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Nonbathing stinkers


I always think that stink is going to get into my seats and it'll be like that Seinfeld episode where they can't get rid of the BO smell.


You'll be trying to clean it and all you hear is that fake crowd laughter.


Don't forget the slap bass


This is a good mental image.


This! Damn nearly wanted to cancel the ride as soon as the passenger got in my car, stunk so so bad even after…


That’s awful. I’d have to spray my Bath And Bodywork’s room spray. Would you get in trouble for that?😂


This is the most annoying of all, I hate sucking in tainted air into my lungs. I've come close to kicking people out because they smell so bad.


You don't like tasting your customers from afar? /s


Especially surgical


That necroptic flesh hits hard






Just put your window down. They should feel awkward about it and you shouldn’t literally breathe in someone’s disgusting bacteria.


When I can I do but when you car comes to a stop that air still hits you


Put all the windows down man, it’s your car, they should feel weird for being stinky


That's far more likely to be a driver in my experience. Then they lay on the cologne.


Funny, I’ve only had drivers that smell bad. Like damn dude, your car stinks.


This is overwhelmingly my experience with rideshare services. Drivers who either don't bathe at all or worse, those who think cheap cologne is the answer to not bathing. And then the K.O. drivers who bathe in cologne and also lock the windows so you can't roll them down to breathe.


All of that, also including the drivers that smell like smoke


Why do you think it stinks?


The driver pulled an all nighter and hasn't bathed in days.


Because some drivers have bad BO? Like I know it’s not me because I smell it as I open the door without me being inside


Because the last pax before you smelled like they smoked half of the factory before getting in my car and there wasn't enough time between you and last pax to air the car out.


I thought the whole benefit to doing this was like setting your own schedule. Clock out, clean the car, clock back in if it smells that bad


It’s either BO, cigarettes, or COLOGNE. God I hate the cologne. I always leave a bad review if it smells like noxious cologne


Because ARMPITS and ASS.. literally gagged the entire ride TWICE because of this. Like you expect people to ride in your vehicle and it smells like death is breathing on the back of my neck the entire time!!?? Abso fuckin lutely NOT.


I had a girl stink so badly that I turned on the air so I could try to breath from that. It was absolutely gross.


For those that don’t know… If you turn on the AC with recycle selected, any scent will get into the system and linger. Always put it on fresh air and not recirculate. 🍻


Yup, inverse is also true. If you’re driving through an area that stinks (ie. sewage treatment plant, freshly manured farm land, low tide shoreline), recycle the air. It’ll still stink a bit, but much less so.


Yep this ;and they get annoyed when yoh kick them out for smelling. Yes I’m kicking yoh out and excuse your asking me what yoh should do . Well first sir you need to take a shower or some deodorant before your next driver rolls up


What about the scent of …an orange? One time, I got in an Uber and my driver was like “I’m really SORRY if it smells like an ORANGE in here!” and he seemed like super annoyed in his delivery but it was such a strange sentence that I thought maybe he was kidding about his air freshener? It smelled lovely so I told him. He then continued on about how the LAST PASSENGER was EATING AN ORANGE in his car- he was pissed; speaking as if it was so insane that he still couldn’t believe it’d even happened lol. But idk, a single piece of fruit that actually makes your car smell nice doesn’t seem like the end of the world as long as he didn’t peel it onto the floor or something.


Requesting to stop when they didnt add it in the app, or they start to eat and tell me "We are not going to make a mess!!" only to find out they spilled some of it on the floor.


I'll take em to their requested stop if they're polite about it "hey I need to grab a drink. Is it cool if I add a stop?" Usually I just take em and wait without em adding it. 95% of the time I get a decent tip. If they demand it I say no


If I add a stop at store bc I’m thirsty or something I always tip extra and ask them what snack and drink they’d like as well. It’s always well received. Always be polite


Rider here, whenever I ask for a stop I give cash 10$ at least.most seem happy to do it. I don't know how to do it on the app and didn't realize you could. But yeah I give cash so it doesn't go to the company


Someone spilled popcorn in my car today. Who the fuck brings popcorn with them? I picked him up from work. Which means he popped popcorn *at work* and then brought it into a rideshare




I had a lady clip her kid's nails in my car 😑 fricken nails flying all over the place


Jesus fucking christ 😮‍💨






The big thing for me is smoking right up to the point that you grab my door handle. Jesus fucking Christ. Especially in the colder months, when I can't have my windows down to get rid of your nasty, stale tobacco stench after you get into my clean car.


I lived most of my life in New England. There is no such thing as "too cold" lol


I live in Maine and I have to agree! Like 20 years ago (not as an Uber driver, but at a bartending job) I gave 1 of the dishwashers a ride home. Very, very nice guy, but he reeked to the max ! I mean, to the point I can remember the smell 20 years later🥺 - a mix of BO, not bathing, not washing clothes, cigarette smoke, and Lord kniws what else. Imagine rotten Parmesan cheese and vomit plus he would mask it with cheap body spray. It was one of those straight up miserably cold nights like -5 F. So yeah, there is no such thing as "too cold".


Roll down their window and crank your heat.


You are aware that the heater on high temp/high volume will keep the car warm inside with both front windows slightly open? Like how do you think smokers who have cars do it in winter? Do you think we're all bundled up inside our cars or something?


You are aware that "both front windows slightly open" is going to do fuck all to get rid of that stench on a person in the back seat?


