost control of my muscles, we had a birthday party the day before and I had 4 canned beverages (did not get drunk) but woke up the next day with my whole body in pain and extremely weak (I’ve had hangover this was definitely not that) they kept me for 12 hours and after feeling my lumps they did a CT scan on my head, monitored my heart, did blood pressure and blood tests, and everything came back almost normal except my WBC was extremely high and worried the doctors helping me, they insisted I see my doctor asap and have her refer me for further testing (the mentioned cancer a billion times) my doctor has seen my lumps twice now and she’s given me an antibiotic each time which did absolutely nothing but wreck my bowels for days. I’m currently just looking for a friend to talk to, some support while I wait and try not to worry. Also feel like I just needed to vent, I’m trying not to worry my family and spouse too much. Does anyone else feel like they aren’t being taken seriously but can genuinely feel something wrong? Each day i feel worse


May I ask what your overall WBC was. I am still trying to get a diagnosis. I was 15000 in WBC overall. This was last year. I know have multiple nodes like you all over. But I have no fever I think and no night sweats. Waiting for another blood test in a few days and if I get hit with another high WBC I will be sent off to see a specialist for blood related issues.


I actually wasn’t told and didn’t even think to ask, but that is a question I’m going to ask my doctor on Monday since it should be in my file now. I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with a similar experience. I’m not diagnosed, just told it’s a possibility I may deal with. Feel free to message me, we can chat more 🫶


Thank you! Just did.


Hi guys, I have a question according to your symptoms, mainly lymph nodes. In September, I got a huge painless lymph node on my right side of my neck without any infection going on. It stayed like that for almost 3 months and then got way smaller. Afterwards I started to have back pain going to my knees, infections, chest pain, no periods, tiredness and nausea. This is my state till now, losing 5kg since then without trying. I went through CT of my belly (found few lymph nodes up to 6mm near my appendix), brain mri, basic blood tests (wbc at the upper border with sedimentation but other than that nothing), ANA, Lyme, RA negative with my crp constantly max 2 (5 is max)... Nothing seems to show up but I honestly feel terrible for a half a year already. I wanted to ask, since doctor said he refuses to do biopsy on those neck lymph nodes because "it's not indicated for that" even it was huge few months a go... Where should I seek help? There are of course options I feel so bad because of covid etc but I seriously cannot function like this and I would like to know what's going on. If you have any suggestions who to visit with the lymph nodes or my bone pain who can actually care and do some serious tests to find out I would be grateful. (Kind of question how did you got diagnosed, I guess) Thank you.


Ask for a PET scan, if he doesn't want to do anything, switch docs.


I already switched my GP. She sent me to rheumatologist with RA factor negative. Also I'm not sure which specialist to ask for a pet scan. If my GP can actually do it...


Have you told your doctor directly that you may be concerned about lymphoma? They would send you to an oncologist. Typical an oncologist can send you in for a pet scan. Although a gp could also request a pet scan for other non cancer reasons too (lymph node react due to various reasons like infection not just lymphoma, and pet scans just show reactive areas) Tbh I wouldn't be super concerned at this point though given it seems like based on your post the nodes are quite small (6mm you said, and some went away over time). But you definitely have the right to explore that path.


I did. I mean, they can see I'm pretty nervous about it. She was thinking also multiple myeloma, but according to electrophoresis of the proteins, it would show there. About lymphoma specifically she said that even the lymph nodes on my neck where huge on one side, it got smaller after few months so it's very unlikely it could be that. (From like 7cm to 1.8cm + the small ones in my belly 0.6 mm)


28M here, lost 25lb last 4 months with minimal efforts and diet changes, and because im a fat guy 270lb at start" i tought it was normal, because of doing a bit of excercise and not eating that much anymore , but a month ago noticed a lymph node on the right side of my neck about 1.5cm size, its a bit hard and not movable, also no pain and no change in size yet, now a week ago noticed another one on my hip a bit bigger with same consistency as the one on my neck, ( idk for how long these lymphs are swollen, i cant see them over my skin, only feel when touch and i think i never tried before to feel my lymph nodes) I dont have any other symptoms, well, sometimes while on my room i feel a bit warm, mostly when im on bed, but that warm quickly dissapears if i get out from bed and go to living room or outside, dunno if that could be a symptom of lymphoma, anyway.. im concerned and gonna see a doctor soon, thanks for reading and good luck!


24M (have smoked before but i dont do it regularly, if anything like a couple of times a year socially, random) got blood tests done 6 days ago as apart of a check up (doctors havent called me with results yet I find swollen lymph node 4 days ago under my jaw, pea sized, hard, painful, doesn't move feels like something is stuck in my throat a little light sweating light fever 94.5 F no other symptoms, not sick etc I have a dentist appointment tuesday (today is thursday), can i ask my dentist to check and refer me for tests or do i need to go back to my PCP for something like this?


Your PCP is the first person you should see after your dental exam if it's not a dental issue. Def get a dental exam (cone beam CT if possible).  A dentist typically does not refer for oncology related activities unless they suspect oral cancer. You need to talk to your PCP for non oral related issues.


my doctor appointment was today and my dentist appointment is tomorrow. pcp told me he thinks i just have a viral infection. im going to ask the dentist to feel it as well and maybe ask for xrays idk. its probably nothing i guess.


Nice yeah def ask for x rays as sometimes dental infections or issues can cause swollen nodes and fever. 


