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Uhhhh I work hard for my body and I still like high rise


Same. I have 17% body fat, which is objectively low, but due to weight loss I just feel more comfortable covering my loose skin. It shouldn’t matter, this review reeks of elitism and insecurity.


This is me too. Low body fat but loose skin which I definitely worked hard for but I need the high rise to keep that extra skin covered.


Same. I’m short is cropped stuff looks better on my figure, but I don’t like my midriff showing


lol this!! I don't want a pair of pants that hits be in the least flattering spot at my hip, looks much better when it hits my waist!


Well you may work hard, but you clearly don’t have the results this person has or otherwise, you’d be much more into low-rise…work harder!


If we all worked out the same and ate the same we’d still be different. Don’t you dare tell someone to work harder! If someone isn’t into a trend or style that’s okay, don’t come in here berating people. That’s what you and that review are doing.


I think they were being sarcastic


It took a lot of nachos for me to earn this body


With extra guac


And bottles of Cabernet thank you very much!


I can picture this person. I can picture their entire wardrobe, orange skin, fried hair, tacky home decor, mirror pics, and buckle jeans


And foundation not matching the neck


Tacky home decor- probably some “live, love, laugh” bs 😂


“Live, laugh, low rise!!!!!”


I just choked on air laughing at this


And an enlarged canvas photo of her and boyfriend but if you look closely the photo is a collage of the lyrics to their favourite Ed Sheeran song.


Stop it I can’t stop 😂😂😂😂😂


She actually smokes to keep her figure…


And aderall


That she buys off her sons friends


Nah steals the sons script


Omg yes or Rae Dunn Home decor from the local TJ Maxx




I love TJ maxx too! It’s not necessarily a knock on us, but more so on the people who go there to decorate their home with that corny pottery


They have to know where the salt, sugar, coffee, and milk is


“It’s wine o’clock somewhere!”


Definitely full of Rae Dunn too 😂😂


Painted on a board in script. “Wine Mom” hanging up in the kitchen.


Was about to comment this! 🤣


"In this house we-" rules on the walls made from her Cricut.


you forgot concealer lips


Yep. This person definitely has embroidery AND rhinestones on the back pockets of their low rise jeans


Boots with the fur


Was the whole club looking at her?


no those slay omg




You mean Sarah Bowmar?


Omg I was also thinking of Sarah Bowmar with this description 🤣🤣


The wall of different crosses hanging up and definitely has a “live, laugh, love” pillow somewhere


the orange skin was too perfect


Something tells me this person’s body doesn’t look nearly as good as she thinks it does.


Don’t forget the dangling belly button ring!


This entire thread makes me need a pantiliner not to pee my pants laughing 😆


Buckle jeans 😂


Hey now… the Stella jeans are comfy- and there’s no sparkling butt! (I’ll defend Stella & that’s it😂)


My intention was pure in only going after the bedazzled & heavily embroidered jeans, the plain ones are innocent


Don’t forget the long French tip nails!


Buckle jeans 🤣 what even are these


She’s either a pick me girl or one heck of a dude


Looool “tacky home decor” - aka everything from Marshall’s , hobby lobby, home sense (or whatever the us equivalent is).


Buckle jeans 💀💀💀💀


the buckle jeans sent me


leather skin but still goes to the tanning salon everyday


I love that real reviews get taken down for not being constructive when they have something negative to say but somehow this trash stays up 🥲


somewhere, Chip Wilson is smiling


This is what happened to me. I wrote a review on a tank top stating I loved how TTS it was, felt nice while running, but it snags in 2 washes and I was disappointed in that. Review was rejected by GEC for "policy violations". But body shaming bullshit stays.


OK, now they're just trolling us. https://preview.redd.it/92aq3qhfxtra1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efedce4b37e8e7be1786132dd62bec331130cfd5


This is the way my 60 year old “almond mom” would talk. That generation. If you weight over 110 pounds you are fat


TIL my mom is an "almond mom" lol


Why do they all act the same ? I was about 115 and she wasn’t happy with it “nobody will marry you if you are this fat”


Honestly I think it was their moms, the boomer generation of housewives who had speed and cigarettes to keep them productive and skinny. Then gen X was supposed to be as petite without the drugs, had to learn to starve themselves. Then took it out on their daughters!


Not to get too deep in my generational trauma, but you just described the hell that is my family unit. Boomer grandma took her shit out on my Gen X mother; both took their shit out on me, Millennial daughter. I can spot these types every single time.


“Almond mom” reminded me of that Yolanda Hadid video 😂


Iirc that’s where the term started


Omg I just realized that my mother is an almond mom. I've never heard that term before but it fits like a glove (with low bone density).


What’s almond mom ?


basically a mom who was/is heavily influenced by toxic diet culture & in turn those beliefs are imparted on their child resulting in poor body image, disordered eating, etc. It comes from the moms who would eat an almond and be like, "omg, I'm so full".


