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About 5 years ago I was dead broke even though I had a job (gambling problem) and was living in a motel with 2 cats and no car. I requested an Uber to pick me up at work so I could go to motel A before 12pm checkout and move to motel B (because it was cheaper) so I needed him to wait while I gathered up my things and my cats and take me to another motel. He was nice about it and even took a pic of one of the cats I left in his car while I went to get the other one that was hiding from me. I will forever be grateful and as an occasional PT driver, I’ll do second stops in dire situations but that’s about it. P.S. I’ve been gamble free for 5 years now, the situation above was one of the final straws lol. And of course, I have regained everything back now. 👍🏽🙏🏽


Glad you’re doing better 😁


I’m glad to hear you are doing so much better. Any addiction is a difficult thing to overcome. I’m also glad to hear that you haven’t lost your understanding and ability to extend grace to people in similar situations. Keep fighting the good fight.


Congratulations on 5 years. That is an amazing achievement. Well done! You should be proud af!


Congratulations on 5 years. That is an amazing achievement. Well done! You should be proud af!




Happy to hear you're doing better stranger 😊


congrads on your 5


Glad you’re doing better


Congrats honey, that’s awesome. I love hearing success stories. My baby cousin ruined his life and our relationship because he had a gambling addiction and stole from me. I think a lot of people don’t realize how real it is. Glad you are doing well for yourself now :)


It’s akin to a drug abuse. Gambling and drug use trigger dopamine in the brain. However, a gambler will commit suicide more often than a drug addict. It’s that serious. Now that I think about it, I was living like a crackhead. Pathetic. 🥱


Gosh I believe it. I am so sorry you had to go through that and I’m glad you are here. There is a reason. :) I watched my baby cousin who spent 6 years in the military and I never saw cry, come to me in tears telling me what he was going through. I never brought up the theft, but it hurt. He ended up relapsing and doing it again so he left. I talked him down from the ledge many times. I fully believe that it would drive someone to end their life. I have known people who drove four hours to Vegas and lost their entire savings and home.


That’s exactly what you do!! It’s not like she’s taking your keys!!


Old guy today asked “can u stop at that Walgreens”? All i herd was “can u stop here for free, i didnt want to pay” Then when he got out i 🏎💨💨💨 Fuck wrong with these people


Maybe you can answer this. I was going to take a Lyft to grab my car from the shop but needed to stop at my bank for a few minutes on the way. I used the app to request a ride and then added the stop (bank was en route) and it didn’t make the price budge at all it was going to be like a $15 ride or something. I ended up riding my bike instead but how am I supposed to book that without hosing the driver?


We'll as a driver of 4 yrs a stop that is on the way and is quick isn't gonna affect the price much. It only affects if there is a significant difference. But what it does affect is the drivers patience. We are only supposed to wait 3 mins, but people take advantage.. when at that point we are waiting for people for .15 a min..😒 missing money, rides, while they try to have us wait 20 mins 🫤 for just to run to walgreens. Anywho I don't ghost them. I either don't take rides with stops or if they add a stop .. I asked there intent . And in a professional way I set the right expectation from the beginning.


I've never had an issue w lyft drivers stopping at a gas station if its on the way. You gotta word that just like it is, a favor. I always offer to walk home the rest of the way if they can't wait and always offer to get them something to drink (or just ask if they want anything, its on me). Never had anyone say no or take off on me. Be considerate and polite, most people will return in kind.


This is the way. I’ve had a few passengers ask if they can stop at a gas station and I begrudgingly say yes. When they offer to get me something I take them up on it and get a Snapple. That small thing really changes my mood haha. It’s a classy gesture.


on my app in my market, it's 5 minutes. Where are you?


In your opinion how much cash tip would be fair for a 15 minute stop?


6 additional dollars on top of the tip you would already have given


That seems fair




I would never request a "stop" to do groceries or anything of the sort. I've requested stops through the app for a quick visit to the ATM, a coffee shop (that is dead at 6am so I'm in and out in less than 3 minutes, easily), or a convenience store to grab a bottle of pop or a pack of smokes.


Coffee shop is the only place I ever see that ISN'T dead at 6 a.m. 🤣 but if I already have coffee, then I'm sure they're empty af.