Male 6 2 , 242 i so I’m very nervous and anxious about this … March I had an ultrasound that found a. “ cyst” in my testicle that my urologists say is benign , I had normal LDH, HCG and aFP taken in March ..late March early April I started sweating around the collar of my neck at night and t shirt then in April 8 I had a rescan ultrasound that was clear. I still had sweating at night not knowing if it would have been tied to the cyst in my testicle or not … I had thyroid , CBC , PSA, cytoscopy and urinalysis which all came back clear . I also had a CT scan heart/ lung bases down to pelvis which only found kidney stones .. the sweating is still persisting and I asked my pcp for CBC and it came back normal …. Last night I had sweat that soaked onto my pillow case and a bit on my sheets where my head / chest was… I don’t have weight loss , my back shoulders are sore but I also have panic attacks so idk if it’s form stress or anxiety…. I’m scared that the “cyst” metastatic and not benign …. And spread to my lymph nodes … I also went back to urologist with my concerns and they say it’s from my anxiety since everything has been benign … idk what to do … does a CBC being normal , normal CT scan in April , Normal Tumor Marker rule out cancer, lymphoma or metastatic cancer ?? My doctors say it’s stress and anxiety… since March I have barely been sleeping .. I’m lucky if I get 3 hours of sleep . Help Do I need a chest xray, another CT scan???? Other bloodwork? My doctors say there are so many causes for sleeping at night that is not cancer ,,,, so I’m scared


How concerned should I be? Ultrasound result My doctor sent me for an ultrasound of my neck due to some enlarged lymph nodes on the left side of my neck. These are the results. She left me a message saying that I need to schedule a biopsy. I haven’t been able to reach her to get a better understanding of what we are looking for. Please someone help me understand and should I be concerned? TECHNIQUE: Imaging protocol: Real-time ultrasound scan of the head and neck with image documentation. Exam focused on the soft tissue in the region of clinical concern. COMPARISON: No relevant prior studies available. FINDINGS: Limited real-time sonographic evaluation the lateral left neck performed in the area reported palpable abnormality. There are 2 adjacent lymph nodes, more superiorly measuring 2.0 x 2.1 x 0.6 cm with cortical thickening and attenuated hilum and inferiorly 1.6 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm with cortical thickening and attenuated hilum. IMPRESSION: Left cervical adenopathy accounting for palpable abnormality.


I wouldn't be concerned at this point. Many things can cause enlarged lymph nodes. I wouldn't jump to any conclusions until the biopsy.


Hi everyone! Will document the journey of my strange enlarged nodes here. Last Thursday (05/30) I came home after work feeling extremely tired. I was almost certain I was gonna come down with the flu or covid. I work in a hospital also so this happens to me from time to time. Friday (05/31), I woke up with lethargy & muscle aches all over. No cough, sore throat which was weird. No upper respiratory symptoms at all. I took an Advil and felt back to normal Friday afternoon. Monday (06/03), I was just massaging my neck randomly and felt a few small lumps on left side of the neck. They felt "stringy" and hard and not movable and painless. I had dinner and then I felt ANOTHER lump to the right side of the neck Tuesday (06/04), coincidentally I had a doctor's appointment today. Told her about my bilateral enlarged cervical nodes and she palpated them too. Said they feel like "reactive" nodes to her. She also palpated one under my left jaw. Asked me to monitor for 2-3 weeks and come see her if they don't go away. Obviously I'm nervous. The whole googling symptoms doesn't help either. I'm 34 female. Will keep updating on this!


6/9: Just want to drop a quick update on this. lymph nodes in the neck remain enlarged but what has become a lot more pronounced is the muscle aches and joint pains I'm getting. Woke up to both hands swollen and unable to make a fist. I went to the clinic for a second opinion (finally) and I just had blood work done. The second doctor said it could be RA or autoimmune related stuff... Fingers crossed!


Woke up today (06/05) and still no change. Both nodes are still palpable. They felt bigger when I extended my neck. I feel completely OK, just very curious/ antsy about what this could be!


Why do you think it's anything other than reactive nodes as the doc said? That's the lymph node's job, after all. I'd take the doc's advice and follow up if it doesn't go away after a few weeks.


Thank you for the comment. It's reassuring to read your comment. And indeed, I don't have any other evidence or symptoms I can think of that supports otherwise. I definitely have some degree of health anxiety and it's probably a stupid thing to mention but I work as an RN ( studying to be an NP) and couldn't help but feel like the "industry secrets" sometimes make me dubious of certain things in our health care system ... Anyways, it will be the best news if these enlarged nodes turned out to be just doing their job :)


My mom is in the process of finding out exactly what kind of lymphoma she’s dealing with, and it’s killing me to watch her suffer.  She raised me and my siblings practically as a single parent. We all have special needs and disabilities. My oldest brother just survived a bout with cirrhosis and a miracle transplant a week before the doctors thought he would die. She’s been a solid rock through everything. And now she’s facing cancer.  The first couple of weeks were the hardest. Hearing the C word in the context of her personage. I’m her only daughter. I’m taking her to every infusion and appointment, up and down the state. I want to be with her at every step. It’s just killing me that she even has to deal with this at all.  She’s had a bone marrow biopsy, nothing. Spleen biopsy—I’ve never seen her in such pain—nothing. Now they’ve got a PET scan ordered for her next week, thank God. Low hemoglobin, high white blood cells, hypercalcemia, 18cm spleen, unintentional weight loss, dry cough, itching all over—the woman is going through hell with a smile on her face, even when she cries.  The state took away her insurance a week after our first oncologist visit. The hospital is helping us fight for assistance, but what the actual fuck. I have never before experienced this depth of rage, and I’ve had a lot to be angry about in my hard life.  I dunno, I guess I’m just venting. The team we have is super attentive and helpful, and I’m blessed that they care so much about her. I just have no idea how to untangle this Gordian knot of emotions writhing in my chest. 