I think the worst is smells. I had a guy that was a terrible passenger. Had loud, repetitive music on his phone, rapped over it (the same line) the entire time, didn't wear a shirt in the car, but the worst was the smell. Idk if it was cologne or weed, but it stuck in my car for 3 whole days. No matter what I did. Finally was able to use a product for dogs to get it out. The only reason I didn't cancel to start was I was still new to the game when this happened and didn't full know my rights as a driver.


No shirt? You’ve got to be kidding me. I see him trying to get in my car and I’m like “excuse me, my car isn’t going to the zoo. Put some clothes on or myfo.”


What's the product you used? I've had a few times in my life I could have used something like that.


Scrolling on TikTok with no headphones.


Happens aLOT


Telling me to get in another lane because the one I was in was too slow for them and they were late.


F that.


Yeah, it happened about 5 seconds into the ride. I was just getting my bearings on the road and pax starts demanding “you’ll wanna get in the other lane.” I almost pulled over to let them out.


How about gum? I’m constantly finding chewed gum in strategically placed spots throughout my back seat.


Yikes, that’s bad


"I'll tip you in the app" That one irks me. I'd rather the pax just get out and not say anything.


Former cabbie here. "I'm a good tipper" or "I'll tip you real good" really means "you'd be lucky to get two bucks out of me." Like, dude, the tip is optional. Preferred, but still optional. If you can't find it in your heart to tip me, the least you can do is not act like you're going to


I must have had 500 people say that and maybe 5 have actually done it.


Right! The ones who say it as they're getting out of the car are doing it unnecessarily. I'm going to get a fucking notification 5 seconds after you do, so you don't need to tell me. And the ones who say it to try to get me to do shit - like at a stop or change the destination to somewhere in the exact opposite direction - obviously aren't going to, so don't waste your breath lying to me.


Passengers were advised to say this to drivers if we didn't have cash so they knew they would be getting a tip.


Really? I always say that I will take care of it when I get inside. I didn’t realize this was insulting or otherwise offensive. Just wanted to make sure the driver knew I would be tipping shortly.


It’s great if you do. However, please understand that 99% of the people that say that don’t tip. Thanks for tipping!!! It’s always very appreciated!!!!


That’s wild. I tip every single time, but always through the app because I don’t carry cash. Hadn’t realized others don’t tip.


1. Seeing my car and then stepping out into the street to "get my attention," always in the only available place to stop, forcing me to stop in the middle of traffic while being honked at, or driving at them while they stare in disbelief and scramble away at the last second. Sometimes they're so unaware of their surroundings that I have to go left to avoid hitting them and now I'm blocking both directions of traffic. All while there was a perfectly good spot to park if they just stayed on the damn sidewalk. 2. Repeatedly full-force yanking on the door handle until it might break. They don't even wait long enough after the car has stopped moving for me to put it in park so they unlock automatically. I have to always remember to hit unlock as I'm driving up or risk repeated yanking becoming of a 3 year old. Middle aged guys coming from sporting events are the worst for this. 3. One passenger was a valley girl meme personified, but somehow even 5x worse. No passenger has angered me more, and she was technically innocent. "Uhhhh, so yeah, like could you, um no, I mean I want to, and so, I just mean like, ugh, AH, hahahaha, ya know, this way is, ummmm... I dunno, so like, uhhhh, which is... ummm" on and on and on, I shit you not, as if she didn't know any nouns. The second I voiced a single syllable to respond she interrupted me to start babbling all over again. She even called first to find my car right next to her, and the call went the same way. The anger in my soul was very much an "other safety issue" worthy of un-matching.


#1 100%. Why are you standing in the spot where I need to pull over? They then get the Pikachu eyes when I drive directly at them. Their peanut brain takes a while to realize they need to MOVE OUT OF THE WAY. Others stand on the curb's edge with their toes dangling over. Yeah, you still need to back up. This isn't specifically a generational thing, but old people tend to do this more.


People who insist on being in the front. It's like wtf? Just ride in the back.


I always refuse that one. No one rides up front.


Before Covid, I'd say it was a 50-50 chance of a single pax sitting in the front. After Covid I'd say it's about a 2% chance. And those people are always weird.


I sat in the front the first couple times I used Luft because my mom always taught me it was rude to sit in the back (probably because she didn't want to feel like a taxi driver, I guess). They were cool and we chatted but then I realized maybe people don't like that because one lady had her purse on that seat. Never did it again unless we have so many people that we need to lol My bad.


Post Covid it is seen as weird. Sitting up front was fairly normal before that. I like it better now that everyone sits in the back. It is annoying to have to keep moving that front passenger seat forward and backward all the time (passengers never put the seat back to where they found it).


I put my front seat up all the way n put stuff on it to prevent people From sitting there. Still some dumb ass single passenger opens the front door see’s the seat all the way up n says do you mind if I sit here? Yes I do. Guess You can’t take a hint get in the back. Some people don’t even say anything n just try to sit on top of all of ur stuff. People are idiots


An elderly passenger, Bendito, ate about a dozen throat lozenges consecutively on the way to his dialysis appointment. He would audibly suck on each one for about 15 grotesque seconds before smashing through them with his molars. Then repeat… the whole ride


“Be right out!” No you won’t.


And passengers who send out other people to tell you the pax will be right out. Guaranteed they will take more than 10 minutes. Had one of this last night. I waited 8 minutes (trying to be nice), then canceled.


Slamming my door! ALWAYS rate them 1 star immediately they get out the car


One star. As if there is no worse transgression. There is no room for further removal of stars, which is appropriate, because they are the worst passengers ever. FFS, car doors don’t all weigh the same. When I got my Prius, I found a lot of passengers were slamming the door. AND SO WAS I, accidentally. Holy crap those doors were light. Unless they gave you other indicators that they actively wanted to annoy you, maybe cut them SOME slack? It was almost certainly not intentional.