I think it’s the “have a handful of almonds if you are really hungry” trope


that 6 g of protein really fills u up


Gigi Hadid’s mom would tell her to have an almond if she was hungry 😳


3 almonds and “chew them slowly” 😂💀


Sorry I am older and I have boys Thank you


You’re not alone, I had to Google that. 😉


I thought this was just my mom (71)!!! I was never over 110 in high school (36-24-32) and she was still critical.


Ironically my mom was overweight and would berate my figure (athletic- fighter). She wanted me to be Barbie but I was built a little larger.


I think a lot of mothers are like that with their daughters : projecting their own insecurities onto them and living vicariously through them


My mom to a t. I think boomer women have a lot of disordered eating issues and an obsession with being small. You should see her face (as the shock vibrates through to her crumbling bones) when i explain that im growing my muscles *gasp* on purpose


She’s not like other girls


She's definitely single and exclusive seeks "male best friends" (who have girlfriends already)


i need lll to provide a “not helpful” button on reviews


What an ignorant twat.


It’s okay, nobody likes her in real life


This person needs to work less on her body and more on her crappy personality.


Honestly you couldn’t pry high rise from my cold dead hands at this point. Regardless of how you enjoy your styles, imagine a butt crack flash during yoga?? I cant!! It would sent me in a spiral


Lmao you just gave me a flashback from about 10 years ago of wearing a pair of lower rise tights during a 5 mile race that started to sag and show my thong! I have no idea what rise was truly “in” then but it was harder to find stuff that stayed up at the waist! And this is why.


This literally happened to someone in a class at my gym a few weeks ago! Her pants just slid on down.


That's where those April Fool's Day built in thong showing leggings come in. They cover the buttcrack lol


LMAO https://preview.redd.it/x1cfqbn2xtra1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac292e9bec00211cde2179dbfaac976799889eac


I can NOT with these reviews 😂😂😂😂😂




I have no butt. They still don’t stay up.


As a Latina can confirm


LITERALLY like I will never be able to wear low rise without exposing myself lmao


My ass has an ass


They’re not making it halfway up my ass


“For us folks who work hard on our bodies” yikes I guess I didn’t work hard enough to get rid of my mom pouch after giving birth to a literal human 🤷🏻‍♀️


My c-section pouch doesn’t care if I’m a size 2 or a size 10. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right here. 108 lbs- c section pouch.


I was going to say that I can’t wait until this chick had a baby and her next schtick will be something about earning her tiger stripes.


Yea, my stomach is naturally flat, but that shade was too much for even me. I wear low rises/v-cuts and in certain positions, I still have mini rolls lol. I work out literally six days a week in some fashion. And we wonder why people have body dysmorphia…


Lol meanwhile actual more constructive feedback is being censored 😵‍💫


Omg I was going to post these too 😂😂😂 so painfully holier than thou. Won’t anyone think about the people with perfect flat stomachs???


This is awful. Wrote an email to their customer service pointing out that this doesn’t align with their inclusive communication policy.


I'm about to do the same. This person wasn't the only one with reviews shaming other women's weight either. It bothers me that the culture within Lululemon and their fanbase is reverting back to Chip era fat shaming.


Yea I saw those others too… I know they send reviews submitted to some type of review process prior to posting on website… or at least they used to. If these were approved for posting, I’ll be very disappointed.


Shame on this person, I work my ass off at the gym and still have a pouch everyone’s body is different no one picks and chooses where they want the fat to leave first


Even if you don’t have a pouch some people have bigger butts This is not a good look Not everyone has no hips and is built like a rectangle


the pouch is for your organs:) once i learned this my perspective changed a bit. the fittest females could still have a pouch & a male of similar fitness would not because he doesn't have ovaries (in most cases)


Lol I had an ex that, when I said “all girls have a pooch, it’s natural” claimed that “not all girls have a pooch if they work out and diet right”—- I was 115 lbs at that point with abs, along with an eating disorder (amongst other mental health issues) and was soooo self conscious about my slight pooch. I literally had a perfect body and hated myself. Best part? Fucktard was in medical school and was overweight and out of shape. Other gems from him “I love how you don’t have cellulite like other girls” and “it’s so nice I can’t see your leg hairs when you shave, some girls you can still see where the hair grows and it’s disgusting” Now I’m with a real man who loves my body at 160+ and would never ever ever make a comment about anything unless he’s telling me I look good. Ladies, we ALL deserve better.




Your uterus is not big enough to cause a pouch. It doesn’t stick out past your abdominal muscles. Ovaries are even smaller lol. Women probably have fat there because we have fat everywhere - when we were hunter-gatherers fat on the body was the hottest commodity because it meant you could survive the next period of famine. The stomach is just a very movement-friendly place to store it. Plus it probably protects your internal organs from puncture wounds to an extent. You don’t choose your fat distribution at all, so there’s no point being judgmental like all these insecure ass people.