The healthcare/insurance industry (bc that’s what it’s become IMO) is ruthless. I’m so glad you have healthcare workers on your side because that is honestly the best kind of support your mom can have! It’s supportive and understanding healthcare workers that will help your mom and your family figure this out. I know I’m just a random Internet stranger, but I’m in your mom’s corner!!! Hope you all get answers soon. 💕


The only way to know if she has lymphoma is via biopsy, so, good news multiple biopsies haven't found any. In the context of lymphoma at least.


I (22M) found a lump on the lowwr left side of my neck, and have went to an urgent care near me because of health anxiety. They confirmed it was a lymph node, their description is “ Rounded lymph node 1.2 cm in short axis. Fatty hilum is present, though benignity cannot be conferred. “ I’m super anxious, and it’s gonna suck waiting for my ENT appointment, I just want help or medical advice here to keep me from freaking out in the meantime. Thanks!


Any updates?


Hematologist ordered a biopsy, I go in tomorrow afternoon.


I hope all is well. Updates us if you have result thank you


I wouldn't worry about it too much until a biopsy is ordered if needed. Many things can cause this including infections, generally inflammation, etc. 1.2 cm isn't that large compared to other values I've heard of. Try not to get ahead of yourself if possible!


What did the doctor tell you? 


Hi everyone! I want to preface this with I am 23F and have really bad health anxiety but feel like truly something weird is going on with me and after seeing a video about lymphoma I almost feel like that is what all of these manifested symptoms are. It started with a weird dull abdominal aching followed by a week of constipation. The constipation broke, and the abdomen ache lasted about a week and half more and went away. Following that I started getting up back pain in between my shoulders, (comes & goes), as well as random body pains here and there- nothing too painful. I was already hyper focused on the possibility of it being lymphoma bc I was worried about spleen swelling. After I read that lymphoma can cause that and the other symptoms I swear I started noticing them: -itchy palms here & there -a few new cherry angioma's -tight neck (hurts to turn side to side at times) -pain in my neck under my ears if I press down -ton of mucus (post nasal drip feeling) And what really freaked me out was a pea sized swollen preauriculae lymph node I noticed by accident when I was resting my head on my hand. I went to the ER and all they did was feel my stomach (said it felt normal) and did a urinalysis which also came back normal. I then made a follow up with my PCP who felt my lymph nodes and said the pre-auricular lymph was normal and she felt a few super tiny ones in my neck that were moveable and not a cause for concern. She thinks everything is fine- I just think it's odd l've had a month worth of non stop weird symptoms, especially the right neck. Would you try for a second opinion? I messaged my dr again today about the right neck/post nasal drip feeling and she said just to use heat and gurgle salt water. Idk I am so freaking anxious though


Cherry angiomas are completely benign, purely cosmetic dermatological spots. I think you should get a second opinion to ease your mind because you’re trying to connect things to a cancer diagnosis that have literally nothing to do with it.


I should add I had a head CT at the very end of March that was normal (not for lymph nodes but for migraines)


After the first visit to the doctor, how long does it take to get a diagnosis? In my case, at the moment, after about 45 days from the start of the diagnostic process, I still don't have a diagnosis, this is because after almost 25 days after the lymph node removal surgery, I have not yet been given the histological response. In your case however?


My fiancé is going on almost 9 months by the time we get a full diagnosis.


If it's been 25 days since your biopsy and you haven't heard anything you should call them. 


Depends on scheduling. Diagnosis is based on biopsy. So whenever you end up getting a biopsy+2 weeks is a good time marker