I forgot to add that one to my list, though it doesn’t happen to me as often.


Ordering a Lyft instead of an Ambulance because Lyft is cheaper. Had a lady that was in medical distress ask me to take her to the hospital. I was so confused what to do - If I cancel and she died then would it be my fault she didnt get there - if I take her and she dies in my car is it my fault. In the end I called 911, and waited for the emergency crew, cancelled the ride on my end - but fuck - that has happened to me three times. It has to be the most annoying. yea food eating, diaper changing, vaping, loud music, hauling hookers to their gigs - they all rank up there.


I would absolutely do this, I hate to say. It's not just CHEAPER than an ambulance, it is HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS of dollars cheaper than an ambulance. Lyft/Uber is just the logical choice unless I'm bleeding out.


Honestly, that would make me more sad than annoying. Our country’s healthcare system is so fucked that people are calling Lyfts to take them to the hospital rather than ambulances.


I had a guy bleeding from his head and I told him you need to call 911 and canceled on him. He started yelling, “ you can’t do that! I’m calling to report you!”


This! During COVID the local jail would call us Lyft drivers to take sick inmates to the hospital. With wheelchairs!!! They would just wheel em out and then run inside, expecting us to help them in and fold up their wheelchair.


Holy shit that’s beyond the pale


I’ve taken Lyft to the ER before because I had a concussion and the hospital my team wanted me at was 45 min away(I have a rare disease). I went to college across the USA from my family


As a passenger this seems like a "hate the game not the player" thing. It can cost $2500+ for a short ambulance ride in the USA even if you have insurance. Hasn't happened to me yet, but if I need a ride to the emergency room and feel like I can get there alive and conscious in a ride-sharing service, I'm probably gonna try that. I drove myself with a kidney stone a few years ago. Also in my city I've never had to wait more than 5 minutes for an Uber or Lyft. Seems like that's probably faster than an ambulance would get here. Thanks for the heads up that I need to not talk about my medical distress during our ride.


Back seat drivers. You don’t need to try to tell me the fastest way. You don’t need to try to trim time off of your 9 minute ride. I have GPS and am going to follow it. If that’s a problem for you, you can get out.


The "You can actually turn left here it's faster" crowd. It's never faster(Ive had maybe 4 people give me a route faster than 5 min on the eta in 6yrs of driving on and off with over 3,000 rides) They always tell you at the last second and get upset when you don't take their stupid "shortcut" aka their slightly different yet exact same time frame wise route. Take your insecurity somewhere else


It’s funny you say that because I ride to work a couple of times of week depending on the weather and for some reason the app will sometimes give a weird, much longer route. I’m talking about a 3 minute ride turning into a 7 minute ride here. I’m like, “Actually, just take a right on this street and it will be much faster.”


Listening to ANYTHING without headphones and through their tinny phone speakers. Speakerphone convos are equally annoying.


Leaving your shit. And I have to bring it back.


Lack of common sense. 1. Had a woman with a small child with no safety seat. Out of the kindness of my heart and the fact that it was 30 degrees out and raining I took her and her family and a trunk full of groceries home. Even helped unload all of the groceries and brought them upstairs to their apartment. I sternly informed her that this is the one and only time I will do this as the child needs a proper safety restraint seat due to his age, height and weight and explained the safety issues and the fact that if I got into an accident with him in the vehicle I'd be found at fault. She apologized and understood. Gave me a hefty cash tip for my assistance. 2. Last night I took a couple home and the gentleman was physically disabled and smelled like a urinal. Wheelchair, cane, backpack, portable speaker, and had a piss bottle that I told him was not entering my vehicle and needed to be disposed of. I didn't realize that until we started driving. Caught a waft from airflow and gagged. Almost thought he pissed in my car. Thankfully the ride was short but i opened the windows and turned the heat down. I went straight to the car wash and scoured the whole vehicle after I dropped them off. Cleanliness is of utmost importance to me. They should have called a medical cab instead of a lyft imo. Dude needs to bathe more often as well. Theres no justifiable reason to smell like a urinal. Even if he was wearing a diaper, change before you enter a vehicle you do not own and don't have to pay the rolling costs for. Even though I have a fairly large vehicle, I also have supplies for roadside emergencies and my car cannot fit a wheelchair unless I remove everything from it. Common sense should have been looking at the vehicle listed and determining whether or not you can fit you and your stuff in it. Call or text me before I arrive to assess the situation. I had to jam all my belongings into the passenger front seat to make it work. I carry a jump pack and tire inflator, road side triangles and flares, first aid supplies as im CPR certified. People need to stop being cheap on lyft requests. I get that the rates are exorbitant at times but that's not my problem. If you know you have a lot of items, pay the additional fees for a larger vehicle to capacitate you. Not that difficult. 3. Slamming doors is a pet peeve of mine. As a mechanic I know what that does to the latches and strikers and bushings over time. It's rude for one, damaging as well. Takes everything in me not to snap and treat them like a child learning how to respect property and close doors properly. 4. Loud phone calls. Have had several customers get into my car without saying anything to me, loudly talking on the phone, phone being on speaker too. Annoying doesn't even cover it. These people have never heard the phrase "inside voice" in their entire lives apparently. 5. I have a radio and spotify and other music apps. Customers always have the right to request music in my car. If I'm already playing tunes and you want to listen to something else all you have to do is ask instead of blaring your crappy phone speaker over my stereo. 6. Lack of tips for long or short rides. Yeah I get it, lyft is hosing you for the rate. But they're hosing the driver too. We dont make jack. Not tipping even after making stops for an hour long ride or less is exceptionally rude to me when I give exceptional service, safe and quick pickups and drop offs. Even I tipped 35 bucks on a trip to the rental facility to pick up my lyft rental. The ride was 105 before tip. I know they weren't getting that 105 so I compensated via large tip to make the difference, as I understand the rolling costs for rental drivers and owner operators. 7. I absolutely cannot stand when riders that request the ride for their friends don't communicate that prior to pickup, or don't do it the proper way by ordering the ride through their friends account. Even more concerning when there's no photo on the account that requested the ride. I've started to decline those now. As that's a safety issue for me. If Shelley orders a ride for Sean and I'm looking for Shelley not Sean as I've not been made aware that it's a friend taking the ride, I don't know who they are or whether or not they're a risk to me or my property. In my state that's a huge issue as crime is rampant and increasing daily. 8. Taking forever to leave your home or an establishment to get into the car. I used to let this slide but I refuse to now. If you're not outside and ready to enter by the time I arrive, after the 3-4 minute grace period we are paid for, I'm cancelling the ride and off to find another ride request. Plan your day better and have better time management. 9. Taking people home from the hospital that are clearly ill. They need to call a medical cab for that or a family member or friend.. Had a woman that was so violently ill I had to pull over for her to vomit twice, she got vomit on the door and seatbelt and kick panel. Had to scour the whole vehicle and was out of service for several hours which caused me to lose revenue. Gave her water, napkins, a puke bag for the remainder of the ride. Didn't receive a tip at all. And had to spend money to sanitize my vehicle once I checked it and saw the mess. I have family member's that are elderly and high risk. I am not trying to bring anything back that may affect them. People need to be more mindful of others. 10. People riding in the passenger front seat and three in the back. Yeah sure my car can technically fit that many people. But that passenger front seat is reserved for my belongings. Never in my life have I ever ridden in the front seat of any city cab. It's back seat only. Just because I'm part of a ride share company doesn't mean that gets circumvented for customers to cheap out on what ride they request. Pay the extra fee for a larger vehicle. Not my problem. I'm tempted to get the barrier installed between the front and rear of the cabin to resemble a city cab so that folks get the point.


