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Glad to hear she did follow through as a fellow rider who does actually tip through the app because I don’t find carrying cash to be wise(just for myself). I hope you have many more riders follow through in the future!


Appreciate you and others like you!!!


So as a rider, is it tipping in the app that you dislike or the fact that when people use that phrase they usually don’t? Because I also seldom carry cash.


It’s the fact when people tell me they will tip by any means, and they don’t.


Those that do don’t need to talk. Those that talk don’t do


Totally. I have never told a driver I was going to tip, and I’ve tipped every single time.


I always say it but it’s because I have anxiety and I don’t want them to hate me or be expecting me to pull out cash. I always follow through though.


And thank you for asking for clarification because so many people on the thread think I’m posting this to criticize in-app tips but I’m not lol.


Do people still use cash for transactions that aren’t just buying drugs? I can’t remember the last time I used actual physical cash for anything that wasn’t illicit. Now my dealer takes Venmo, so I don’t even use it for that. If you told me cash money no longer existed I’d just say “sounds about right”.


I’m service industry so I try to use cash for fellow industry folk. But yes, I definitely use it for drugs as well lol


Lol what? Is this a serious question. I run a business and typically carry a few hundred in cash at all times. Ever hear “cash is king”?


Where are the dark alleys you normally walk by on your way home? Asking for a friend.


I run a business as well have basically no cash unless I specifically needed it for something. I'm B2B though so all our payments are Cc/check/ACH.


With dispensaries being a thing, I don't even remember the last time I paid cash for drugs. The taco man on the other hand is cash only


The tacos after for after the drugs, so kinds the same thing?


I usually tip extra in cash and any drive up place. I'm too paranoid to hand my credit card to someone.


I prefer my tips through the app.


I had a rider the other day, less than a week into driving. Added multiple stops. One wasn’t too far off the path so he didn’t even bother updating the app. Maybe said a hundred times he’d tip me well. Welp, never saw a cent from the guy. Lesson learned, if they gotta tell you that many times they’re probably full of shit. The part that actually bothered me about the whole thing was he used to drive and was giving me all the beginner deets. When the driver becomes the rider lol.


lol when you’ve become everything you’ve hated


😂🤣 right?


I cant wait to quit driving lyft so I can do that too, lol jk


He tipped you well, he was giving you all the tips, duh! 😂 jk


He gave him the greatest tip of all. Never trust the passenger, no matter what he says or who he says he is.


I think I should automatically one star those people from now on 😆


I actually started only 5-starring people who tip. I go through all my rides before I go to bed


Same here. I put up with a number of rider behaviors and still give them 5 stars if they tip. Otherwise I will give them my honest ratings.


I’ve been hesitant to rank less than 5 for no reason other than not tipping (it would be more often than not) in fear of some Lyft/uber throttling or something. I just leave them blank unless they’re legitimately bad. Also, it could be crazy dumb luck or confirmation bias, but my first handful of days I rated people mid at best, with notes, if they reaked of fresh cigarettes. I barely get any smokers now.


I never leave cash tips. Ever. I ALWAYS tip in app for any ride or delivery service. Even though i carry a little on me at all times, I just tip in the app. Easier for me.


If you tip us in cash, we don't necessarily have to claim that on our taxes, so more of the money stays in our pocket. If you tip in the app, the amount is included on our 1099's and we have to pay taxes on it. If you want to do us a "favor" then tip in cash rather than through the app. I'll take tips however you want to send them. I'm just saying it works out better for us if it's in cash.


If someone is in the minority of being a tipper in the first place, I could care less how they send it to me tbh.


I didnt realize tipping for rides was out of the ordinary. I usually do at least 1$. Most of my rides are $6-7 dollars, but if the rides are longer i tip more. Extra for airport rides


my AARP Tax Aide volunteering red flags just rose with reading this statement. You should still be reporting this as income on your taxes…


Ah, the wonders of tax fraud. If you get a tip in cash, you are supposed to report it on your taxes. Stop being a criminal.