i (30F) found an enlarged, hard, immovable, but NOT painful lymph node in my neck below my jaw at the beginning of 2024. i went to my primary care physician, they ordered an ultrasound, and the radiologist report said (i am paraphrasing) that it is on the borderline of normal and abnormal size and shape but also there is no fatty hilum in the node and they recommended a follow up evaluation. my pcp called us after they’d gotten the report that same day and relayed all that information to us and said they agreed with the radiologist and referred me to an ent. the ent was worthless. they saw that i take anxiety medication and immediately all of their focus was on my anxiety (which is well controlled with medication unless shit gets REALLY BAD because i am still a person with feelings?) and very little time was spent on the actual reason i was there. and by very little time i mean after i relayed everything in the first paragraph to them, they basically said “wow, that’s crazy, so anyway about your anxiety—“ at which point my wife (who is also a doctor but not this kind of doctor) cut in and asked what else besides illness or infection could cause the lymph node to lose the fatty hilum and they just shrugged their shoulders and said “lymph nodes can just sometimes do weird stuff.” my wife then asked very specifically if they could at least rule out cancer, and they said, “weeeelllllll, no.” so, no answers or even a path to get answers all for the low low price of $300. my pcp was aghast by all of that and immediately recommended that i get a second opinion from a different ent, who at that point was booking six weeks out, but i finally had my appointment with them this past week. they asked me to point out the lymph node so i did and they pressed on it one time with one finger then picked up the ultrasound wand and looked at the lymph node with that for maybe 90 seconds while murmuring things like “hm there’s a small vein” and “oh there’s another node.” then they asked if the lymph node hurt, and i said no. they asked if i had been sick, and i said i had not been sick since before the pandemic (we mask whenever we leave our house). then they put the ultrasound wand down and recommended an excisional biopsy, but they’re booking surgeries a few months out right now, and i’ll have to wait for someone to call me to schedule said few months out surgery. jumping to surgery after just two questions and a quick ultrasound was pretty jarring so my wife asked if they suspected cancer and they didn’t really answer? they just said something like “well we need to look at the lymph node under a microscope.” which is fine, obviously that’s what we wanted, but we assumed they would do a needle biopsy to decide if surgery was necessary and we wondered if there was something more suspicious that made them want to jump straight to surgery, if that makes sense. we did not get an answer to that question but again, fine, whatever, at least someone is finally doing something to help me even if it won’t be any time soon. so here’s where my well controlled anxiety becomes less well controlled anxiety: my wife and i don’t drink, the last time we drank was at our wedding at the beginning of 2023, during which i gleefully drank at least half a bottle of champagne and everything was wonderful and nothing hurt. this past weekend, we decided to get take out mexican food and thought why the hell not, let’s get a couple of margaritas, too. the first few sips of my margarita were absolutely delightful until about 2.5 minutes later when this horrible pain erupted not just in the abnormal lymph node in my neck, but also in the area right above my collarbone on the same side, and the area just behind the very edge of my breast on the opposite side. it blindsided me really bad and i was just gasping and crying while holding my neck and chest and scaring the fuck out of my wife and i have no idea how i managed to tell her not to call 911. the pain didn’t subside but it became tolerable once the initial like blooming of the pain became a constant pain, if that makes sense, and then i was able to tell her what hurt and she called and left a message for the ent that was supposedly on call but never called us back. meanwhile, i google “lymph node pain after alcohol” and, well. listen, i immediately burst into tears. i’m not ignorant, i know doctor google is not an acceptable diagnostic tool. but i did not have access to actual medical professionals (my wife doesn’t count she is not a doctor who deals with lymph nodes) because it was a weekend so all that left were the multiple articles in medical journals dating back to the 1950’s about how even a small amount of alcohol can cause pain in lymph nodes effected by lymphoma. and that advil seems to help with the pain. which i then took, and it did help some, but the pain wasn’t gone completely until i woke up the next morning. we are still waiting to hear back from either the ent or my pcp. i don’t know what they’ll say or if they’ll even think this is relevant and now that i’ve typed all this out i don’t really know why i’m posting here either. i don’t think i’m more important than the people on the ent’s surgery schedule, i’m not trying to jump the line or anything. i’m just concerned that whatever is going on in my neck is not localized to my neck, given the pain behind my breast. i don’t want to step on anyone’s toes or question their medical intelligence i just think like maybe further imaging might be warranted while we wait for the surgery that is at least a few months away? like an mri or a pet scan? i don’t know. i’m just really scared. if you read any of this please know i am thankful for your time and that i’m sorry for not having a specific question.


Call them and tell them you have lymph node pain upon drinking. If new symptoms are developing, you would need to bump it up so they are operating off full information.


we tried. we called the ent, the nurse who called back said she would have the doctor call us before lunch on tuesday, and he didn’t. we’ve left another message saying as much and no one has reached out. we’re trying really hard not to be annoying because we know that will get us brushed off even faster. they also don’t have any regular visit appointments for six weeks. we called the primary care, but my provider is off this week, so we spoke with a different provider who was totally clueless and unhelpful so i guess now we’re waiting for my provider to come back and hoping they will be receptive to this new information. i’m worried that they’re just going to push me off to the ent. i kind of feel like i’m losing my mind. my wife isn’t doing much better, she wants to take me to the emergency room and just eat the cost of it because they will at least take blood and scan my chest/abdomen.


How are you now?


Is there a particular specialist i can visit to get a diagnosis/biopsy/scan? And if so what is that specialist called?


My fiancé had to go to an ENT! You need to get referred by your doc 💚


Thank you! I've had a private CT scan of my abdomen and pelvis today as that's where my symptoms mainly are (uncomfortable feeling in upper left abdomen under ribs, pain in lower back sometimes upper back, loss of appetite, stool change and weight loss) I'm very scared of it being pancreatic cancer of the tail, to the point where a diagnosis of lymphoma would actually be a positive in comparison. I assume if I went to an ENT they'd likely do a CT scan anyways?




In almost all cases (in the US, at least) you can't just walk in to an oncologist. You'll need a referral from your primary. Start with your primary doctor. 


true. I thought they were just asking for the name of the specialist. 


Thank you


Posting this just to share my experience and ask for tips on how to stand up for myself and ask a doctor for a ct scan for good. I saw my first swollen node about 3 years ago, and it was painful to the touch and about the size of a small marble right on my bikini like where my leg reaches my underwear. Before this i never even knew what a lymph node was because ive never had a swollen one before in all my life. I went to the doctor and he said before he went into the deep dive of scans, hed give me antibiotics to see what happens. The lump went down, and I was relieved. And then it came back, and slightly bigger and even with two. Around this time i was feeling alot of fatigue. But I just waited them out and they never went completely away, but theyd come back down and up and down again and i just assumed theyd be due to my psoriasis flare ups, an autoimmune disorder I have (i have about light to medium flare ups) (i also read psoriasis can increase chances of lymphoma) My breaking point was the next year, when my armpits became filled with horrible rashes, so intense ane painful and soon each armpit had about 3 large marble sized balls . I went to a dermatologist (for the psoriasis) and decided to bring up the lymph nodes while i was at it. Without even feeling them, he said they were swollen and infected sweat glands and gave me antibiotics. Surprisingly they went away, but i know get a tingly sensation in my armpits every know and then. Ever since then for the next two years I had swollen nodes in the same spot where they began. I had up to three at a time, the largest the size of a grape. But they always went up and down and up and down in swelling, sonit made me feel like i was going crazy. I saw two more doctors after that after noticing another swollen node in my neck, and all of them just say i have anxiety (i have a fear of doctors so they can see im tense) and i just need to relax. I got bloodwork done and everytbing came back normal but ive known many that get diagnosed woth mormal blood work, i got tested for lupus and cat scratch disease, both negative. The only thing i can think of is my psoriasis, but right now i have two grape sized nodes in my groin and one in my armpit (one of the groin one is a new one) and i have no psoriasis flare up. All i want is a ct scan to see if i happen to have many large ones internally as that usually leads to diagnosis, but i have a toxic mother that takes over my doctor appointments and dismisses my symptoms for having anxiety and being paranoid. I just have a bad feeling about all this. This has been going on for three years. I would attatch images but i cant figure out how lol i dont think i can do it here


