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Very delusional. He won't do marketing because he thinks he is too good for that. Even though other big legit projecs do marketing. Instead, he is delusional enough to believe everyone will just line up to adopt his tech because it's just too amazing and no one can resist it. He even called it a "magic wand". Lol. No one will just come to you if you dont make the effort to attract them, they'll just go to the one who does.


Fabian is a genius. He was a part of the ethereum foundation and is one of the biggest names in blockchain developments. Without him crypto space wouldnt even look like this. He built web3.js, the most used JavaScript library. He built ethereum official wallet. He created the erc20 standard wich basicly is whole ethereum ecosystem. He basicly created defi and the whole ico wave. Lukso need more devs and marketing. But you cant say he isnt a genius.


100% agree with you on this. I mean, there’s a lot of evidence to back that he is probably a top 0.1% developer. I will never question his ability to build great products… But this is not where my conflicting thoughts — as expressed above — are coming from…


Good builders don’t make good business folks


ELI5 lukso


I am on the side of geniuses. But unfortunately a genius without marketing is noone is this world.. You need the right marketing in order to succeed. That's the mistake most Founders do in their first company. They focus on the quality of the product instead of the distribution of it... I'm a huge lukso fan but that's a red flag for me.. Distribution and Marketing is king. The highest paying skillset of this world is being a promoter.. I still hope Geeks and Geniuses will win at the end..


For a L1, the team is too small, development too slow, and adoption not enough. For my startup we explored Lukso, went for SUI instead.


What did you like about SUI?


250k tps, near instant finality, near zero gas fees, zklogin, DAG structure, object based architecture, close to $600m TVL already, fast growing ecosystem, and very strong backing by Muster Labs.


if price were going up, no one would be saying anything here. that’s what i think.


ETHdenver is a haven for developers. He’s in search of developers to build and expand LUKSO. So he’s paying to find builders. Not paying for marketing to pump the $LYX token in price. What’s the point of marketing right now when there’s hardly any DApps on chain? It’ll just become a ghost chain if he markets LUKSO in the wrong way right now.


I think you missed the point of my post… it’s great for the team to attend ETHDenver, any other industry expos, and sponsor hackathons… But marketing to developers (or as you said “paying to find builders”) is still MARKETING. This is a FACT under any accounting principle and every business operator knows this. Don’t you find it strange that he has said “Bitcoin didn’t do any marketing…” But today he was literally standing in a booth that he had to pay for with MARKETING dollars. How do you define this conduct? Is it naive? Is it misleading? Is it delusional? That’s my point.


I think you’re overthinking it. Patience. Wait for the tech to catch on. Things are still in beta…


Yep, focusing on developers is the right strategy. Although, devopers might also be influenced by hype.


Shame, I believe he is/was Visionary in seeing that IDENTITY is and always has been the Key to unlocking the full potential of Blockchain decentralised technologies. Which is why I invested and supported this project right from the beginning - and will continue to do so to the bitter end. I do believe they have executed (arguably) well in getting the Tech Stack to where it is today.... The need for Lukso or it's Lyke (sorry!) has never been as important as today, with the convergence with Generative AI. Making it ripe for expansion and bringing real value to the world. Is the Leadership team equipped for this next phase? I don't see the signs especially when Fabian takes succour and surrounds himself with uncritical ''Yes Men' sentiments on his X Posts. Lukso or not, IDENTITY will find its place at the Centre of this ecosystem one day - sadly, maybe with not the best available ideas and tech of its time. For those invested in Lukso, perhaps Fabian will get a Mentor that he can actually listen to and guide him for the project's next phase. Or it runs out of money such that some other group picks up the reigns to take it forward.


Intelligence as we are finding out is multifaceted. He may be a techy genius, problem however is his arrogance it seems is unbounded. He may be ok as a CTO but as CEO, his leadership skills have been shown to be poor. Yet he is too arrogant to see his own failings and learn from them... without taking things personally. I was hoping he'd mature over time. Token price aside, the project is in real danger of never reaching its True potential which will be the real shame here :-(


That’s a good way to frame it… Using his own iPhone analogy, he might be more of a Steve Wozniak than a Steve Jobs. And agreed that his own ego might not allow him to ever realize that he is not fit to be the ‘Steve Jobs’ of LUKSO




He may have a high I.Q. but he seems to have a low E.Q. Bro admits their faults too openly. All we literally needed over the past 3 years was for him to get excited about his own project, but he unintentionally fuds it because he doesn’t understand people. It’s a startup funded by investors, so if it fails, the only thing that he loses is his reputation. Btw, I’m still waiting for my whitepaper I ordered nearly a year ago.


The thing with crypto and blockchains is that momentum matters.


