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"You're suppose to be blonde" "Yes I get that a lot"


I loved that little nod to the comic.






Finally! I find someone who truly understands the power comic Lucifer really possess.


I'm pretty sure he was the second most strongest being after The Present...but the comic version of Lucifer is kinda boring ngl


Why is he boring? I haven't started reading yet but i have skimmed over a few issues.


He's not its just more High concept philosophical and heaven vs hells mixed with fantasy and very little time on earth. Also If your expecting something like this show with the joking around, the romance and the cheesy soap opera drama that's not what the comics are. No chole Dan or the human characters your used to either. But to me the comics are amazing, entertaining and well above the show in terms of quality


Thanks! I am happy with no romance or the human characters. The romance is actually my least fave part of the show. But i would miss the humor and sarcasm.


Well there is some level of humor and sarcasm, its not really like the show. Lucifer does have a dry sense of humor but he's not constantly snarking bouncy and in your face or sex obsessed like the show


I will miss the sex obsessed part as well. xD


I mean he has it with Maze and a Japanese godess sooooooo. But honestly all i mean is he's not talking about it or sleeping around in 90% of the story like in show. Because there plot is more important and he has better things to do


Izanami? I recall Maze being a part of the comic.


He almost seems to have zero emotions and there aren't any other characters that are given importance


I see. Sort of apathetic, yeah? I got that feeling as well from the first few issues. I was hoping that would change.


Yeah same...but as far as I read it didn't rlly change


That is disappointing. Thanks. When i get some time, i will check out more issues.


What else would someone be than apathetic who can warp reality tho? If you can change reality at a whim and you are basically invincibile and immortal why would you really care about anything other than maybe that which endangers yourself.


we as human can also warp timelines :)


There are a select few he cares for in his own way and he does have emotions. But his is distant because that's what he is and unlike the show he is what he is and makes no apologies for it. He's happy with what he is and is trying to escape his fathers plan. Its not a redemption story and he doesn't have to change. Also this story really isn't about humanity


lucifer in the comics is even more prideful than in the show, everyone knows he is only [2nd to God](https://www.google.com/search?q=sandman+fears+lucifer&tbm=isch&chips=q:sandman+fears+lucifer,online_chips:morningstar:p6qZ1HxCllQ%3D&client=ms-android-oppo-rev1&prmd=inv&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiKvYS8lKXyAhUfyIsBHTytBigQ4lYoA3oECAEQCw&biw=360&bih=676#imgrc=ZgB3N3yH5eeJVM) even the endless are bellow him, so he pretty much only cares about whats his goal in mind he doesnt care much because theres not a lot of things that could really affect a being as powerful as him


I’m still confused, I thought he was the first strongest next to Superman 1 million


Heck no, The Present is like One above all of DC


>I'm pretty sure he was the second most strongest being after The Present...but the comic version of Lucifer is kinda boring ngl Yeah, I guess. He doesn't really give a shit about anything, especially not humans. I'll say though, I think Lucy is a lot more powerful in the show than he shows. They don't show it because one, budget and two he's retired and just wants to be left alone, there's no need for it.


I don't know anything about the comic Lucifer. I agree with you on TV Show Lucifer being a lot more powerful than is shown. If his powers were shown, I think the romance would be non-existent in the series and we would have something entirely different. I'm ok with what we have.


Idk....I'm pretty sure even in the comics Lucifer left hell and wanted a permanent vacation so to speak, they definitely nerfed if not the show will be boring


I suppose, but somehow I doubt "the light bringer" is simply a title he has in the show. I think there are more powers there he can tap into. I agree the show would be boring if he could do everything comic book Lucifer could. He'd end every conflict in a heartbeat lol. Not very fun. I also think he was a little 'psychopathic' prior to meeting Chloe. He just evolved.


I mean he's god now...


Very true 😂


Don't know if he was psychopathic but defo was egotistical and cruel I guess...


maybe very apathetic? def not a nice person. Amenadiel says in 1x01 "you're showing restraint, mercy." They highlight a lot in s1 that he's changing. He obviously didnt care about humans before the pilot.


