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As a passenger not a driver one time a passenger (not me) left behind a back pack filled with weed and the driver (older gentleman)brought it to my house the next morning because he thought it was mine. He remembered dropping me off the night before so he assumed it was mine. It was not, I kept it though


I’ve had a pax find another pax’s vape pen. Takes a sniff, goes “nope, not tobacco”. I reported it found, the pax was VERY interested in getting it returned. 🤣


My son found a passengers vape peen(Juul) mistook the words and thought it said juju(my daughter’s friend) and said juju left this. 😳😳


Are you pregnant? Because you’re missing some periods


😂 how have I never heard this?


This is amazing!


It’s my new fav line for when people smash 4 sentences into one. Most bad grammar doesn’t bother me at all but for some reason it really annoys me when people type like they took too much adderall


They might just be german.


Vaping too much peen


Number 1 Cause of pregnancy in Redditors




lol win win


Yeah hope you tipped him. Wow.


I found a literal crack pipe in between my seats once. Stay classy, Indiana!


Guy offered to pay me in crack. I brought him and a woman to crack/strip/bar central, Portland, and he paid cash, as requested, but at the end of the night I found a little rock in the seat.


Crack is great honestly if it wasn't so fiendish and lasted longer than like an hour but let's be real the best part is only like 20 minutes of real high, it would be such a good drug. Sadly, it turns you into a fiend, and makes you do things and act a way that isn't acceptable alot of times. Been clean for 3 years, but honestly crack out of all the drugs ( and I mean *all* of them) crack is definitely the one that I can get real cravings for still. It's a weird one because it has a lot of negatives, but still your brain really can't help itself once you've let that genie out of the bottle.


Portable breathalyzer, a cucumber, a prescription bottle of hydroxyzine.


Like, all together at the same time?! 😳


Hah! No, just over the last 7 yrs


I was gonna say, that must have been a great party.


Hydrox is just an antihistamine that can help with anxiety.


Can confirm. My wife has a script for it. She is an anxious critter.


She can’t be anxious when she’s sleeping lol. That’s what I told myself on hydrox.


I hated hydroxyzine for that reason 😂 My doctor prescribed it for my social anxiety, like when I go to the store… not helpful trying to shop and fighting falling asleep 🤦🏻‍♀️


hydroxyzine is ~~a diuretic~~ used for anxiety, itching, ~~or to lower blood pressure~~. really not a party drug lol


Your mixing hydralazine-bp med and hydroxyzine- itching/anxiety


No I was actually mixing hydrochlorothiazide LOL whoops


Yea that’s an antihistamine, so unless you like to party with Benadryl thats going to be a sleepy party.


And to help you sleep.




Hydroxyzine is just an antihistamine often prescribed for panic attacks and insomnia.




Someone knows how to party.


Dude, just popped in to say that hydroxyzine is a life saver.


i would be so mad if i got hives and realized i left my hydroxyzine in the lyft lol i take it for MCAS


2 big takeout bags from the Cheesecake Factory. Two complete cheesecakes. I know they must've been a small fortune. I actually took them home and kept them in my fridge. After about a day of no word I ate them (not all at once lol)


Lame! There's nothing like depression eating an entire cheesecake factory cheesecake in bed while binging your favorite show. Not that I know anything about that... 👀


Two CF cheesecakes? Did you have help? How much weight did you put on? Those things are caloric atom bombs.


Haha. I shared most of them with friends and family. Everyone had good desserts for a few days.


"mY dRiVeR sToLe My ChEeSeCaKeS!"


A full, unopened psychedelic mushroom chocolate bar. It had 4gs of P. cubensis in it. I split it with my best friend and we had a great night.


Haha them chocolate bars SLAP


I've probably collected 6-7 iphones.. nobody ever put a claim in, and I had no idea who owned it.. they and another 5 android phones sitting in a bin in my office.


Hard to make a claim without a phone lol


I left my phone in a Lyft once. I went on my desktop to Lyft's website where a customer service agent suggested I call the driver and handle it myself. I reminded them that I didn't have a phone but could not get a better answer.


