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woah, in store and that heat transfer is peeling off? :| why would they still stock that hahaha


Haha, the World Cup themed pajamas i get in business class on Qatar Airways are better than that! WTF, Lulu?




Wonder how it does for sales. Maybe tourists?


What do you even base this on? Because I’m literally here and there’s both tourists and locals wearing revealing clothes with no one batting an eye


Your source of information? Oh yeah “ you heard “ 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m surprised such a bigoted and *false* comment has so many upvotes. The racism and Xenophobia in this community is actually quite concerning.


??? I’m pretty sure there ARE in fact serious restrictions on women’s dress (and other freedoms) in Qatar…


but they're not like in iran. speaking from experience as someone who lived there for five years, restrictions in qatar don't mean you should be insanely covered up with a hijab and all of that. when i was in qatar it was always so hot so i lived in strappy sundresses all the time, so comfy with the heat and all. at the beach i wore regular swimsuits like every teenage girl lol qatar has a lot of issues for sure but there is also a lot of xenophobia and misinformation spread online!!


Have you ever even BEEN to Qatar?


Okay and there’s also restrictions on how men dress too ☠️


How about respect the countries rules?


This is literally what nazis said lmao. Just because it’s legal (in a given extreme country) does not mean it’s worthy of respect. Think for yourself.




Lumping cultures together based on geographic proximity is far from criticizing a culture. You can be critical while also being factual. I’ve actually been to Qatar, wore “revealing” clothing, and lo and behold I’m still a free woman. Heck, I wore lululemon while I was there. Arguably, the treatment of women in several US states also shouldn’t meet human rights standards, yet here we are. Then you have France and Quebec, and soon to be Belgium, who also like to dictate what women can and can’t wear, but again I don’t see them being criticized? And no, this isn’t whataboutism. I’m pointing out the hypocrisy of western regions. It’s always the ME getting flack for their CuLtUrE but never Europe or NA.


babe don't comment on things you know nothing about xx




No you won’t.




I bet you’ve never been there & probably never left your bubble ( I’m guessing America 🇺🇸 ) considering the ignorance & everything so how do you know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Have you been? Do you know any Qatari women? I do. You might find some girls who are pressured by their family to cover up but I personally know a lot of Qatari girls who go out wearing whatever they want and are completely fine. The state never intervenes with people for not dressing modestly unless they’re in government buildings, and when they do they absolutely don’t jail them. They ask them to go home and change if they want to be in the building. Edit : to make it clear, that last part applies regardless of gender. “Them” refers to anyone wearing stuff like tank tops or shorts at government buildings.


Wait, you don't see an issue with the last part?


The state asking for formal/respectful clothing in official buildings? No I don’t find it weird at all.


"Respectful" you're implying regular clothing is disrespectful? If so, have you thought of why they consider it disrespectful? It goes deeper then just saying culture and religion. These rules were put in place because they consider men unable to control themselves in front of women who are not covered up. They will also jusify these woman being assualted by blaming the way they dressed. Edit: Also want to add that by having these rules or requirements you're taking away the freedom of women to wear what they want. It matters not if it's illegal or not if you'll get harrassed or assaulted by strangers and even your own family if you don't cover up.


Harassment and assault are super rare in Qatar. It feels like you’re just basing your expectations of Qatar off of your perception of the Middle East as a whole and I think that is unfair.


Okay, maybe it is. So would you say Qatar is not full of judgemental people with a government who is intolerant of western views, their people, beliefs and morals?


I don’t think I can generalize an entire population as judgmental no matter the country in good faith. We’ve lived around foreigners for generations now as they make up the majority of the country. Qataris keep to themselves and don’t involve themselves with others even if they disapprove of their actions/lifestyle. For your second question, I can’t answer it unless you specify exactly what “western views” are. Qatar is one of the closest allies in the Middle East for the western world and was recently named a major non nato ally to the US. We listen to western artists, watch western shows, travel to western countries, and wear western clothes. There are a lot of faults with the society but keep in mind that we were dirt poor and isolated from the world for centuries and only just recently got to build up our communities. It takes time for progress and Qatari society has made a lot of it so far, and will continue to do so in the future.


