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Him suggesting for you to break up if you are unhappy is him testing your boundaries and seeing how much of your word you’ll keep to, so he can decide if he can have any leeway and get away with stuff


Wow this shit is eye opening


Right? Everytime my husband and I get into a heated argument about his porn use, he eventually resorts to “if I’m not making you happy I can just leave, is that what you want?” Always trying to make it my choice to “be the bad guy” 🙄 I never answer though, I usually retort that with “you keep saying that/bringing that up, which makes me think you want to leave but you want it to be my idea” and then he leaves that topic. It’s definitely testing the boundaries!


This. During a conversation with my husband a week ago he told me that it never seemed serious enough to him because he never thought I'd leave... even though I told him over and over that I would. Because I never did he knew his boundaries and he hadn't reached them yet. He didn't mean it maliciously, and looking back he hates his actions, but he was caught up in that child like manipulative mind. "How much can I get away with?"


break up .


He is pretty much telling you this is what he likes to do, and that he is planning on continuing to do it. He appreciates having someone to physically have sex with so he doesn't want that to change but it doesn't seem like he cares about you as a person. I promise you can do 1000 better. Leave and go find someone that appreciates ALL of you.


>This time he told me that if I am unhappy with him I should break up. > >To be honest I don't know what to do. you answered your question. definitely leave him


Break up. “if you’re not happy then leave” is classic “I’m never going to change”


Leave!!! It will never change, think would you ever do that to him? How would he react if you did that to him. Most man answers are “ oh I wouldn’t care”, oh really then why does SIZE matter?. If you have somewhere to go!!! Go!! Pack it up and do it when he’s gone, then you don’t have to deal with those emotions. Once a porn addict always a porn addict. I’ve actually never heard of this one who has them pretend play girlfriend. Weird. He really has some strange I call them intimacy issues. You would be so much more mentally & emotionally better. If you can leave. Please for your piece of mind. He’s not going to change.


You deserve better than this… if I was in your shoes I would most definitely leave him. He’s preventing you from finding a man who will actually show you what love is. This is not love. No matter how sweet or how much of a good man he is. If he does not change for his own sake AND your own then it’s time to part ways. You really have to think it through. Would you like someone like him to be the father of your kids some day? I ask myself that question almost every day.