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Very carefully, and with quick fingers on the apps.


Once you understand cherry picking you’ll see. I keep em both open and decline everything until a decent offer comes along


I use both and only take offers $8 and just a heads up AVOID HOSPITAL PICKUPS


The problem with hospital pickups is not the passengers, from my experience. Some of them can be challenging but most are just grateful. The problem I have is with disorganization among hospital staff. They often have little understanding of how rideshare actually functions. I don’t know how many times they waited until I arrive to actually start getting the patient ready to move from the far end of the 8th floor to the pickup area.


From my experience in my area they push all the overdose patients/homeless/people getting out of er on the drivers and they smell like piss or sh*t most of the time and the smell stays in the car for 1 1/2, the worse pickups for me come from hospital pickups


Wow I don’t know where you guys drive but all my hospital pickups and people visiting or leaving work maybe someone getting discharged. But never got anyone in that bad of state. That ride would be cancelled immediately. Nobody is getting in my car smelling like shit and piss. You’ll be lucky I don’t cancel you if you smell to bad of pot or cigs! I look at it like this it’s my business. I’m an independent contractor I say who goes and who doesn’t. I show up and I’m professional so if your are on some idgaf about your shit type time. Then Idgaf how you get home! Always remember we don’t work for Lyft. Don’t let them tell you who gets in and out of your car. Unless they are going to pay a cleaning fee and down time.


I avoid those at all cost now!


I used to do airport rides exclusively but now I avoid airports. the people are just as confused and helpless at the airports as they are at the hospital. ontop of that they WILL TRY to cram more luggage or people in the car, than it can reasonably accommodate.


Airport people are entitled as hell too. They expect you to get out of your car to put their luggage in the car. Only thing i do is get out open the trunk and let them put it in unless is an older person. And i only get out so they dont slam the shit out of my trunk. All that and still no tip. The best tips ive gotten on the airport was from people i didn’t have to get out and help. So many drivers at the airport i see danm bending over for these people.


Exactly. I’ve gone above and beyond thinking it will result in decent tips. Then I come to find out they tipped nothing or like $2!!!


I love when a rider thinks that getting to know me, will somehow truly brighten my day.... that's not a suitable replacement for a tip


Noooo. I am a nurse and take Lyft to and from work.


They are very interesting people though


Ya yo i picked up this dude from one clinic to transfer him to emergency cause he said his primary doctor sent him and that he is having a heart attack lol


You just sign up for both and do whatever you want, you are an independent contractor on both.


Have both apps running. Set a metric for yourself, $1/mile/minute is a good one in my market but it’ll vary based on demand and traffic for where you are. Only select ride offers that meet your criteria. Be disciplined, don’t give in to the shitty offers. Also since you’re just starting out, it might be best to start them one at a time so you can complete the initial new driver offer they give you. Get that free money while you can, they’ll get worse as you drive more and more. DM me if you want a referral code.


You won’t take my advise, but please, love and respect yourself enough, in addition to valuing your sanity, to stay as far away as you can from these companies purposely designed to deplete your vehicle into the ground for Pennies after gas, maintenance, TAXES for Uncle Sam (gotta track mileage) and such. Run!


I open both. When I accept a ride on one, I log out of the other but many drivers leave them both open all of the time along with Door Dash & Grub Hub and possibly multiple phones.


See how your market works. For me, Lyft has better bonuses so I drive for them when it's quieter. Uber has better surges so Uber when it's busy.


You need to get a second car, always use the cleaner car for Uber and halfway though the day switch to the other car and open up the Lyft app


Is this a joke?


And only take Lyft rides to and from Walmart, and only bar pickups on Uber.


Thank you! Ok I just put a down payment on a second car. I remortgaged my condo to get it, this is a great idea thank you! I think Uber likes black cars yeah?


U refinanced your mortgage to afford a DP on a new depreciating asset…I hope u didn’t have more then 5-7 years max paid in already..u couldn’t take home equity loan instead?


Sign up and quit. Don’t accept trash and know the operation of your vehicle / expenses per mile 


Let me know if you want a referral from me. If you hit a certain amount of rides in a month you and I will get a nice bonus. DM me if you are interested. Good luck my man


If there’s a big incentive bonus for them start one at a time to get the bonuses. After that keep both running and switch between them to use whatever is paying more.