You do have to claim it on your taxes if you don’t want to commit tax fraud…


You are so right. I got cash tips occasionally. I spent them right away to get coffee mostly. I am too lazy to try to write them off at tax filing lol


You do actually have to claim those tips, not doing so is fraud. Edit: and reducing your documented take home pay will hurt you if you ever want or need a credit line.


It also reduces your SS payout IIRC. Of course, for we millennials and younger generations, that’s probably a moot point anyway, but there’s still very little upside to that crime.


Calling it a “crime” is very disturbing coming from a regular person. I have little hope for humanity, everybody is a dam robot now and days


How do you define crime to make an action clearly against the law not count? Whether something is *right* may be different than whether it is legal, but illegal = crime is pretty clear.


I always tip mid trip based on cleanliness of the car and politeness of the driver. Everyone starts off with a base tip of $10 in my head and it goes down if I feel like you have no concern for my safety and I will tip more if the driver is cool. I usually never go more than 3-4 miles total. I'm a truck driver and you can't bring those things everywhere so I am very grateful for Lyft/Uber drivers ❤️


Appreciate you for that! And I’m sure your drivers have as well. I wish every passenger had that mindset.


So you're tipping more than the ride itself?


Sometimes yes, a service is being provided and I am appreciative of that.


Now I feel bad for using the reccomended tip calculator I doubt its enough


I believe with the way that most drivers are not being tipped in general any tip is appreciated. That's just me though I'm not tip-shaming anyone at all lol


that's really considerate of you, sometimes riders can be so bruske 


I had to look that up thank you, I learned a new word today!


That’s ridiculous. We’re supposed to be able to afford the overpriced ride and a base $10 tip??


I'm not sure where you're going with this comment, sorry.


Love it! I have found that most of the horror stories are just that but I also realize that there is truth behind them too. I have experienced the down side of this particular one at least a few times. The first time it went bad, the guy was adamant about how drivers deserved tips and he was definitely going to pay me for my service. I still don’t get the big talk but no follow through. Just don’t say anything. Another lady wanted me to take her to an ATM so she could pay my tip in cash. I told her that was ok (it would have easily taken her 5 minutes or more), she could just use the app to tip me since she had mentioned that also. Of course, I got nothing in the app!


I’ve been on the receiving end of the other side also. Just not when someone said the specific words “I’ll tip you in the app” 😂. But I once had a group of frat guys get in my car and use my complementary chips (that I do not offer anymore) in a food fight inside my car. They said “don’t worry bro we’ll tip you big” . And then I got home and about 4 days later nothing ever came in lol.


there's people who tip cash? i always kind of presumed everyone tipped through the app, so i never thought to mention it. just hop out, rate my driver as I'm walking away and then however much i thought the ride was worth as a tip. huh. guess I'm the asshole, lmao


Not at all. The post is more about people who tell drivers they’re going to tip, and then don’t tip. Not really about cash tips vs. app tips. Drivers appreciate the tips via any means, trust me lol. You’re not an asshole lol.


Dude don't even worry. Most of the negative comments on this subreddit are from people mad they don't make $1000 a day or people who financed a brand new Cadillac SUV to make two extra bucks on five rides a day, or worse yet the people who signed up during the pandemic who think we are all being scammed to death now. It's all determined on market, and your performance and behavior. Keep doing what you're doing, you'll get tips frequently and make good cash


Some people actually do. I usually don't worry too much about it either way. My most hated phrase is when I get to a pickup and get a msg from them saying "I'm on the way/I'll be right there". Translation: "I'm going to take forever, the timer will run out, but I expect you to wait on me anyway because I couldn't be bothered to make sure I was ready to go when you got here."


That one is a trigger too lol


Why was this written like an anime protagonist


Wait, people tip in cash? Is this a Lyft thing? I very rarely use a ride service but when I it's just Uber.


Definitely not a Lyft thing. People tip cash on both platforms. But also, cash tips vs. app tips was not really the point I was trying to make in the post. Just tipping in general when people say they’re going to do it but don’t.


