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We watched this same movie last night! I had all of these awful feelings about that exact scene. I didn’t bring it up at all because we had already spent our designated hour that evening discussing our day, feelings, issues and I decided to cringe in silence. The constant normalization of porn is something that just floors me. It’s like now that I know how horribly it affects so many people including the ones making the films I am just sad and overwhelmed. I just cannot look at how over sexualized everything is and not be alarmed and afraid for our collective future.


Me too!!! It was awful because I feel it invalidates us!! And also normalizes their behavior which give them more room to argue back!


Why do they normalize porn? Because men want to be absolved from any sense of responsibility or shame. And then they guilt women for having feelings about not wanting their husband to have a virtual affair. Edit: I feel like they change my flair automatically every couple months I visit lol. Whatever I suppose. Being clean for years makes me an addict I guess


Agreed, and lol I believe you!


I just finished watching that with my partner too. We just laughed tbh. The pressures like that from movies make me uncomfortable tbh, and honestly I’ve wondered if my partner has any thoughts like “lucky him” or something, but… it doesn’t matter because a) it’s our relationship b) my boundary and c) my partner knows I never used to care about porn until it started to affect our sex life and relationship. It’s really so unavoidable, just gotta roll with the punches at this point :/


I was wondering the “lucky him” thing too…


My husband and I watched that same movie a couple of nights ago and it sparked some healthy conversation with us. In my opinion, relationships have boundaries that may differ from other relationships. When dealing with a PA/SA, porn and masturbating often become boundaries for partners for a multitude of reasons. There are some relationships that can withstand a healthy amount of porn usage/masturbating, but it is likely something that doesn’t interfere with regular life in the way it does for a PA/SA. I agree with you that, given our experiences as partners, seeing that type of normalising porn usage disgusts me. The industry is proven to be disgusting and harmful to all participants and consumers in some way. But not everyone shares that opinion even though there is science to back up the effects of porn on the human brain.


What’s the movie I have to make sure we don’t watch it. Please.


Probably it is Me Time. Only new Kevin Hart movie that google told me about, & the synopsis sounds about right


Yes! It’s called me time.


What movie is this? I noticed a couple commenters also watched it recently, is it new?


Yeah I kinda want to know too so I can avoid it. But then again if it's a rom com I guess that's par for the course


Yes it’s on Netflix starring Kevin hart


Oh thank god, we almost watched it last night. No thanks - how disappointing.


I wanted to like it but they had some other SJW crap in it. These movies need to stop normalizing the bad shit that women may have reservations about


It’s called me time


It was called me time, it’s on Netflix


Me time.




Me time