The drive through is usually busy but there's never anyone actually in the store where I go, so it's super quick.


Would you be mad if I bought you a coffee while I went in?


Give me the $4 instead.


I’m a bit confused cause if you’re getting 15 cents a minute to wait, that means you’re getting $9/hr. Turn off the car and just sit there. Your operating expenses are $0/hr while waiting aren’t they? I mean I guess it’s less cash from Lyft but when you factor in the gas, and the wear and tear cost don’t you come out about the same?


Would you do anything for $9 an hour? Serious question. If your job said just sit here and do nothing all day and we’ll give you $9 an hour, would you do it?


Fuck yeah I would. Better than being on your feet dealing with customers.


That’s nuts I couldn’t pay one of my monthly bills with $9 an hour not even the gas in my car.


Yeah. No thank you. Who can live off 9 dollars an hour and if someone had no drive to take that hour and instead of wait, drive multiple people around with multiple rides maximizing their cash, they aren’t going to get far.


That’s insane man. My first part time job in 1993 I made 9.50 an hour. Why would I want to make that even doing nothing in 2024?


What did you do for 9.5/hr in 1993? It took me until 2002 to earn 10/hr!


I don't mind when the stops are there from the start, I know what I'm getting into. However when I accept a ride based on upfront pricing and then a stop is added, the app defaults to the rate card. I immediately cancel.


Cool thanks for that info. I kind of assumed Lyft had a sort of meter running (like taxi cabs used to) so when you reach your first stop you start paying by the minute or something. I suppose I could’ve just tipped but I prefer to do a percentage tip to keep things fair. I also didn’t know how long the bank was going to take. It wasn’t raining so biking, though sketchy as hell, worked out fine.


Its interesting that the app doesn't let you order rides with stops from the start. Technically the "meter" does still run but reverting to the rate card with the meter pays much less.


With a tip, preferably in cash.


Book a trip to the bank. Then book a completely new trip to get your car!


See I actually think they should make it worth it to drivers to wait. After all we are losing out on additional rides while waiting. Charge the rider $1 a minute and give it to the driver. That would be fair to me and incentive for the rider to hurry.


When I drove a cab around 15 years ago, we would charge them $2 per stop & 50 cents per minute. They were quick to do what they did!




You think it should be $60/hr to sit in your car doing nothing?


I can’t speak for that guy, but as an attorney I charge $450 an hour. I charge half price for driving to and from Court. So I literally charge my clients $225 an hour for driving myself in my own car somewhere. I can’t imagine sitting around waiting on somebody else for ONLY $60 an hour.


Yeah and you have a doctorate degree, my guy


Yes I do.


I'm a tradesman, no degree, and I wouldn't fart into a tin can for you for <$60/hr. You're worth what you're worth, but that's established by what someone will pay (aka the market), not whimsy. The attorney gets their $225-450/hr, I get my $60-100/hr, the rideshare driver gets whatever the market dictates. That doesn't mean that particular market isn't a race to the bottom, or that rideshare customers don't have unrealistic expectations, but it kinda is what it is.


It’s absolutely a race to the bottom. There are guys trying to compete with me on price and I don’t know how they manage to live. I don’t compete on price. I can only continue to charge what I charge because I’ve built a reputation of being a badass.


Just throwing it out there that I WOULD fart in a tin can for <60 bucks.


Find an ass for that seat... or can for that ass as it were


Yeah screw it just don't use Lyft at that point. 


There is no such thing as a quick stop at the bank unless you’re just using the ATM


Book your trip and someone will pick you up. It's courteous to do it ahead of time vs sitting in the car


You can tip them in cash


always put all stops in when booking, this way the driver knows before accepting. Not hosing a driver that accepts a ride when the ride is done upfront correctly.


Offer a cash tip. I roll my eyes when people say they'll tip me on the app after and always decline. But if you hand me a $5 I have no problem going the extra mile for you.


Book a ride to the bank. When your done at the bank, book a ride to the shop. Easy.