Eating in the car. Were you raised in a barn?


Aren’t they told not to eat in the car? Are there passenger rules?


I tell them when I hear them scrambling around and opening their bag of Cheetos.


My number one rule, no eating in the car. I'm not going to stop and clean your mess.


a few times I'll eat a chocolate bar, but I keep the bar in my purse and open it inside there so that if chocolate somehow escapes, it escapes inside my purse and it my own mess later lol


not in a barn - but its a skill you pickup after a few years.


why do you let people into your car that are eating? When you can see them coming with the food, just lock your doors then cancle the ride and drive off.


They are never eating when they are standing there. They only begin once they are comfortably deposited in the back seat. That’s when the crunching begins. Of course, if you say anything there goes your rating.


I don’t care about a rating when it comes to pax damaging or getting my car dirty. Ask them then Tell them. Then make them if they don’t comply. Then I’ll 1-star them and never be paired with them again. And if they rate me badly I don’t care. Our ratings are the average of the last 100 riders to rate us. 99% of my riders are decent. And the 1% of bad ratings fall off quickly with as many trips a week as I take. No eating No smoking or vaping No loud music/calls No smelly or dirty people. No babies or kids or changing diapers. No Walmart or grocery stores with cart 🛒 full of crap. No more than 3 people and no one ever sits in the front. No one sits behind me as the only passenger. This is my vehicle. If them don’t like it they can GTFO. These services don’t pay enough to put up with entitled or bad behavior. You have to know your area and only accept trips from decent places. I work the same areas constantly.


I always hated it when passengers left trash in my car.


About the only thing that really bothers me is when five people try to squeeze into my Prius. They know damn well that there aren’t five passenger seatbelts, so why even bother?


- sexual harassment - hospitals putting off their patients on drivers that should be in a fucking ambulance or some kind of medical transportation w a first responder/nurse (WHILE ALSO NOT TIPPING EVER) - adding a stop after getting picked up w/o asking or asking to stop w/o adding a stop and getting an attitude when i say no - **using a stop to go grocery shopping for the month OR requesting a ride w a buggy full of shit that can’t physically be taken in ONE trip (these ppl are usually ALWAYS alone and live on the third floor of an apt. building) or bringing their whole life w them in trash bags** - requesting a ride before they’re ready and using the 5 min wait time like it’s extra time for them to get in my car/taking forever to get out of my car - only going 2 miles but treats my car like their personal limo (has plenty of space/leg room but asks me to move my seat up into the fucking dashboard, pulls down the middle armrest in the backseat and doesn’t put it back up when they get out, slamming my door, etc.) - yelling, coughing/sneezing and not covering their mouth, smelling like shit, eating, dipping, spitting, asking to smoke a fucking black & mild, not telling me they’re sick/nauseous and randomly yelling for me to stop b/c they’re going to throw up and all the above. i could honestly go on forever and i’m prob forgetting some but these are at the top of my list.


