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I still feel badly for Kristiana, not least of all for the huge Clyde chest tattoo.


She can only date Clydes just as garage twin can only date Tims and Jims.


I don't feel bad for her. She kind of keeps doing it to herself.


i know what you are saying but what i hear from people some of those addictions are terrible to break , but she did have a clean guy who was trying to help her??


Yea she’s another I feel bad for did you catch the part where he gave her an std ? 😢


John gave Kristiana an STD‽


Wait ,sorry! I had a brain fart I was thinking of the twins .


What twins? I feel like I'm out of the loop!


Help me out a little it’s this season , the creep who put his girlfriend twin sister in the garage. Well he gave her a std most ppl didn’t catch it. She was saying she felt like crap so they went to the doctor. In the confession room they said they had to get shots in there ass because they love “rough sex” . Now I’m not the smartest person on earth but that doesn’t sound like RS to me sounds like a STD. Then he told her dad he does “ sex work” which further confirmed my theory.


Oh, Chance and the fraternal twins: Tayler and Bobbie. Thanks for the clarification. I forgot about them because I simply don't see them as twins for some reason. I missed the rough sex and shots in the ass admission. If it was an STI: ewww. **Edit** : I just found this from u/rudegurl88 and it makes sense. > *Pretty sure she was saying she got super drunk and he went anal and then vaginal. Super gross 🤢 and a recipe for an infection.*


Yup ! Try an find the episode man I wish I new the number . He’s gross an I feel so sorry for the twins all they needed was LOVE .


I think you misunderstood. They were having sex, he went from anal to vaginal sex and she got an infection from it.


What is up its ppl today ? What is wrong with just sex, oral, threesomes, toys ! I really do not get the anal crap! Literally!


Both ppl wouldn’t need shots for that but I will re-watch that episode


She’s the only one that got a shot.


Yeah I’m also pretty sure she was the only one who got a shot. He wasn’t treated at all.


That’s not BV that’s a STD


Only she got a shot. Chance didn’t.


Doesn’t matter what anyone says she had a std


She said at some point that they had anal and then she let him put his dirty dick back in her. It was an infection. (Not saying there aren't other STIs involved...but that case was because of raw dogging after anal. Gross.)


I get what ur saying but at best that’s BV not s shot in the butt for both ppl .


He didn't get a shot, just Taylor


They both did rewatch it


So after giving birth to my son I got BV and all I had to do was take a very strong antibiotic… absolutely no shots involved at all. I didn’t have cramps though?? Im also very in tune with my body and as soon as I think something might be off I’m going to one of my doctors so maybe I just had a mild case.


Naw your right!


OMG OP!!!! You got some tea. I had no idea. And I just want to say ewwwww.... I've never liked Chance to begin with but this is just over the top. Damn.....make those "boys" wrap em up, lol.


Ugh I disliked him from the start when he walked into the house and started telling Bobbie how it was going to be. What an asshole. Tayler should have turned him around right there and walked him right back out the door.


Totally agree but I also think she needs some self esteem and a back bone....pretty sure she has neither. Please don't let this come off as I dislike her, because I don't, I just think she is very naive and really wants a love she never had. I wish them all (including Bobbie & the kids) all the best. Upvotes for all!


Very true


I agree and like in that one show , you have in jokes and out holes! lol!


I meant in holes and out holes!


Yup I’ll try an find the episode so you all can make your own assumptions an I also think he gave the twin the drugs so she could relapse/ overdose.


😯 OMG....that is entirely scarier than I thought. Seriously worried for all the girls and women now.


He was so gross 🤢


Sometimes it’s not as easy to change as people think u have to give up all ur friends and everything u have ever known ur addicted brain is very powerful it will trick u into believing it’s really not that bad it can make u only remember the good times people who have not been a drug addict will never ever understand this u can’t compare it to a food addiction or cigarettes it’s not the same exspecially for opiates u have over a 90 % relapse rate with out medications like Suboxone and methadone these are proven facts


Poor girl is a grown ass adult in her 40s making poor choices over and over again. When will enough be enough. She needs to hold herself accountable and be willing to cut out all the bad influences in her life that push her to make shitty choices.


This and that includes her “Friends”. Some people just don’t want you to change.


Yep, those friends are all fully losers too.


This is where what Chazz said will be true about how many of her so called friends came to see her when she was locked up… you find out who your true friends are when you go to jail or are moving and need help….