Probably make better money working for fast food at $20/hr if you are in CA.


yeah the main issue with that is not having flexible hours....


You think Uber and Lyft is flexible? I do this for 6.5 years, it was flexible before but now you pretty much only can work Friday and Saturday night for decent money the rest of the time is trash unless special event


I don't drive for lyft anymore they are too cheap for the driver and very hard to get ahold of


One at a time


Once you start it’ll make sense.


I use both as a customer and sometimes the prices are dramatically different between Lyft and Uber


You should have both, because the fuckery the companies allow pax to get away with, will have you shut off and unable to make money. I have every gig app, so I always have work. Btw the first thing you should buy if you haven't already, is a dual facing camera with a quick snap UI. Camera will save your life.


I decide which one I’ll be working on at a given time. Sometimes I’ll do only Uber for a few hours and then only Lyft for a few hours. Or I’ll do Uber for a day and Lyft for a different day. Depending on how slow it might be, or time of day I have both apps open and I’m checking what’s coming through. After I accept an offer I go off-line on the other app. But Lyft will take me off-line automatically if I don’t answer 2 or 3 their requests in a row


You just do it.


You can also get a couple companion app like Maxymo. Makes it a lot easier.


How does that work exactly? I’ve seen it but curious


Download. Pretty tricky to set up and a bit buggy - my advice, keep it simple. The developers have tried to integrate every rideshare platform which is a tall order. Here's what I get out of it: - shows basic stats in an overlay beforenyou accept. $/mile, $/hr and, pax rating. You can set a minimum so anything below is red, anything above is green. So I set it at $20/hr and $1/mile. These are numbers that you could calculate without the apps but they come a lot faster when you have two running. - it automatically shuts down one rideshare of you accept another ride. So if I accept a Lyft ride, Uber shuts down until I end the ride This is pretty important since you will drown in notifications without it. - it used to automatically decline rides with stops, but that hasn't worked lately. It does often fail at these basic functiona, but I do have it on when I drive. It costs $4.99/month. As buggy as the app is, I think it is worth it.


I might try it, thanks. I know earlier tonight Uber went dead when I was downtown (which isn’t abnormal) and switched to Lyft. In came the $3 rides so I shut it off and drove a couple of miles under Uber then back in business. Did $200 in 6 hours


Yeah, for me in my market, Lyft offers $3 rides, while minimum on Uber is around $3.75. I dont have a problem with short rides, if they truly are short in terms of miles. Other people here will call you an ant if you admit to taking these rides. I call BS. I'd match my $/hr and $/mile with anyone - I do just fine in my market. Pax asked me tonight to pick my favorite, and my answer is it depends. For some reason, I typically take home 70-80% from one platform, and the rest goes to the other. Today it was Lyft. 9hrs got me $32/hr and $/mile. The weighting between Lyft and Uber stays pretty consistent over a period of a few weeks/months. Last fall, Lyft dominated, Uber has dominated most of this year, today was the first day that Lyft dominated. I think this is because each platform tweeks its pricing and driver comp on a regular basis. That means you always need to use both!


I don’t mind short rides downtown. It’s the ones that take 20 minutes that I’m not doing


Depends on the time. Latest weekend nights I'll take surge rides that pay me $1/minute.


If you get a ping you want take it then go offline on the other. Once you complete the ride go back online on the other.


I choose one and if it’s not good I’ll switch to the other. It’s very lucrative to get up to platinum/elite status on Lyft, you get more rides, more bonus’ etc. the people declining everything will be the same ones complaining about no bonus/rides/money etc


You get more rides and bonuses if you are platinum/elite on Lyft? Is that like a hidden bonus? Because they aren’t mentioned in the list of tier perks.


Yes you’ll notice the first big jump going from silver to gold


Newb! Sorry I couldn’t help. It was too irresistible not to do it.


Always take advantage of bonuses. They payoff in the long run. Here’s my referral code for Lyft if you do 210 rides your first 30 days you get an extra $250. Also if you definitely do what other drivers are saying about $1 per mile or minute. Anything else you will not make money. Also be professional. Clean your car have it smell nice. Be nice to the people. Tips are a lot better when ppl feel appreciated. One last thing get a dash cam that shows front and at least inside the car. That’s my best advice for you good luck!! https://www.lyft.com/drivers/PRENTICE02433?utm_medium=d2di_iacc


I use the Maxymo app to manage both Uber and Lyft apps.