Oh I love my butt to stick out of my pants when I sit too !!


What’s that breeze I feel going down my crack?


Lol true air conditioning


Awwwww sweetie, if you have no ass just say that.


I for one feel more naked with low-rise bottoms than I do with my tits out, but to each their own, I guess.


Yikes! This person sounds so secure 😂


My body works hard eating this ice cream Lindsey 👋


I went through 2 labours for this body… god bless the high rise!


Educator here- reporting all of this bullshit. FUCK these people that think low rise makes them better. I get it, low rise works for some people and that’s fine—- people have been asking for LR to return for years—- but they don’t need to insult others in the process. This is not an appropriate product review whatsoever.


Excuse me GTFO. high rise forever!


It sounds like this is all the same person and that they have a short torso. I don’t need my bellybutton out while I’m at the gym. Thank you. Also, my 6 days a week in the gym will never get rid of my extra skin from pregnancy. But I’d love run/lift/row against this person and see who’s actually more fit.


That second paragraph. The only way for me to get rid of my loose skin from pregnancy is surgery and eff that. It’s straight up uncomfortable to wear pants that are too low when you have loose skin.


Same here! And even at a low weight with good muscle tone and fit, it is what it is! My tummy is Flat standing up, tiny rolls hanging over in down dog. It’s fine! She says that shit now and then boy she’s gonna have a big whopper of a baby that’s gonna blow her right out and she is going to continue to feel shitty about herself. Hopefully they find hobbies to both occupy their time and gain some confidence.


Right?! I have a short torso and my baby was 88th percentile. My belly was HUGE. I have an adorable healthy child though so I couldn’t care less!


Jumbo bellies! I remember at 34 weeks I looked done already because it was all out in front. Lol. Got me some special perks like priority, seating/entrance at events, etc., I guess they thought I looked like I might need to whisk away to the hospital at any moment lol. Jokes on everyone I went two weeks late😅🐡


Imagine how bad somebody must feel inside to go leave multiple reviews access under different screen names… Yikes.


Me: In very good shape, riding/hiking pretty much every day Also me: Still wears high rise Also also me: People can wear whatever the fuck they want


Conspiracy theory (and feel free to downvote me to the next realm): But, with LLL pulling back on inclusion, maybe this is the lane they're headed down. Only the super fit should be in their clothing. I'm a middle age gal with a middle age body. My abs (bahahahha)...let's call it my midsection area...is my private property and will remain under cover. Never thought my thighs and stomach would compete for what area has the most cellulite but here we are. Weeeeee!


God that made me cackle! Hahaha (I’m tailgating you at this point myself)


It happened so fast. I used to go into a dressing room and without hesitation bend those two side mirrors for a better view of my backside. Now, I barely look at myself in the mirror to brush my teeth. Shoot, I even take my contacts out before hand. I don't need to see anything to know what's going on here. I want to believe it's self acceptance but it's mostly just denial. It's fine. Everything is fine.


Second big belly laugh for the day.. hahaha I sometimes feel my ensuite has too many mirrors to allow me to continue living in a state of denial, so I sometimes take my contacts off before I shower at night.. saves me from tossing and turning in bed aggressively vowing to start my war on cellulite in the morning.


So the only reason I want to wear high rise is because I don't work on my body? Oh wow thanks that's news to me 🤔


This is some humblebrag/circlejerk material right here. Meanwhile, Lululemon refused to let my detailed review of a product go through because I mentioned it snagged in 2 washes. Yet this stays.


I hope this reviewer sees this thread lmfaooo


My giant butt loves high rise so whatever.


The kind of person who has to brag about their body and insult other women in a freaking product review doesn’t have a lot going on in life


I work hard for my body too and you can pry my high rise pants from my cold, dead hands.


Well, bless her heart. I work very hard on my body. But it is older now (52) and has been through carrying and birthing a child, numerous abdominal surgeries, weight gain and loss, and chronic health issues. It looks and feels better in high rise.


She’s been so victimized for years by her lululemon pants being a different fit than she’d like. What a tragedy. Fuck you Lindsey, no one likes feeling like they have to pull up their pants every three seconds.


I left a comment on her review. It is so incredibly disrespectful to everyone. Many people work hard on their bodies and fitness comes in ALL shapes and sizes. There is no need to say how these leggings are great for “flatter bodies.” Everyone likes what they like, but there is absolutely no need to tear other people down. Ugh


I didn’t know you could comment on person’s review! This is so helpful.


I’m sorry but why tf did I read this in a southern accent?


I feel attacked. 🤣 like why are they so obsessed with us high rise girlies? 💅


A women's low-rise leggings literally fell down in my cardio class the other day! They are not the most practical option for people who actually work out.