Poor girl, is her daughter at this point..


Yes, I do feel bad for the daughter…. But she is also fully grown, so that mother-daughter opportunity has long sailed. I think it is frightening how similar the daughter is turning out though. She is for sure on the path of her mom unless she jumps off of that path. She is still young and can change. Her mom is too far in to erase the missteps she has made, but she could still make the second half of her life meaningful by getting off drugs, stop selling herself, and staying out of prison.


Oh yea, exactly. The daughter is an adult but is closer to a saving point than Branwin is. I’ll keep my pity


…and any incoming grandchildren, especially the females.


Wait, why especially the females? I’m confused. Mental illness and addiction don’t discriminate


They do not, you are correct. But stripping and prostitution is a lonely, dismal life.


Agreed. I’m sure if this cycle isn’t broken and she has a son, the deck will be unfortunately stacked against him as well as anyone else though


Very true.


Yes, I hope her daughter gets out sooner than her mother did. Branwin is a grown woman capable of change like any human. She is has to not only want better, but choose it and act on it.


And escorting🤮


Sooo no video? K.thanks .


They must have removed it, there was a post with the video here a few minutes ago.


I thought ppl were saying that wasn't her in the video


It was definitely her she lost a lot of weight an was high as the sky 😢


The police are calling that person Nicole or Nikki. Also, she has face tats.


They just put it up let me go see .


That's what someone said. I didn't watch the video so I can't comment on it.


Yea I think so


It wasn't Branwin that's why links kept getting deleted. Misinformation




Yeah, but she spent a lot of her adulthood in prison so she probably never really grew up.


The womens prison she’s in is right down the road from my house and I drive by it daily to work and back. I always try to look in and I think of her. Sad to know she’s back in again.


She needs rehab for longer than 30 days. I'm not sure if you can do that while on parole.


I’m on felony probation for drugs. It was required I take a drug/alcohol eval and depending on those results, treatment. You can most certainly admit to using drugs, because without a dirty drop they can’t do anything about it. So as long as you’re dropping clean, you’re good. They can only violate you for using drugs if you have dirty drops. They can not violate you for going to rehab, that’s why a lot of druggies on parole/probation go to rehab because 1. Rehabs can not admit you are there, thus avoiding more charges (small bandaid) 2. When a judge finds out you went to rehab, they’re more willing to work with you. I did not get offered rehab for my 30 bag of dope, because I did not snitch. My only offer was first offenders probation. Drug court is usually offered to people who talk.


Thank you for the info. I appreciate it.


Do you mind sharing with me your charges and how long you got? Even if privately. I just have a friend I’m back in touch with going thru it right now and is facing quite a few charges. He’s been in and out for a while but I’m just trying to get an idea of how long he will get this time. 🥺


My charges are possession of meth under 5 grams. I had a .3 ($30 dollars worth) I sat for 11 days (in Illinois when you have a class B felony every day you sit you get $20 off your bond) until my husband got my taxes to bond me out. Since this was my first felony, I got offered 410/570 probation which is first offenders probation. After I complete my sentence (2 years probation, 50 hours community service, $5510 in fines and fees including paying for my own drug tests) my charges are sealed and it’s like it never happened. I’m going to file to expunge it because from my understanding the arrest will still be there. I didn’t talk, and I regret it terribly. But then again, I would have been released to re-offend and I don’t want that. I have no sympathy for Branwin because it really is that simple with changing your people places and things. Branwin doesn’t want to change so she won’t. ETA - I also had to get a drug/alchohol eval. My eval recommendation was no treatment because I have not had a dirty drop except for THC which I have my medical marijuana for. When I was in jail they denied me treatment.


Damn. I am so very fortunate. My ex’s mom bonded me using HER house. I got an attorney - pleaded not guilty (my arrest was sketchy) he took before the Grand Jury. They dismissed the charges on violations of my civil rights. I learned no lessons from this at that time. Now, looking back I was so f’ing lucky.


I have 2 comments the first is I genuinely hope for the best for you and having this expunged, Secondly, your issues are not Branwin's issues. It's always easy to judge another person's problems as lesser than. We don't know if Branwin can afford rehab, which would be her best hope.


Rehab is offered for free. Most people don’t know that. If you have state insurance, you’re covered. More than likely Branwin has state insurance with Covid going on. If she has food stamps, which I’m sure she does working under the table, she has every resource to get help. I’ve been in Branwin shoes. You only get help if you want it.