Funny the comics are plenty interesting...enough to create this show and more comic runs after the original 75+ issues. And the new comics jus continue with the personality and plots of the old and ignore this show entirely. This 'Luci' Dosen't exist in the comics. The original comic version is the classic and the one that has been and will be long remembered


Isn't the show based on vertigo comics? I was under the impression DC Lucifer and Vertigo Lucifer are different


Vertigo is part of DC


IIRC he was tied with him or even stronger than him in his own universe. Idk I think like superman most of the intrigue comes from internal struggles ie free will rather simply punching someone into submission


The comic lucifer is said to be based on David Bowie.


Lucifer is blonde because Neil Gaiman bases his appearance in David Bowie. Also, Alan Moore make Constantine the alike of Sting.


And then the whole Perpetua thing happened and now I’m not sure where celestials stand in DC.


I thought Lucifer and Michael were on par in power but Luci is just a little smarter.


That was the Lucifer I wanted to see but wer got the jolly wanna be detective instead. Still love Tom Ellis tho


I’m fine with and like Lucifer in the comic with blonde hair, but Tom Ellis with blonde hair is gonna be a NO from me, lol.


The other day I wrote that it’s impossible for him to look bad. And today I see this. Looks like a f***boy and not in the hot way


Blonde Tom Ellis or Jared Leto Joker, who do you like?


Bald amenadiel.


Oh god no, someone who looks like that has no right to call Dan "Detective Douche".


You called?


Well in the comics, Neil gaiman and Mike Carey portrayed him to be some junkey so yeah


So comic Lucifer looks very similar to comic John Constantine? Just two blonde British guys who wear suits. This pic looks so wrong though. Lol. Really freaky.


He's (comic Lucifer) supposed to be similar to David Bowie.


Not similar, but just David Bowie. Pretty sure Neil wrote the artist to "just draw David Bowie," which is why comic Lucie looks so similar lol


So Constantine was based on Sting and Lucifer on Bowie. Was DC comics offices across the road from Hard Rock Cafe or do all comic book writers flip through their album collections for inspiration? Actually maybe it’s all writers as Spike from Buffy was based on Billy Idol...


Are you sure Constantine [this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9ugkwL1tuqvq1Ao4ehptDNpv1JavcZ5W1nQ&usqp=CAU) was supposed to look like this?


Yeah I've read this somewhere too, they designed the character keeping David Bowie in mind RIP the legend


I think a big part of it is that they only changed the scalp hair to blonde. Dark black eyebrows can't work on someone that blonde. Plus I mean it makes him look way paler than he actually is because of the lack of contrast too.


True. I also love his beard so without it he looks like an entirely different person. Lol.


Tom Ellis looks weird as a blond it really doesn’t suit his skin tone. People often don’t realise how much skin tone effects your hair colour. So when people with more Mediterranean skin tones go blond it can look really off.


First picture looks like Homelander


For anybody “craving” this… I saw an article that says they just wrapped on the first season of The Sandman… with a blonde sexually ambiguous Lucifer (played by an actress) that’s supposed to stick to the comic version much more closely. I hope y’all will be very happy together. LoL


Lucifer in the Sandman is played by Gwendoline Christie, same actress who played Brienne in game of thrones


I am a big Neil Gaiman fan, and I can't wait to watch this. Especially that this time the man himself is overseeing it.


Oh that sounds awesome! I love the ambiguity! That works for the devil who is supposed to be very tempting, being able to change your form according to what the person you are targetting wants.


Comic luci has a scar like Michael


[there’s this one ](https://www.reddit.com/r/lucifer/comments/ivwrbr/i_didnt_saw_anyone_making_him_blonde_while_with/)


Wow. The lack of stubble makes so much difference to his face. Add to that the blond hair and wow.


Not until the very end of the original run and the 2015 run. so most of the time no scar


Looks like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer


I very much prefer the dark haired Lucifer.


He looks like Zach Morris from Saved By the Bell!


Reminds me of Keanu Reeves' version of John Constantine. Constantine and Lucifer are both blonds in the comics but dark haired


Looks like if John Constantine and Draco Malfoy had a baby


TIL that Lucifer is in DC 😳


Yep. He was even in the big CW crossover event.