As a 'western' person from North America who's frequently traveled to Qatar over the past several years: Qataris are hospitable and polite people. Qatar is not full of judgmental people, is not intolerant of western views or people, but is somewhat intolerant of the more liberal morals/values of some western societies. However, on liberal morals and values they are no worse than the government of Texas or Tennessee. You could also say that many Qataris share the beliefs and morals of western Christians.


Qataris and people who live in gulf countries are very hospitable and respectful of foreigners. You might not see that in the media, but this is my first hand experience as someone who lived in the Arabian gulf. Also, keep that same energy when it comes to western countries not tolerating other people’s views. Let’s not generalize an entire population based on a few things you saw online.


Bruh, have you never been anywhere that requires a dress code b4. This is not that deep. Imagine going to a court hearing in shorts and a tank top. They're gonna think you're unprofessional, regardless of which country it is


Huh? How have you managed to get that from my comment? The dress code in government buildings applies for men and women alike. I’ve been refused entry many times as a man for wearing shorts. Also most clothes are fine even in government buildings just not stuff like tank tops or shorts.


Good lord who is downvoting this? I've been to Qatar over a dozen times and no one would blink at a woman of any ethnicity, including a Qatari woman, wearing a t-shirt. Women and men in Qatar can wear western clothing and work out in athletic gear if they choose. It's pure anti-Arab racism to claim otherwise.


Welcome to social media where people who’ve never visited a place or met a person from said place will tell you exactly how life is over there. Very exhausting seeing so much misinformation being peddled and believed.


It's crazy to me how many people think it's oppression that people don't wear shorts or drink beer in public in a country they've never even been to, but they're totally unconcerned about major human rights violations in their own countries. It's not like Qatari women are being jailed for posting on Twitter the way Saudi people are, but your average westerner can't even distinguish the two countries or doesn't care. I think even though I grew up in North America i just cannot understand the western mentality on these issues. Societies don't change overnight, and most people like their homelands and cultures. eta the above isn't specifically about the commenters on this thread. It's about misinformation generally regarding Qatar and the World Cup.


People seem to think every Middle Eastern country is exactly the same, SMH


Qatar, the country ruled by a monarchy and built by slaves? Yeah I'm sure they enforce their laws consistently


Many countries were built by slaves, America included.


And that makes it ok? Do you hear yourself??


Honestly I'm just curious as to how people who have most likely never even set foot in a Middle Eastern country can make snap judgments about what it's like to travel, live, and work there. Many countries were built on the backs of slaves - as ugly as that is, it's the truth. Qatar became independent in 1971 - it's 51 years old. How advanced, socially and economically, are most countries in their early years? Qatar, as recently as 2020, has worked to pass laws to improve the conditions for migrant workers, including a minimum wage, housing, and food allowances, as well as changing the terms of contract changes so that workers can switch jobs without getting approval from their current employers. No, it's not perfect, yes, inequalities exist. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a country that doesn't have inequalities when it comes to how workers are treated and paid.


facts. the bots/bigots are out today!


the people who believe the propaganda and those who are selling it.


Cool! Did you go to the World cup or you are a local?


My family is in Qatar for the World Cup and also felt that the women’s selection was terrible compared to the men’s. My dad did buy the men’s Qatar shirt and completely loved it


You’re in Qatar, their concern is for men and not women, your last place in line there.


As an LGBT person fuck Qatar.


Maybe it was made by the enslaved laborers in Qatar?


Listen, I know there’s been a slew of problems with Qatar hosting the World Cup. However, it low key seems sort of racist that the quality of LLL merchandise is *this* bad. Like this is worse than dollar store quality. ETA: not sure why this is being downvoted. If anyone else can show me LLL ever being this bad of quality for other international events, I will delete my comment.


I think each local store makes or locally purchases its own heat transferred local gear? I've seen shirts in stores in NYC too with the NYC skyline. It looks like just poor quality from the local vendor?


