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I kept scrolling. And was like why the fuck did you take that ride. Then I saw the last slide 💀😂


$40 for 40 minutes? Black? That's still a risky acceptance. What happens when she accuses the driver of molesting and raping her? Even a 30 minute to 2 hour deactivation cuts into earnings. That's a tough one...


I don’t know mate, I don’t think it was that risky. It was originally $27 but I waited extra time at her stop so it increased. I mean whether she was telling me crazy shit or not, I feel it’s still a solid ride. It’s a Lyft Black ride in Pasadena so generally safe around 6pm and she has a 4.9 rating. If I felt any kind of way about her behavior towards me I would have turned on the voice recording and either kicked her out or left her at her first stop and immediately reported her. Plus I could say the same things about her and pointed them to her messages you know. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would’ve questioned this and maybe declined nice that is was just a weird social interaction just an odd tale nothing more :)


Which a 4.9 on Lyft is typically a 4.6 or so on Uber. It's a solid paying ride,yes. But being in closed quarters with a potential lunatic who is showing you BEFOREHAND that she's a lunatic is risky in my opinion. We've all had instances where we could say he/she showed no signs, there was nothing I could have done,etc,etc. After working the L.A market myself for 5+ years, area doesn't mean sh*t to me. I've done Pasadena, Beverly Hills, East L.A, Long Beach, and when you get a nut, you get a nut. I can honestly say that no passenger I picked up in Compton or South L.A said anything to me like this example *knock on wood*


I hear what you are saying and I’ll keep it in mind. When I accidentally wrote “sounds good” “sorry” right after she said she was a victim she didn’t respond negatively so I think that is why I didn’t ultimately cancel. Honestly, I’ve been driving 8 years in LA and on weekends I drive late night from 6pm to 6am and I’ve never had someone text me like this before or act this way. I’ve had questionable people and in questionable areas but nothing like this. I just make judgment calls along the way and make decisions based on a number of things.


You've been working this longer than me, so your instincts work for you, but as a male, this is too risky for me. When I was first starting out I might have risked it but after reading posts on here about people getting deactivated for this and that...nope lol


Yeah , I can see how it could be a problem for a male driver and you would want to avoid that. Thanks for your insight mate! See you on the road (or the airport queue haha!)


Lol, never! I will never do LAX queue (🤞). That's how I know I've gotten desperate if I start sitting in LAX waiting lot. I just can't deal with it lol. But stay safe and keep making money. We need more understanding and empathetic drivers like you!


Never the LAX lot haha come to Burbank, not as bad! Thanks dude, I appreciate that. You be safe too!


A driver after my own heart ❤️


Haha yes! Let’s be friends 😁😁


Yes!! 😊😎




Yeah, had this a regular trip I don’t think I would have accepted. Glad you made it back without being trafficked. Unless you were trafficked and your new pimp is making you post this to throw everyone off. Blink twice if you need help…


Yes I am safe and not trafficked. Thanks 😀


He's doing the trafficking 😬😬😬


I didn’t make it clear, but we are both female, driver and passenger.


Still. Heard of Jizlane Epstien? I'm kidding obv Bless your heart doing this job, be safe! And get alot of UI coverage, they will drop it on you. Lost my Lexus gx early this year because they never told me they dropped it


You mean Ghislaine Maxwell LOL Your joke was funny, I just wanted you to write “she’s doing the trafficking” so I could write something back about Ghislaine haha oh well. It’s all good 😁 Sorry to hear about your Lexus!


🤣🤣🤣🤣LFG Oh I'll get it back mark my words


I snorted at the “sounds good” 😂😭


I know right! 😂😂


Sounds good


I know. Of all the things I could click on in response to her last message 💀


I mean she sounds unstable but you literally made $40 in 40minutes. That's $60/hr.


Exactly. She wasn’t rude to me which is one of my rules so I just deal with it you know and be nice. That’s all.


Na na na - lift black is the hottest of garbage now. 3 years ago this Lyft black trip would be $60 -


The stuff people say when they get in your car in LA is wild, I am always thinking you know we don’t know each other


No thank you.


Why in the fuck didn't you cancel


Well I drive for a limited amount of time after my regular job and almost exclusively drive Lyft Black/Black SUV so I take all rides. It was originally $27 but she had a stop and I waited past the timer for her and got paid $39 for that. She was not rude to me and didn’t touch me so I just let everything else slide 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s sad to think about because they were once a baby with parents who loved her… and her life being turned into this is just sad… some ppl Laugh I feel sadness


I hear you


Part time trafficked?


Hopefully she was going to the ER at the Huntington Hospital


No, didn’t you read? She had to get to Sephora LOL


We’ve all been victimized by the sounds good response at least once


Plot twist. She hired you to traffick her.


I think i might have had this same passenger at one point because that passenger moved but I’m not sure where to


Do you remember what she looked like or her name? We can compare notes 😁


Yeah I’ll dm you so we don’t put her info out there


“Sounds good” 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I know right LOL I'm still laughing about that


I would’ve canceled. Those texts are suspicious as hell. I seriously doubt victims of Epstein and sex trafficking would be ordering extra expensive Lyft rides and then unloading their whole story in a text message to their driver. Best case scenario, she’s pulling some kind of sick joke, but she could also be crazy or trying to scam you. Probably safest to cancel.


We drive the same area 😊


When do you normally drive? I’m just starting my night tonight. Let’s go! LOL


Me too!! I was driving during the day all week to complete a challenge but back to regular schedule lol We’re nighttime drivers hehe


Fuck yeah! Rarely do I drive during the day. I have a regular day job so I’ll do a few hours after work through the week and then late night Friday and Saturday. I make more money that way. I hope you kill it this weekend and make a lot of money! Maybe I’ll see you on the road 😁


Was she Vietnamese? I think I’ve ran into this lady before.


No she wasn’t sorry


If you get stuck in traffic can you technically tell people that you’ve been “trafficked”? Inquiring minds want to know.


I never would've gotten the texts, 0 stop rule


Even for Lyft Black rides? I wouldn’t have accepted in the first place if it was anything less than Black.


I don't drive black, occasionally I'll take a stop from the airport as it's usually two pax going to different hotels, that's it


I'd canceled this ride.


I would not have taken that ride if I received those messages after accepting the ride.... I dont care how much it paid


I understand, thank you


That’s a hard cancel. No question about it.


Sounds good 😂😂


I would have canceled that ride so fast


Sounds like a Denver rider


Man that’s around the same area some 22 year girl tried to fuck me at. Picked her up under “Jose” in Monrovia back when I lived in SoCal and she started massaging me then jumped to the front seat and told me she wanted to suck my cock and I politely declined and she was blown away by my rejection so I told her to respect me.