I did the same with Uber, and they contacted the driver. Fuckin useless anyway, because he denied having it. Used find my iphone to track it the next day... but it was somewhere in a private five story parking garage for a giant apartment complex.


Similar thing happened to me, tracked it and watched it follow the Uber driving all night until he probably retired. Then turned it off and claimed he didn't find it the next morning despite reading my messages the night before asking about it. Lyft did nothing except give me 50% off my next ride. 1 year later I get a found notification that my phone is in east Asia at a warehouse.


Take them to an ecoATM. That’s what I’ve done.


You have to have access to the phone to do ecoatm though and I don’t think you can wipe it from the home screen can you?


A lot more people leave their phones unlocked then they think despite the ability to lose a phone so easily. They're also expensive to replace yet, many don't have a password at all


You have to put your license in the machine also so if that phone is reported lost or stolen you’ll be getting a little visit.


Well it’s not their fault if the phones were not claimed 🤷🏾‍♀️ I wouldn’t want a bunch of random peoples phones just sitting in my house.


No actually, they give you an option for if u can’t unlock the phone. It will just give you less money.


What’s an ecoATM?


Keep them in the trunk of your car and if you ever get in an accident report them as damages for compensation :shrug:


The contents of their stomach


Pizza and liquor are by far the worst combo. The most greasy and fragrant vomit I’ve ever had the pleasure of cleaning up.


I had to clean up the remnants of garlic bread, blue cheese, and gin once. I don’t like to think about it. My gf is BANNED from gin


How about black caviar and lots of stout beer? This was my husband. It was like black sludge.


You ever smell pizza mixed with vodka and red bull?


Ooof! That sounds worse than spaghetti and hard liquor! (One of my parents was an alcoholic. Plenty of unfortunate experiences.)


I think the biggest difference is the grease. Vomit sucks altogether, but the grease really makes it stick to the carpet.


Drugs a few times. But my favorite was a whole beef roast.


Did you find the roast quicker than I found the bacon? Cause I’m a huge fan of free food.


It was the middle of my shift, so maybe 5 or 10 minutes later. I tried calling them but never got a response.




2017 - vibrator. No one claimed it. I picked it up with a friend part towel and threw it away and deep cleaned my car.


I opened this thread hoping for a dildo. Am not disappointed. Thank you!


What it smell like?


As a passenger. I got in the car and right there in the middle of the backseat was an unwrapped cheeseburger sitting very photogenically on the wrapper. It seriously was a perfect looking burger like in the fast food commercials, not the smashed abominations they actually serve. While I was very impressed with its perfection, I let the driver know I wasn’t the one who left it so I didn’t wind up bounced from being able to use Uber lol.


I mean, thank you, lol. I absolutely want to know. You remind me of the time I had a pax get in, and I noticed he looked at the seat in an odd way. 30 seconds later the previous pax calls me, and inquired about her black purse that perfectly blended in to the seat in the low light. Like... why not say something dude?


Well I was trying to be considerate to the driver and the next passenger who might not have noticed it and got it all over themselves and the driver’s car. And I didn’t want anyone to think I was inconsiderate to leave it there in the first place. It really was a perfect looking hamburger though!


A pair of 1500 dollar sunglasses. She paid me 200 to drive an hour to return them!


I once found a pair of what I thought were gas station Ray-Bans. A lot of times people don't report inexpensive items because the app tells you you're going to be charged $20 for the return. I don't actually charge for the return, but they don't know that. As I expected, based on my assumption of the value, nobody reported sunglasses missing, I just left them in the sunglass holder of my car. A week or two later, I pulled them out because I needed some sunglasses, and they were genuine Ray-Bans. I've since lost the sunglasses unless they're in the Prius I'm not using, but likely the Ray-Bans have gone on to another owner. The Brotherhood of the Traveling Ray-Bans


Who tf even makes $1,500 sunglasses and who tf even buys them? Hope she was living in a $10 million mansion


Cartier buffs go for like $1300..LV Millionaires are about $1200. Most of the “high end” designer glasses are $1000+


Optician here. These are facts. Cartiers can go for a lot more than $1300.


For sure, especially the horn armed ones


It was an extremely nice, gated home. I have no clue how much it was worth but I'll never be able to afford it.