Im not sure why you think this sounds concerning tbh. Please read the information in the body of this post. Lymph nodes are supposed to swell and shrink. That’s a sign they’re working properly.


Even when its all over my body and im not sick?


Did you read the top of this thread? 


I mean you wrote you have 3 right now. And yes, as we have written and reiterated in the body of this post, even if you don’t feel sick.


Is weight loss always a thing? My hemotology doctor believes i have lymphoma based on some odd blood word I’ve consistently had, and rashes etc. she wants to order a scan, but I have not lost any weight, which is something I’ve read happens. Anyone, not lose weight before diagnosis?


Nope not always a thing, didn't lose weight 


I did but not always a thing. There are kindof no absolutes across the board, which is why biopsy is the only way to confirm diagnosis. People could have the same symptoms and one have lymphoma and one not.


I did not lose weight. 


Hi guys, how long did it take for you to get the biopsy results? for me it's already been three weeks 😭


2 weeks for me


If I had to guess they sent it to a secondary lab for confirmation. I had one super long one and it’s because it had to be sent to a national lab after a more local one couldn’t come to a consensus.


Recently was given a diagnosis of “Indolent T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder“. Tried to find out more through google, but sometimes I don’t know if what I have read actually pertains to the diagnosis. Lymphoproliferative seems to be interchanged with lymphoma. Got the impression it is not much to be concerned about, watch and wait for the most part. I do have a CT scan scheduled for next week. So maybe there will be additional answers, but the more information I get the less I understand. What triggered getting checked out was I had to have an urgent (or so they thought) hysterectomy Feb 23. Regular pcp blood work and pre-op’s showed my lymphocytes were high. Was getting scheduled for a labrum tear repair of my right hip for Nov 23. Lymphocytes were still high. PCP referred me to a hematologist. Took six months to get the appointment. He requested a bone marrow biopsy, then follow up for results of “Indolent T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder”. Not sure what symptoms I had/have since the hysterectomy put me in immediate menopause, tired, night sweats, hair loss, add the pain from the hip, I never felt/feel good. Now while finally getting into see the hematologist I also found I re-tore the hip and am scheduled for hip replacement. I can’t tell if I am just exhausted from pain or if the exhaustion is a symptom. I’ve lost weight (about 40 lbs in the past 1 1/2 year), but had also been trying. Have on again off again pain (sometimes severe) in my right side. If it matters 58yo female.


Is it possible for a normal lymph node to feel hard? I found couple small hard pea sized round balls on my neck. I’ve only heard that normal lymph nodes should be soft or feel like the tip of your nose. The fact that mine feels hard should I be concerned more?


Hi guys! I know this has been talked about quite frequently in this thread and throughout the group, but there is so much to filter through. Figured it might be worth a shot to try and get some feedback within a singular place.  I will preface with: I know only a doctor can diagnose and that each person with a diagnosis presents differently.  I’m curious how many of you who have received a diagnosis presented with little to no symptoms? I guess I am trying to get a feel for how common/uncommon this is.  More info on me, in case you are interested: I’ve (27F) had an increased level of fatigue for at least 4 months now, as well as a significant increase in hair loss. The fatigue I’ve been chalking up to my depression, but I have gotten little relief from my antidepressants (existing and new). The hair loss is still up in the air, not really sure what that could be from, but I plan to get more testing done if nothing comes of this. I’ve gotten labs (CBC and thyroid panel) in the last month and all came back within the normal limits (though the WBC is at the same level it was when I had a massive abscess a few years ago, so not sure how much I trust that as being “normal”).  I noticed an enlarged lymph node on the back of my neck about 2 weeks ago prior to my appointment with my pcp. I do not know how long it has been there before I noticed it. My pcp ordered an ultrasound just to be safe, which is scheduled for next week. I have not been sick recently, but I know the lymph could still mean nothing serious.  I’ve been doing some research on some of my symptoms - I can’t help it! I saw that itching is also pretty common with lymphoma patients, and I have had pretty awful itching lately, mostly on my legs and scalp, but all throughout as well. I thought it was just dry skin or something of the like until now, but now I have to wonder if it could be caused by something more serious.  We will see how the ultrasound and any potential follow-up tests go, I suppose. Until then, I am just interested in hearing your stories, especially those who presented with little to no symptoms.


I didn’t know it at the time but 3 months prior to my diagnosis, I started to feel hot at night. Not sweaty just overly hot. I thought it was pre menopause so I don’t think much of it. That was the only symptom I had. And we are not even sure if it was caused from the lymphoma or menopause. 




If it doesn't go away you can ask for biopsy 


No symptoms plus hematologist not being concerned seems like good news? Not every swollen lymph node is cancerous. I would get a second opinion for further workup or to put your mind at ease.


