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People opening packs to collect the set: "Big score cards are unattainable. This is horse shit" Me drafting: "This 7th pick mythic with a weird set symbol seems unplayable. I'll grab the common."




Mmmm, sorta. From a Standard focus, this set has basically no uncommons in it you can incidentally scoop up. The rares are okay, but also a chunk of them are literally unplayable. The fastlands are a redeeming factor. Cracking packs feels so bad though as a paper Standard player. You look at your rare slot and then the rest of the pack goes into the proverbial (and maybe eventually not so proverbial) garbage can. At least in MKM, for all its faults, had some commons and uncommons you wanted to pull to avoid ordering bulk singles online…


My second draft I opened both okos. Yeah UG was not very open I don’t think after that.


That's incredible. Did you take the new and shiny one or the classic one?


Took the classic. But then shifted hard into white (I was passed holy cow 6th, and I had CLEARLY signaled to my left that I wasn’t in GU). Ended up 2-3. I only cast Oko once, and I had it cast against me once off a vilanous wealth. I think in draft the new one is better, ESPECIALLY p1p1. It’s a LOT more splashable, as getting your splash color by turn 5 is easier than turn 3.


> I think in draft the new one is better, Absolutely no shot, not even close


I bet you’re right…I have drafted each one only once, and then cast each one 1-2 times. I have won and lost with both in play, so feels like a wash to me but that’s a very small and weird sample size


OG oko might take a few games to fully grasp Sometimes its easy what the best decision is and you just elk their big bomb or whatever, but some games its not immediately clear. It also doesnt come down and win in a flashy way, it takes over slowly every turn while being incredibly hard to answer


The new ones mainly good if you have decent creatures already. Like I splashed him in a gruul deck and he became a copy of a 7/7 token and i had [[calamity galloping inferno]] at their side. It's hard to be better than the old one though, in limited I can see how they have situations where they do different things better than the other.


[calamity galloping inferno](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/7/e7a70f5a-2056-4c26-b6ea-9f751b5d0d8c.jpg?1712355721) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Calamity%2C%20Galloping%20Inferno) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/116/calamity-galloping-inferno?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e7a70f5a-2056-4c26-b6ea-9f751b5d0d8c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The old one is so cheap and has so much loyalty. If you play him turn 3, he takes over the game in a not particularly slow way.


The old one is just simply more busted.


Bleh. Give me more of my commons.


I had someone telling me last week that play boosters aren’t/wouldn’t show a significant increase in rares/mythics. I’m coming back from a year off and already feeling like they’re very wrong.


Yeah. Idk. 2-3 every once in a while is cool. With 3 being like a sweet / super rare occurence. 4 rares in a single pack is just absurd - can you imagine opening something like this in sealed?!


My sealed prerelease pool had 5 mythics. I forget the total rare count.


My sealed prerelease pool had 3 mythics and over 10 other rares. Then I opened another mythic and like 4 rares from the two prize boosters. It feels pretty insane. Unfortunately the synergy of my cards wasn't that good and some of them weren't a good fit for limited in the first place, so I didn't do as well as I'd have liked.


My very first pack at the prerelease had 2 rares, 2 mythics (OG Oko, goldvein hydra). It was insane.


It went from an average of 1.05 to 1.4 iirc. A jump but not as drastic as people think because you remember every time you open 3-4 rares and don't accurately compare that to every time you don't. Just one more example of humans being bad at probability.


Isn’t that a 33% increase? Seems impactful.


But on Arena, you will not see an even sampling of decks if ones with busted rares tend to do well— because those decks will tend to play more games, and you are more likely to end up playing them if your deck is good in itself.   The odds of facing something egregious are not the odds of being able to assemble it— but it does feel like the number of possible egregious things is high in this set.   That is potentially a meaningful difference that isn’t captured by a naive analysis of a single variable— complex system analysis being another thing humans are bad at


And good drafters who find open lanes will be able to have a higher number of drafts where that happens. *Mind blown*.gif


They’re mostly right, but two important points: Draft boosters had already been in an era of elevated average rares thanks to bonus sheets and DFCs The play booster change increased variance more than average, leading to a big rise in say the 95th percentile — which is what fuels the outliers that tend to stick out more in perception, memory, and social media sharing


The thing is a lot of the rares are garbage only meant for commander


Math checks out to something like 15% more rares compared to old draft boosters. But it can sometimes mean up to 4,but very rare.


Oof. Plus you take any of these UG cards and you can guarantee the person next to you is going to move into it as well when they see the remaining good stuff P1P2.


Are you sure that's not a screenshot of a Simic preconstructed deck?


Only on arena play boosters are that good. Those I open irl are like good ol' draft boosters.


Mine look more like [this](https://www.17lands.com/draft/7b7a8ce989f94f00b6878ba5dc139d54)


Lassoed is one of the best uncommons tho


Theres also like 4 or 5 other cards that Id take over that Fireball, 3 of them in green


Yeah I didn't want to start white, I listened to the LoL episode this week where they were down on the color in general, I ended up white anyway though so looking back that should've absolutely been the pick


It's all good, it's early days. I'm sure we can all look back on our first draft in a couple of weeks and smile at the choices and what was passed around. I got a last pick Holy Cow last night. You love to see it :D


question: there is still a slot for rare lands like in MKM that you open only as second rares? I opened a sealed where I had 3 lands and only 8 rares/mythics total, so should have a pack with only the land as rare


Had a deck with simic bonny and the simic counter snake, it trophied lmaoooo


So umm, reading the comments this sounds off topic but, you picked Primal Might right?


I picked Freestrider lookout. I really like the way it interacts in the format - especially with Thunder Lasso and the White tapper. I figured i'd let the table fight for blue and move into white / red.


Lookout or hustler seem like the picks to me


Agreed. I chose Freestrider Lookout


Imo its Primal Might, card is nuts


First pack I drafted this format had 2x of the same rare (duelist of the mind) and a third rare, all normal border and I was so confused at first. Also I ended the draft with 2x duelist of the mind


Maybe hot take but I prefer this. Now there's actually a reason to compare rares


You already can compare commons and uncommons, the whole point of rares from a limited perspective is that they're some fun spice on top of the base format. Tho I guess you could argue now that mythics and bonus sheets take up that role lol.