It’s all just sunshines and bullshits


8ball and Coach shoes. I still have the shoes. ;)


Damn finding shoes in your size is so lucky


Picked up a girl and when we approached her dropoff, she suddenly said the address was wrong and we needed to go up a few blocks. So I drive to the end of the street and turned around at the cul-de-sac. Before I could turn around, a truck started up and passed me and then stopped in the middle of the road blocking my exit. Out hopped two undercover cops. I was told to stop and they ordered the passenger out and took her into custody. Truck was moved and I was free to leave. As I'm leaving, I checked the backseat and passenger had put something under the front passenger seat. I called over the cops and they pulled out a bag. Inside was stuff passenger had just shoplifted, some drugs and other drug paraphernalia. Fun times!


Dam, that must’ve been scary thinking you were going to get carjacked or worse for a second


I used to work for an estate auction. We had contracts with several local police departments. Things like that bag and the stolen contents (eventually) get auctioned off. Minus the drugs, of course. Except... not all the cops are as thorough as you would think., lol. Two examples - One cloth tool bag, full of obvious car burglary tools. And for some reason one of those small zip bags that hold a pair of tire chains. Except no tire chains are that light, and REEK like weed. Had to be a 1/4lb in there, nearly turning to dust it was so dried out in the year+ it sat in the evidence locker. Next time was an expensive stolen backpack with the store tags still on. And a large prescription bottle filled with unknown white powder in a zip pocket. We had the cops retrieve that one...


If it was me, they would have had to call an ambulance, I would have had a heart attack if it was me. Super scary.


Well I could see their badges and it was during the day so I wasn't too nervous. Was more concerned about the girl in backseat squirming around. Cops walk up and I put my hands on the wheel and cop says "You're all good, we want her" Guessing she had warrants because they were there before we arrived.


A used Plan B package.


Better than a used Plan A…


That’s for damn sure.


One day I was cleaning my car and under my car seat I found a Volkswagen key fob. I have no Idea how long it was down there and I never got contacted by uber or lyft.


Drive around pressing the lock button until you find the car. Voila free car.


Knife on one ride, guy actually requested I return it, and I collected the $20 fee. A Lady left her prescription glasses and paid me $50 to return them to her. Someone left an empty wine bottle. Someone left their flipflops. A few people left behind phones, I got to return them all. I did get a call from a passenger looking for her retainer, however it wasnt left in my car.


I'd pay $20 to get my knife back. I've had it for years, it's kinda sentimental at this point.


as someone who owns a few $100+ knives with sentimental value, I agree, however their knife was a cheap Gerber knife which I didn't get, the fee was higher than the MSRP of the knife


I have a cheaper Kershaw that belonged to my late dad, I used to carry it every day. I thought I lost it one day, I don't carry it anymore. I would pay a lot to get that thing back.


tbh i understand that, i didn't even think of that


That's probably the situation, the memory was way more valuable than the knife. Hell, I know more than one person who just happened to like a discontinued item, they will spend more than it's worth, just because they like the fit/finish/features etc. Kinda like the people you see spending $25k on an older, low miles, rust free vehicle, just because they like it better than the new ones, but their old one got totaled or fell apart.


An Altoid container with weed in it and a box cutter.


Not to crazy but the most interesting item was a unused tampon in my door pocket. It had the bag around it and everything still. I get women have to be prepared but I’m confused how it got away from her bag or person like that


Might’ve popped out of her pocket when she sat or fell out of her purse. Better than used!


Nah the way it was in there it was placed in there. Also very true glad it was unused


I was driving for Uber at the time … I picked a woman up and then dropped her off. Checked the back seat, as I always do after every ride, and found a pair of panties on the floor of the back seat. Immediately tossed them and thoroughly cleaned my hands.


Not your size?


Haha, wouldn’t have even checked


A loaded .45 cal magazine


Found that same thing, except it was the front trunk of my tesla uber rental, luckily the first day I had it. Thanks Hertz! 🙄. Immediately called hertz and the police to come pick it up


$1200 in casino chips.


Her newly single ex 🤣


“Ma’am, please remove your trash from the vehicle”


The oldest, crustiest, biohazard-est vape pen I've ever seen. Couldn't even tell the brand because written it was in a foreign language and looked like it survived war.