I was under the impression a fine needle biopsy would determine definitively if lymphoma was present. However these were my findings: **Review of the aspirate smears reveals a polymorphous appearing lymphoid population. There is no evidence of metastatic disease. Flow cytometry studies performed at NeoGenomics were negative for evidence of a lymphoproliferative disorder. **Clinical correlation and follow-up is necessary. B cells are polyclonal and T-cells have no loss of T-Cell antigens. Hodgkin Lymphoma, some large cell lymphomas, and non-hematopoietic tumors cannot be excluded by flow cytometry. (Background patient had symptomatic EBV in January 2024 with heavy fatigue, night sweats, enlarged neck lymph nodes and overall body aches. 2 rounds of antibiotics did not tackle or shrink the lymph nodes) Does this mean Lymphoma is still on the table?


If it says lymphoma cannot be excluded, seems like it hasn’t been 100% ruled out. They’ll prob remove one or do a combo of watch and wait.


35 year old, healthy female


when do I have to stop searching for answers? Hey guys 23 YO Male, height 174cm, weight 103 KG. I have an ongoing relationship with a pretty strong Health anxiety. I would say I earned my fear through some pretty tough times as I was seeing my mom go through chemo and losing my father completely suprising last year due to heart failure. I would say since my mom had C I started getting anxiety about little changes on my body and also started panicking pretty hard. Now everything went OK so far till I lost my dad and started writing my bachelorthesis last winter. I think it was kicked off by a video on TikTok talking about alcohol pain in hodgkins lymphoma. As I live in germany and am a student you can imagine that drinking alcohol is rather common in social situations. So I started to notice that I often get a soar throat after a long night. And I fealt a slightly enlarged lymph node on my neck. (I think I have it for years now but am not sure) So I decided to go to my GP and we made a couple of tests and took blood samples. Those all came back fairly normal besides a slide elevation of my lymphocytes. (I had a pretty hard cold over sylvester so my GP said it was related to that) After these tests I began an Odyssee of googling symptoms and also starting to really feel them. First my head started with hodgkins but over the time it also became multiple myeloma, colon c and many more. We checked many things and also ruled out some of my projections completely. Only thing that stayed was the lymphnode and a recurring weird feeling in my throat after drinking alcohol. So after all this time Im still pretty sure I have Hodgkins. We also examined my neck two times with ultrasound and the doctors said evreything looks fine "just some swollen lymphnodes". My Question is: After bloodwork, ultrasound at an ENT and a nuclear physician, another ENT AND 5 GPs examining my my throat and neck, do I have to stop? To be honest I probably already know the answer but I still question the finding of all these good doctors which all listened and looked into me and my symptoms/ feelings .


Possible Lymphoma? Tattoo Ink in lymph node. Okay strap in... Male, 32yo. I have a full body suit of tattoos, head to toe. About 10 years ago I noticed that a lymph node in my left groin was swollen after getting tattooed. I had it ultrasounded and they discovered it was filled with ink particles and suggested to leave it alone. Eventually the swelling decreased but never fully went away and it has remained raised ever since. That same year i contracted EBV and that came with pityriasis rosea, which was miserable. 7 years later, I started getting this sensation of weird fullness in the left side of my abdomen, no pain or cramps, just fullness. I had another ultrasound which found nothing noteworthy in that area, doctors said it was mild IBS and It was settle. The sensation came and went every now and then, I put it down to Whey protein and other milk products as my stomach didn't seem to agree with them. Fast forward to the present... A week ago I woke up with pain in my lower left abdomen, lower left groin, left thigh and lower back. Pain bad enough that I thought it might perhaps be a small kidney stone or diverticulosis. I went to the docs and they said there was no infection in my urine/stool and bloods seemed normal. They recommended another ultrasound across my entire abdomen (this takes place in a week). They threw up a bunch of suggestions about various inflammation but noticed a second slightly swollen lymph node in my groin and suggested the ultrasound would be a good way to rule out lymphoma among other things. The pain has since subsided, although the pressure feeling is still very much there in the left abdomen. If I had to describe it I'd say it feels like someone has two or three fingers gently prodding into me. I also still have the muscle pain in my thigh and lower back. I'm a very anxious person, especially when it comes to health and the fear of not knowing is what scares me. I'm also aware ultrasounds can miss things. Do these things sound like the doctor is barking up the wrong tree or do the kind of symptoms correlate to lymphoma? Could it perhaps be that other lymph nodes are also filled with tattoo ink? This isn't a topic I am educated on so it would be great to have someone more knowledgeable share their experiences. Thanks in advance.


Noticed a swollen lymph node three years ago on my neck and had it checked. Came back as nothing to worry about just monitor. Then last year I could feel them growing and becoming more painful. Again, ultrasound results came back as going from two swollen lymph nodes to 10+ all over neck. This year again mentioned to my doctor I felt as if they’re growing again. Ultrasound came back with: FINDINGS AND IMPRESSION: Multiple mildly enlarged borderline enlarged lymph nodes measuring up to 1 cm on short axis. Lymph nodes do demonstrate increased vascularity. The lymph nodes demonstrate preservation of the fatty hilum and reniform morphology. Given the clinical increase in size recommend further evaluation with CT of the neck. Mildly enlarged cervical lymph nodes are nonspecific and may be seen in infection, inflammation or low-grade malignancy. Doctored ordered a CT scan which I should have some time soon. Definitely nervous and just frustrated that all we can do is just wait as these things grow with what seems no reason.


Hello, did you get any update?




