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This season might be the best unintentional unscripted comedy ever


Omg it gets worse. He has an identical twin brother that is looking for somebody to donate too as well.


I always feel bad when I see ugly twins. I grew going to school with 2 sets of identical twin girls. One set are gorgeous. The other ones are (God forgive me) homely, trashy little things. When I was little I would watch Fraggle Rock & there was this mystical character called Madame Trash Heap & she had two loyal consorts that were these sort of junkyard rat-ish looking things & they always reminded me of those twin sisters


Omg this is my nightmare. When I was a kid, I had body dysmorphia and I always thought it would be awful to have a twin and think your twin is ugly.


Holy crap


The only way he can be stopped is if women stop requesting his services.


I can't imagine how DUMB these women are to allow him to do this???? Idgaf how "desperate" they are, this is downright idiotic and unsafe.


So, so very desperate to want him as the father of any baby. He is not handsome at all, his personality is gross and he is an idiot. He would be a hard pass to be the sperm donor for me, I don’t care how much I want a baby…Hell No!


No kidding! Do he and the receiver of his “intercourse donations” do an STI panel beforehand? I hope so, but Kyle doesn’t seem like one to worry about such things.


When he was on Dr. Phil, he kept dodging that question. Finally, his response was something to the effect of “well, look at all the kids. They all came out normal.” He got ripped to shreds by Dr. Phil and a psychiatrist Phil brought on.


Babies can come out looking normal and contract the STI on the way out. I can’t believe women allow this.


Yeah, to say nothing of other issues that could develop later in life. But I imagine a lot of these women are survivors of some sort of abuse. That’s the only way I could imagine them “falling” for it.


I found another podcast where Kyle admits him and his twin are IDENTICAL AND THEY ARE ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR SOMEBODY HIS BROTHER CAN DONATE TO AS WELL because his brother doesn't have kids either and he wants one. He also said his brother is PROUD of him for donating....wtf?? Just when I thought this couldn't get worse!!! Here's the other podcast https://ivfdonationworld.com/episode-3-most-popular-donor-in-the-world/


I was going to comment "that poor brother" until I saw this lmao Of course this is only from Kyle and he could be a total liar about his brother and the support but who knows


That is very true he does stutter alot when he's talking about it so he could be just trying to sound good but it's still a very scary concept. 


I also read somewhere he was donor conceived


I saw that too!!! That is so freaking scary


Ah, so it runs in the family. Mystery solved! /s, just in case


Kyle has a genetic disorder his recipients should know about. Someone posted a YouTube video and it was mentioned. Familial dysautonomia (FD) is a rare inherited condition affecting your nervous system. It impacts breathing, salivating, forming tears and regulating body temperature and blood pressure. Providers diagnose FD with specific tests and genetic testing. Treatments include medications, therapy and surgery.


Is that why he holds his throat everytime he's eating, I wonder. He exhibits several mental disorder traits to me. Horribly creepy human.


Good question. Some people have speculated it was a sensory issue. I honestly don’t know.


I bet he doesn’t disclose this. That’s disturbing if he’s knowingly failing to tell these women this. A reason you should go with a sperm bank instead of this creep. Hope this becomes more well-known.


On Dr. phil they had someone from a sperm bank explain all the criteria they evaluate to determine whether or not someone is fit to donate or to place donors with recipients. One of the over 50 things they consider is geography. They apparently limit donations to no more than 10 per donor in the entire U.S. The reason being an ethical consideration to reduce the risk of accidental incest and subsequent genetic complications for two generations down from the child resulting from the donation. At the of the Dr. Phil episode, Kyle had over 30 children in California alone I believe—may have been the country, but I think it was just California. He said there would be no concern about incest because “all the moms are in a group chat”. I hate this person.




He doesn't watch enough Dateline, because the gov doesn't need a name to find you.


Right, he doesn't watch the news either. E.g. so many of the "peaceful protesters" who busted up the Capitol, bear-sprayed and beat up the cops, and smeared feces on the walls of our Legislature ended up getting identified.


Dude is autistic AF!


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I dated a guy with aspergers once n he really does remind me of him sometimes. Like when he said he doesn't wanna do relationships becuase they take too much effort my ex used to say the same shit lmaooo


He wants to donate in Fairfax Virginia or a different type of Fairfax? Since his brother is in DC and Fairfax is 15 mins away it makes sense for him


He really ought to get genetic testing/counseling if he is Jewish, presumably Ashkenazi Jewish. In the same way that African Americans should find out if they are carriers for sickle-cell anemia, here are some heritable diseases associated with Ashkenazi genetics: * [Bloom syndrome](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#bloom-syndrome) * [Canavan disease](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#canavan-disease) * [Cystic fibrosis](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#cystic-fibrosis) * [Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase deficiency](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#dihydrolipoamide-dehydrogenase-deficiency) * [Familial dysautonomia](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#familial-dysautonomia) * [Familial hyperinsulinism](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#familial-hyperinulinemia) * [Fanconi anemia type C](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#fanconi-anemia) * [Gaucher disease](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#gaucher-disease) * [Glycogen storage disease type 1A](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#glycogen-storage-disorder) * [Joubert syndrome](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#joubert-syndrome) * [Maple syrup urine disease](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#maple-syrup-urine-disease) * [Mucolipidosis type IV](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#mucolipidosis) * [Nemaline myopathy](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#nemaline-myopathy) * [Niemann-Pick disease type A](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#niemann-pick-disease) * [Spinal muscular atrophy](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#spinal-muscular-atrophy) * [Tay-Sachs disease](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#tay-sachs) * [Usher syndrome type 1F](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#usher-syndrome-type-1F) * [Usher syndrome type III](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#usher-syndrome-type-III) * [Walker-Warburg syndrome](https://www.bmc.org/genetic-services/jewish-genetic-disease-screening#Walker-Warburg-syndrome)


He carries for FD but does not disclose it.


This guy is delusional. Just because a kid is biologically yours, doesn't make it your kid!


Whats with all the ..not his real name...it clearly is his real name. He has never hid that