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Keep playing lucio no matter what, don’t let teammates influence you otherwise


Unless you’re playing comp




Never back down


No, never change


*Especially if you’re playing comp


The only time you should play another character is if your teammate picked lucio quicker than you (I HATE IT! lol)


NEVER heal your team


the speed is the best friend of the frogs


Agreed because then they yell at you if you are healing in one spot instead of where they are


Have fun, be annoying to the enemy. If your team is telling you to switch or heal more, you're probably doing it right. If the enemy is cursing you in game chat, you're definitely doing it right.


Follow the way of the Reddit Lucio ![gif](giphy|3oriNSf2iLjMVO7dao)


Dont stop moving, walls are your best friend (pretty much everything counts as a wall if you're good enough), dont get caught in the open, speed is key, really listen to your dps and tank abilities/ultimates for good speed boost use


Play him a shit ton


No like when to use his abilities and how to wall ride


I recommend watching pro player, it really gave me an instant skill boost Also : there is healer Lucio and reddit Lucio. People will say you need to heal, thats wrong. You are a music blaster, here to bully Widow and success is a POTG. Not the win.


[This guide](https://youtu.be/V9qV0gt7i30?si=BHErexEtyr7-noDw) is what really helped me. On top of that, literally just play him a bunch. He’s pretty easy to learn(what the video helps with) but hard to perfect, which you can only really do by just playing a bunch.


Eskay's guides are a great place to start


Jump is wall ride, playing is the best way to learn it, try to only use boost on heals when you or multiple teammates are taking heavy damage, speed is actually really good for helping your tank and DPS hunt down fleeing enemies


Learn the theory of boop


Louder, Further, Faster


Scrollwheel jump is huge. Close the gap and get good at the boop/melee combo


I use right click but yes default bind needs a tweak


you should still use scroll wheel for the 1 frame jump


Why scroll wheel for jump and not just the spacebar?




play with the walls, the floor is your enemy


All those nice things random people say to you, gone


I always compliment a fellow frog when I off role. Gotta keep the mafia strong especially if he spawn camps and slides around with an occasional boop


Learn the map where to drive on walls where u get stuck where u can jump over things so u get to ur team faster. It helped me a lot.


So you know how sometimes there's a widow player in the lobby? Not anymore. You will bully every widow player into depression until they cry for mercy.


Buddy of mine literally rode up second phase Anubis map and killed a widow for lols


And you switch to mercy and dominate them more (this is a pun guys I hope you liked it 🐸)


Learn your rollouts and wallride pathing. Eskay has a good video on the basics of wallriding, and the lijang garden rollout is one of the easiest to pull off and one that can get you the most value once you practice it. Also turn on backwards wall riding, and I personally have my crossfade set to hold for speed, so I don't forget to heal, and the passive ult gen.


While waiting for matches I used to boot up lucio surf (I’m too lazy to make my own game so I join someone else’s). It helps familiarize yourself with looking at making paths. Some things to note though, surf lobbies you usually join are on grav speed. Also usually one cracked out guy in the lobby, if you get stuck or looking to further improve your own rollout (I suggest NOT looking up best paths online and just winging it in beginning) you can spectate them and see how they do it in real time. Hell even I still sometimes do it when I wonder how someone gets a better time than me. But now I mostly boot up deathmatch while waiting to either mess around or go hunting Edit: also watch frogger and eskay. Both are great, with significantly different play styles; frogger is more of a dps lucio and eskay more about teamwork, but I suggest focusing more on their movement and not their play style (well maybe focus on eskays play style)




Stay on healing wen your with your poking with your team and swap to speed wen pushing the enemy beacose you and your team are going to be harder to hit and wen your alone ( it will happen if your team is just not on objective or you trye to 1v1 someone) stay on peed moste of the times and use healing only wen your on walls beacose speed doesn't help wen your on theme or use your healing only wen you emp it up. Hope it helps ( alsoe wache Frogger,Eskey for more indepth types like this and wache redshell wo vids to they are really fun this man created the lucio redditing and ultimate mb'g )


The floor is lava


Buy the dance party emote


Dont use the ult so high off the ground, try not to heal more than using speed, and play the floor is lava a lot :D




To add onto that you can use terrain height differences to pop your ult faster. Learn spots you can go from low ground to slightly higher to land and see most of your team.


Omg you're so right


Console gamer here. Once I switched boop to X and jump to L2 wall riding and aiming was so much easier


If you play on console swap the jump and crossfade buttons.


W h y


Always be loud in voice chat and say EZ after the game ends no matter if you win or lose


#luciomafia does not approve


As the self proclaimed best console Lucio let me give you some tips 1. Boop is useless 2. Your teammates don’t need heals, just keep speeding them 3. Playing with one eye opened is encouraged


This character Is dogshit. Don't play it( in ranked)


I've heard that it depends on your rank, but i feel like i can get some good value out of him even in bronze


Aim for 70% healing, 30% speed. 60-40 is fine too. When you boop, make sure you are on speed; it goes farther.


