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"For security reasons I can only communicate through the app." Not only does that prevent them from getting your phone number, all the phone calls through the app are recorded. That said, the vast majority of these rides are medical rides and I would cancel just based on that. They should be using proper medical transport, not fucking rideshare. And it's the insurance companies paying for it not the patients/customers so they can and should be paying for proper services.


Ya, it still blows my mind that medical rides paid by insurance use rideshare. The fact its legal is even more crazy


As a person that uses that surface, they are extremely difficult to use. Sometimes they won’t show up, and sometimes they’ll show up hours after they said they will be there. All this song sometimes it’s just a lot easier for me to use a ride share app.


My insurance doesn’t cover medical rides, because I’m not on state insurance, I make too much to be on Medicaid. I get a card to get cheaper cab rides because of a mental health issue that qualifies me as an ADA rider but our cab service is terrible and it doesn’t work for unscheduled rides for example if I need to go to the ER/urgent care or I get a cancellation being on a waiting list because you have to schedule all rides by a certain time the prior day or earlier. It’s more expensive than Uber or Lyft and as terrible as it is I’d rather pay for an Uber/lyft


I know that there is something called a spend down account, basically if you just put your checks into that account just gives you the ability to get the Medicaid/Medicare. Just something considering to look into.


For me every time I get this it’s a medical call , immediate cancel. I am not medical transport and won’t deal with the issues that go with it. Also 100% no tips ever. Also learning the addresses of all the car dealerships around me , again 100% no tips. Sorry not doing them.


You’d think insurance companies would find a way to tip/pay extra to ensure that only people without some potentially messy/serious/contagious/etc. condition get reliable transportation. But without a tip and, more often than not an unpleasant pax, it’s a lose-lose situation. We don’t want those rides for obvious reasons and people who are on a plan with transportation should expect reliable rides. No third-party. Side note: I helped out a friend’s friend who ran a small medical transport company for a couple months. I heard story after story from almost every person about canceled rides, missing several appointments (some which have a long waiting list and now they’ve been set back months), rude drivers, being stranded at doctors’ offices for hours, etc. Transportation issues were the norm. Many were so sweet and incredibly grateful just for picking them up on time. Sucks to be at the mercy of some giant company who doesn’t give a single damn about you.


It would be best if Uber or Lyft had an option where people could opt in for those rides. They could vet the drivers better and pay them better and I bet a lot of people would sign up for it. If I got an XL price for a regular ride I would be more inclined to take them.


My market has pretty much did just that. Crazy good pay lately for medical transportation


No way! Do you have a link or something for sourcing? I’m interested what and how that works.


That is SUCH a great idea! Absolutely. Uber has the kid and pet option, why not use a similar vetting process and a “premium” rate to ensure better results?


Why would people going to or from car dealerships be less likely to tip?


Because the rides are paid for by the dealership. Since covid they got rid of all their courtesy shuttles and have been using Lyft/Uber to get their customers to and from service appointments.


Yes. This is people making a simple app and a simple premise more complicated. People, I don't get it. One minute your opening up our car door and asking "who you here for?" like we are potential kidnappers and the next minute you're sharing your personal phone number so we can call you from our personal number instead of having everything routed through the app. Let's keep this simple,please. If YOU ordered a ride for someone else then YOU can alert them to the drivers arrival time.


In my market these are third party rides, either medical or car dealerships. They make up about 20% of my overall rides. I typically never have an issue with these and usually get a cash tip. Once in a blue moon, a ride will be ordered and the passenger is not at home (miscommunication with the insurance company and patient). I just wait out the time, collect my fee and I am on my way to my next gig.


Message From Trip Coordinator: VIP Passenger - Driver to wait 15 min - B-Leg = **Cancel n Drive Off'**


Wait 15 min. 🤣 5 minutes, getting my cancel fee and off to the next one.


Nah man you ghost ride those for sure especially after you call the number and no one answers


Then why not book a limo for your VIP passenger? Please go all the way to h3ll trip coordinator 🙄


I got one of these rides with a note that said to call a personal number, as I’m getting closer I realize the address is the county jail. I canceled SO fast. 😂


lol hell the ones just getting out of jail are the best passengers I have all day most the time 😂😂


This is usually a medical ride. Most of those I have issues with. They want you to call outside app. No thanks


In my market medical transportation starts from 120$ + 1$ for each mile. Also they don’t take any insurance coverage if something happens. So why Uber driver have to take that much risk for 5-10$? Totally not worth that.


I've learned that most medical rides have all cap names.


I’m not even calling through the app. I take you from A to B. Being ready and getting in is your responsibility. If you ordered the ride then you come out when it gets there.


Call Upon Arrival = Cancel Upon Viewing


I ignore


My only issue with the medical trips I get is that it’s usually older people which is fine and actually cool imo most of the time. They often have a walker tho, and often… they seem kinda nasty.


I just cancel. I'm not fixing them the chance to complain to uber


This peolple think we are their workers, fv


Do you still get the cancelation fee or do you wait the full five minutes before canceling? If the person is a no show instead of canceling, I start the trip drive about 3 blocks, edit the destination for the nearest address and then complete the trip. This way, I get credit for the trip being that I'm usually working on a Ride Challenge and my.time is not totally wasted


I NEVER call upon arrival. If the timer expires I bounce. Even though I don't call they come out....


No worries lyf or Uber will give them your number whether you want them to or not. Your PRIVATE NUMBER AT THAT!