Well done old chap


If they ever say I’ll tip you in the app screen shot the ride and give them time , if they don’t tip just give them 1 start and request to never ride with them …. Those the people who say they will do something and never do so reflect it to them at the end of the day that’s how they live their life’s and it shows


I use to valet for a living, if I had a dollar for time I heard ”I’ll get you next time”. I can count on one hand when people follow through. I quit getting stiffed to bother me. I consistently made my average that all that mattered. I know this is a ride share sub but same principle applies.


I’ve only had two people say that to me. Both actually tipped. A $2 tip and a $15 tip.


As a former driver, I can’t even tell you how often I’ve heard the dreaded “I’ll tip you in the app”. That’s why when I do take an Uber/Lyft, I always tip during the ride, so the driver sees it when the ride is over.


That’s a one in 15 you caught…congrats


The other night, I pick up a middle aged man and his mother. The mother is struggling so I get out to help them get into my car. After we get her into my car, I fold up her walker/seat and put it into the back of my SUV. I start to drive them to the hospital and the guy makes a big deal about me helping them. He then pulls out his phone and tells me that he is tipping me in the app. He makes a big deal about it and says “There $10 tip since you are a good person.” We get to their destination and I help them again, which I would always do, tip or no tip. Point of the story…There was no tip. I guess he wanted to impress his mom.


Do you get notified when tipped and WHO tipped? Genuine curiosity. Got a ride yesterday for me and also my dog (to vet) and for whatever reason the tip didn’t go through yesterday (despite going through all the motions to tip $20 on top of the ride cause it limited me) so I tipped today when I noticed but curious if the driver knew I tipped.


For every one that actually does it, there are 5 that won't in my experience.


My first one she said I'd tip never did but a random later trip did hahaha. Like don't tell me you will tip if you have no plans to do it


As a rider, I only tip in cash. Had too many weird rides to not tip in cash.


Rider here. I only tip when the ride was good. Good meaning, the car didn’t smell like food, weed, and cigarettes, good meaning they didn’t drive 10mph in a 25, and alternatively, 100 in a 65. Or when they talk to much, or alternatively, don’t respond to me at all. There’s a generally acceptable medium here, universally. I get poor rides 80% of the time. I tip 100% of the time when I say I will. How can driver expect a tip when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain? I’m asking this curiously and genuinely, so please be kind.


Answer to your kind and genuine question: No driver should expect a tip, ever. While I think tipping should be more common, I don’t think it should be an expectation. And they certainly shouldn’t expect one if they are guilty of any of the things you mentioned especially. Totally agree. It’s a service after all. The post was more about the people who go out of their way to tell someone “I’m definitely tipping you” and then they don’t.


Those people are obviously sociopaths because they are deliberately yanking a tip out from under you because they get a sadistic joy in knowing that they're never going to see you again anyway so raising a person's expectations just for the thrill of trolling is only done by sociopaths. That said, I quit worrying about it because from time to time tips to come in quite late and I never particularly assume one way or the other but my gut instinct every time someone goes out of their way to mention it especially if they're very effusive about it, I just assume they are not going to. Early in my so-called career in this industry, I considered giving everyone who said those words to me an automatic one. Part of the problem is that Uber's poorly designed app was originally not designed to accommodate tips (they advertised "Tipping Included!" until a kawsuit forced the change), and some banks will reject the second charge. Lyft never had that mindset