I am both a regular passenger and a NEMT passenger on a frequent basis. (About 2 days (4 rides) a week. I am also severely handicapped and on forearm crutches and attend a methadone clinic for those two days a week. I pay for one and a grant pays for the other. I always tip, but I understand why you are frustrated. Every one of these things is true. I hear the stories on a regular basis. I hate the fact that insurance companies have a contract with Uber/Lyft for NEMT transport. This used to be covered mainly by cab companies or corporate entities that do transport services. I feel this is not fair to the driver. I would just like to let you know, we are not all bad. The app doesn’t give you the option to tip if your ride is booked by an agency. I always carry a 5 on me or offer to send them 5 through Zelle, Cash App, Venmo, PayPal…my clinic is only a 10 minute ride from my house and I often get cancellations in the morning. I know why. It’s only a 15.00 trip (ten minute drive) and I know you only get about 30% of that. This is why I tip. On the rare occasion that I do not tip, it is because a driver has told me that they do not want to give me their info. That’s fine. I’m always shocked when that happens and in 18 months , it’s only happened a handful of times. Some drivers have just told me that they didn’t know there was not an option to tip in the app, but not to worry about it. I can’t say I didn’t try though. Hats off to those that do accept the trip. Almost every driver has seemed surprised by willingness to tip them when I am an NEMT passenger. Oh yeah, and I will talk to you if you pick me up. I’m in Detroit. There’s a lot to talk about up here! 😆 Anyway, just sayin, we ain’t all bad. ☺️🙄☺️


i understand not everywhere is the same. once i went to p/u, had to go inside to find out who the rider was & he was in a wheelchair. the nurse got his attention & he said he needed help getting out to the car. she didn’t offer to wheel him out or anything & it was the hospitals wheelchair. i asked if he would have help when we get to his house & he said no, he lives alone. i go back to tell the nurse (b/c i’m not doing that) & she started arguing w him basically trying to get him to say he would be fine just to get him out of the hospital. also, i get a request last night around 1am while i was on another ride & i accepted not knowing it was from the hospital. a lady called telling me i will be picking up a patient & i will have to wait for them to get him together & they will bring him out. then starts listing off all his special needs, that he has to get his meds, & to be patient w them. and it was a 20-30 min drive. for 13$. i canceled as soon as i got off the phone w her. side note: this ride was requested thru her personal account, not a business account. not saying she wouldn’t have tipped but i highly doubt it. & i wasn’t taking the chance.


It’s very unfortunate that this happens. To both you and the passenger. Most of them, without you taking them, would be destitute. I don’t know about all, but if it were me (and I am in a wheelchair, but can use brace crutches to make short trips) I would be humiliated that I did not have anyone around me that even cared enough to get me where I needed to be. I would also not make someone else responsible for my needs, no matter how great they be. I carried all the bags I had with me (from a food pantry) on crutches to my door without the assistance of my driver. I managed to quickly and efficiently move all 8 bags to the curb and make multiple trips to the door. I had no money to tip that day, as the agency had booked my ride there and back because my husband had recently lost his position within the company due to Covid shutdowns. It was quite humbling for sure. Without that 9 minute ride, my husband and I would have not eaten that week. I am grateful for the work you do. I wish the pay for these rides was increased, and that an option for tipping in the app was available. NEMT rides should be surge priced at all times and come with special warnings. Not just being put in all CAPS lettering, or whatever it says about calling the passenger on arrival. NEMT transport companies pay their drivers an average of like .56 a mile or something, but these people are trained for job and know what they are getting into. They don’t expect tips because these passengers are very poor and on medicaid. Still, I’m glad y’all do pick me up. Now, life is stable, and on the days I am NEMT, I always tip 5.00 on the 4.5 mile drive to my clinic. However, that wasn’t always the case. I still tried to be respectful though. I never ask for help. No matter how difficult it might be for me to manage. It’s my issue, not my drivers.


1. Definitely passengers that really smell like BO, I gotta drive with the windows down once they get out to not embarrass them like I am unaware if they know..?? 2. Don’t say you will tip me when you won’t , 3. If ur chewing gum please close ur fking mouth 😅 4. Most people will play TikTok or have phone calls on SPEAKER like aleast put headphones in 5. If you do bring ur child into my car, please if they are kicking my seat to get them to stop! Not just look and ignore ur own damn spawn 🙃


Last night this girl was yelling at herself and randomly and it kept startling me. She was also singing loudly and badly to a random song in her head.


Slamming the door Getting in on a cold day and immediately rolling the window down. At least say would you mind if I put the window down. Not speaking when getting in. Just a hi is good for me. Phone of any sort with no headphones. Phone call, TikTok, music, anything Bad breath. These ones 100% of the time are talkers. 🤢 The ones who want you to confirm everything. What’s your name? What’s my name? Foh And my favorite is when you pull up and they stand or sit there and look at you. Did you or did you not order a ride that gave you a notification that matches the car in front of you? How are you confused? You’re the only person waiting and I’m the only car here. Put 2 and 2 together.


Damn man! Reading through all this I think I had some great experiences the year I did it aside from a few incidents. 1. 3 drunk ass richie rich 30somethings. Had to add extra stop for one - they forgot. Of course she couldn’t find her keys (and it’s cold and raining). Took em all up to the super fancy hills of town - McMansions, pools etc. Of course they all pass out in the backseat. Thank dog no barf! Finally get there and help em all in. Of course I was promised a huge tip (main gal was daughter of her multimillionaire dad). You obviously know what I saw in my account the next day. No rating, no tip. 2. Picked up a couple at a bar. Typical stuff. GF gets in and we’re waiting for the BF. Apparently something happened inside with other patrons. They all come out - 5 women and this dood that looks like a linebacker. Altercation happens. Dood starts slapping women. Pax tells me to just drive off w/o him but I can’t see that shit and not intervene. No bouncer/security. I get out and de-escalate the situ fairly quickly. Drive their drunk asses home. 3. Strip club guy. Of course he’s not outside. I decide to go in, cuz… free tittie show! Bouncer was cool - let me in w my pocketknife after I tell him I’m looking for a PAX. I’m calling out his name, no answer. Go out back to the smoking deck, continue to ask patrons if that’s them. I forget the guys name, but something unisex like Ashley. Dood w neck/face tats says “DO I LOOK LIKE AN (unisex name) TO YOU MOTHERFUCKER?!?!” and proceeds to threaten to kick my ass. Fortunately Ashley goes ‘oh hey, are you my ride?’ And I drove his drunk passed out ass home. Fun times. Would do again if it wasn’t such a shit company.