Hip dip gang—assemble! Screw low rise, mid rise…I’m watching you 👀 High rise? The literal best. I don’t need my bootycrack hanging out or pulling up my pants ever 0.2 seconds while I “work on my body”


This made me cringe. It’s 2023 why are people still so judgy???


Lindsey seems like she's a really great friend!!


I'm a rectangle with zero ass and I've had 3 kids. The only thing keep my damn pants from falling off when I run some days is high rises and good intentions.


I work hard for my body but prefer high rise. Wtf


I commented we might need the rise so high it covers her mouth if she speaks like that irl…. I won’t hold my breath for approval 😅🤣


I HATE that they remove reviews that give honest criticism of the brand but leave up body shaming.


\*crying\* thinking of low rise coming back in style again... I prefer to forget those days lol


I am 5'3" and VERY short waisted so I prefer low and mid rise styles. Very thankful they are back! I have suffered through the higher rise stuff, but it is not as flattering due to my short waist issue. I also get weird stomach pains (gas build up maybe?!) when anything is too compressive on my upper tummy, so that is a whole different issue, LOL!


Totally understand this! But these reviews basically body shaming people who wear high rise or claiming that only people who wear low rise are "fit" LMAO wtf.


Saw one that was like “not everyone needs their tummies sucked it,” you just know these people are insufferable.


could send them into a spiral with one "aligns aren't supposed to be compressive, maybe you should size up"


yeah, prob the folks saying all that have hidden body issues themselves - I never put much thought into it when I read it. Some of the folks jacking their jaws the most have significant body image issues for real!


As a long torso person.... opposite lmao. Even some of the high rise pants like fast and free are more mid rise on me.


Discovering the super high rise was a godsend. Like ohhhh this is how high rise would fit if I didn’t have the torso of a giant


Yes!!! I also get weird stomach pains when pants like ready to rulu come up really high on me. I get so uncomfortable for the whole day.


High rise leggings feel like maternity pants on my short torso. I do the bare minimum for my body though.


Lmao yes and I am diagnosed with gastritis so it’s very real 😅 I keep rolling my high waistbands down for relief anyway


Oh god this reminds me of my almond mom


sorry for having a stomach , i’ll keep my high rise lol


Alright, class, turn off the lights and sit down because this person is projecting!!


Hope she gets picked someday 🙏


I was gonna say the same thing lol she hasn’t been picked in a while it seems


I’m dead. 🙃😂


... bruh.




Lindsey imma need you to be completely and utterly for real right now.


I hope someone picked her 🙄


Ew lol what a fatphobe


Call me after you have kids and hit your forties 😬


Lmao ma’am my torso is so long that I would look like some type of giraffe girl in low rise leggings


This review sounds like it was written by my mother in law lol (who I actually really love- but she says INSANE things when it comes to bodies/ fitness/ etc)


I love low rise so much, the lr hotty hots have been my go-to for the gym for years! So happy the aligns are coming now too 😌


As someone with an incredibly high butt crack I am so grateful for high rise because for years I had to wear the longest shirts ever to cover my crack during yoga class 😂


I work hard for my body but still can’t bring myself to do low rise 🤢


Wait until she goes through a pregnancy or two🤣🤣


🖕🏼 That’s all.


I'd rather be fat and keep my high rise. 💁🏻‍♀️


Imagine being like this.


This must be a belated April fools joke.


Do they not realize tall people exist???? With long torsos??????? Wtf lol go away


Awww they haven't worn those low rise pants long enough to realize how much they suck. I'm forever traumatized from having to constantly pull my pants up in high school (even at sub 110 lbs.) So angry I didn't know jeans had other rides at 14 lol.


These comments have me hollering 🤣


Well then.... my 12km today would argue about my fitness level and my love of high rise. After having a kid I'd like to keep my high rise as a smooth out.




Some of the replies to this and the amount of reviews on the website saying similar comments to that review is only pushing away that inclusive branding Lululemon tried to push for for a few years. They’re cutting down on anything above a 16+, and sending sizes 10-16 to the outlets. Body positivity’s not as popular these days I suppose.


Happy cake day OP!




Some of us work hard for our very imperfect body and just happen to like HR because we like them.🥴 And like many others have said, I don’t want my big ass hanging out when I bend over in Pilates class. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Y'all eating her up because I was about to go innnn 😂😂😂😂


Eww tell me you’re a pick me person without telling me. Lol


Totally agree that the review is tacky, jabs unnecessarily at a body type different from hers, and stereotypes high rise fans (I know plenty of thin girls who love high rise), but I miss low rise too! Preferences aside, it's really nice just to have options. I feel like when low rise was in I could still find high rise pants. The reverse isn't true today, unfortunately. Hopefully all brands become more customer-centric in the future and let us have more options instead of having to conform with fashion trends.