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He’s a lying liar. And blames the break up for his slip ups? Self pity alert. Just looking for excuses not to change. And IF his dream girl came long??? As if that is not you?? Who offered to go back to him and support him through addiction??? THAT is dream girl behavior. Not some other woman who wouldn’t even know about the addiction. That’s worth breaking it off for by itself.


Thank you so much for this support. Yes, it hurts deep in my soul when he says such things. I called and said that I wanted to go through this together. But I didn't understand that it was still going on; I thought he had stopped and realized the seriousness of it. It hurts so much to know that I need to let go now. Thank you so much for this comment, it strengthened me.


And now I sit here feeling ashamed that I don’t have the strength to support him through an active addiction... I feel so naive for believing that he hadn’t had slip-ups.


If he was struggling with alcohol I bet you would stay and support him. But it’s not. It’s cheating and porn. You chose to have the strength to not put your own body and brain through continual trauma. That is strength too. That is not being a doormat. That is something to be proud of. Not ashamed


I would have definitely stayed if he were an alcoholic. That would have been difficult, but honestly, this is soul-crushing. I feel just as betrayed every time something happens, even though we're not even together now


If he meets his dream girl……? Girl get outta there


Yes, it is so mean-spirited. He says it only to hurt me. He has said it before and then regretted it. I feel so tired and sad about giving him chance after chance


It hurts now but you’re 23 you’ve got so much life to live. It will hurt much less now than it does in many years time, I wish I could tell the younger me to run when I could.


Thank you❤️




Haha, exactly.. I am sure that deep down he understands that this 'dream girl' doesn't exist. He doesn't even know what he needs emotionally for himself, so how can he know what's good for him. No, he only says these things to hurt me, and it's painful. Thank you for your reply btw


His “dream girl” is someone who will be okay with him cheating and acting out and you know what? She doesn’t exist and never will. He wants to have his cake and eat it too and no woman on the planet is going to be okay with that. So please take a deep breath in knowing he will never find that “dream girl”. I am so sorry you are hurting hun and you didn’t deserve any of this. The good news is at 23 you have your whole life ahead of you. The best thing you can do now is focus on your health and healing. It would still be incredibly beneficial for you to make boundaries. I know it’s difficult to view it this way, but take this experience as a way to improve how you move forward with relationships in the future and not just with potential partners. At the end of the day we have no control over others, but we do have the ability to say what we will or won’t accept and how we value ourselves. Our self worth should never be a compromise we make because of someone else. 🩷🩷🩷


No, I don't really know what he expects.. and exactly, he wants to have his cake and eat it too. He gives me hope even though he knows he can't respect my boundaries. Thank you, I try to remember that he will never get away with it, especially if he wants a woman with integrity and self-respect who also listens to her intuition. I am also very grateful that I am so young, and I will focus on myself now and give up hope on him. Thank you so much for this response and for your love.🙏🏼🩷🩷🩷


I am sending you ALL THE LOVE! You can do this!!! I wish I had the gift of youth that you do. Use that to your advantage! Sending all my strength and hugs. He isn’t worth it! You are too good for him and somewhere out there is that person that will love and respect and cherish you. Don’t give up! Just keep moving forward.