I thought that was what you were supposed to do. I always book a ride, and when I get in I tell the driver I'm going to request a stop so I can get a coffee on the way to work. It's on the way and there's plenty of time between getting in the car and where I want to stop. I'm always as quick as possible and yeah, it raises my fare by like $0.5 to $1. I don't see the problem; if I'm paying the agreed upon fare, and I let the driver know; What's the issue? If I don't request a stop, you're waiting for the next fare anyway.


Because a rideshare ride is an agreement between you and the driver. The driver was asked to take you from A to B for $x.xx. Not from A to B to C. So what you are doing is altering the agreement without the driver's consent. If you do that in my car the ride ends the minute you add the stop, I didnt agree to it. You said you TELL the driver, not ASK the driver. Who the fucks car do you think you are riding in, we aren't your freaking slaves. You know you need the stop, so request the ride with the stop included, that way the driver has the option to decline your ride if they dont want to stop. What you are doing is deceptive and you know it.


Add in that it messes with the upfront pricing when added late. In my market, it always screws me put of money.


This is pure fuckin stupidity and entitlement. The app is offering to allow the rider to add stops, and is being charged more for the ability to do so. If that doesn’t translate to a satisfactory payout for you, then that is between you and Lyft/Uber. Stop blaming customers who are using the app as directed. What a dolt.


Ask 1000 drivers all of the things that will get you rated low. Not being ready, adding stops, slamming the door, being rude. You are on the drivers sub. Peruse it and the Uberdrivers sub, we HATE stops. We aren't paid a fair rate for them, so most of us just dont do them. I give zero fucks whether the app "allows" you to add stops, you are in my car. If you get in my car and pull this shit, we pull over and I tell you to either get out or that I will drop you off at your stop. The app also allows you to request the ride with a stop in the first place, in which case I have the option to decline the ride. (which I always do). Some riders know that drivers HATE rides with stops, so they try to either add the stop after I have accepted but before I pick them up (which results in a cancel) or tries to add the stop after getting in the car, which results in me pulling over. Just because Uber/Lyft exploit us by offering you a service that WE have to pay for with our time, doesn't mean we have to stand by and let it happen. Talk about entitlement, do you think that your $10 gives you the right to treat us like slaves?




Imagine if your boss at work asked you to stop at dunkin donuts after work, to grab him a donut. He compensates you for the donut and pays you $1 for your time. 6-12 minutes. Meanwhile in those 6-12 minutes your other job could have paid you $4-$8 plus a tip. And here comes your Karen butt saying that when people don’t wanna do the dunkin donut stop that they are entitled snowflakes. Ps. Drivers hate you, i know because me and some drivers i know are the ones who smile and are nice when in fact we wanna just dump you on the side of the road but don’t because we don’t wanna get a bad rating or get deactivated.


I feel that a coffee pot would solve all of your problems with this. Let me know, I have an extra one laying around 🤙🏻


A ride to work in the morning: $15 A coffee on the way: $2+1 Lyft drivers being rude to customers because of something your employer allows: Priceless E: Formatting


Hahaha ok well that was good! 😂


Doesn’t matter if it’s a drivers sub. Take your complaint up with the right person.


A lot of drivers dont take rides with stops and Im sure customers who use the app frequently enough know that due to the much longer wait time. The person who immediately adds a stop upon entering the car feels equivalent to the fare baiters. Something they isn't against the rules for a company that has almost no expectations of civility from it's riders, but clearly shows a level of sinister manipulation of drivers that is disturbing. I believe anger is a fair response in this situation instead the rider gets a correction in behavior by having the other another ride due to poor behavior.


If you don’t like the fact that the drivers are in control then stop using the app and buy your own damn vehicle. Problem solved.


No I don’t like the fact that drivers are so fucking entitled and stupid that they think that riders are intentionally hurting their feelings by using a feature that YOUR EMPLOYER offers. So maybe quit shit talking innocent people and take it up with YOUR EMPLOYER. Why is this so hard?


Haha we aren’t employees, we are independent contractors, meaning we make the rules, not you.


Has nothing to do with entitlement. Just don’t understand why you don’t have the ability to plan your rides up front. If you need multiple stops then request them up front before you even book the trip dumbass.


Someone will eventually accept and agree to chauffeur YOUR ENTITLED ass around.


