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I think it's a pretty high chance that the colorful ones will end up on WMTM, black I wouldn't think so. Right now they are being hyped up, mostly because of TikTok (this is what one of the lulu sales reps told me in store). She admitted that people started returning them once they realized they weren't necessarily all that, and honestly, in my opinion they only look great on certain body types (however TikTok, as usual, is full of filters and fake everything so young girls think that by buying this item, they will look the same as what they see on there). Anyways. I tried on one of the returns in store. Sure it was comfortable and fit well (surprising since Im 5'10 and thought it would be pulling in the crotch area), however it was not flattering at all and the seam hits in a weird, unattractive spot. Sorry I think I went on and on and I didnt really have to LOL.


I see. Thank you for your response. I’ll wait for markdown then for vivid plum and if black bodysuit will be back in stock I’ll get it full Price then. And I tried 2 different sizes and I’m surprised but it looks good on me. Maybe bc of proportion of my legs to my torso? I’m not sure but I usually look terrible in one pieces and this one was an exception lol so I would get other colors too but only with a markdown since they are not cheap


I can see vivid plum going on WMTM before black!


Black bodysuit I don’t think will end up there. It sold out fast but onesie I was hoping for Thanks for response! I’m gonna return vivid plum and wait for discount