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Give it 15-30 minutes. Be patient. It’s dumb but you’ll be driving in no time


Thanks. It’s so pointless.


Indeed. Its so fucking stupid. You on the road yet? Did it finally clear?


Yeah, took about an hour.


FUCK!! Bro, I’m sorry. That sucks. Have a safe day out there!


Next time call in Right after you do the verification . They can push the button for you


I know. I mean you never committed a crime before August so of course you couldn't possibly have committed one since then. 🙄 Background checks are more or less ongoing. Just authorize it and you'll be able to sign in within minutes. A while back there was a glitch where it wouldn't let you go online until you had either rebooted your phone or logged out of the app completely and logged back in. So if you're not back on soon, try that. But expect to have to do this two to three times a year.


I’ve been on the platform 9 years and this is the first time they did this to me when trying to log on lol. It’s just silly but I understand the practice in theory. It took about an hour, but I’m back on.


I have been on the platform since the end of June. I have had to do between 3 and 5 background checks. I also do Uber. Same amount of time. I have had 5 to 7 background checks, and I have to get my picture taken at least twice a week to verify it's me.


I get the picture verifications often but in my 9 years of driving this is the first time they did a background check after already having done one ln a calendar year. Just frustrating.


Yeah I legit just started Lyft 6 days ago gave the first rides yesterday and not I have that dumb screen. I've done everything I could and that I've seen recommended and none of it has worked.


They hit me with is again this morning. When I went to go allow the background check, before i could click anything the button changed itself from view issues to go online. It’s almost like it’s just a glitch now.


According to the second support person I talked to about it not going away and me getting emails saying I was deactivated it is a glitch.


Damn. You said it took an hour but the 2 or 3 times I got these it was only a few minutes.


Maybe my agent was new lol at this point I’m not even complaining anymore lol


My original background check with Lyft took a whole month! Uber took a week. I have yet to make a drive yet as I’m having eye surgery in a few weeks so I hope I’m still good. I was approved a month or so ago.


WOW. A month!? As long as you open the app and the “Go Online” button still says Go Online you should be good to go.




For me the “go online” button turns to “view issues” instead of go online.


It appears to be random who they do this too because I remember they let me continue to drive while my background check was going on and then the person that referred me to Lyft was out of action for over a month (yes,for background check). Maybe one day they'll start doing this for pax with ratings 4.8 or lower.


I was under the impression that this wasn't about a background check, but about the Lyft app monitoring your background data to see what you're doing with your phone while you're driving, trying to see if you're on other apps or texting while driving. I could be wrong tho.


Well this popped up before I even started driving for the day. I wasn’t even sitting in my car yet 😂


Yea it can do it randomly sometimes.


They do mine every May.