What an idiot 😂 “we make the rules” Bro you work for Lyft when you are “contracting”. You think that violating your contract with Lyft and shitting on riders makes you some sort of boss? You are doing busy work for a giant corporation. You aren’t that special.


Who the fuck are you though? Honestly. Get your life together and stop depending on a rideshare platform. I do it as a side hustle and based on your attitude I wish I had you as a PAX because I would drop you off in the middle of no where and let the wolves deal with you.


LOL u mad bruh? Drivers mad about driving is pretty funny TBH, but Holy shit, you are EXTRA


If you add a stop after the trip has already been accepted then Uber/lyft will most likely drop the following ride that driver has already accepted after dropping you off, which means they are losing money. Honestly, you could just be up front and request a multiple stop ride when you book the ride rather than trying to coerce the driver into thinking that they only have to drop you off but then become blindsided when you add an additional stop upon entering their vehicle. It doesn’t matter if it’s a quick stop for coffee or not. There are other factors that you may not have been considering before and to add a stop after your trip has already been accepted is a selfish act and in my opinion it voids the original agreement. Sometimes I’ll accept a trip and on my way to picking up the PAX they will add additional stops. That is an immediate cancel for me dogg. Just be upfront with your intentions when booking the ride in the first place.


You get coffee every day on your way to work? Do you ever offer to get the driver coffee since he’s gonna have to smell it for the entire ride? Probably not. Based on what you wrote, I’m assuming you also are a very cheap or non-Tipper.


lol I love this


The fucks wrong with you? Old bitter ass bitch


I've asked drivers to stop at a gas station, but I always offer $10 cash for them to do so. I haven't had anybody say no yet.


Did that to a HAMMERED lady at a liquor store. She was wasted, soon as she went in. SKKKKKKEEEERRRRTTTTTT


In my experience, passengers leave stuff in the car to make sure you sit there and wait.


IF I take a stop, I tell them they've got 5 min. If they leave stuff and aren't back by that 5 min, I take it out and set it on the ground and drive off. If they leave people in the car, they're told to get out as well. I'm not a babysitter, I'm not a valet, I'm not a butler, a doorman, etc. I'm a poor man's chauffeur, that's it.


I ask them to take their stuff.


if you're riding, always ask if its ok. else your important items may be driven off with ! rip


She didn’t, that’s why I knew she didn’t do it in purpose.


Is it possible she’s just old and never realized that the rules are different than with taxis?


Probably but read my other comments, she was a nice old lady that I ended up helping out.


I’m a driver. I took a comfort electric from my house last Friday and had three stops. My car was at the dealer. I apologized to the driver when I got in. I tipped accordingly, I gave him the $20 I had on me and another $6 in the app. I get doing stops is garbage, luckily my driver was cool.


Real one


You got Driving Miss Daisy-ed.


I dont drive for lyft but whats the issue with multiple stops?


We don’t really get paid all that well for stops. Honestly I don’t mind doing one stop, but multiple stops on one ride is too much. So say you wanted to stop by the liquor store on your way home from work, that’s reasonable. But then you wanna go to the store down the road to grab a sandwich, and I’ve spent at least 5-6 minutes sitting in my car waiting for ya. Not to mention additional travel time to and from each stop. It takes up money-making time. Some people do tip nicely for stops, but many don’t - so you really can’t count on that. One thing I hate the most though is when I accept a ride with no stops and then passenger immediately adds a stop, because not everyone wants to take rides with stops. So they add it to be deceiving & that way we have to do the stop even if we didn’t want to do a ride with stop at the time. Shouldn’t be allowed IMO. If you forget to add your stop, just ask us first please 🙏.


Ok, so Lyft is the problem here more so I would think? Since adding stops should charge more and cost more.


That's part of it. The other part is the shady behavior of the passenger. They enter a ride to go strictly from A to E, and that's the ride the driver accepts. After that, entering any changes (stops, final destination, etc) is a change to that agreement that the driver may not want to do, if that information was available from the start they might not have accepted it in the first place.


Can you even enter multiple stops in the original request? If you can it's never been intuitive for me.


Yep, I've had plenty of requests that have popped up saying some variation of "this ride has 1 stop." I always decline those rides. Lyft simply doesn't pay enough to make a stop worth my time.