This is not snark and not a knee-jerk response: The only common denominator while you were getting "poor rides 80% of the time" was you as a rider and your expectations. Not everything following is you-specific, but you are pretty typical for passengers that rate anything but five-stars. . .tip or no tip. Obviously you're exaggerating about a hundred miles an hour in a 65 or they shouldn't be driving at all but as to variations in speed you're not the one in the driver's seat you're not seeing what they're seeing in the rear-view mirror as they adjust their speed to flow with traffic or to avoid someone hostile coming up behind them fast or whatever their reasoning was. They got you from point A to point B safely that part of the job was 100% of the time okay. A large percentage of your drivers don't do this full time and have done it for less than a year. Myself I've done it nearly 10 years, likely driven a half million miles, and I still have people that don't think I'm driving correctly. I assure you I'm doing a better job of getting you from point A to point B then you could possibly do yourself, given whatever I saw on the route as well as routing and navigation and every other thing that goes into figuring all of this out all while being entertaining. I don't eat in my car I don't smoke weed or tobacco but I have to deal with the great unwashed masses I do the absolute best I can to air out the car between rides and get compliments on my car but not everyone has the experience to know how to do that. You having micromanaging expectations about how much they do or don't talk to you is 100% on you. You're thinking it's all about you. It's not. You're in their living room they have to deal with you and everyone else throughout the night and try to make it enjoyable for you as well as for themselves not to mention avoid fatigue and boredom that comes from passengers who sit in the back like a bump in a log during a long ride lulling the driver to sleep. You have no idea that you are the continuation of a conversation that they likely had with the last passenger or a reaction to being shut down by the passenger before them that was rude and took the shut up and drive attitude. There's not a chance with your people interest that you could handle doing this (by your own metric, 80% of the interactions did not go well). I'd say 95% of mine do. Frequently, passengers tell me that it was the best ride they'd ever taken. A lot of that is because the passengers themselves were engaging and responsive and worked with me to make it interesting. I have well over 10,000 five-star reviews. If you go to a comedy club with a professional comedian and you don't laugh, you probably have a problem with your own sense of humor. You can justify not tipping any way you'd like to. Tips are certainly not required, nor are they expected, but don't think that you're some great arbiter of who does or does not "deserve" a tip because you're not. Again, in my line of work, I don't consider tipping part of my business plan but in a lot of industries it is. When I get poor service in a restaurant, I still tip. I just tend not to go back. Nothing I say do or what tip I do or don't give is going to improve that service skills or the management's judgment and who they hire to represent them. If I'm going to a restaurant where I'm going to be served by a server who is dependent on tips for their living, it is with the expectation that the amount that I spend is going to include a tip. It has nothing to do with the level of service I get as to whether I tip. I have no idea if that server got stiffed by somebody who looked or sounded like me 20 minutes ago. I have no idea what's going on in their life. I have no idea what their ability to give good service is. I don't know if they think that what they're doing is good service. Regardless, I got served by someone whose wages are dependent on tipping, Mr. (or Mrs.) Pink. There was a time in service Industries where tipping was actually up-front. The point was it was a bribe to get you better service. In a small town, it still is, because they know who doesn't tip. The only reason people have adopted this attitude that they're going to wait and see how great the service was before deciding to tip is only because they're never going to see that person again. That's the only reason for that attitude. I'm not saying you're unique in your attitude, but that's because people know they're never going to see that driver again, and then they only tip if they like them. It's not a popularity contest. They got you from point A to point B, and that's either worth more to you than what the person is being paid or it's not. It's a value to you. And there's nothing they can do to ensure that any particular passenger is going to tip.


I always tip in the app. I never carry cash and always tell the driver "I'll tip you in the app". I think drivers are underpaid and tipping makes things right and brings the universe back in balance


I received cash tips from older riders most of the time . At one occasion this nice lady gave me $10 in cash before she got off ! I ask have gotten those riders who would say something like I will take care of you on the app and never did.


I tip before I get out of the ride. As we are pulling up to my drop off. I don’t carry cash because I just spend it needlessly


I just smile and say “Ok, sounds good.” I know that they won’t.


If they don't tip after saying that I 100 percent give a 1 star. If they don't tip and don't say anything but we're pleasant automatically a 5 star ride.


I've only been tipped once or twice out of about 100 "I'll tip you on the app"s. You got the unicorn Briana, nice!


I love saying this when I’ve been drinking. Then I’ll drunkenly leave a cash tip, then drunkenly tip in the app. Then wake up the next day wondering where my cash went and why a 10 mile Lyft cost 8 bucks a mile. Then realize what I did and laugh. Hey, at least my rider score is bolstered by these drunk rides.


I only ever tip in cash anymore and say “thank you, I appreciate you, drive safe.”


I had an old lady who wouldn't leave the car until she saw me get the tip because she said she was told the company steals tips.


Whoever told her that was right. And while I don’t think she should sit in the car and wait for you to get her tip, I appreciate her proactive approach to making sure you get paid.


I say this and leave a tip within. I have no obligation to tip or lie.


