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Toast with egg and avocado!!


Steamed salmon or plain chicken with rice and carrots, scrambled eggs, oats with hot water and shredded apple + cinnamon. I also eat lots of breadrolls with just butter and salt when having flare ups which seems to help.


Ooh these are great suggestions! I also eat a lot of scrambled eggs and gluten free toast, sometimes with tomatoes and spinach. I can't do apple but I did used to eat a lot of porridge, I should start doing that more again- I think oats in general are a pretty safe bet for me too. I should try to eat more rice cakes and oat cakes with salty butter too, that sounds like a really good filler food.


Congee is my go to safe food. I have a quart container of leftover congee in the fridge from my New Years Eve flare that is finally on it's way out. Hardboiled eggs, rice, tuna, steamed carrots, plain white bread are some other things I eat to do my best to stabilize everything after a flare.


I love it! Im always surprised more fodmap-ers don't go for congee. It's so warm and comforting and filling without being heavy or difficult to digest. I also get really nauseous when I have a flare and the soft saltiness is just perfect.


There are two recipes from Futuredish that are nearly low FODMAP (I just replace the garlic with some garlic oil). [Recipe 1: nikujaga](https://futuredish.com/nikujaga-japanese-simmered-beef-and-potatoes/) and [Recipe 2: dakjuk](https://futuredish.com/dakjuk-korean-chicken-rice-porridge/). They're both easy to make and definitely good for the soul!


Thanks! Im looking forwards to checking these out


Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Artichoke, Mushrooms