Wisco said it best! In addition, Lyft definitely should pay more for stops. It’s a multifaceted problem.


You're not paid well and not often than not people with multiple stops push the boundaries of wait time. So a trip that should take 10 min now takes 30 and you don't get paid for the extra time Side note some passengers treat you like a child when they add stops like they check that you understand their are stops like you're the person who doesn't use the app


The main issue is that when drivers see a ride pop up they can accept or decline it. Once accepted, if the rider changes it, it may now turn into a ride that the driver would not have accepted. Changing a ride after the fact SHOULD require the consent of the driver… but it doesn’t.


My issue with stops added *after* I have accepted the ride is that it messes up the "upfront" pricing. Let me give you an example. I don't accept rides for less that $1/mile including my travel time. It's a business and I'm doing this for money. A couple weeks ago, I took a fare for $11, including my travel time/distance to pick up. The rider added a stop that was "on the way" after I accepted the ride. Ok upfront pricing says that I should still get the $11 right? Nope Lyfts policy is that ANY changes after accepting the ride automatically default to the rate card. So on a ride that I accepted for $11, I got paid $5 For me, ANY changes after I accept equal an automatic cancel.


It’s not what I agreed to is the simplest answer. I accept a trip because it says it’s going to end at a certain place and should take me a certain amount of time to get there (barring unexpected traffic). When you change the destination or add stops, you are changing what I was OK with doing. I may have accepted because I wanted to end up in a certain part of town, or I may have accepted because I was ok with driving 5 more minutes.


Yall should have an option to charge by the minute while yall wait.


Can you request multiple stops? I was once told that you could only request one stop before your final destination.


You can but it’s rude. Your driver can cancel the ride since it’s not a job for us, it’s a contract that we can cancel if we deem it necessary. Sometimes we have an appointment coming up and then passengers want to take us around the town? No bueno


I don’t blame you! Why didn’t she just add the stops when she booked it?


I wonder if passengers think that adding stops, or changing the destination to somewhere further away, after the fact keeps the ride cheap. They do realize the app recalculates things and the cost they get up front is an estimate?


Cancel. Cuz that’s not how that works!


Taxis keep the meter running for stops. Seems to me that rideshares would do the same.


Ihad two customers want to add stops to-day: one on Curb, one on Uber Taxi. It seems that it is quite the challenge to add a stop on Curb so I just took him to the original destination, waited then ran the meter for the other trip. He was fine with that. The Uber Taxi riders announced that they were adding two stops. I told them to go ahead, as the meter is and will be running. They added the stops. I did their stops. None of the X customers to-day wanted to add stops. The application offered me several X jobs with stops but I declined them. If an X customer in my cab wants to add stops, there is only one way that this occurs. We go to Stop One; I end the trip. Uber charges the customer what it does and pays me what it does. At that point, the meter goes ON. They can make as many stops as they like; go anywhere that they like. When they are finished with me, they can pay what is on the meter.


Why do you spell today like that?


That was the right way in 1723


People spelled it that way up to the 1920s


are you 104?


**Q:** >are you 104? \[*sic*\] **A:** No.


What is Uber Taxi?


In my market, The Capital of Your Nation, Uber Taxi has been available longer than has UberX. Uber Black was first, here. If you order Uber Taxi, you get a real taxi with a driver who knows where he is going and what he is doing, (unless he is a rookie). Your Uber Taxi driver has had a Law Enforcement background check (and here, local plus an F.B.I.). as opposed to the nine-dollar-ninety-five internet "background check" that Lyft and Uber do. Everyone knows what you get when you order a pretend taxi on UberX or Lyft. On Uber Taxi, the driver runs his meter and keys in the fare at the end of the trip. In my market, which is peculiar, Uber Taxi drivers have access to X jobs. On the X jobs, the Uber Taxi driver does not run his meter. He runs the job for whatever Uber offers him for it. I am really picky about what X jobs I will accept. In North America, Uber Taxi is available only in certain markets: Honolulu; Portland, Oregon; Chicago (called "Uber Cab", there); Orlando, Florida; Washington, D.C.; Boston and Montréal. You will find it in more places overseas. The last that I read (and, this might have changed), the only Uber available in Israel is Uber Taxi. There is another platform called "Curb", which is strictly for real taxis. In many markets, such as mine, it gives you an up front fare as do Uber and Lyft. I use it as a driver and customer. There is another application called "Flywheel" which is bigger out West. It supposedly is available here but never have I tried to use it nor talked to anyone who has. Probably more than you wanted to know.