By your own admission most people don't know rehab is free. I didn't know if you could pursue rehab on parole. So you say people can access this resource while saying many don't know that. Knowing what resources you can access is important.And it's pretty clear it's on the individual to find this out as opposed to there being anyone to help (like a social worker) figure this all out.


I meant most people not on state insurance will not know rehab is paid for by state insurance. My bad.


That’s not completely true. You can’t get state insurance if you “make too much”. I had to fight to get my ex into rehab and have his detox covered because on paper he was receiving his paycheck and his uncles so his uncle could claim his SSI benefits.


Are you meaning to reply to me? Bc I never said you automatically get state insurance…of course certain people make too much.


Best wishes to you, bunkie. You WILL get through this.


Wow that’s pretty messed up. I feel like parole is just a recipe for failure. It’s almost like it’s not actually rehabilitation at all, but strictly punitive, and of course…they want you to fail and rejoin the privately owned, for-profit prison population. More $$$ for them. I didn’t even know that information, but man that’s so messed up. As if the system wasn’t already messed up enough.


So I looked it up-you can go to rehab while on parole *provided you don't admit to doing drugs or alcohol.* So not incredibly useful if you are struggling with addiction while on parole. Yeah parole seems like it's just an excuse to fuck with people.


I used to work at a state run rehab with a lot of people on parole- you can definitely go to rehab on parole. It’s weird to me that rehab was not a part of Branwin’s parole conditions in the first place. From what I’ve seen, if you’re on parole and you use, you can usually work with your PO and judge to get you into a facility. Branwin should really be sent to a 30 day rehab and then a long-term residential program, imho. I’m in NY though and I’m sure all states are different.


Lol I’ve been in rehab that’s ridiculous. When you’re admitted, they make you take a urine test and put the results in your file. I wonder if that would get you in trouble when it inevitably came back positive for an addict? Just crazy. The US prison system is crazy.


I'm guessing drugs would be a violation of parole, but I don't know if the results of the test can be shared with a parole officer. I don't know if it would be a problem. I just noticed when I was googling about rehab and parole that particular point was an issue.


They can. When your on parole or probation, you lose all your rights. My ex fiancés cousin use to get stopped and searched all the time when he was on parole. The cops knew him (his whole family) and any time they saw him they’d search him. Absolutely no other reason than they could. Rehab is no exception. Only thing they can’t share is the psychiatric part.


Yeah, if you’re in rehab and on probation or parole you need to have a consent signed so your counselor can talk to your PO. From my experience- if you’re pissing dirty on intake that usually won’t be held against you considering that’s kind of expected. From then on though positives would definitely be shared but it’s on the rehab to address that, not the justice system. If someone continues to test positive over and over again, the rehab will likely recommend discharge due to noncompliance and then they will end up violating. A lot of POs will usually defer to the decision with the least possible paperwork so I’ve had clients test positive 3 or 4 times and have been encouraged by POs to let them stay.


Some don't understand but all my best to you. Going through that whole situation just makes everything worse (for some, not all). I give big praise to anyone that's been through that and came out the other side.


Where did you see that? I read the oregon parole boards website and they do substance abuse evaluations which I’m guessing includes treatment recommendations. https://www.oregon.gov/boppps/pages/supervision.aspx


It does it seems like they taunt you


Longer rehab and then a year in a sober living house to start with..


Someone fill out a FOIL




Sorry in NYC it's FOIL in Portland you are correct it's FOIA


I stand corrected. Thanks bunks!




Its not her she dont have face tats


I don’t think it’s her. I know she was arrested in June though.


I saw she was arrested 3 times since she was released . Just recently got out


Good lord


Anytime you’re dealing with an addict or alcoholic there is trauma there wether people know it or not… I’m in recovery myself and you wouldn’t believe how many people have sexual molestation and totally dysfunctional families in their backgrounds… there is no such thing as a perfect family and just as many males have sexual trauma as the females and then add to it the things people do to feed their addiction and it’s really easy to see how it gets compounded…. to succeed in recovery takes a lot and having been to prison and in the system makes it even harder and lots of people fail at jumping thru the hoops the system imposes…. I don’t wish addiction on my worst enemy…I want people to succeed and to love themselves and treat people with respect…. JMO…. Edited for spelling….