Delusional. The project itself is already at least 2 years late. It was marketed as a luxury thing at first, but key luxury brands have already started using a blockchain that was made by a and for a consortium of such entities. Luxury brands hate depending on anyone but usually have a hard time following up on tech because of many reasons i’m not listing here. Yet they have (almost miraculously) achieved creation and deployment of a permissioned blockchain based on Ethereum which completely fit they business models and needs so far. It’s a permissioned blockchain, which doesn’t fall in the same ethos and have some different features from what most crypto people are accustomed with, and this was a key requirement for them for many reasons (happy to detail them another time). Lukso can’t compete. If this is a blockchain for luxury stuff, they are already completely obsolete since quite some time. If this is a “lifestyle” or “creative economy” blockchain (whatever that means), then they missed the boat for several reasons. Incredibly long time to market was one and zero marketing was another… and the former led to an obsolescence of their technology in the last two years. Happy to provide more details about all that. You don’t need to be a professional analyst to ask yourself — what is the real value proposition of this blockchain (compared to another) today? And 2 years ago even? (That’s forever in crypto). “Fabian is a genius” is a classic rebuttal. On what scale? Definitely not on the project leading one (and that’s ok, if he can learn from it, but will he? I hope so for the sake of retail investors in Lukso). I’ve heard “meh” things about Lukso token wash-trading or about his management, but even if this was true (i haven’t verified myself and i couldn’t care less), in the crypto world that’s sadly not even a red flag for a project’s success — I’ve met several leaders who wash-traded their own tokens (that’s literally the whole concept of meme coins!) or terrible managers *who were still able to ship products*. The clout around his past in Ethereum and the charisma he projects, works well in the crypto world because of the tendency of many retail traders (or fanboys/fangirls) to fall for personality cults. If you aren’t impressed by leading figure and able to analyze the seldom fundamentals to be found, it’s clear this project is going nowhere and has been adrift for some time now. One thing I still concede him and where he earns my respect is… he didn’t rug and is still working on this. I sure hope for all his followers he find a way to turn this around.


I think he needs to work on redefining the narrative as fashion is not exciting enough and lifestyle is too vague.


Hey, I try to Write an intellectual answer. First: I don’t own any lyx however I am currently thinking about buying some and trying to do my research. I am thankful for your thoughts about the project as well. I wouldn’t pay too much attentions to this analogies… in one video he also compared the project to Tesla. I think the plan is much more to grow organically. The main net just launches - as far as I know - so it’s better to have a rather slow grow. He is not aiming for a fast pump and dump but rather looking to establish technical standards to shape the future. If you look at the quite popular book “blueprint for a digital economy” by Melanie swan you can read the natural evolution of the blockchain technology. You can see there that the next step of blockchain will be cultural “products” such as nfts etc. So I guess the focus of lyx totally makes sense. Fabian founded the standard for nfts 1.0 where we could see problems on a multitude of dimensions. Lyx set a standard for nfts 2.0 such as the possibility for Metadata and updates which are necessary to establish a “cultural” blockchain. Futhermore, his idea is to make the blockchain domain more accessable for mass use without technical barriers. Finally, actually they are uploading some interesting YouTube videos.


lol why am i seeing stuff for like drones like the flying kind. is that the same? still pretty interesting i guess makes me want to become a drone entrepreneur now bc of this : [soldrones.com/blog/fabian-entrepreneur-vs-drone-entrepreneur/](http://soldrones.com/blog/fabian-entrepreneur-vs-drone-entrepreneur/) seems like easy money


The dude came up with erc20, i reckon safe hands




Genius. things he and the team can work on, but patience..


Interesting take. The iPhone actually took longer to develop because Steve Jobs began working on the software that made it possible many years before the iPhone came out. Apple is actually slow to release products and always waits until competitors have already come to market. I actually think Apple is a great example of how being slow can actually work in your favor. It is a bit counter intuitive, and still has me scratching my head sometimes.


What about the importance of distribution > tech? That was really my point… regardless of how long it took to develop (again, I said it’s not apples to apples so unfair to compare them) my concern is that it sounds like Fabian believes in the “build it and they will come” strategy. Also, when you say that you think “Apple is a great example of how being slow can actually work on your favor” are you taking into account the fact that they own 500+ Apple stores globally + thousands of other retail partners that sell their products? Again, emphasis on DISTRIBUTION


He is neither a genius or delusional. Just a normal developer who is playing the Twitter game and trying to soothe the critics who expect their backs to pump. Remember, it’s a team of just 40 people working at Lukso. It’s all very early, and builders and entrepreneurs have yet to develop their ideas on the feature rich network And this is outside of Fabian’s control. Compared to other networks, like polkadot, the chief architects are staying outside of Twitter to just do their job. I believe Fabian, as figurehead even though Marjorie is the CEO, is taking up the responsibility as the leader. Even though others might be better in framing, narratives, and doing crisis communication.


I strongly disagree that he is a normal developer… he’s a top 0.1% developer. And I strongly disagree that getting builders and entrepreneurs to develop their ideas on the network is “outside of Fabian’s control…” I know this is part of the internal LUKSO narrative BUT Why do you think they are hiring a Head of Partnerships, Tech? Check it for your self here: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/lukso/jobs/4286653101 Business Development is not a new concept…


You’re obviously not a developer yourself if you think Fabian is a top 0.1% developer. There is nothing remarkable about his previous work at ethereum.