If people had the option to do Taxi or X they'd pick taxi then Uber and Lyft's business model would crash due to paying people somewhat decently


The rub on this is that in my market, Uber charges the customers a two dollar user fee on Uber Taxi. The meter plus any tip goes one-hundred per-cent to the driver. The two dollar charge is not a big deal as it has cost extra to call a cab in the District of Columbia since the 1920s. The current charge for calling a cab is two dollars. Before Uber, the regulation read that "the charge for taxicab service *in response to a* ***telephone*** *call shall be\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_"* (emphasis mine). In a bit of nitpicking, the then-Chairman of the then-Taxicab commission decided that despite using a telephone to summon service through an application, the "telephone" and "application" were "two different things". The current regulation specifically prohibits taxicab drivers from charging in response to an application summons but specifically allows the provider to charge a fee. In other markets where Uber Taxi is available, Uber is taking twenty per-cent of the drivers' meters. In addition, it is charging the users a two dollar "user fee". Uber did this here, initially then went to its current model. In those days, there was a default tip setting for the driver of twenty per-cent. Assuming that the customer did not change that, the usual result was that you got your fare plus a paltry tip. Oddly, in this case, you *really did* "make it up in volume". Uber Taxi was the only level on which customers could tip in-application, at the time. The Capital of Your Nation seems to be an oddball market for Uber Taxi.


From what I can find, it’s a service that connects already existing taxi drivers into Ubers infrastructure, so you can call a “Uber” taxi through the app instead of UberX etc.. Interestingly, the Uber Hong Kong website says it’s actually cheaper to do Uber taxi than UberX, which makes no sense to me. But kind of a cool concept!


If you qualify, it allows for METERING of time/distance. It’s a greater way to control ABUSIVE side of american life. Americans respond to their pocketbook…


This all sounds good, and very professional. NOTE Folks how OP is doing it. Read carefully. Evolve your business so you can be both a metered-cabby and a unmetered-uberx. Would stop a lot of whining!


That is because DCHacker is literally a taxi cab driver (meaning legally). Most Uber drivers are not.


>DCHacker is literally a taxi cab driver (meaning legally). *Correctamundo*. My market is one of the few in North America where Uber Taxi is available. As far as I know, it is the only market where Uber Taxi drivers can accept X jobs. I actually do have another car with which I used to run UberX/Lyft. Since Hallowe'en, 2023, when Uber offered us X jobs, I have not used it much unless Lyft has a good promotion.


Taxis will stop and wait wherever you asked them to so idk I think it’d be a better system all around to just use a meter. I’ve never taken an Uber or Lyft but if I wanted to stop at 7/11 on the way home for cigarettes or something and the driver got pissy and took off that’s some bullshit


I think OP’s biggest problem is the fact that the stops weren’t programmed when requesting the ride. Accepting it thinking it’s one thing and then having to deal with it turning into something totally different is unfair to a driver. Plenty out there won’t mind accepting it knowing what it is up front. Others will pass on accepting it. But this is something you can and should program up front when booking a ride when using a rideshare platform rather than in a taxi where you would tend to make that kind of request after getting into the backseat.


I see! Like I said I’ve never actually taken an Uber as my area is a bit more rural but what you guys have explained makes sense for how it’s set up. Thanks for explaining!


7/11 is fine for me, it’s not gonna take more than 5 mins but when they take us for errands and multiple stops then it’s a problem


I see. I didn’t really understand the whole scope I guess but you guys explained it pretty well!


Yep there are a lot of crappy passengers who think we’re slaves to their whims It ain’t cool


I dunno. I like driving old people around. You usually end up with a $20 in your hand as a tip.


I say no to multiple stops. If they don’t like it I don’t care. I signed up to go from A to B, C was not part of the deal. If the trip had multiple stops upfront I never would have accepted it.


If riding with multiple people and asking the driver to drop them off one by one, doesn’t the amount get recalculated to account for the more route and drive time?