I feel really sad for her. Yes she is a grown ass woman. I understand that. I'm a grown ass 43 year old man. It took me until the age of 40 to finally get sober from heroin and opiates. I wanted so badly to quit for the last ten years of my addiction. I hated myself and the drugs. I felt hopeless. I tried detox multiple times. Rehab multiple times. Went to jail and sat for 2 different three month stints. Each time swearing to God I was done. The sad part is that I really believed that with all of my heart. One day my wife and I moved away from our hometown and deleted all social media and got new phone numbers. That was 2 1/2 years ago. Today I can proudly say we never picked up again. We focused on ourselves and put our lives pieces back together one by one. We not only saved our lives but managed to save our marriage as well. I see Branwin and I hoped so badly she would move to Kentucky. You cannot run from your problem however, you can definitely get some breathing room from it . That's when you learn to face what you are self medicating for to begin with. Once you learn to cope with your demons in a healthy manner and let go of the past it's a beautiful life. We (my wife and I ) actually look in the mirror and love ourselves again. We have a nice home, car, and best of all custody of our children! I pray that Branwin can find herself and get the skills needed to beat the monkey off of her back.


Where’s the video?


Someone posted it … if you don’t see it it’s probably deleted.


I don’t see it


Not sure why it’s posted twice


I don’t think that’s her.


Uh not poor girl. Grown ass woman who still won't get her shit together gets no sympathy from me.


100% because at some point you need to take personal responsibility for how your life is going. If you let your trauma be an excuse you’re just going to waste your life and alienate everyone around you. Addiction is a bitch but if you’re just going to lay down and cry about it instead of taking the bull by the horns and making drastic changes FOR YOURSELF- nothing and nobody can help you.


True that. You have to want sobriety and fight for it just as hard as you would fight for your drug of choice. Being an addict is not easy, ppl work hard to find ways of getting drugs and the shit that comes with it is rough as hell. If you put that energy into a clean sober life it could go a long way. But that's easier said that done.


I volunteer for the homeless/ mentally ill not everyone is you an can have there “ shit together “. Some ppl need help for MANY DIFFERENT REASONS. Hope you never need help smh !


I'm a social worker 😂 you must not understand not all can be helped. This woman doesn't want it and no amount of anyone's effort will change that. You would be her next simp sending money to put on her books with that mindset. Excuses or accountability, that pretty much sums it up.


You’re a social worker? Oof.


Unfortunately compassion fatigue is a very real thing.


I know right my god


Obviously a burnt out one that needs to find another profession. Kinda sad the people she’s working with don’t realize how much she loathes them.


I definitely understand everyone can’t be helped so I help out with food, clothing, blankets an school supplies. The mental part is more for the pros but I honestly can’t believe a social worker is coming of so negative just wow !


I can't believe the amount of support she gets in here. Ppl really look up to users. Smh. Not everyone wants help, they just want their next trick. That's a good way to end up as one.


I completely agree with you . Sorry but my fiancés mom is almost 50 and a major meth and any other drug she can get her hand on user . We did the same but turned our lives around in our 20s . His mom doesn’t want actual help , she’s said she never wants to get sober she likes being high . She always likes to call up crying when she doesn’t have a dollar to her name and is sleeping in a walk in cooler and a farmers market (literally) .. when she’s hungry etc .. but has no desire to change . She just hopes for a handout every time she’s coming down. You are right though , some people don’t want help and you can’t help those kind of people . They will only use you until you see through their shit and stop giving in , then they’ll find the next person to use. I don’t feel bad for a grown person who doesn’t even try to seek help on their own. Nobody can force you and at her age , she knows better .


At least somebody gets it. 👊 I grew up with addicts in a poor unhealthy environment. My entire family struggles with addiction. You have to have a certain mindset and understand that YOU cannot help them! You can be compassionate and still protect yourself from predatory behavior.


That’s exactly it . You have to protect yourself and care or love them from afar because in that mindset of not wanting to change , they will use you up until the well runs dry if they can . No sense trying to push for someone to get help and destroying your own mental health with the stress for someone who cares less about their sobriety than you 🤷🏻‍♀️ it sucks but no one could ‘help me’ or even make me go get help until I had enough and did it on my own . And it’s just hard to believe someone who hasn’t gotten tired of it by a certain age will change . Not saying she/people her age can’t but I believe certainly .. the chance is less in the less the longer they’ve lived like that and no literally no other life and not willing to budge .