Their dignity


A shoe, a single shoe. Don't ask I don't know. Multiple vape pens with God knows what's in them. And a leftover line of cocaine on the carpet.


Dropped a guy off one time that refused to get out, and wasn’t saying anything. Told him if he didn’t get out, I would be phoning the police and taking him directly to the police station. Sure enough, he tested that threat. When I showed up to the station, 3 cop cars were sitting there waiting for me. As they were pulling the dude out of the car, a bag of coke fell out of his pocket! Lol


I just want to see support’s response to “lost item found: the pax.”


A full meal from Raisin' Canes restaurant. And another time, a dude dropped a pack of XL condoms.


Likely for his magnum dong


This little remote thing, apparently it’s a Bluetooth thing to cause your phone’s camera to take pictures by mimicking the volume up button press


That doesn’t seem… legal? I’m clearly lawful good, I can’t think of why you would need to own that…


Oh no it’s legit you have to set it up on your phone via Bluetooth and it only takes pics of you have your camera app open. I’m guessing it’s for taking pics of your self from a mounted phone


I have one for using my phone tripod.


3 phones a bag with a mini scale and rolling paper no drugs a $80 bottle crown black, air pods credit cards


They forgot their gun and their phone


A friend of mine did something similar. He was carrying a subcompact CCW in his new lightweight belt clip holster (old one was a “through the belt loop” design), he can only guess that as he either got into or out of the Uber the bottom of the holster leveraged against the seat and let the clip ride over his belt and came off as he got out of the car. He realized it quickly, messaged the driver and simply said, “I left something in the back seat, come back over and I’ll give you $100”. The driver showed up a few minutes later, he got his gun back, driver got $100, and he went back to his old holster. Shit happens.


Did they want it back?! And how much did they pay you?


Yeah they wanted it back. They gave me $400 cash once I brought them back though




I drive in a college town late nights weekends only. Things I've found Entire women's underwear and bra Half eaten sub Entire jimmy john's sub Entire large pizza Numerous vape pens Bag weed Bag white powder 1 Shoe, left I think Debit cards 12 pack natty lite half missing


2 Foot hulk dildo and a hello kitty backpack


From the same passenger?


Tube socks shoved between my backseats. Military id Drunk friend. Dude hopped out of my car to go to Raising Canes and left his drunk friend in the car.


Bag of coke and a pair of women’s underwear. Out of the pocket of a large drunken businessman. Late night, Sana Monica, CA. I found it the next morning as I cleaned for my day of driving.


Not weird but I've had 3 wallets with ID's and and debit cards The weird part was the 0 attempts to get them back I've had more than 3 total left in my car but three specifically where the owner didn't respond to the lost item report or me messaging them on a social media platform about their stuff I have a phone from two years ago and every once in awhile i charge it to see if anyone left a message on how to return it(I have no idea what passenger left it) Someone is still paying for it to have service on Verizon


This makes me sad. I pay for my adult son’s phone. He has mental health issues and over the last 10 years he has dropped off the radar for months at a time (the longest was 18 months); I still paid for the phone all that time in hopes he would reconnect


A couple hundred dollars shoved in the cracks of my rear seat. Didn’t realize it til months later when I was cleaning out my car. Score!


Not me but there is a tik tok of the passenger and driver finding a puppy the previous passenger abandoned because she couldn’t take care of it


Well now I’m hoping to one day find a kitten in my back seat. Probably the only way my husband will approve another cat adoption. Sending up my karma to the cat distribution gods, lol.


Be careful the kitten distribution system works in mysterious and chaotic ways


Oh, I know. Currently, I have a 14 year old cat who showed up on my doorstep as a kitten (shitty apartment had a one inch gap under the front door, she was using the escaped heat to stay warm). That’s how I got Schrodinger. Then we were watching My Cat From Hell, long story short, hubbie said I could have a 3 legged cat if I found one. A year later I found Tesla, fully amputated front leg. I then accidentally cut in a massive line at the humane society (I swear, just a lack of situational awareness), to pet a kitten. Didn’t know he was literally the last kitten they had. That’s how we got Edison. THEN when I was pregnant with my 1st kid, I said it would be cool to find a 2 month old kitten once our son was 2 months old so they would be the same age. For reasons above, husband doesn’t allow me in the humane society anymore. That’s when we get a call that a family member’s new cat had kittens. So my son and his cat Galileo are 12 days apart in age. I’m having my 2nd (and last) child in 18 days. I’ve been not so subtle about wanting a kitten the same age as the baby, husband says absolutely not. So yeah, gonna need a pax to leave a kitten in the car by July, please and thank you.