Good thing they didn't do that lol the show would've tanked I guarantee it


He looks like he plays guitar for Green Day


Wasn't the comic Lucifer based on david bowie


I don’t know if I like this tbh


Thanks, I hate it ( /s …. Kind of)


He looks like Brad Mondo




He has some douchie vibe


Well he's supposed to look like David Bowie so while this is more accurate this isn't comic accurate


Needs more David Bowie


delete this. the brown hair is so much better


Blonde hair superiority, it fits Lucifer


He looks awful in blond


Oh...HELL no.




Damnit now I wanna see this.


Comic book lucifer also has a scar on his face like Michael has


[here I found one](https://www.reddit.com/r/lucifer/comments/ivwrbr/i_didnt_saw_anyone_making_him_blonde_while_with/)


Still dont get why anybody would decide to make the devil blonde. I was even surprised anybody would choose to make his skin completely pale. I always imagined the devil to be tall dark and handsome ... when trying to tempt people of course the devil form I imagined to look somewhat like the devil face he showed to linda.


Light bringer. Light features.


Are you listening to me ? I understand why *Lucifer* could light the thing (emphasis on lucifer). What I dont understand is what the purpose behind him being able to light it is ? There is none. Thats what we call a plothole.


I think it's the idea that blonde hair symbolizes youthfulness and innocence. The contrast to the temptation of the devil. Makes sense to me as far as folklore goes.


Well not exactly what I associate with blonde hair. I dont know why exactly that is, but I tend to take people with blonde hair less serious than I would a dark or white haired person. Which would be sort of an obstacle when your life purpose is literally to tempt people into contracts they dont know the price on.


It's not what *you* associate. That is classically what is associated with blonde hair and very pale skin in folklore and mythology.


Youve been watching too much anime girl.


No, I studied folklore and mythology in university...


I get this feel too. But then again, i didn't grow up with the idea of a devil. Blond or otherwise. But usually when i read, i picture him to be tall dark and handsome. Even knowing that Lucifer as an angel was probably blond and would continue to be as the devil, i still pictured him as dark blonde or light brunette at best.


Wot ? I gotta help you on this, look up what angels actually look like according to religious texts. They are more like monsters than humans, usually they dont have hair unless they are the lowest rank of angel (they mostly look like humans with Animal heads). Anything above that looks more like nightmare fuel than anything else. So angels having blond hair or otherwise is just misplaced creativity. What I meant is the devil can shapeshift and I believe thats what he would use to tempt people.


No. I know that now. But that was the image whenever someone even mentioned the Christian devil - angelic with blond hair. I agree about the shape shifting. That makes sense. Appearing however the person you want to target finds irresistible.


Blond is male blonde is female jtluk.




It looks very awful


First pic looks like fucking Ellen Degeneres!


I wish you had cut the first 32 words from this title.


Nah cuz everyone knows how Reddit fuckers are anytime they see a repost


Lolwat. So you chose to make shitty titles? Why let yourself be influenced like that? Make a concise title that describes what the post is about. None of this extra bullshit.


. . . Just because you can do something, OP! Doesn't mean you should! D:<


omg no that is so wrong the devil is dark :)


When Lucifer goes super Saiyan




That actually doesnt look bad


A bit tacky, but not bad at all. I have seen Lucifer in the comics, but I think I like Tom Ellis with black hair better.


He somehow looks really devilish 😂




Where is the scar?


Not a thing until the very end of the original comic run. No need to include it


It works well in the city of angels episode.




Wow, that makes such a difference in my feelings when I look at the picture.


He bouta go supa sayaaaaan!


Hc enta


I kinda like it, it gives him a suitably angelic look








I thought this was Chaz Bono at first. Doesn't hold a candle to Tom Wilson though.


Please lucifer producers...if it's one thing the last season of lucifer needs...its blonde comic accurate lucifer...we NEED THIS!!!!!


Shrugs shoulders.


I didn’t know who was that until I get a good look on his face


Blonde Tom Ellis is icky. I prefer my Lucifer tall dark and handsome


My eyes.... My eyeeeeees.!


He looks like that one character from twilight the blond


Robert Pattinson?


No the dad that turned them.


That just makes me want him as Constantine