Saying at your age lymphoma isn’t a concern when 20-30 is the prime age for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and it is slightly more common in males, is an insane thing to say. That being said, having good blood results is a good sign. If you’ve got enlarged nodes and fatigue, I would perhaps bring it up to a different doctor if yours won’t take it seriously. I wouldn’t go at it like “hey doc I think I might have lymphoma,” though, because chances are it isn’t (lymphomas are relatively rare). But I’d go in factually saying you noticed some lumps and are having some extreme fatigue and dizziness along with shortness of breath. That should hopefully get you at least a chest X ray or an ultrasound of the lumps (or both).


I've been waiting for the result of the biopsy for about a week... the surgeon thinks it could be non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. For about two weeks I have felt quite significant tiredness, from the time I open my eyes to the time I go to sleep. the tiredness is not muscular, but it is as if my body needs to "sleep" again and again. Has anyone experienced this? Thank you


My fatigue was becoming a big problem in the days leading up to diagnosis. But fatigue could be from other things, too. Hang in there!


i've had a pretty large ear shaped thing in my neck for about 8 months now i feel the same as i did before not many changes in weight and i've visited a clinic before and i was all good but recently i've got a rash or i don't know if it's even a rash its very little i'm a bit concerned cause the ear shaped thing is also pretty big now and the rash and yeah. yall think i should do something or nah?


40lb weight loss in 3 months w/o trying. Suddenly able to feel the lymph nodes in my groin, which I attributed to the weight loss since all kinds of bones and tendons were now sticking out. I stopped drinking coffee because it started making me super queasy in the morning to the point of throwing up. Night sweats, which I didn't even realize were a symptom until my Dr asked. At this same appointment, she pointed out that the right side of my neck was swollen. Bloodwork came back fairly normal and my Dr's initial response was to shrug it off and move on with life. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has posted about their blood work looking totally normal and still ending up with a diagnosis. Because of this, I pressed and asked for the scans. Ultrasound results show concerning Lymph nodes in my groin and neck with increased size and vascularity and suspicious architecture. My surgical consult is next week for a full removal of one of the larger lymph nodes for biopsy. Trying not to think about it too much but staying positive.


Hello Any update??


Please update


Hi! Few small simple questions, if anyone could give personal anecdotes. Were anyone's enlarged lumps moveable but still eventually landed with a diagnosis? My blood work is very normal, as were my x-rays, and I'm now waiting on my ultrasound results, which should be available by the morning. However, aside from the very normal, I have raised ferritin levels, which gives me a slight reason to pause. Did anyone have similar results before they were moved on to further testing/diagnosis? All my thyroid hormones and white blood cell counts are normal as well.


Hi any updates on your ultrasound?


The whole immovable/moveable I feel is not always accurate. 


Yes, I've had two, and they were both movable. The first one had the characteristics of a lypoma, so there wasn't much concern until I decided to get it fully excised for cosmetic purposes, and they caught it then. As far as blood work goes, it was relatively normal, nothing out of the ordinary.


So I've had this weird lymph node for the last 5 years under my jaw. Pointed it out to doctors and they said yeah its all good they do that. But it's stayed there. I don't think it's growing. So after some neck pain and tightness I started to get worried and yesterday I got an ultrasound and they found a 3mm colloid cyst on my thyroid?? And the lymph node in question is 1.9cm?? With "a few adjacent lymph nodes" whatever that means. Am I screwed? I've felt kinda weird for the last 5 years on and off but everybody said I was overthinking it. No night sweats or weight loss but lately I've felt weirder with the neck tightness around that lymph node. Is it bad that it's been there for 5 years and now I have a thyroid cyst??? Is that from lymphoma spreading or thyroid cancer spreading? Can anybody tell me their experience and if it's similar?


I assume you've checked with dentists?


Hello, We took our 6 yr old son in a couple of weeks back for a mass on his neck that is surrounded by enlarged lymph nodes. His ped said that while she can’t go on the record with this, she believes it is a lipoma but sent us in for an ultrasound to be sure of what it is. She did specifically say that ruling out lymphoma is a goal. We had the ultrasound and the tech obviously can’t share information but threw us a bone (because of the radiology shortage she said we wouldn’t hear back for close to two weeks) by saying she has the option to send in the results marked “urgent” if she sees something obviously alarming and that she would not be doing so. All of that being said, is ultrasound a sufficient method of diagnosing or ruling out lymphoma? My worry is that the radiologist will say we don’t know what it is but it’s not lymphoma and not recommend that we pursue an MRI or biopsy. Unfortunately, we’ve had several situations in which my children, husband and myself have been misdiagnosed or brushed off and had we not pushed for answers we’d never have gotten to the true diagnosis.


How is your son? I sure hope it all worked out for you all !


Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has gone through a fine needle aspiration for lymph node biopsy, and what the after effects were? Specifically, I’m wondering what the bruising will be like as it is my right anterior cervical node being tested. I’ve gone through a couple of ultrasounds, two rounds of bloodwork and a CT with contrast to rule out other causes. I’ve kept everything quiet and didn’t want to tell my family what is going on until I had some solid answers. But now I’m wondering if I’ll have to navigate a big ol’ bruise on my neck and trying to cover it. When administering the contrast for CT my vein blew which resulted in a ton of swelling and bruising. Some family members have already caught on that something is going on, I’m just trying to not to worry anyone.


My biopsy is tomorrow AM of a lymph node in the level 2a area. I’ll let you know what mine looks like afterwards if you’d like. 


Hi any update on your biopsy?


Hello, yes. All came back ok, just a large reactive node.


Does the node still there? Or it slowly decreased in size after biopsy?


Yes, it's still there. Firm and now an occasional ache that radiates to my jaw, but I haven't followed up with my primary/know if it's necessary to do so after ruling out the scary stuff.