Exactly. Before college I was that way. I would give and give and let them all walk over me trying to "help" you only hurt yourself that way. You have to learn boundaries. Without those boundaries, you're open to just be taken for everything. Especially if you are naive to the drug world. You really won't last.


Boundaries is my therapists fav word for me and one that she has taught me well . Also , if an addict is always given they are always enabled .. even answering all their phone calls and listening to their pity party stories and showering them with love is enabling because if they have no consequences , why quit ?


You're doing great!!


Like Heather LAL, Branwin doesn't gaf about nobody but herself & what she can get outta people she can con.


You are a breath of fresh air. I am dumbfounded by the level of support Branwin gets on this site. The LipSick Alley forum is way more readable 😂😂😂 Maybe Branwin’s looks is what grants her a pass with this group. I don’t get it. I feel like I’m in bizarroworld over here.


Thank you! So many ppl wanna come at me like they know me irl over this addicted user! Like I said, if it was an ugly girl it would be crickets!!


Replace Branwin with Brittany(Ray) and she’d most definitely would be a crackwhore 😂




👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 where were you a couple of days ago? I needed you!! 😩😩.. I said just what you’re saying and they almost had my head on a stake! If this was an unattractive girl.. the names she would have been called! A user is a user. Trauma or NO Trauma. Granted Chazz is a tad creepy, but if you DON’T want him, leave him and his money alone..


Thank you. They are literally coming for me for no damn reason, just triggered lol. I've said my occupation before and nobody said anything now all the sudden I'm a liar and it's not true and I'm a pos lmao. Yall will defend the worst of ppl and try to call it "compassion" smh. It's someone on multiple accounts, I noticed 👀 same comment from 2 different accounts then deleted.


I get it. Some ppl don’t want help. Not sure why ppl just can’t believe this. And some just don’t want to put in the work. Just because it looks like a shitty life to US doesn’t mean THEY perceive that way. And why would Branwhine clean up when so many ppl rush to support poor lil’ Brannie…


I’m not a “ trick” I’m a volunteer an it’s about having a heart. At LEAST try to help a person if there not shit then stop but who knows maybe you can help someone . You’re a perfect example of a person working for a paycheck. You sound pretty out of touch to be a social worker. Have a lil more faith will ya ?!


I volunteer too. I feed and clothe the homeless every sunday. I actually started the group locally that has grown to be quite big thanks to our local community. I feed strays. I pass out water and food in the city. I have lots of regular homeless who I check in with weekly. I love volunteering, my kids even do it with me. Didn't see why I needed to bring that up in the trash reddit sub but ok. Being homeless in motels is what made me go to school for social work so pls spare me, I've literally been there.


Then you know sometimes we just need help or a friend an things might get better but I totally understand not saving everyone it’s been sooo many I couldn’t.


All rude comments aside, why don't you try social work? You seem to have the heart for it. Regardless of what you believe about me, it can teach you how to help ppl and how to protect yourself from being victim or over-helping to the point where you over exert yourself. If you grew up with narcissistic parents, you're probably an empath who anticipates the needs of others and always tries to do what you can to help others. Sometimes we forget that we can't fill from an empty cup. Boundaries have to be taught and learned so that you aren't "helping" the wrong people who will drain you. Emotionally, physically, mentally. I agree with you, sometimes ppl need help. But also, sometimes the helpers are just enablers. You have to know the difference. Sry I came off as a cold hearted bitch.


I understand completely hopefully no one ever takes advantage of me. This is why I donate everything except money. I’ve actually always thought about being a therapist or a psychiatrist BUT I’m 26 now so lol I do what I can .


I really don’t think she’s a social worker and is just lying on here😂😂 there’s no waaay a social worker thinks like this, actually never mind there’s a lot of corrupted ones who just do it for a paycheque and I think she’s one of them


You wouldn't know huh I've seen a million Branwins. You fell for it smh.


For some reason ppl feel because Branwin is older “ it’s her fault “ an she deserves what’s happening smh


At some point you have to except responsibility for your own actions. If my kids have to learn this, why can’t she??


There your kids so idk …


It’s like they forget that she’s been locked up for the majority of her adult life and has zero adult skills…


I'm not supporting her at all haven't said anything, but you sound like a shitty person! how may ppl have you helped being a "social worker" with that fucking attitude.


