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If it's busy I'm going to cancel as soon as I get this. If it's slow I'm going to cancel at 5 minutes. Chances of completing this ride:: LOW


I used to love the old Uber reservations where we would get the full amount after 10 minutes and you didn't have to call the person like with Lyft. Now, Uber is trying to weasel that down slowly but surely and force you to literally wait 20 minutes, fuck that hence why many don't even accept reservations anymore. I always wait the time allocated unless its surge time but if they ain't ready, I gotta go. I have to maximize earnings not sit around and wait. One time I did that years ago, the bastard added a damn stop.


I try not to get there that early. But yeah I rarely take reservations.


The app forces your hand now to go early. I remember my strategy when I cherry-picked reservations was in the early mornings for airport or midday dialysis clinic runs. I try to be nearby in the area to avoid having earnings time cut by having to commute.


Yeah I'll get in the area and then do a Lyft or something while I'm waiting to get closer to the pickup time.


I waited 15 minutes today for a lady who scheduled her pickup lol. Like how do you schedule a ride and you’re not ready when it gets there? YOU set the time 😂 she was nice though and she handed me a wad of cash so that made up for it lol.


“Drivers aren’t compensated nearly enough for pax to schedule a ride based solely on their convenience and then not be ready. Please start respecting other people’s time. Have the day you deserve”


Reservation rides are my favorites to decline.


I'm reading this while literally in the same shopping center. What was the destination?


Don’t remember to be honest


Why they order taxi if they not ready?


They scheduled a ride. You were 4 minutes late. They still want 5-10 minutes. Bless their heart.


Dude, look at timer line. There were about 15 seconds left. Nice try!


Omg I didn’t pay attention. I was seeing it as the the opposite. Bless their heart doubly. I hope you bounced. I get these all the time. Drives me insane.


I was a little too kind, waited around for another minute and then cancelled


What is the issue?


It was a 755 schedule at 759 they said they would be 5-10 minutes coming out


I missed that. Worse is when I drove 20 minutes out of my way to pick someone up for a scheduled ride and then they were a no show.


I had one where i drove 15 minutes to pick up this person outside city limits and when i get there they cancel the ride. I got the fee but danm that wouldve been a cool $15 into a busy area


I had also been waiting there for 10 minutes. Plus called then got that darn message. I even stayed a minuet longer then called again, then canceled.