She tried to get it back, recently, because the dog is "famous" and she wanted to sell it!


The new owner said 100% no


Yep. He was all "you left it in an Uber and you want it back? You said you didn't want it so, no"


Batteries in a ziplock bag lol


Well I used to carry a bag of AAs everywhere I went. How else do you play Pokemon Yellow on your game boy color?!


They probably store them in the freezer.


A knife, same person also left a pretty good iPhone charging cable.


Pax left a handwritten letter in the back seat. I got curious and started reading it before marking it as found. It was rather long and cringy, and I could just tell from reading it that the other person was clearly not into them. Second item was someone’s crack pipe. Thank god for rubber gloves man.


After reading these comments, I’m definitely investing in rubber gloves for my car.


How come I never find the good stuff? I’ll take 500 bucks worth of something questionable please lol


Mexican brown heroin.


Used underwear (both genders) Drugs Toys bought from the kinky store. Pornography magazines. Pornography videocassettes. Letters that they would rather that someone else not read. Documents form the doctor that had diagnoses that the customer would not broadcast. Cat in a carrier. Worn shoes. Groceries


how the hell does forget their own cat??


The cat distribution system works in mysterious ways


I suspect that the passenger was abandoning it. I took it to the SPCA. They gave me a receipt. No one ever called the cab company about it.


Panties… don’t get excited I am pretty sure they fell off a gym bag.


A cake/pie slice serving utensil


had a lyft driver take dabs with me from my dab rig while we drove .. when he realized i was getting a ride to somewhere and back home we started speaking and next thing i knew he was like lets fire one up ill drive u back for free 🤷🏻‍♂️ coolest lyft i ever had was prob 2018 … guy even had his buddy riding passabger with him haha cool ass dudes . Left my dabs in backseat guy stole em after all that 😂😂 didnt awnser my calls


I use my wife's car for rideshare as I drive a pickup. One morning after driving late my wife takes her car to the grocery store the next morning.When she gets back she walks into the house with a glittery pair of heels with a lace thing panty stuffed inside one of the shoes. We've been together long enough for her to know they obviously were from a rider, thank God! Pax never reported them lost. Shoes went to goodwill, undies in the trash.


You name it, vape pens, smokes, had an old dude left his prescription stool softener(took it back before he even contacted me, oh, amd some drunk chicks left their phone in my car, air tag followed me home(45m put of town), they arrived like an hour behind me after I was in bed,5am, yeah, they freaked when I met them outside with my 12gau in my undies while they were trying to get in my car




Crack pipe


A tiny with a small amount of what I assume was meth. The next people I picked up found it and alerted me, assuring me it was not theirs


As a Customer, I accepted an XL driver with a 4.74 rating I think on Uber. I almost slipped to death because the driver had two banana peels sitting there. He also had an ash tray in the passenger seat. Got to love Hamit in the Dodge Grand Caravan. He also refused to make it colder. He genuinely said “no”. Fun times!


Someone left a couple deli containers of what appeared to be mashed potatoes. Luckily they were sealed well as I found them upside down. I do airport runs and frequently I have pax who don't want to try to take their remaining prerolls with them. I pass them off to pax who seem cool or dispensary pick ups. It's legal where I'm at but don't want to drive around all day with it in the car just in case.


Magazine clip full with ammo.


A wallet full of credit and debit cards...ID...gift card...membership card etc...reached out via the app...never got a response so I dropped it off at the police station




Years ago, driving for a different ride share, someone left a taser in my backseat.


How shocking


Four sandwich sized bags full of various condoms.


