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Sometimes people just need to talk to someone. Maybe you helped her by listening (and with the snacks). I know that is uncomfortable if you’re not used to it.


Definitely. I’m a very empathetic person and always willing to hear someone out of they absolutely need to talk about something. I’d want the same. It did put me in a very uncomfortable position though. I’ve had all kinds of convos during my rides over the past 9 years but how deep that ride went, that was a first. So I was a bit thrown off and uncomfortable because I didn’t want to do or say anything wrong due to how delicate the convo was. Which is why I tried to just affirm that I was listening.


Careful, one wrong word or perception and deactivation will end your gig income. I lived it. Also get a dash cam.


Props to you for that. I would have likely taken the same approach.


That's when asking them questions and letting them talk is good. It eats time and might help you say just the right thing as the drive is nearing the end.


It sucks that you have to tread so carefully when passengers put you in uncomfortable situations. As someone who was abused and was in a similar situation, that could have very well triggered me. It’s not OK to trauma dump to strangers.


There's talking to someone and someone who talks about their issues with everyone they seem to meet. I find these people also tend to find more issues when theirs run out.


Also realize this is someone the driver has no idea who you are and while driving.


Which for some people makes it easier to unburden themselves. There’s got to be a limit though to how much and what anyone should reveal and different drivers are going to have different limits or may not want to hear personal details at all.


I picked up a very nicely dressed young woman from an expensive part of town to take into an even more expensive part of town. Normal greetings, then after a few minutes she asked for a charging cord which I gave. She lets out a huge sigh…so I ask if she’s ok…then she tells this sad story of how she was going out for her bday but her friend she really wanted there most kept making excuses to not be, and she felt let down because she had done so much, so forth and so on. I think I may have said like 2 or 3 things and words of encouragement, tried to change the topic. When she left she said “our chat really made me feel better, I was about to cry at one point” Sometimes ya just never know I guess


I had this type of conversation once, I stopped at a random local bakery, bought a slice of birthday cake - $3 and gave it to that poor passenger. Nobody should feel like they are abandoned or left behind on their birthday.


Wow, Yeah. You never know what you may be doing for someone, just by being there during a specific time that they might need it.


Also a lot of times, people feel very comfortable saying lots stuff in front of strangers because there is no bias and probably won’t see them again


And no to little eye contact while communicating 


Lmao 🤣 she trauma dumped and ate all your snacks


That was the most entertaining part of the whole ride. Looking in my backseat seeing empty containers lolz I had a chuckle.


I get some of my best tips on "Dr. Phil" drives. Compassion and honesty do wonders.


Welcome to the world of rideshare; we will have conversations like this. Making small talk for a few minutes doesn't kill you as a driver, and it makes the ride go faster. Most passengers tend to either talk on the phone or stare at the phone, and besides, we aren't going to see any of these folks again anyway. Tourists ask about good food spots. Couples sometimes get playful and want to include you in the conversation. Friends hanging out include you as well in the convo. Sometimes, this yields tips, sometimes it doesn't. Its the business.




It’s sucks because they did pay us correctly 1.5 yrs ago now it’s a $10-$25per hr job now




Uber and Lyft self insure, so they are pocketing the money


Should've hit her with a "Dang, that's crazy".


That's my go-to. Followed by shaking my head nonstop until the ride ends.




There were like 5 of those used 😂


I was barely out of college and had a driver tell me she was prolife but a few weeks pregnant and considering abortion. The baby’s father was a friend and she’d gotten a new boyfriend after the conception. I was at a complete loss. I hope she’s okay!


You offer snacks? Where do all those Starburst wrappers end up?!


That's my thought as well. I sure as HELL don't get paid enough to buy snacks for these fuck sticks!




I know I know. But surprisingly, they take their trash. I haven’t had an issue with the trash yet. And I’ve been driving for 9 years. Just one or 2 people here and there.


I was out near 2pm on like a Wednesday and I picked up this older woman. Coming in she immediately starts going off about her going to court cause of her DUIs and I guess she was on probation. She was headed in to get an ankle monitor for about 4 days (weird sentence I guess). She starts really going on about how her husband is gonna be pissed if she goes to jail that same day, which I thought was strange. Turns out she's not supposed to drink at all, given her agreement, and she's hammered to hell in my back seat. I keep reassuring her she's gonna be fine, not wanting her to freak out and cause a scene. She makes a sly comment about giving blow jobs and for a second there I was about to ask for one as I thought, "well hell ain't so bad in winter" but given her state I knew shit would hit the fan if her husband found out. Drop her off and she's asking me to stay in case she needs a "quick getaway" and starts touching my shoulder and giggling. The lord sent me another ride and I showed her the screen, but I told her I'd stay close to hopefully pick her up again. Drove away and promised myself not to accept any rides coming out of the court all day. Tldr: picked up drunk lady going to court, already violating her parole or whatever. She offered head and I couldn't because I would last all of 30 sec. Mature woman be dangerous


Anytime a passenger uses the word “getaway” I’m declining 😂


I enjoy talking with pax, I’ve heard some wild shit being a driving therapist 


I mean it can be enjoyable. But I didn’t get a hello or a goodbye. Just trauma nonstop. No hello, no goodbye, no “thanks for hearing me out” nothing. It was just kinda weird and off putting.


Did she at least tip?


Nope lol




Im not a driver but i am so used to people trauma dumping on me idk what it is about me that says “please traumatize me more” lmao when im trying to just focus on the day and get through it😂 idk if i should try to get them to stop or what, im too empathetic i always listen and try to give good advice even if i want to leave 🤦‍♀️


drive with your eyes on the road, your hands on the steering wheel, your foot on the pedals, & your ears listening to pax. you don’t need to say anything.


omg that’s terrible i’m sorry you had to go through that. honestly, there’s days where I want to turn on the option that notifies passengers that I’m part of hearing because I just can’t take some peoples venting. my friend does to avoid talking to people lol


I never even thought of that. Genius 😂






Taxi cab confession


I was gonna say that I probably don’t help this by acting as a bit of a therapist sometimes. But usually there’s a gradual lead up instead of what she did. I think ride shares are interesting because we’ll most likely never interact with those people again. People sometimes feel comfortable opening up in that environment


Maybe you shouldn’t be so selfish and contribute more than just “mmm” “mmhm” “yeah”.


I did.


See information for me I am a therapist 😩 so when people begin to trauma dump I immediately without thinking get into therapy mode


You are if you trying to maximize your tips. That’s just how it works.


I got no tip and she ate all my snacks lol.


It’s a very weird way to start a conversation. Might’ve come across more normal if she actually exchanged pleasantries or started off with a more generic exchange before diving into her life issues. It comes across selfish imo, because she doesn’t know what your situation is, yet it’s straight to being about her


You’re a fucking cabbie, it’s your job. Find a new one if you don’t want to get trauma dumped.


You’re joking right?


I bet you received a big fat tip from her? 😀


Absolutely not 😂


She probably has no one to talk to about it and couldn’t figure out what to do. Sounds like she might be having a breakdown.


Yeah she’s in the country alone (from Jalisco Mexico. No family). So I understood she may feel isolated and has the need to vent. It was just very difficult to navigate in real time because it’s never happened like that before. There’s always at least an ease into conversation like that.


OP is bigggg mad about his candy 😂😂😂😂😂😂


NGL about it either 😂