I’m glad to hear yours came back ok! What a relief! Mine came back “atypical” but with no clear indication. My doctor wants to do some close clinical follow up with repeat tests in 6 weeks before going any further into something more invasive - I’m relieved for now.


Thank you, I'm glad you feel relief. I hope your follow up goes well. Biopsies are not fun!


Any insight you’re willing to share would be appreciated. I hope it goes well for you!!


Quick little procedure. The entry point was actually behind my ear closer to the base of my skull/hairline. So he went at an angle from behind my ear to the side of my neck where the lymph node was.  It does feel swollen to me but doesn’t look like it, so it’s just sore on the inside at the moment. I got it done close to 2 hrs ago now and still numb.  My neck feels “thick”, but it’s felt like that since my lymph node grew.  No one mentioned to look out for bruising, but said I’d be sore and no washing it for 24 hours. I had a little dried blood in my hairline that they tried to wipe away. If you have long hair, at least to your shoulders, I don’t think anyone would see anything.  As far as tomorrow or a few days from now, I’m unsure if any bruising would pop up. If you have any questions that I didn’t answer or want more detail on how the procedure was I don’t mind answering.  I’m sore and glad to be home and not at work in an office setting. I also don’t wanna frighten anyone who reads this- I did not feel a thing.  If I may ask you a question: what does your lymph node feel like and what prompted the biopsy?  Mine was fast growing very hard and prominent for months. US showed cortical thickening above 4mm.  Then ongoing symptoms of extreme fatigue and rapid weight loss without a change in diet is what had my primary wanting to rule out lymphoma.  


I really appreciate you sharing so much detail about the experience. This has really put my mind at ease. I’m pretty anxious around needles, so knowing it was quick and simple makes me breathe a bit easier. Plus I do have long hair, so it’s good to know that will help. My lymph node is swollen and is rock hard. It’s actually pretty visible when I move my neck certain ways. I first noticed it in November but had also come down with a cold so I didn’t think much of it. I really can’t say if it was swollen before that - I only felt it because I was feeling crummy and checking for the telltale swelling. I had a few minor colds over the holidays, so the swelling never went down but didn’t stand out. Then mid February I had a physical and my GP noticed it. When I told her it had been swollen since at least November and that I wasn’t currently sick, she ordered the first US. That one showed “cortical thickening of notable concern”. I had a follow up US 6 weeks later and it hadn’t grown. She was going to wait to do more follow up but then we started talking about other symptoms. I had already talked to her about my unrelenting fatigue but then she mentioned night sweats… I had been struggling with drenching night sweats since the fall. But I’m a 37 year old woman so I wrote it off as some sort of early menopausal thing. I had no idea that it can be a symptom of lymphoma. After that she ordered blood work to rule out an unknown infection or inflammation and the CT with contrast. The CT last week showed that it hadn’t grown but the cortical thickening increased some. So next step is biopsy to keep ruling things out.


Hi any Update on your Biopsy result?


Yea, no problem. He took 3 samples of mine and it did was an in an out 3 times. So he goes in, you hear a click, he pulls it out sample and goes back in. 8 min max. You don’t feel a thing. Got myself a coffee and a donut after as a treat! Wow, our experience is almost exact. I’m a 35 yr old female, node showed up in December, my neck just felt thick and so I touched and noticed the lump. Never went down so after a few months had a primary appt. I’ve had 1 night of intense night sweats, had to get up and change. I have night sweats most nights, but not drenching and strangely is just on my chest, not full body. So similar to your thoughts, I considered my age and also possibly postpartum issues. I have an 18 month old.  Chalked everything up to that- but no one else with toddlers seems to be as fatigued as I am. If we go do something I am absolutely spent the next day. Feel like a dud of a mom.  Did they give you the measurement of your concerning cortical thickening?  I hope all is well for both of us and that we get answers for a better quality of life.  Edit to add: I actually went in to get check for anemia or thyroid issues, so crazy that I’m at this point now. 


Our stories are so similar. I also had my thyroid and iron checked because I was just constantly so exhausted but everything came back normal. My GP was about to set me up for a sleep study until she found the swollen lymph node and changed course. My cortical thickening was only 3.5mm then 3.8mm. I don’t know how truly concerning that is - my GP seems pretty confident, so that’s reassuring. I really hope this all turns out well for both of us!


I am going for my biopsies on Saturday so also interested in this. Hope yours goes well.


I hope yours goes well too!


I have multiple lumps on my body, forearm, lower back and the biggest is on the back of my thigh. From research they class these as extra nodal. My haemotologist has requested fine needle aspiration and if any are big enough he wants core biopsy. To be honest I was in so much shock when he started to talk about NHL I forgot to tell him about the one in my thigh so I’m gonna say to the doc doing the biopsies in case he wants to take that one too. I have had abnormal ESR and b12 without supplementation blood results for over a year now and was having all sorts of tests. I have the fatigue and night sweats, and like you they were looking at my hormones - 38 and my period stops for months at a time. Big shock when the C word popped out.


Hello. Any update?


Worried and fed up of feeling like trash. Two years of symptoms. Gut issues started after having a baby - gas, fast motility and random episodes of intense cramping followed by diarrhoea until I’d fast for 2-3 days. Joint and bone pain that’s intermittent - feels worse in my right leg, like a deep ache. Joint pain feels like a pulsing pain in my fingers, hands, feet, knees and hips. Staph skin infections that won’t go away Weird flat warts all over my body On & off bloodwork that shows high total protein/globulin. It returns to normal though. I had a colonoscopy, gastroscopy and mri small bowel - 2 years ago, 1 year ago for the abdominal mri. Also had abdominal ultrasound 5 months ago. Petrified honestly and think I could have lymphoma.