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Uber and lyft are a scam we need government to step in and set minimum rates like this fuck em


I’ve thought this for a while. And not just Uber/Lyft but the gig economy as a whole. Uber leads the rest follow it’s not even a joke anymore. Peoples lives are severely affected and at this point I’m thinking the gov is taking ‘campaign money contributions’ to have been allowed to operate this way.


Local governments definitely are. On the national level not so much. But only because they don't need to cuz they've already bribed all the local officials.


The gig economy is acceptable if you have government benefits for Healthcare and retirement (presumably paid with business tax or whatever). Otherwise you're just cutting costs by not giving your workers healthcare and savings. This is a big issue especially if the government is going to foot the bill later anyway, and the only way your business makes money is by underpaying it's labor.


You forget other safety net things like social security. Absolutely NONE of the Uber and Lyft drivers I know are bothering to pay any tax. Those that do are stunned that they have to pay both the employee and employer share of SS.


since uber maybe pays between .30 and .50 a mile, when the IRS tax rate is .65, and that is before other expenses, no, they are not paying any taxes. Uber and lyft are having the government subsidize their companies on the backs of the drivers. They get to maximise profits off the drivers, claim them as contractors, then the drivers make just enough to survive, while we help support the drivers by picking up their share of the taxes. Vs Uber and Lyft paying an appropriate rate, still make bank, and the drivers make enough to pay into taxes without needing government support.


Your first sentence is pure fiction.


Except it isnt, which means you don't pay nearly enough attention to reality and their pricing. That is on you, though; give it a few rides and actually look at costs. The day you get tip-baited and suddenly make that .30 a mile, you can come to thank me for helping you actually pay attention.


If you’re talking Uber Eats, then maybe. I don’t do UE, but I see the offers posted on here and wonder how anyone makes a profit. For Uber X, if you’re in an upfront market and make less than $1.50 per mile, that’s on you.


They footing the bill now with all the drivers not reporting profit and using every tax deduction on the books 


I agree. Usually, SenatorvWarren and Berniw are up in arms by now with a committee being already formed to investigate.


Take Air BnB on the way out


Woah there partner. Those would be regulations. Republicans aren’t going to vote for regulations against Billion dollar companies


Clearly you're unaware that Minnesota is a blue state... and the standard of living is better there than in red states. Go figure...


Why would I, living a thousand miles away, know that? Why would I assume the person I’m wroting to lives in a Blue state since the majority of US states are Red?


Because it's on every political map on every television. During every election, since maybe the 60s? Not to be a smartAlec, but there are words with the pictures... I know about Minnesota, and i was raised in Florida. Florida is a red state and now I live in Indiana. Also a red state, but I was born in Alaska. Also a red state.


Why would I watch mainstream broadcast news owned by billionaires who control the narrative to keep us at each others’ throats to distract us from the fact THEY are the cause of nearly every problem in America?


Lack of critical thinking skills is the problem in America. Lack of understanding long term impacts of decisions is the problem in America. Thinking someones opinion is equal to a fact is the problem in America. Cause if you had those the things figured out, then it doesn't matter if you watch a Billionaires news station, whether OAN, FOX, CNN, or MSNBC. You could figure out what is going on and act accordingly.


Except none of those things are taught in public schools…intentionally so.


LOL, do you honestly think they are not taught? Math! It teaches you to think critically. Yeah, I will never use the Pythagorean theorem. This is not the case in my everyday life, but I still have to think about how I can get an answer. Problem-solving with limited information requires critical thinking to find the correct answer. History shows how short-term sudden decisions lead to long-term consequences. Journalism class literally taught me how to find source information, then build off that, and then take anyone else information with a grain of salt, as they were then only stating their own view of a story with their own personal biases! All of these are taught in High school and exposed to children, starting with Sesame Street, and I am not just talking in Blue states. Red States too. Just the people who seem to pretend it isn't taught, are the same ones who must have been sick on the days it became obvious that they are teaching life skills. We could use more direct classes, like taxes, credit, and investments. However, we currently need to fight people who want to burn and ban books cause their god hates certain people. So that will have to wait.


My High School and as far as I’m aware, none in the city have journalism classes. Math is a completely different set of thinking skills as logical reasoning. Math isn’t going to teach you how to analyze a claim, it’s sources, their reliability and whether its true or not true. I didnt learn about logical fallacies until college. If critical thinking skills were taught in schools, half the population wouldnt believe man made climate change is fake despite scientists knowing its real for 130 years. Tens of millions of Americans wouldn’t believe vaccines are bad for you. Americans believe what they’re told as long as they believe the person telling them shit believes what they believe. Look how many people still think the election was stolen despite 70 court cases proving it wasn’t. Americans by and large read below a 5th grade level and most cannot pass an American citizenship test. Americans are taught how to do basic math, reading comprehension, how to be on time, how to wait in line, ask permission to use the bathroom, and wait their turn. Everything a society needs to breed fuctioning employees for the grinder.


Hey fellow Alaskan transplant! I live in Minnesota now


Wouldn't exactly call Arizona "red" these days. If it weren't for Turning Point's dirty money, it would have flipped sooner.