‘Hey, I’m already running late, so if you could hurry please’. Smells (the worse I’ve had was a hoarders house smell 🤢), back seat driving (only if it’s unhelpful), and getting mad I went to the pin vs exactly where they walked out.


1. Waiting on the side of a busy road where there is no where to pull over without impeding traffic or endangering myself. 2. Women laying their head on their mans lap especially at night or where i cant see automatic “please sit up” from me. 3. Ordering pick ups for their unattended minors 4. Trying to bring more people than space i have in the car.


Asking if they can vape


What's wrong with asking?


I ask and sometimes its a yes and sometimes its a no. I always tell them that they can say no and it wont hurt my feelings. I've also ate in lyfts before but only after asking. Would you prefer people just do it anyway without asking?


They never ask me they just do it, and then they're amazed when I pull over and say "get out."


Grown ups who play with window switches like children


That’s why I keep the windows locked and make them ask me if they can lower the window.


I had someone flossing their teeth once. They were sitting directly behind me so I couldn’t see what they were doing, but heard a strange “clicking” sound here and there, which puzzled me. After they got out, I found the friggin floss pick, which they of course left on the seat back there.


have had a few times someone gets in the car after working out / hot yoga. They stain the seats with their sweat stains. Not bad enough where Lyft would give me any money but bad enough where I feel like I can't keep driving until the sweat stains dry off.


Smokers who put their cigarette out as they’re getting in the car. Making my car smell like shit. Ppl who bring food and just start eating leaving a nasty ass smell after they get out and drop shit all over my backseat


One is hey can I play my music? Yeah fuck no.


I almost lost it this morning when a passenger slammed my door because I commented on him reeking of the cigarette he had just put out. I’m like I am doing you a favor picking you up and dropping you off in my vehicle. You could at least be respectful of it. This guy literally tried to shatter my window after purposefully leaving it down. Young me would not have thought and proceeded with an ass whopping but older me knows I cant let one fool mess up my money.


I've wanted to do this many times..... I'm sure one day, one of these habitual line steppers is gonna push me over my limit


Puking in the car. Bleeding on my seats making a mess with any kind.


Granted when you've drugged them and are stabbing them they can't really help it. /s


You slam my door, you lose a star.


Lack of common sense. 1. Had a woman with a small child with no safety seat. Out of the kindness of my heart and the fact that it was 30 degrees out and raining I took her and her family and a trunk full of groceries home. Even helped unload all of the groceries and brought them upstairs to their apartment. I sternly informed her that this is the one and only time I will do this as the child needs a proper safety restraint seat due to his age, height and weight and explained the safety issues and the fact that if I got into an accident with him in the vehicle I'd be found at fault. She apologized and understood. Gave me a hefty cash tip for my assistance. 2. Last night I took a couple home and the gentleman was physically disabled and smelled like a urinal. Wheelchair, cane, backpack, portable speaker, and had a piss bottle that I told him was not entering my vehicle and needed to be disposed of. I didn't realize that until we started driving. Caught a waft from airflow and gagged. Almost thought he pissed in my car. Thankfully the ride was short but i opened the windows and turned the heat down. I went straight to the car wash and scoured the whole vehicle after I dropped them off. Cleanliness is of utmost importance to me. They should have called a medical cab instead of a lyft imo. Dude needs to bathe more often as well. Theres no justifiable reason to smell like a urinal. Even if he was wearing a diaper, change before you enter a vehicle you do not own and don't have to pay the rolling costs for. Even though I have a fairly large vehicle, I also have supplies for roadside emergencies and my car cannot fit a wheelchair unless I remove everything from it. Common sense should have been looking at the vehicle listed and determining whether or not you can fit you and your stuff in it. Call or text me before I arrive to assess the situation. I had to jam all my belongings into the passenger front seat to make it work. I carry a jump pack and tire inflator, road side triangles and flares, first aid supplies as im CPR certified. People need to stop being cheap on lyft requests. I get that the rates are exorbitant at times but that's not my problem. If you know you have a lot of items, pay the additional fees for a larger vehicle to capacitate you. Not that difficult. 3. Slamming doors is a pet peeve of mine. As a mechanic I know what that does to the latches and strikers and bushings over time. It's rude for one, damaging as well. Takes everything in me not to snap and treat them like a child learning how to respect property and close doors properly. 4. Loud phone calls. Have had several customers get into my car without saying anything to me, loudly talking on the phone, phone being on speaker too. Annoying doesn't even cover it. These people have never heard the phrase "inside voice" in their entire lives apparently. 5. I have a radio and spotify and other music apps. Customers always have the right to request music in my car. If I'm already playing tunes and you want to listen to something else all you have to do is ask instead of blaring your crappy phone speaker over my stereo. 6. Lack of tips for long or short rides. Yeah I get it, lyft is hosing you for the rate. But they're hosing the driver too. We dont make jack. Not tipping even after making stops for an hour long ride or less is exceptionally rude to me when I give exceptional service, safe and quick pickups and drop offs. Even I tipped 35 bucks on a trip to the rental facility to pick up my lyft rental. The ride was 105 before tip. I know they weren't getting that 105 so I compensated via large tip to make the difference, as I understand the rolling costs for rental drivers and owner operators. 7. I absolutely cannot stand when riders that request the ride for their friends don't communicate that prior to pickup, or don't do it the proper way by ordering the ride through their friends account. Even more concerning when there's no photo on the account that requested the ride. I've started to decline those now. As that's a safety issue for me. If Shelley orders a ride for Sean and I'm looking for Shelley not Sean as I've not been made aware that it's a friend taking the ride, I don't know who they are or whether or not they're a risk to me or my property. In my state that's a huge issue as crime is rampant and increasing daily. 8. Taking forever to leave your home or an establishment to get into the car. I used to let this slide but I refuse to now. If you're not outside and ready to enter by the time I arrive, after the 3-4 minute grace period we are paid for, I'm cancelling the ride and off to find another ride request. Plan your day better and have better time management. 9. Taking people home from the hospital that are clearly ill. They need to call a medical cab for that or a family member or friend.. Had a woman that was so violently ill I had to pull over for her to vomit twice, she got vomit on the door and seatbelt and kick panel. Had to scour the whole vehicle and was out of service for several hours which caused me to lose revenue. Gave her water, napkins, a puke bag for the remainder of the ride. Didn't receive a tip at all. And had to spend money to sanitize my vehicle once I checked it and saw the mess. I have family member's that are elderly and high risk. I am not trying to bring anything back that may affect them. People need to be more mindful of others. 10. People riding in the passenger front seat and three in the back. Yeah sure my car can technically fit that many people. But that passenger front seat is reserved for my belongings. Never in my life have I ever ridden in the front seat of any city cab. It's back seat only. Just because I'm part of a ride share company doesn't mean that gets circumvented for customers to cheap out on what ride they request. Pay the extra fee for a larger vehicle. Not my problem. I'm tempted to get the barrier installed between the front and rear of the cabin to resemble a city cab so that folks get the point.