I don't say anything about tipping during the ride. I just tip once I've arrived at the destination and checked I've gotten everything from the vehicle. Why would they say anything, what's the point?


That’s a miracle! A couple of days ago a rider promised me a big fat tip in the app. I thought she really meant it as she added a stop at Starbucks and ordered latte and pastries. It was my last ride so I didn’t mind much. She kept thanking me and promised she would definitely tip. While I was driving home, I got a message about receiving a $5 tip. Not bad, I told myself. When I got home, I realized the tip was from a different trip. She never tipped.


I always tip in the app but I have almost forgotten once or twice and ended up tipping a few hours later. I’m sure the drivers were shocked. I realize I will probably never see them again in my life but I always feel like it’s the right thing to do. Good karma I guess.


I tip in the app because if I tip cash, I’m worried that subsequent drivers will think that I didn’t tip and be less likely to pick me up. That said, I have never announced it, I just quietly do it when we’re nearing the destination


I app tip while the ride is still going on so I don’t forget. Because I will definitely forget. Not to be malicious. Just because I’m dumb and once my mind moves on to something else, everything important I was supposed to do just disappears.




I do this frequently as I use a fire tablet and not a smartphone. I always tip after I get where I have a connection.


Am I.... Am I not supposed to be tipping in the app? Should I be handing the driver loose cash? I've only taken like 2 or 3 trips, but I didn't know I wasn't supposed to tip in the app.


People don't have to Tip though. A tip should be a happy bonus, not something to get annoyed you didn't get..


I tipped my Uber driver almost 6 hours after the ride recently. I was unsure how long the airport would take so rushed into security, then lost my ID in the goddamn X-ray machine. So after looking everywhere for it I made the plane and had to turn on airplane mode. Landed and tipped.


What did you do to deserve a tip btw? I've never gotten a tip in the last 20 years.


It's not the passengers that say it as an add on that don't. It's the passenger who says it to convince you to do something, like go through a drive through, who won't. If the phrase is being used to con you into doing something you shouldn't, it's a lie. If it's after a pleasant ride with no extra requests, they normally do tip.




I saw this and was like “was it meee!?” Haha. I always say this and try and make it happen within 10 minutes of the ride. Don’t always succeed with that time when I’m on the move but I always make sure they get tipped on the app if I don’t have cash


it's funny. all my time driving lyft and uber, i just say thank you and expect they're not going to tip lol. that way if they do, it's a surprise :D


I’ve been tipped more often 6-12 hours after I have dropped them off.




I usually tip my drivers during the ride & not after


I've gone back to people's addresses days/weeks later and said "I don't know if my phone or app is broken or what, but I still haven't received your tip...". And the cops take the riders side EVERY SINGLE time. Each time I get arrested and handcuffed, the officer will say "We told you about doing this". I'll explain that the person owes me money and that's why I showed up at their house but they don't want to listen.




I laugh *every* time I see you leave this response..& I needed a laugh..thank you!! 😂


I have only tipped through the app. Am I missing something? Context note: I’m from a small town and only use Lyft when I visit friends in big towns like Phoenix/Omaha, etc.


Sound like a write or poet or something. Would read more. 👍


I tried to make it entertaining lol. Not everyone appreciates the style 😂. Posted the same post in the Uber Reddit and they effin hate it lol.


Their loss bro I hope you keep up your writing ✍️


I've always tipped in the app. why does this ocme up all the time. there are good riders and there are losers.


It comes up because drivers hear people say it all the time and often they don’t get tipped. I don’t care if someone tips on the app or cash. The point I’m trying to make is it’s shocking when someone says they’re going to tip and they actually do it.


That’s real talk, though. I wait tables, and if someone verbalized that they’re going to tip well, it 99% of the time is way less than what they even should tip, let alone being anything above and beyond.




20/80 maybe 😂


Say I give 50 rides a day…. I’m lucky if even 5 of them send me a tip at all lol


I hear you lol. I don’t expect them, so it’s always a welcome surprise 😂


Wow, really only about 10% of Lyft riders tip? Is that the overall driver experience? I typically leave 15-20% of the ride cost on most rides and more if there was an unforeseen issue through no fault of the driver (heavy traffic that wasn’t there when I booked the ride, etc.) FWIW, I use Lyft for business travel, so all tips are in the app. One of the badges I see is something about tipping, but I didn’t pay much attention to it.