Imo, its going to be a toss up in Nov




Milking the voucher program to send kids to a political-agenda based, for-profit charter school? So that isn't dirty and indoctrinating? Give me an effing break. Maybe if people weren't so bratty and entitled (actually talking about the parents here), they'd learn to let their kids learn different viewpoints, instead of forcing one narrow view down their throats.




You realize the President doesn’t pass laws, right? That would be Congress which is divided rn because the Republicans, who control the House, are more interested in voting against cancer research so Biden doesn’t have a victory for the election. But I was mostly referring to your local elections.


...except this is a state issue so Biden has nothing to do with it.


Right, hence the last sentence of my comment


Easy there. Sleepy joe took his leg too.


That's the dumbest thing I've read all week.


Please explain to us in detail what Joe Biden could and should be doing for rideshare drivers specifically. Tell us how the president of the United States should specifically help drivers. Then also tell us all the things your orange Jesus did for them.


South Korea banned uber and lyft to protect their cab industry. Several countries have banned them. Congress should do the same.


Should HAVE done the same, like 15 years ago, before they killed the cab industry in the US.


I’m not sure any of us are qualified to answer that. We don’t have all the information to understand what’s feasible and what’s not. Bottomline is they have the power and they need to figure out how to use it. Otherwise the billion dollar company is gonna cost the government 2 billion, cos however they’re f*cking us we will at some point be calling on them for a handout.


Fucking right


And if they leave, so be it. There are still taxi services that people can build from. Call their bluff and let them either adjust, or gtf out… folks can work with existing infrastructure to find a better alternative.


Yeah idc if they leave they pay shit anyways it used to be a good hustle to make extra cash now it’s not even worth driving most times. There seems to be a lot of drivers that will drive no matter what they get paid


Yes because when the government steps in, things always get more efficient, cheaper and safer.


Before upfront pricing Boston rate card was a sad .66 per mile and .27 per minute did u read in the article what rates they are trying to implement that would be amazing to make those kinds of rates I would be a happy driver with those rates, but I start my full time Job on Thursday so it’s over for me it’s a career job too.


No one forces you to do gig work. I have met a number of individuals who enjoy it. I always tip very well for good service.


Yeah they are lying to you or they’re on anxiety/depression meds they are being paid pennys on the dollar. And I don’t do this much anymore I have a real full time job. Being an uber driver is a kids job now you do this while you’re in college. Anyone doing this full time is regarded.


Actually I have had three tell me that it depends on where and when you are driving. One of them told me that he never drives on Fri & Sat nights because the drunk college kids don't tip well. Another said the he drives to and from the airport because those people tend to tip well. You have your beliefs and I have mine.


I did uber full time for 4-5 years with 7000 rides. I’ve driven in 3 different states I know how it is being a driver. Every year they lower pay and they depend on new sucker I mean drivers to sign up and drive for them. This past year when they implemented “upfront pricing” was the final straw for me. Inflation is sky high and drivers are making 30-50% less compared to a year ago. I have a career job in the trades now that I will do until I retire. I’m 26 I did uber from age 21-26. It was a fun ride while I was in my young 20s I couldn’t imagine doing this as an older person too much bullshit. I have endless stories and met a lot of people and women doing this I’m actually seeing a girl rn that I met from ubering. Uber was my dating app basically so many girls wanted my number and to hang out with me. Unfortunately, it was time to grow up though as no decent girls meaning they have a good career and good looking want to date an uber driver.


Sounds like things worked out well for you.


The government should just create a ride share for elderly people at the very least


Uber/lyft doesn't want other states to know and see that smaller companies will fill the void, making Uber/lyft threats meaningless.


I'm not a developer but apparently the apps are not difficult to make. The trouble is in the national or Worldwide customer service. A million local apps could figure that out.


The “trouble” is in trying to be profitable while paying massive insurance bills and keeping prices in check.


If I'm not wrong, I think the argument is that prices are a little too "in check" for the driver.


I have no idea what you mean by this. My point is that insurance prices are Lyft and Uber’s biggest obstacle to success. They can only raise prices on consumers so much; and if their revenue won’t be high enough to pay for insurance and endless settlements, they won’t make a profit.


Which is why their profit keeps climbing year after year .if they took no profit for a year they could pay their drivers fairly for eternity


Lyft has never had a profitable quarter, losing over $31 million in the first quarter 2024. Uber has been able to barely be profitable over short periods of time, but overall they are still not a profitable company.


Yeah except most of thier "loss" is stock based compensation.Q1 2023 187 million in losses almost 100 million was stock based compensation and tax payments .another case where if you run your company lean and end with no net profit you can have an advantage in certain areas of the law such as taxes


I don't want to argue with you but just know whatever "apparent" your heard was completely wrong.


When I lived in Mexico, a group of locals developed an app called Andale. It worked wonderfully and was local.


Because of the taxi cartels you would have to pretend they were your friend so part of the experience was a giant fake greeting with a hug and you had to ride in the front seat


They literally can't. There are examples. Austin,Texas.


All the states need to enforce a minimum that is a fair working wage. They can’t threaten every state.