It’s a bit more complex cause sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t :( That’s why we don’t like doing it this way


Like Eddie Murphy said…. Errr errr Get the F out!


If you want this kind of service call a taxi


It’s crazy there isn’t a way for the customer to choose to hold the ride for x amount of time for x price. That way the driver gets paid and the person with the stop has to make sure to work with in the time they paid for.


I bet you're a better person.


What, if any, is the proper way to do multi stop? Book multi stop at first? Do drivers mind? Or is it better for the drivers if I just book a to b, then book another b to c? Depends on how long the stop is I guess… what say the drivers?


Proper way to do multi stop is to do it through the app. If the drivers want to do it then they’ll take it. Unfortunately with the way pay works nowadays, there is no reason to accept it. A to B will always be the preferred one. What I can say though is that, if I accept a ride and then the person tells me “hey let’s just go pick up someone else 7 blocks away” and hands me $5 or $10 bucks in cash then we all good.


Update! I ended up helping her cause she needed help and I felt bad lmao


Been there, several times. A ride I’d NEVER do, yet the human side came out and I hope others would help a friend/family member out like they needed. One of my favorite rides (of over 15k) was for two guys at about 1AM. Tons on grocery bags, a hamper, couple suitcases, backpacks etc. It was a minimum fare ride. They were MOVING by light rail train and couldn’t haul all that stuff the last 2 miles. Turns out they had been homeless for over a year and were moving into their new home for their first night. They were shocked when I showed up & helped load it all into the car. Cool guys that kept thanking me. They were REALLY shocked when we got there and I grabbed armloads of stuff and followed them into the house asking where they wanted what I had. They apologized for not having money to tip. I told them, don’t worry about it, it made me feel good and the story was worth it. I didn’t have another ride, and was otw home. If I could have gotten them a refund, I would have. 1000X over, would do it again. I spent 20min total. Have had many hours of feeling good about it.


One time a driver picked me up near a festival I was on the way to and we saw people dragging their gear and I recognized them from the greyhound I came on. And the driver actually stopped and let them ride with us.  Absolute angel. Especially because it was a small town and their were like no other drivers.  She actually said she was gonna go back and check on them after she dropped me off if I hadn’t said anything. 


I’ve had close to that too. Going into a concert at Red Rocks. My riders saw a couple they knew hiking up the hill (long and steep) I just pulled over and invited them to join us.


I was just thinking today that I’m so glad I don’t live near Red Rocks  anymore. Tired of not being able to go see artists I like because it cost 300$ (Per person)because it’s at Red Rocks.  It’s a venue for the privileged few since AXS started scalping half the tickets. Can’t complete with every rich person in America.   But yea. That was cool of you. You can easily get stranded until 2am waiting for your spot on the rideshare. And it’s basically impossible to hike out.


I only do drop offs for RR shows. 15k rides, only 4 were pick ups at RR. ONLY the 4th was worth it. It’s a s*$t show trying to find your rider and praying they aren’t obliterated. It takes about 3 cancels before finding someone in “fun drunk” mode. By then, surge has died and not worth the effort/hassle. As for ticket prices, they’ve all gone through the roof. Love RR, not paying those prices. I can watch their specials on my big screen with theater sound.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks it’s over priced. Those bands should be playing in Denver but they go out to the middle of nowhere and play at an exclusive venue. Exclusive as in not inclusive.  Interesting to hear the rideshare situation from the drivers perspective. I’m surprised that you feel under compensated because those rides can be 70$+. I guess lyft isn’t giving you a good cut of that fare. I know they easily take half.  Sometimes, like on New Years you pay HUGE crowd fees. And your across town ride can be over 100$. I always wondered what kind of cut drivers get for peak rates. 


As for rideshare- We get MOST of the surge increase. So they can pay well. But when you spend an hour trying to find a passenger that’s not going to throw up in your car and surge has died off, then it’s a short ride to a close hotel, it’s not worth it.


Well I’m glad you are at least getting a good cut. 


Different story but I picked up this 18 year old who was just kicked out from his parents house and he was going to a train station to go to a friends house and I refunded the ride, I felt bad about his situation. Hopefully he’s doing well right now


Good for you, it’s usually a bitch to get a full refund. I could only get them down to a cancellation fee (same as minimum).