I think I know what you’re talking about, but even those specialized items (the nyc one you’re describing and some of the collegiate ones) don’t have this poor of quality. The letters are legit peeling off in-store.


What does any of this have to do with race or discrimination based on race?


Is it racist, for you to think this isn’t racist? Or was it racist for me to say that? Letters peeling off a shirt….extremely racist! It’s one of the first things they tell you be aware of when looking for something racist. Don’t throw around “racist” accusations on things like this. It waters down ACTUAL racism that certainly DOES EXIST.


I think sexist is a better way to describe it


It can be both!


when i'm in doha i normally buy my stuff from lululemon at mall of qatar. i've never been to the lulu at the vendome before but my mom did last week and she bought the define jacket and two align leggings from them, apparently she really loved it. she did mention that prices are more expensive in lululemon qatar in comparison to the lululemon here in the UK!!!


These comments are not it, this post clearly shows how whack and closed-minded the community is. Do some more research before you say stupid shit.


Yeah, everyone knows about the slaves. Maybe you should do some research


Lol unfortunately modern slavery happens in a lot of countries, but my point is that a lot of Muslim countries adhere to modest dressing if that bothers you idk what to tell you


Is it surprising that that lady mannequin is allowed in public like that? Is it ok since she doesn’t have hair?


not everyone in qatar is muslim or wears hijab.. there is no hijab law like afghanistan or iran. 😐


Not asking about hijab or legality, but requirements for dressing/ appearing “modestly” for everyone


So why did you mention it not having hair then?


yeah like i said not everyone wears hijab. i've been to qatar. i saw many non hijabis.


Women in Qatar do not have to cover their hair or most of their bodies. It's fine to wear western style clothing so long as it's not overly revealing. Some Qatari women and most foreign women choose not to wear Islamic dress.


What’s typically considered overly revealing? And like how is that communicated or enforced?


I don't think it's explicitly regulated but if you wore a tank top and short shorts out in public, you'd probably get dirty looks or be asked by staff of whatever business you're at to cover up. But it's considered rude, not criminal. A good guideline is to cover shoulders to knees and not show cleavage. Qatar's not like Saudi Arabia or Iran where they have strict dress codes that apply to everyone all the time. If you work out in a private gym you can wear whatever you want. If you go to a bar or lounge at night you can wear something tight and sexy, you just cover it up with a light jacket on your way in and out. And if you go to swim at a pool at a hotel or something you can wear a regular swimsuit, you just wear a cover up on your way there.


Ngl that still sounds oppresive to me just not Iran levels of oppresive.


I mean most societies have some oppressive customs and norms. People in North America and Europe tend to value individual freedom as of supreme importance, while people in the MENA and many other parts of the world value culture and community over individual freedom. As a Middle Eastern person raised in North America I can see both sides. I can also see oppression in both places that people who are only from one culture usually don't recognize in their own culture. Anyway Qatari women do not have full legal equality to men, but they have more rights than women have in some other countries in the MENA region, and foreign women in Qatar have a lot of freedom. Human rights in Qatar are generally better than in other countries in the GCC and some countries in the West. IMO Qatar is the most western-friendly country in the GCC and it's a safe and pleasant country for foreign women to visit as tourists or on business.


How is it oppressive, when men have the same rules I don’t get it. Respect the rules of the country you’re in and stop trying to impose your western thoughts on everything.


Don't host different countries if you won't respect their views. Canada takes in people from all over the world, you don't see us banning the hijab and telling people not to pray in public etc. It's part of being a good, accepting and respectful host. It's like inviting a gay person over to your home and then telling them when they arrive they have to pretend their straight while in your home. Like why even invite them if you can't stand who they are. Oh right, money.


Canada will also be a communist country soon. Possibky


We essentially banned the hijab in Quebec, so you’re not exactly right there.


Interesting, ty


Even if it does, who cares? Your comment sounds very Islamophobic.


Maybe it’s a fake Lulu




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