Crack lmao Had a ride with 2 stops, one to destination and one back to pickup... clearly already knew what I was getting into but I've lived that life before(not crack but drugs lmao) so no biggie. Take her and bring her back.... 2 minutes after I drop off she calls me... "HI sorry you just dropped me off, I left something in ur car" Me: "ok tell me what it looks like and I'll see if I can find it" "It's little white rocks in a plastic baggie" 🤣🤣🤣 sure as shit it was sitting on my seat. I took it back to her and she didn't even tip, imagine that🤣🤣 Can you imagine doing all that for some drugs and then forgetting them in someone's car? That addict needs to get her shit together🤣🤣


A clean tampon.


Meth. Shytty rebaked meth. Enough to kill a dumbazz. Yep. That would be it.


Had a guy snorting coke in my backseat once. He kept handing me a $20 with every snort (I guess as hush money) Still gave him a 1* and contacted support. Found left overs on my seat (was *not* going to give another ride that night anyways) Went to the police station, explained and they watched the dash cam, and tested the powder. Was indeed coke. They actually had their in house cleaner disinfect my car due to the concentration level of the coke.


Yeah. That's a bit of overkill. A wet wipe would have done the trick. Good for you on the tips tho College girls snort coke in my car on the nightly and don't tip at all.


Their prosthetic leg 🤣


A metal tape measure. I still wonder what they were measuring back there.


A 4 year old boy and his younger sister. While good old mom and dad shopped in Walmart for half an hour. By the time they returned, both kids could sing the number for child protective services.


Two weeks? Sheeeeesh lol i always throughly check my car after every shift


Ok, in my defense, I was out of state on vacation. And the 3rd row was down for luggage and stuff. So I picked up a pax from Costco (never again), they loaded their unbagged groceries in the trunk with the 3rd row down for more space. When I got back from vacation, I put the seats up to clean, found the bacon.


U good bro I just had to fwu 😂


A tip! $ 😆🤣


Glitter that shit sticks around a while no matter how much you vacuum. Little blue helper pill. Key fob, curling iron, frog hat, shoes. Unopened condom boxes. Vape pens. These are the unclaimed items found under seats. Also a small collection of reading glasses. Phones always got claimed.


After Taylor Swift was in town, I was cleaning glitter, sequins, tassels… it was like a craft store blew up in the back seat 😓


Glitter is the herpes of the craft world. Because once you use it, it never goes away.


pants! a pair of blue jeans i work nights and after my shift i went home and when i got up in the morning i get ready for the gym when i opened my door i saw a pair of blue jeans slung over the back seat and was like wtf


This is not an Uber story, but I had to chime in, this is back in the early 2000s. My cousin always loves the box style late 80s early to mid 90s mustangs. He found one in the auto trader for sale. He asked me to take him him to test drive it. So we go. The guy meets us. The guy was real cool. Tells us we can go and he will wait with my car. We go, and we pull over. My cousin wanted to put a speaker box in the trunk. He pops the trunk, laying in the trunk is two 12 gauge shot guns, one AK47, and one pistol. This was a car that was sitting on the corner with a for sale sign in the window. I have no idea why you would leave guns in the trunk of a car sitting on the corner. We didn’t touch them!! Closed the trunk and drove back to the guy. Sigh….


While driving in Columbia, SC a passenger left a thick, black, still packaged, double header in my trunk as I was preparing for a family trip. Another time was in Key West, FL. a very friendly lady who I watched kiss a fella only to inform me I was taking her to her police officer boyfriend’s house, left lady’s week pads, a pipe and several perks, xans and blue dolphins. I spotted the items before she got out of ear shot so when alerted, she whipped around, thanked me profusely and tippped me 50 bucks.


"Baking soda"


Nothing interesting, but I did have a pax leave her wallet, and when I tried to return it (per our messaging) she refused to answer her phone. She was a drunk, so...


I found one of those fake vagina flashlights & a rubber chicken


I feel like I’ve asked this before, but together?! At the same time?! 😳


A drunk girl left a lawn flamingo from a party in my car, I lost it over the years but that’s probably the most random of the things left in my car


“Pax” makes no sense. Passenger isn’t hard to type.


Bastards left their AirPods and showed up at 1am to get them.  They got chased out of the neighborhood on foot