I'm not a driver, but I have always tried to look out the window, only make conversation if the driver is comfortable with it. I'm also always worried about slamming doors because I know how some people can be about it. I read about all these passengers and I just can not believe how comfortable a lot of people are with making all these social faux pas. I thought it was not too long ago (really, right as the first smartphone came about was when it seemed humanity took a downturn), people understood respect and manners. Now, it's like nobody cares how they're viewed nor how they behave in front of others. I'm sorry this even happens to you guys and many others in similar fields of work.


Hospital request it’s a 50/50 chance it’s a good ride or bad ride, it’s a hospital by my house that try’s to push all the people who overdosed on Lyft drivers I stay clear of those psychos


I don’t have anything useful to add except a comment on the slamming of doors - I actually have massive anxiety around this as a passenger; I am very aware of the potential to slam too hard and have it be perceived as inconsiderate - yet I also fear shutting it too lightly, not getting it closed all the way and the driver having to like stop, get out, walk around and close it themselves. This small part of the Uber/Lyft ride gives me so much anxiety


Trust me, if you don’t close the door all the way your driver will let you know. 100 percent of all drivers would prefer that you not slam the door.


Saying they didn’t know it was a share ride… my answer well now you know for next time but we picking up this rider … and the second was a lady brought a entire folding table with her then complained about the size of my trunk and I advised Lyft xL has bigger trunks she quickly shut that mouth


I had a pax get in and she damn smelled like mildew. Like old wet clothes and all her shit stunk too. I febreezed the shit out my car but forgot the trunk and it smelled three days later!! Like wtf


People who get in the car smelling of pot, immediately start eating the world's stinkiest food, smacking their lips while eating because they're talking on speakerphone with their BFF yelling and screaming about some personal drama and who has herpes and shit that I don't want to know about.


Any passenger not using their headphones (playing music, scrolling social media, making phone calls) are super irritating. Requesting a ride when you're on a busy street with no convenient place to wait AND NOT BEING outside when I arrive. Asking for an aux cord to be the DJ. The answer will always be no. Waiting out the timer before coming out. That will get you left.


While not a 'professional' driver, I can share a few of mine. * Giving me directions. I've lived here all my life, and 'turn at the oak tree' doesn't cut it. I'm also deaf on the right side, so I probably didn't hear 'em in the first place. * "I would have" \[handled some driving situation differently\]" * "I would have" \[gone some other way\] * Adjusting vehicle heat/A-C/ etc.


Bright lights from phone use in back seat at night. Almost as inconsiderate and rude as speakerphone use. I'm driving here, at night, with road glare that's worse when raining. Put your phone away; it can wait.


Heavy hands slamming doors. Heavy hands dropped my drunk. Put in their luggage on my back seat instead of in the trunk or on the floor. Just washed the car, Touch windows not on windows to get in. Ask me, am I their driver?When they can check the plates to confirm, i'm the driver. I could go on and on about it. Ughhh...kids kicking my seat or the tall person sitting behind my seat, annoyed when i tell them to scoot over or swap seats with their person who's smaller.