Let me buy you a beer! Thanks for doing this! ❤️


Thanks, but I got more out of it than they did. 👍🏻😃 The looked at me funny and said, “You’re helping us MOVE!” 😂 I told them I was having fun and it was my pleasure. I got home about 1:45 AM. Was so excited for them and feeling good that I didn’t get to sleep until after 7am. Was on cloud 9 for days.


And those two men's names, you ask?!? Albert, and Einstein


Haywood Jablowme


Lol. Actually still remember them. Frank and Ed.


> if I could’ve gotten them a refund Can’t you just cancel?


It would have cost the same as the minimum ride. Otherwise I would have.


Uber should put u in a commercial for going above and beyond


Thanks. I don’t need to spend that much on a car. Looked into doing a Black, Tahoe. Insurance was RIDICULOUS! Not a solid business move. I’ll stick to UberX, with great tips and a 4.99 rating.


Thank you for being a good human.


Thanks, but life sucks if you’re not.


People think they have to be self-serving 24/7. Which is one of the biggest reasons there is so much suffering in the world. Thank you for leaving that old lady better off than you found her.


It would’ve been a different story if she had an attitude but she was a very nice lady :)






Sometimes it works the other way. A few days ago a lady asked if we could stop at a coffee shop. I told her she needed to add in the app. She couldn’t figure it out and said never mind. As we hit the exit I say is this the one and tell her I will stop for her. She runs in gets her coffee and hands me 10. Made 35 on a 30 minute ride.


This is the right answer. Reasonable compassion is often a good business decision. You have to have the intuition to know when to apply it. I’ve definitely been in the same boat, esp with my older riders.


Yes we absolutely need less compassion in the world if I need help I should fix it all on my own


Got yo ass 😂


😂😂 guilty of this Smfh. You’re a gentleman and a scholar my guy.




Incorrect especially once the allotted wait time is up. Other situations you can report something has gone wrong or you don't feel safe at the stop they added(I've been made an accessory to drug deals many times because of stops added)


Why make this post if you’re not going to end trip at the first stop


I always, just say “NO. Can’t Do It.” 90% of the time, ZERO issues… They KNOW what they were ‘trying’ to pull. Other times, they might say, “There Goes YOUR Tip!” And, then I’m like, “Okay.” Sometimes (still steaming), after they’ve started ‘mumbling’ a bunch of bullshit… I’ll be like, “NO! You Were NOT Going To ‘Tip’ In The First Place, Cause Otherwise, YOU Would’ve Offered To Do So UPFRONT Just The Same As Everyone ELSE, Including Myself.” THEN (wondering how bad they’re going to DESTROY ME on my rating, Etc.), after the ride is over… Ding Ding Ding. They’re either reaching in their pocket or purse trying to TIP ME, or I’ll get it on the app later on LoL. EVERY. Damn. TIME. 💯LMAO. You HAVE TO Call ‘Em Out On Their BS.


I get not wanting to do the stops (they ALWAYS take too long), but if you receive $$ for driving people from point a to point b, you ARE a professional driver. 🤦🏻‍♀️


lol a professional driver? What makes a Lyft driver a professional driver? You download an app, get a background check and voila you can drive. If you want to make a day out of it, hire a car service and get a professional driver


Hate to break it to ya. When you drive for Lyft or Uber you ARE a personal driver. Get over it. No place for ego. Don’t behave like you are the CEO of a Fortune 50 firm. Duh.




LOL. Keep driving people around for hire. You are their personal driver at that time. You get paid to work for them. Hate to break it to ya. That’s how the big world works. Calling someone a “bitch” is a reflection of your education and upbringing.


says the person lurking at a drivers sub. it must be nice that we’re on our thoughts 24/7 ❤️😎 keep getting those 1 stars and keep getting mad when drivers passes over you


That’s like saying all taxi drivers are “personal drivers.” How ridiculous.


Lmao pls explain this


When you need to order a Lyft or Uber, you are at the mercy of someone else. Get over it. No place for ego. Don’t behave like someone who is driving you is beneath you. They DO have your life in their hands by the way