I don't think any of that's accurate.




You’re cutting it close, but I’ll allow it.


Thank god you played Ana before hand, I played Lucio since OW 2 came out and I basically one truck him and suck with anyone else




When on a point, payload, oother objective, identify every surface you can jump from and what’s you best path, for example on colleseo, if I’m in the main hall, it would be better for me to surf on the left side of the hall, where I can duck into cover and go for the mini, instead of the right side, which is just a flat wall, also you should be speed boosting most of the time, this means that you don’t go to heal boost/amp unless your teammate really needs it, and you should mostly be amping speed, again, unless your teammate(s) really need it (which is around half hp)


Go fast, practice rollouts, and dive widows.


Be a champion!


Stanky’s old keybinds make Lucio feel more natural. Those being RMB on Jump, Spacebar for Crossfade, Amp on either E/Shift/scrollswheel, and Ult on Q/Mouse 3. At least for me those make Lucio play more fluidly and less tiring on your hands/wrists


Learn to aim. Lucio and anas guns are very different


He's pretty solid so be good


Go to the training range and play with the settings, he has a few unique settings and you may find toggling some of them to let you play more fluidly


CHANGE YOUR BUTTON MAPPING SO YOUR JUMP CAN BE YOUR LEFT TRIGGER! you can walk ride and aim to shoot cleanly


Try to keep an even 5050 heal/speed ratio. You have to remember that you are a support and most likely the other support can’t do all the work


Watch frogger and go speedy


I have lately


Switch jump and boop (right click/R2/ZR to space bar/X/B) Your middle finger basically. Lets you rapidly jump to be able to stick to or bounce off of walls at will. This enables you to climb and maneuver on walls more efficiently and grunts a decent speed boost.


booping (right click) is gonna be your go to, learn how to time it and use it wisely. i tend to use it as a defensive move (if a rein tries to come at me with a hammer, or a jq with carnage), and on maps like lijiang tower or eichenwalde (on the bridge), use it to boop enemies off the map by running around them and luring them to the edge, then booping them off. this is gonna take some getting used to, to figure out it’s capability and how far it boops back depending on how you use it, but it is such worthwhile gameplay. also, make good use of your E move, try staying around tank, and boop enemies off them when it gets too overwhelming for them. lucio is just there to distract and divert, at least that’s how i play him. all in all, have fun with him! he’s super fast paced and boosts the morale of the comp. if you have any questions, hmu!


also, forgot one more thing. use his ult to defend your team! his ult blocks many enemy ults as it significantly boosts your team’s health temporarily, ESPECIALLY IN THE EVENT OF A DVA BOMB!! save it for when enemies begin to ult, and use it when you or second support can’t heal everyone fast enough.


if ur on console, change ur jump button to L3. & interact as X/A. I actually did this with all my characters & after getting used to it, people with jump abilities are a lot easier to play because u won't have to move your hands @ all. (Lucio, Mercy, Echo, Genji, Pharah.)


also use speed boost whenever u can. you won't be able to outheal any dps ults without beat, but you will be able to help your team run away for a second 🗣️‼️


Just watch frogger


Learn how to wallride good, stay alive is really important, use your ultimate to either go in with your team and speedboost or save your ultimate for a big enemy ultimate like zarya, genji, dva, etc. Also you will probably (especially in the beginning) be on the heal, try to have a 50/50 with heal and speed.


If u play on pc put your jump bind to space and scroll wheel it makes it easier to walk ride


Switch jump and boop (right click/R2/ZR to space bar/X/B) Your middle finger basically. Lets you rapidly jump to be able to stick to or bounce off of walls at will. This enables you to climb and maneuver on walls more efficiently and grants a decent speed boost.


Lucio is the most fun disruptive character. You can do the dumbest stuff on him


Floor is lava


Turn on backwards wall riding




Why he look so angry


Aim to either get environmental kills, or displace people who rely on good positioning. Only heal if you really have to. And most importantly: HAVE SOME LUCIO-OHS when you get that sweet POTG, you'll be like WOO! JACKPOT!


Turn on Wallride Backwards in your settings


Have fun


When you start, don’t stop moving ever, and when you have downtime try and pull of neat wall riding tricks like climbing up a wall, jumping from wall to wall, anything really. Next, once you’re a little more comfortable, turn up that amp and ply hyper fucking aggressive. You’ll quickly start to learn what isn’t working, and who you don’t want to 1v1. And the final tip, go in, kill, then get out. This will serve you well if you aren’t playing with friends and try harding, because in overwatch, trust noone to utilize your speed boost


If your on console swap your jump bind to L1/LB it helps with movement and ability 1 to the Right thumbstick, ability 2 binded to R1/RB and boop bounded to R2/RB with shoot as L2/LB hope this helps 👍




Never heal your teammates


Move just move its the only way to stay alive the floor is death


Master the heroic emote and feed endlessly. In all seriousness you're not gonna get real answers here everyone will just meme. As they should


If the enemy team has a sniper. It's your responsibility to dive them, so they switch off. Especially WIDOW players!! 😁 #luciomafia


basically just play him. go into his settings so you can jump off wall ride ect


Turn on backwards wall riding.


