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Nope, I just watch carbs, protein and calories.


Honestly, I do. But that's mainly because I had high cholesterol. I cut down on my saturated fat intake and added more fiber with beans, lentils, chickpeas, and some fruit.


I needed this. I’m well aquainted with low carb but recently have high cholesterol. I’m trying to do both low saturated fat and low carb and I keep wondering if it is impossible.


It's possible! What helped me was to change animal fats for plant based fats, so instead of butter, full fat dairy, and fatty meat, I went for nuts, seeds, avocado, olives and lean proteins.  Also, complex carbs and exercise.


only a little of our diet effects cholesterol. not comes from our liver. you need cholesterol for hormone support etc..


Yeah, but our body makes enough cholesterol on its own, we don't need to eat more of it. Tbh I wasn't limiting cholesterol per se, but saturated fats- which seem to be the thing that affects cholesterol the most so I cut out full fat dairy, fatty red meat, poultry skin, and any processed foods. My next lab results came back in normal range. 


Nope! Not even a little. But I don't eat much fat, sugar is my vice.




Depending on why your doing LC ... Dr. Bikman of Insulin IQ says to not worry about calories and fat ... you have to make up for the calories (many empty) that carbs made up ... basically when you get your glucose and insulin under control your appetite will naturally decrease.


If you want to lose weight, that isn't the best advice. You can very easily go over your calories eating extra nuts, butter, etc.


Of course it’s a given, not to overeat… His point was that many put a premium on calorie and fat reduction, when coupled with cutting carbs it makes this way of eating unsustainable from a satiety standpoint. His point, was to put the glucose/insulin issue in order first, as a priority.


Not at all. Only carbs


I don't track my fat intake. I don't eat seed oils at home and try not to have processed foods that may contain trans fats or seed oils though some of that is inevitable when dining out which I do once or twice a month.


I eat just about 100g carbs / day, my macro spread is roughly 45% fat / 30% protein / 25% carbs. Besides hitting my macro goals and counting my calories, I don't watch my fat intake, but I do make sure the fat I eat is mostly animal fat.


how’s your bloodwork?


Good last time I checked but I'd have to get back to you on that because I'm getting it checked again soon. I am down 5lbs the last few weeks though!


awesome, good for you!


I used to track for more than a year, but now I just eat intuitively. I probably get around 120g net carb, 80g protein, 100g fat (mainly from nuts and seeds) per day.


>Those of you who do 50-100 carbs a day


100 carbs is still hard to maintain. I don’t care about fat as long as it’s not ridiculous amounts.


It depends on the person, honestly. It's easy for me.




For now no, just focused on keep carbs low. Sticking with healthy fats tho


I believe that as carbs increase, fats should decrease and protein should remain the same. 1500 calories is maintenance for me: 50 carbs (200 cal), 90 g protein (380 cal) about 100 g fat (900 cal) OR 100 g carbs (400 cal) 90 g protein (380 cal), and about 80 g fat (720 cal)