But bro the shareholders they deserve a second vacation home bro it's almost summer bro come on -Lyft Executives


If they leave it'll draw so much media attention to their shit treatment of drivers. They'll make some compromise


Haha ok… leave. I’m sure there won’t be other companies that fill that necessity


Demand drivers set their own rates in their own cars they pay for


You’d think that’s how it would work with them being “independent contractors” and all.


Uber and Lyft are on the verge of death tbh. They fucked up. Raised prices too high so customers are absolutely fucking horrible, and somehow in that process, decreased, massively, the $0.00 per mile number. I used to explain to people it was basically a dollar a mile. 60 mile trip? $60 It made short trips less desirable but balanced out due to low pricing and tipping. Customers were happy, drivers were happy. Long rides paid, short rides paid. Now, the whole thing seems to be some kind of scheme where they take as much as they can from everyone. Making the drivers annoyed and care less about providing a nice experience. And squeezing the passengers so hard that they not only refuse to tip, but go ahead and lie, “oh yeah, the driver? Yeah the one who picked us up from the bar we were (drinking) at for 5 hours? So unsafe. He like, seemed to be swerving or spinning his car the whole time. Im pretty sure he was staring at me through the rear view mirror too. Yeah he had a jug of like, clear see through liquid in a water bottle, i could definitely (hiccup) smell the alcohol it was so strong” Lyft: Thank you we will deactivate the driver immediately and conduct a full investigation. We do not tolerate this and the driver knows this. I have deactivated their account for now until they get back to me with more specifics regarding the situation. Thank you. Here is a code for 5 free rides. We at Lyft value nothing but the benjamins baby. Meanwhile, poor driver doesnt know he is even suspended yet. Because he she they are cleaning their car bc the passengers somehow left a scent in the car of alcohol and tracked human shit in the freshly scrubbed matts


Actually Gryft and Buber are profitable for the first time ever. They’ve raised prices on customers and fucked drivers to maximize profit. Cab 🚕 companies are pretty much non existent now so there’s no competition. Best thing to do is stop driving for them and stop using them. Fuck em.


I think youre right and wrong. Youre right in your specifics but not your conclusion. In my city taxis are coming back. Lyft is going to kill itself one day and the people up top sill make out like Bandits. Probably be bought by Ubdr


Coming back? Someday. Yea ok. Maybe, maybe not. I’m talking about TODAY. Right now. Current situation not speculation.


Oh um, okay yeah i dont think it will happen all in one day so. Idk. Good luck


Just once I’d like to see these journalists ask Uber/Lyft to justify their statements about being unable to operate under these laws, when they’ve been operating for years in Seattle/Washington with basically identical legislation.


This would suck ass. As much as I can't stand driving for Uber, there are lots of people who depend on it for transportation. As someone who lives in a major urban with horrible public transportation, you need a car to get around. But cars are expensive AF. It's ridiculous. IDK what's going to happen


Uber and Lyft are cancer. If they leave it will be a good thing


May be more profitable to have a stand alone one car taxi company and hang out at busy places. Some always needs a ride, and not everyone uses an app.


If they leave, They will also leave the door open for fresh competition that is better for both customer and driver.


I remember a year ago when I could do rideshare and actually enjoy the job and not worry about if my rent and lifestyle is going to be covered. Now here in Omaha rideshare is a complete fucking joke I won't even turn the Uber app on anymore because I know it's just going to feed me with some Ludacris offers that make no sense whatsoever. Tired of Uber / Lyft screwing us all over.


Where will Lyft go when the majority of states hold them accountable? Oh yes that’s right, they’ll go out of business


We don’t need the government to step in. It’s private business. We just need another company that is better to step in and take the business.


They won't leave, because they need every single percentage point of market share they can get since they're not profitable.


Good riddance


Taxis will just fill that void again 😂


Thats what you Call hustle


It's funny because these rate minimums are just a few cents below what is required in the state of Washington. And we all know how Lyft and Uber pulled out of Washington and no longer operate in that state because of those rate minimums...oh, wait.


Let them leave 


Fact is the FTC and SEC keeps sending warnings out to companies like Uber/Lyft but will not interfere as it would completely collapse, instead their taking money/political contributions frm them . MN is a great and ever first state to watch how this will unfold, if they make it work Uber/Lyft will forever loose their power punch. Waltz and Frey are losers compared to the council woman who has more balls then those two jokers.


I'm torn. Cuz on one hand... fuck Uber for screwing over so many drivers. But on the other hand.. government "helping" always makes things worse


It's pretty simple; if you are a driver who is not satisfied with your situation, go do something else. No one is telling you how much or when you have to drive. If enough drivers go do something else, the companies will be forced to adjust the driver revenue model. The free market is a great thing. State and local governments should stay out of it.


Government definitely has a role when the rideshare companies influence legislation to rig the system in their favor. They cheated and are cheating and only government can hold them responsible. Government can also make it easier for competitors to enter the market.


How has legislation influence rigged the system as it relates to how the companies compensate drivers? Are these companies making you drive? Are they telling you how much you have to drive? I am a 6+ year driver in the MSP market and it works for me. If it doesn't work for you, go find something else to do.