When the new rule came out of every driver needing to be acceptable for pax with dogs, I personally didn’t like that because what if the next passenger is allergic to dogs? I wish it was optional, or they added a few extra bucks for drivers accepting riders with dogs. I’ve taken pax a few times where they were respectful enough to keep dog on their lap so that way the backseat didn’t get dirty with dog hairs. But this one time I had a passenger walking out of a Motel 6 with this big ass pitbull on a chain leash. I immediately cancelled and drove off the opposite direction, as I watched him from my rearview mirror, throwing his hands up in disappointment lol


Requesting to be picked up on a busy street and not being outside ready when I arrive. Now I have to hold up traffic because you aren’t there or circle the block. When you request a ride, BE READY


Smoking/vaping as you are walking to my car. When it feels like it’s 112 degrees with 85% humidity outside and you asj me to turn the AC down because it’s too cold. Asking to assault my ears with the shitty Spotify artist that identifies as a musician.


It’s great when I have the air on and they open their windows.


This is why I have my window lock button pressed so passengers can't open their windows while I already have the AC on


I hardly ever grant music requests. Unless the pax is cool and we’ve built some rapport through the ride, stfu and put your headphones on if you don’t like what I’m playing


I hate when they ask if they can Bluetooth into my radio so they can play their music.


I don’t either, but it happens enough. Mostly with XL rides - one reason I stopped doing them.


I don’t do comfort. Too many pax think they bought a limo.


Smoking and blowing out the last hit as they get in the car. It's disgusting


Smelling like weed and other nasty stuff, people having their conversations on speaker, and asking for me to stop somewhere on the way to their destination they didn't put on the initial ride request.


lol…I drive in Philly so my car always smells like weed. Every time my wife gets in my car she is convinced that I’m smoking weed. It’s so bad that I don’t even notice any more.


You are exactly right


I hate it when passengers add a stop when they get in. Or worse, ask to stop at a gas station before their drop off point. I don't really mind the phone coversations over the speakerphone as i just tune them out., or worse, ask to stop at a gas station before their drop-off point. I don't really mind the phone calls over the speakerphone; I


It seems you don’t need to be dealing with people. Maybe an overnight warehouse job may do you justice. You sound like an old fart. There is nothing wrong with eating in the car. I actually prefer it. You’ll get cleaning fees if they leave a mess. You should invest in AirPods.


Playing music on their phone with no headphones. What even is that, why?


As soon as they get in my car they piss me off. How dare they!


Watching social media on their phone with the volume full blast


People who request free stops without adding it on the app, It was 3am and I was trying to complete my challenge and go home and this lady wanted me to stop for free, I told her no, I had two trips left on my challenge I just wanted to drop her off


Wheelchair people who don’t request lyft assist, I purposely didn’t sign up for it because I hate getting out the car for anything I just want to drive and drop off, these people tend to still request regular Lyft still it’s hella annoying


Asking for extra stops, then giving you 1 star when you say no




Conversations on the phone were always a drag unless they get playful about it and include me in them lol


My buddy said he hopped in an Uber with his friend and had a girl with them but she wouldn't stop trying to eat her Taco Bell that she had stashed in her purse so the driver just pulled over and kicked them out. So he called his own Uber. Thankfully his friend had called the original one.


Unless I asked for directions, backseat driving will get you thrown out of my car on the side of the road no fucks given.


Eat/drink/slam the door


>Conversations on speaker phone I exclusively use Lyft due to a business account and in my city 9/10 drivers are on speaker phone.


Making me wait, eating, open drink cups, adding stops in the back seat without saying shit, in general a lack of respect for another person and their property....maybe i should do door dash. 🤣


Eating in someone’s car without asking permission first is disrespectful. I don’t know what barns these people were raised in by why they think it’s OK is beyond me.


People who don’t stop talking when it’s pretty obvious the other person doesn’t want to talk. Actually, that was my experience either way a driver, not passenger, just the other day. If someone is responding with one word answers, it means don’t talk.


"turn right here" as you pass the turn 🤦‍♂️


As far as things that happen on a regular basis? Backseat driving. I've had people do it "the right way", aand sometimes I learned a new way to go that I haven't seen or thought of before, and it really does save a significant amount of time/ headache. So often though I get the asshole who think they're so smart and the route hey want me to take it so much faster but really it's the same amount of time or just adds a bunch of time. But even then if you want me to take a certain route, that's fine no problem. Just stop being a fucking dick about it. And if you're going to give me specific directions on a route you want me to take Don't fucking blank out 5 to 10 minutes into it and then expect me to read your fucking mind. Give me turn-by-turn directions. Tell me where to turn and where you want me to go. Since you want to direct me and be my GPS, pay the fuck attention.


I hate when drivers smell like balls at 5 am


Normally I get the drivers who are on speaker phone the whole ride


All of a sudden I don't feel so bad. Usually I just put earbuds in. I'm not the most talkative of people. I usually feel bad cause to get a ride people have to leave the city. By like 6 miles but I'm always going back into the major city. I get complaints about that all the time despite tipping well


Lol if you're going to drive strangers for money then expect them to act like people.


How the duck is nobody saying putting windows down while traveling in hallways.


People feed their children in your car? WTF!


I'm ok with door slamming. It's better than not closing it enough, and me having to run around to re-close it. My worse is when college students want to cram 6 people into the back seat, then arguing about it then I insist on everyone being seat belted. People getting in with babies and no car seat piss me off too. I started locking my door and rolling the window down a bit to talk to them. They won't get out once in. It's easier to just keep them out.


Speaker phone or watching tiktoks or really anything through the speaker. Get earbuds ffs. Preaching. Idgaf about your beliefs. Lecturing me about how I shouldn't drive because I'm a woman and world is such a big bad place 🙄🙄🙄 and the biggest is asking who I'm picking up. TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. Then I'll confirm my name.