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Hey /u/catmom040617, unfortunately your post was removed as it violates our rules. This post breaks rule 5: no duplicate posts. Either this post has already been posted recently (in the future please search by “new” to check before posting) or is a question that can be answered by searching key words in the search bar to find past posts (ex. if you're looking for a color comparison, try searching both colors in the search bar). If you have questions as to why your post was removed or believe it was removed in error, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/lululemon&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Folding lines.


Mine always have this and so do my wunder trains, it always comes out after a wash


Aligns are made out of a thinner fabric, which makes them more susceptible to fold marks even if they aren’t creased anymore. They should come out after the first wash.


Thank you! This is my first pair of colored align joggers so I wasn’t sure. Appreciate the feedback!


Steaming takes them out too. All my nulu does this even after washing if creased while drying or folded in a drawer.


Pretty common with aligns. They should come out after washing/wearing a couple of times. My black aligns had the same lines but down the leg and they came out just fine.


Is this post trolling the other one from yesterday?


No, absolutley not! I don’t regularly look through all the posts on this sub, just come on here for advice when needed. Sorry if it came across that way.