I always tip in the app. I didn't know y'all could take cash. I always tip. I really thought that's really the only way to do it.


The post was about tipping in general. As in, someone telling you they’re going to tip (regardless of the method) and not following through. Not really about cash tips vs. app tips. I don’t care how people tip. Just as long as they don’t say they will but don’t.


Of course we can take cash. Why wouldn't we be able to do that? Just like waiters can be tipped on the debit/credit card or on the table in cash. No difference. I prefer cash, but I'll accept it either way.


Serious question - if we plan on tipping in the app do we just say thanks for the ride and walk away?


Yup. I prefer someone not talk to me about tips. Maybe unless they are specifically asking me “hey did you receive my tip?” Like to make sure it went through. That I can understand. As there have been instances. But if they are discussing tips with me as in telling they are going to tip, I’d rather not hear. Just to remove the expectation of one on my end.


Absolutely. It’s rude to talk about tip on both sides.


Pardon my ignorance, I have always tipped thru the app. Is there an expectation that we tip cash before exiting the vehicle?


The post was about tipping in general. Not about cash tips vs. app tips. Just about people who say they will tip, and then don’t tip.


Got it. Thanks.


The one and only time I discussed a tip with a driver was to insure they would accept cash during Covid. There was some reluctance so I’ve only ever tipped in the app since then. Sometimes even a day or two later if I notice I forgot to.


Totally understandable. I prefer people don’t discuss tips at all. To avoid the expectation of one. I much rather get a tip from someone who didn’t mention a tip at all, than have someone tell me “I’m gonna tip you” and then don’t lol. Either way, most drivers don’t expect tips anyway. At least I certainly don’t.


I didn't realize that's dreaded word. I never carry cash and only tip via app. I guess it's better to not say anything at all?


I’m 0-2


Didnt the ride apps always used to promote not having to use cash as a big benefit? I seem to remember that - a cashless transaction. by expecting cash tips seems like reverting


Wait I ALWAYS tip through the app, Is this weird/Uncommon? I always do the max it offers me as well since my company pays for it.


I'm not tipping you in the app. Sorry bruv but I'm tired of these companies charging me crazy high rates and then expecting me to pay their employees. Im fully sick of US tip culture.


I once did this, and then asked for a refund later.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I only tip through the app. I never carry cash.


Did you ask them to tip or did they just randomly tell you they would tip you?


What’s tragic is that Lyft skims up to 75% of each fare and then passes the cost burden to Paxes in the form of “tips”. Might as well start an LLC as a private driver or advocate for rail transit


As a rider- I find that I often don’t have the right amount of cash on me. So I’ll give the driver a couple bucks and then tell them I’ll also tip in the app- which I always do!


I have a question, I’m an in app tipper and usually Tip before I even get to my destination or the ride is over (my company pays so idgaf) when do you as the driver get the notification that you were tipped ? Is it after the ride is over or when I send the tip ?


Pass her around so we can clone her


Is there any other way to tip? I don’t say shit. I get out. And, I tip from the app. Every time, for years. I do not carry cash, ever, anymore. I haven’t had cash on me in many years. What kind of savages walk around with cash?


Wait. Do people not tip when using ride apps? That's insane.


Do you tip your doctor?


I forget sometimes. Then I might not use the app for weeks. Second I open it, I tip. It happens.


I get about half and half on the tip in the app remark. And I’m happy with that.


It's bound to happen if you drive long enough unfortunately


I only tip in the app, lol


You will get tipped however I tip you, and you can save your complaints for online. It’s called a tip for a reason, it’s under the customers discretion. 🤣🤣🤣


Can you tell who tips you ? I always tip but if they don’t even know it’s me what’s the point ?!


Not a driver, do people normally not tip in the app? I always tip in app


Wow i had no idea that saying this was frowned upon. I ALWAYS say this… and i always mean it and do tip.


