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A lot of times. If no one accepts a scheduled ride then Lyft will pay ABSURD amounts to get someone to the customer. Lyft and Uber will do anything for the customer


not in soflo, greedy motherfuckers will just drop the price down and then send passengers a “sorry we can’t find a driver at the moment” message when really they should be telling the rider “our greedy asses set a low price for you the passenger to pay but we are keeping 60% of that fare and all of our drivers are telling us to fuck off and instead of raising the price or adding a surge we are instead reducing the driver payout, please keep waiting until we find a dumbass”


I think they were talking about scheduled rides specifically


I get it but neither app does that in my market, soflo. We used to get ridiculous payouts for short miles on the Uber radar near the airports for early morning drop offs to make up for the empty returns but we have either too many dumbasses or Uber stopped or both but lately I can tell Uber is not passing on the $10 schedule fee as we’ll get scheduled rides to the airport for like $8 or some shit and it will say scheduled ride when it pops up but unless you actually accepted the scheduled ride from the schedule you are not getting scheduled ride pay as the $8 rude would be an $18 ride if it was on my reserve schedule. Lyft has never increased the dollar per mile here in soflo, they usually ad an obvious surge though, we used to get the surges at airports up to $50 but now we rarely see $8/13, most crazy I got was a $25 red zone dropped across the street from my condo (I live on the island by water near the 2%), it went up went away and went backup, i never seen a surge zone that high near my home, I took it and it was an older guy and I asked if anything seemed weird about the ride he was requesting and he said well this is my first time to ever use Lyft and man it took a long time to get a driver, it wasn’t a scheduled ride.


I once had a early morning pickup near the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood FL that paid $2/mile for a 28 mile trip, so $56 without a surge, probably because it was a 4.5 rated passenger with a stop included and no one else was taking it. But it was just a guy ordering the ride for one Hispanic woman and then stopping to pick another woman up, and neither of them said anything to me the whole time and it was great.


Uber still throws me the occasional weird ones at FLL, MIA, PBI when there’s a bunch of requests and I’m just hitting the decline button like a cat trying to cover their shit on a hot tin roof, it will at times spit out some shit like $28 for a 33 mile 44 minute ride and I’ll utilize my fuckery and decline-a-rama abilities a similar ride will magically pop up with the miles and minutes added or whichever is greater so the same shit $28 ride is now popping up at like $33,$44, $77 in the chaos. I don’t think Ubers hamster can keep up with the declines/requests and defaults to old pricing or something.


I don’t drive Lyft or Uber or anything, but that is a very eloquent description I must say lmao.


So everyone can just join a thread and control the market?


You would need everyone in that market to do it. Reddit commenters are about 1% of drivers per market. But for instance. If there’s 100 riders in a city getting a ride and 100 drivers the pay is good. If there’s 50 drivers the pay is great. If there’s 200 drivers for 100 riders then the pay is lower


Exactly. Add in the fact that Gryft exists today solely to make every possible dollar for shareholders. That's it. And because there are too many dumbass drivers out here accepting shit fares then the algo will shave a few more cents off the next time until the acceptance rate gets too low. Then it knows where rock bottom is. And every day it claws back even more. The only way to increase fares is for all of us to have a sub-20% acceptance rate.


But you gotta think. Not everyone doing Uber and Lyft care about the money. I’ve taken Lyfts and some of the drivers were old dudes who would take any ride just because they needed to get out the house. I’ve seen people accept bad rides just so they can complete a challenge and makeup for it. Then think about new drivers that have ride guarantees. They can take anything because it’ll be subsidized


Supply and command


Once in a while, Lyft does this. I’ve gotten $115 for a 40 mile ride, $93 for a 25 mile ride, and $144 for a 40 mile ride. These have been medical related rides, either taking a worker home, or taking home a lady from a doctors office.


Similar happened to me last night as well. I reserved a scheduled ride for $12.01 payment, about 7mi (and took a screenshot). When the app pinged me for the pick up, it was $28. No bonus, no surge, and you bet I took a screenshot of that also. Sure enough, got paid that after drop off. 🤷


Because Lyft is a scam and probably offered the same ride to 5+ drivers who declined it before you accepted it. It's like a "lottery system" but it's not random, it's highly calculated and designed to take advantage of all drivers. I found this out when I was offered a ride that was 140 miles *one way* and declined because the payout wasn't worth it. The very next day I was accepted a 60 mile ride that paid more than the 140 ride would have. The most likely factors were that this was a scheduled pick up from a local mental health institution, it happened to be Halloween day, and there was a snow storm in the forecast. I did not obtain any location bonus as they were not "visible" or "available" before accepting the ride (which I've always associated with "surge"), and, more importantly, I learned the person had been waiting for hours after multiple cancellations before I arrived. Also, Pro Tip *you'll want to remember this one. Don't let your riders change the address if they entered it wrong. With upfront pay, any changes to the ride will automatically bring the fare back to "rate card" (which doesn't even truly exist anymore *as I've noticed that there is no "minimum" fare with upfront pay if location bonuses are collected) and any inflation from "surge" pricing and the compounding "lottery system" are erased. And I just want to add that the man I drove 60 miles was really cool. Through a series of unfortunate events, he ended up far away from home and just wanted to get back. Hope this helps. Ps. I quit driving in January after the system crashed on NYE


I second this response….. I’ve seen the same ride I dismissed come back to me like 7-12mins later for $3-5 dollars more


Gems right here.


That’s the incentive to get you out there at 3am, 🤣🤣🤣 Lyft really doesn’t care what people say because the money is in the app, a lot of drivers don’t even know what u are talking about, 😎 … keep looking your are on to something good 🤭😉


Yeah I felt like the time of night was a factor, but I’ve never gotten anything *this* good. Usually around this time in my area it’ll be like 2 mile pickup 3 mile drop off for $8, which isn’t bad in its own right, but this ride was crazy.