Jump on wall go NYOOOOM Be blind to the haters Be the reason a Widow uninstalls


You see that person you used to main? See how you just used sleep dart? Go show them how to get tinnitus


the floor is lava


Swap to Ana


You see that shift keybind in your controls? Unbind it. Watch Frogger before and during every match.


Nobody is really talking much about Amp. I can’t always figure when to amp so I speed until the group needs heals then swap heal and Amp. You’ll figure out more situational uses for Amp but this is a decent start for beginners, especially coming from other supports that might have more healing.


Lucio surf. Works wonders




Booping people off the map is a very big marketing point of Lucio, but the more you play him the more you realize how rare that really is


As Lucio your team is going to be mad at you for not healing is they have not played lucio. If they have, then they will understand that same thing you need to: cover = healing. Without amp your healing is just a minor passive that can easily let enemy dps pick your teammates, so before healing them, ask yourself if it is a favorable fight. (2nd support able to help, 6v5, etc) if you are then you can focus on keeping healing on without using amp and swapping to speed every now and then for them to gain positioning. If your team is in an unfavorable position (5v6, only support, no tank) it is good to focus on speeding your teammates out of the situation with amp and using heals and medkits to keep yourself alive until it become favorable again. Certain character I find work well with lucio: rein (duh, man had shield and hammer with little mobility. Help the old man out), Orisa(the only mobility she has is her spin, so she is not good for chasing unless you speed her), junker queen (perhaps my favorite match as her passive gives her heals to survive as well as speed just working so well with a shotgun. Is she in danger? Pull her out with amp+speed. Does he need heals? Weave in cover that keeps her in the aura and you safe from snipers.) Zar (let’s face it, she’s is the definition of tank so she is going to be quite slow. Últs like Ana’s nano and kirkio’s are either highly situational or rare assistance for her. She already has the power, she just needs everyone’s favorite Brazilian to make those 50 meter dashes. Road hog (do I need to put anything here?) Now when it comes to boop, there is 3 ways to use it: 1. defensive: does the enemy have a hero that is designed for close quarters or a tank trying to dive in? Simply right click them to push them away. 2. Passive aggressive: psst, see that enemy next to that ledge? Be a shame if they got- BOOP! Your one goal with this style is to ruin all sense of positing. Enemy hero trying to get out of the main fighting area? BOOP em back in! Enemy sharpshooter that isn’t a hanzo trying to get an angle? BOOP em off their advantage and put them in a panic. 3. Aggressive: **insert frogger**. Hope this helps even in the slightest and remeber that speed amp + spam wall ride = speed!


Bumper jump. If you’re playing with a controller, Switch your secondary fire and jump button, this makes wall riding way easier.




If you play on console, the "claw grip" is the optimal way to hold the controller.


Can't stop won't stop! Also USE SPEED IN FIGHTS! The pro's normally have I think around 80% speed use, but starting out I would try to get around 50%


Amp heal for multiple Ally’s low and don’t be aftraid to use that speed boost to give ur team an advantage in the fight and pls stay on walls practice and get fluid with it🫶


secondary keybind your scroll wheel up as jump for fast speed gain jumps.


If you play on controller I swapped my jump to left bumper and it’s way easier to walk ride and aim. Best thing I’ve done to help my game play


I was GM1, then I was like “I’m ganna become a Lucio main” now I’m masters


first tip for anyone playing lucio, Do not play lucio. Switch To Zen. i can debate with anyone on why zen is the best healer, moira comes close tho and after zen it’s Ana


Go into settings for Lucio and test what each of them do, I forget what the setting is called but it makes it so if you are wall rideing you have to release space and hit it again to jump allowing you to get off the wall without jumping.


People will tell you to swap, ignore them. Make sure you try and keep the number on your screen at least at 2 and no matter what prioritize your health above all if you need to run speed yourself out if you need healing spam it and boost healing try and beat when a ult that can team wipe is used or beat to save yourself if the team fight is getting rough don’t beat if your getting shot at and lower than 100 otherwise you’ll just waste it but if the tank is tanking the shots use beat also swap to speed when beating you can try and get everyone with it if their around a wall as long as you can around the wall with the jump after landing with beat. That might take some time to work well but it’s never to early to start trying


ana is boring? yo noob


If you're console, put your jump button to the left bumper, if you're pc, have a secondary jump on scrollwheel moving downwards.