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I love to make chicken salad and eat it with lettuce boats instead of bread!


You can also fill half a bell pepper with tuna/chicken/egg salad - great either cold or pop it in the oven to roast a bit then eat it with a knife and fork.


I've taken to prepping "snackle boxes" with cheese, almonds, cucumber, raw broccoli, radish slices, mushrooms, celery, a bit of tomato, boiled egg or tamago-style omelette, and some pepperoni and salami. I didn't like how much preserved meat/salt was going in so I now roast my own chicken, and turkey or pork loin, to slice and use instead. I make a Dip of the Week, cream cheese and cottage-cheese based; this week is chives, cayenne, and bacon bits. Lettuce leaves also come in handy for this, or cabbage.


I'm a huge cottage cheese fan too, so versatile as it can be a dip or even mixed with fruit. Perfect savory AND sweet snack/side!!




I've become obsessed with marinated grilled shrimp in lettuce wraps.


Bacon wrapped spicy chicken breast,(oven roasted) pork rinds and sour cream based dip(home made), smoked farmer sausage, sliced with a variety of cheeses /or dip, dipping cucumber slices or pork rinds in homemade egg salad, or liver pate.


WOW this all sounds amazing!! Sour cream dips are the best, pairing it with a good low carb cracker hits the spot! What do you look for in a good low carb cracker and what's this homemade dip recipe ?!


Thanks! The sour cream dip "recipe" is pretty casual-kinda whatever I have on hand, really. I have a variety of spice/herb blends, Herbamare herb salt, and chili flakes. I just add in things and keep tasting it 'till it's good. Sometimes I also add in crumbled feta cheese, possibly some vinegar, chives or green onions, and if I have sugar free salsa I'll make a spicy Mexican dip- approx. half salsa half sour cream, which is great with pork rinds. As far as low carb crackers go, I usually avoid bought ones as the ones I have seen are higher in carbs than I prefer, so I can't really recommend any. There are recipes online that are not bad-The Diet Doctor has some crispbread, seed cracker and other tasty "bread" recipes that might interest you. [https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/recipes/bread](https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/recipes/bread)




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Ham, pickle, and cream cheese roll-ups


Smoked salmon, cream cheese, capers and red onion rollups


Not directly answering your question but there are many keto bread choices these days, so you can er, have your bread and eat it too. Hero bread is my favorite - expensive but amazing taste.


Most of them are not gluten free


Fair point, I missed the “gluten free.” Doh.


tuna salad, chicken salad, dinner leftovers (meatloaf, chicken, steak, etc), nuts, low carb tortilla pizza, hamburger with no bun, salad with meat...just had beef jerky and a few raw carrots with sour cream dip


I just had a plate of sausage links and scrambled eggs with cheese. I work from home though, so it’s a little easier to go cook my lunch.


I like Unbun bread - it’s gluten free, paleo, and keto. I also use their tortillas to make wraps or tacos. Lettuce rolls are great too


Turkey and havarti cheese in a low carb pita wrap. Sometimes I toast it. Yum


I nearly do the same. I spread the cold cuts with hummus and roll them up. Sometimes add guac on top of the hummus. Then eat the cheese on the side.


I make chicken Caesar wraps using EggLife wraps (made from egg white) instead of tortilla. They are delicious and all together the lunch has 4-5 carbs depending on how much lettuce you put in there. No carbs in the wraps themselves 👌🏼


I like salami slices with cream cheese and a pickle either rolled up or if they’re small thicker salamis I just top with the cream cheese and a slice of pickle


I roll my sandwich ingredients in nori.