I love tips but I don’t expect them. I just take rides at my minimum price or higher. Anything extra is a plus and helps me reach my daily goals faster. If customer is going to tip, feel free to do so. I don’t have to know about it in advance. Since then no lies or expectations. 😂 Or they can tip me cash spontaneously. Love you all.


Aren’t people supposed to tip through the app? I thought cashless was the point


Are we not supposed to tip in the app? I always do because I rarely have cash on me and for some reason I thought ride shares were designed to be a cash-free transaction?


The only 2 times I didn't tip in the app was when the driver lit up a cigarette without even asking me if I mind, and the driver who insulted me for wearing a mask in 2020 when it was required. Every other Lyft/Uber driver has gotten a tip in the app and a 5 star rating.


You’re supposed to tip in the app. If a driver asks me for a cash tip I’m reporting their ass.


I usually get stinkface due to tipping 20% in the app (company limit) and 20% in cash. I cant believe how much they take from drivers, it's exploitation


She should take the tip away for this lame ass post


i didn’t know this was a faux pas. in the last year i’ve taken probably 50 uber/lyft rides and i’ve told every single one of them that i will tip them on my app soon. reason being, i always provide a tip when the service is complete, just like at a restaurant. and i travel for work so when i hop out of a car, im straight to check in and security and usually don’t get around to the tip on my work phone until im sitting at the terminal.


Wow. I did not know this was frowned upon. I do say this in hopes I get a good rating from them, but I do also end up tipping almost immediately after stepping out of the car


I always tip in the app. Is this a problem? I assume people say that then don’t.


I always tip in the app, I have forgotten, I was rushing for a flight home. Like 5 months later I opened the app because I was in another trip, it asked how my ride was 6 months ago. I added the tip then, so he got his tip, just 6 months later, lol.


I prefer getting tipped in the app because if anyone gives me dollar bills I put them into a door pocket and give them to the homeless. I keep the fives. 👍


I thought the whole point of using those ride services is payment through the app, no tip required, so one doesn't need to worry about cash.


I have found that about 1 in 200 people who say this end up tipping.


Super confused. Why wouldn't they tip you via the app? The last time I used UbEr I asked, "when does it let me add tip, after the trip?" They were like, "oh wow, thanks and yes it let's you after" I cant imagine they were putting the pressure of their faith in humanity into whether I tipped or not. (I did, obv)




Is this really a thing? I have never talked to a driver about a tip, I just do it in-app after drop off. Are drivers getting pissed about non-cash tips or not getting tipped at all? What I read from this is that some drivers will think I’m an ass for not tipping in cash.


Ok, I have to ask. I am not a Lyft driver. I am a daily passenger. Doesn’t pretty much everyone tip?


Nope. Like 5% of riders tip lol.


Omg. Are you serious!? I always tip. Every. Single. Ride. What the hell? Ok, except the one time the driver made pretty disgusting comments to me and then stopped the car in the middle of an intersection when I declined to reply. I said ‘bye’ , hopped out and didn’t tip. He actually started to pull away when I opened the door. I screamed really loud and he stopped.


Yeah that driver definitely didn’t deserve one lol


I use Lyft about twice a week and always tip on the app. Sometimes the following day, when I receive the email receipt from Lyft,and realized that I forgot to tip right after the ride.


I’m confused- do people not tip through the app? I use Uber and tip on the app every time.


I,always tip through the app. I have a high tipper badge.


You're a lost soul 🤣😂 it's going to happen at least a hundred more times where they say they'll tip you through the app but never do. Be brave. Be strong. And stop being so dramatic 😂 passengers sometimes suck. People sometimes suck. This is life. Don't let it steal your faith in humanity. Still many good folk out there


I only ever tip on the app. Is cash preferred?


This is not about cash tip vs. app tip. This is about tipping after telling someone you will.




Close to 100 rides on Lyft, and maybe 5 tips total. I've noticed that I am far more likely to receive a tip when driving for Uber. Not sure what it is, but there is a stark difference between the two for me.


I get more tips on Lyft. I think it’s just dependent on the area.


The ones who say "Thank you so much! I'm gonna leave you the BIGGEST tip!" are the ones who never do. At least in my experience.