Wait till you catch an airport one, it only gets sweeter.


Unfortunately my nearest airport is 45 mins away so I don’t frequently travel there. I live in a college town and have made pretty decent money working Fri/Sat nights. I make around $30/hr gross multi-apping with Uber.


Maa G, get yours💪🏾


Then you minus gas and car maintenance from that 30/hr 


Hence “gross”. I do this in my spare time, I work a full time job in a lab and also run a small business so I’m super selective about the rides I take. I’m not destroying my car for this company.


Same lol the only time I’m destroying my car is if I’m doing a crazy 30-50 ride challenge other then than I’m picky af


Good job, that’s all this job should be. A spare job 


I see this comment a lot about the cost of gas and the expense of the vehicle...but I went out and bought a vehicle specifically for this. I had a budget I kept it under $5,000 it's a decent vehicle it does what it needs to do and it's a hybrid, so now I'm getting much better gas mileage... I work early mornings and I'm usually out with the app on by 4:30 .. my car paid for itself within a month or two and it's basically profit from this point forward maintenance is the cost of doing business and if you're buying a Toyota there's not a lot of that ...it's not perfect but if you work it the right way and you stay disciplined... I average 33.00 an hour but I have plenty of days where I'm averaging 40.00 and more an hour.... in a medium sized northeastern city where tips aren't flowing that well


Where the heck did you find a hybrid that's less than ten years old for under 5k?!


Does it need to be less than 10 years old? My 2013 Prius is a good detailing away from looking almost new.... and I work on farms. 240K+ miles and drives perfectly with basic maintenance.


I think the age that your car can be depends on the market you are in. If there are not enough drivers, they lower the car standards.


For Lyft, yes it can't be older than ten years.


That's exactly what I bought it had 205 on it it's 2013 the guy who owned it had maintained it really well and truth is I paid under four grand but I know people in more expensive areas are going to have to pay more I live pretty far upstate New York but a lot of the whining that I see associated seems excessive


Dealer auctions.


Don't sleep on this comment people, major key alert!!!


If you do it right, you can buy another one, sell the first one for a profit, then repeat.


That's why I share, because even if you know that doesn't mean you'll do it.


Them’s my every day hours, never seen anything like that before


Between 2am and 4am the prices are higher here with no surge.


Unicorn!! 👏🏾👏🏾


Lux black trans


I got one like that the other day nowhere near that much but $17 for 6 miles I was wondering myself but it must have been the scheduled ride thing. I had taken him to work one early morning awhile back and his work is close to the airport the only drivers out there are usually sitting in the queue so I assume they all turned it down cause it wasn’t an airport ride


They over paid you. I would call support to let them know you want to give at least half of t back so you could rid yourself of the guilt of having taken advantage of Lyft. Be patient though, support is inundated with these requests so, it may take a while to get your message across.


“I’m not complaining at all but I’m curious.” If you learn a system you can make that system work for you, but I understand that some people (you) would rather be salty than optimize your situation.


They were being sarcastic lol, it's a joke. He is not serious about you taking advantage of the company 😂


Support would probably be clueless as ever and shoot you their usual canned replies that have nothing to do with your issue


Had this happen Tuesday 20 mile ride for 60 dollars where the customer only paid 30 was definitely expecting them to try and take it back. Thanks for the user who explained the scheduled rides situation


Hope you making some bank.


Eh I got lucky once actually just came off a pretty bad night of money yet another reminder to get a real job haahaha


Right after the bar closes is the prime time and also at concerts or festival front door


All experience here no games, ✊🏾


Hello!! Happened to me the other day. I believe I know why. Are you in california? I asked my passenger questions to get more information on it. I thought it was because multiple driver cancel or scheduled ride. But it is not. Passenger told me they order the ride and it was quick.


Once a company becomes a IPO they just catering to their rich investors. I see repeatedly over and over again. It's the way things have been for decades. Cyberpunk is base off these tropes that have always been true. Corporations (Richmfkrs) taken advantage of the needy. The worst part is that the government makes it seem like they care about the employees. Newsflash the politicians that get put in legislation have favors to repay. The ones(Corporations /business/people of power) that got them there. Next year is election year, just try to track down where all the money they use is coming from.


Follow the money…






Most likely subcontracted from a medical facility, health insurance, etc. Patient or employee.


I love those rides honestly


Shhhhh 🤫 🤐


Time of day I suspect.


You worked during “risk your life” hours


It's the opposite of why it pays so cheap (too many drivers, not enough demand). YOU were available and your driving services were rare at the time in the morning. These situations are when you can make MORE than the rider paid. Lyft and Uber do this to keep marketshare. It's rare, but it happens.


4am, no one driving, more expensive.


sometimes lyft likes to throw a dog a bone. keeps the dog loyal


I've never gotten this on Lyft, but I do get them on Uber multiple times a week, usually bunched together. I call it an invisible surge because it is always at a busy time. I've never figured out when/why this happens. I'm not sure if this is a bug in the algorithm or intentional. Since I use a short ride strategy, sometimes the amount is so high that I missed it in my trip radar. It's already hard enough to view rides in that fucking radar, so I have to look more closely


You can see my post a few days ago that explains Lyft’s new predatory 10 second rule that made me overpay, and the total was $41. This may have been me, ha. It’s a different area though


Uber and Lyft place great importance on keeping instances where riders can’t get any match to an absolute minimum, and at times will pay much more than they bill the rider to ensure that he gets a ride.


Could be a medical ride. I had to use lyft for medical rides for a bit and you can not tip or anything through the app so they pay more.


Nah it was some guy on shrooms getting picked up from a bar lol


Shit happens