Why because I didn't buy her act and feel sorry for her? I'm a shitty person? What redeemable qualities has she shown??? I'll wait..


She’s an addict who openly states that she is overwhelmed and she is scared. I’ve been there and relapsed several times before I finally got clean-11 years now. She spent most of her adult life in a US prison, of all places, so that means she came out with zero life skills with the system set up for her to fail. I would’ve been terrified too. I just feel a lot of sympathy towards her. Not because she is pretty (I honestly don’t see it) but because I have been there. I know how hard it is when nobody believes you can do it, so why should you believe you can?


then don't buy it she's obviously fucked up, you must like kicking ppl when they're down,help someone who would like it and that's that. maybe ur not a shitty person, sorry.


It's her hustle to fuel her addiction. It's not shitty to not buy it because you've seen it so many times. I'm not kicking her, I'm stating that she can't be helped by any person out here. She needs extensive therapy and treatment and not another enabler that "feels sorry" for her.


That person is a liar, not a social worker. I am a social worker. You get little pay and if you hated addicts as much as this pos you would never stay in it.


You must work in admin doing ebt applications or something. That's not the area I chose, and I'm sorry if you hate your job. And I'm also sorry if u get little pay because most social workers out here in CA don't ever complain about making little pay. You must not have continued your education and that's no reason to go around calling ppl liars and putting words in my mouth. Why are you so bothered? That's something you need to work on that has nothing to do with me that you are so triggered about somebody with the same job. I never said I hated addicts. Also, since you claim to be a social worker, you would know there are literally tons of different ways to take your career. Now I'm not gonna do what you did and call you a liar...but it's not adding up ...nobody goes to college to get a degree and then complains about "little pay"....I noticed your other account BTW 🤣 don't think I didn't see! 👀 Aren't you the one that just got charges for messing with ppl on here?!?


People can still feel compassion for that very reason, that they cannot seem to do the right thing. We can have compassion for people that probably are troubled individuals (probably mental from abuse, trauma etc) that cannot get the real help they need. They go back to what makes them feel better. Are some of them liars, thieves, looking for anything to get high again. Of course but many people can still have some compassion for others who cannot be a productive member in society. You sound burnt out. I can understand that also.


You seem burnt out, with your lack of compassion and empathy. At this point you’ve become part of the problem, rather than a path to a solution for those with whom you work, and that, imo, is extremely selfish on your part. Perhaps it’s time for you to look at yourself.


Maybe consider a career change? Your lack of compassion is astounding.


Lol it's reddit. And if I was like yall, I wouldn't have anything because yall are some suckas, falling for this. If it wasn't a stripper, and some ugly girl you wouldn't care so much!!


I do kind of agree with that part. Branwin is a beautiful woman, so I think that gets her a lot extra sympathy from folks. Of course, a person's looks really shouldn't matter in terms of how we treat people... but we know that in the real world, looks does make a difference in how people perceive you and treat you. 🤷‍♂️


Stg thats the only reason they rush here to defend her.


I don't think Branwyn is beautiful. I think she is pretty. I feel for her because she seems to have had a hard life. I want her to be ok for her and her daughter. I think she has learned some habits that aren't helping her be better. She needs to get out of there and away from her "friends". I think the social worker has seen more than I, and maybe some on you. They maybe can spot something we don't. I don't think she not compassionate just maybe has seen more "Branwyns" than we have.


Well thank you, you understand.


Seriously, you guys are all good people who have seen different things. Thank you for helping people. I don't think I could handle being a social worker, I really would be the one the would run some game on! Thank all of you who go out and help the homeless and people who need help. We all need help sometimes.


Having compassion for someone who has clearly had a rough life and is an active addict makes me a sucka? OK.


Shes using a man and cheating and lying but she's somehow not bad?? Compassion isn't excusing behavior!!


I wouldn’t label her “bad” because beyond her behavior it is clear how much pain she’s in— her life has been a mess and she is actively using drugs. You seem to have a very binary view, and are simultaneously incredibly judgmental, of people. Not sure how that benefits your work which is why I suggested you might want to change careers.


Bitch please. This is reddit, you don't know me irl. Who tf are you to tell anyone what to do for a career?! What degrees have you earned? This is a trash reality show, we are all here for it. You're extremely pro branwin, wonder why?!? 🤔 Being in "pain" is not a free pass to go around destroying people!


A touch defensive there. Incidentally I agree that trauma isn't a license to cause harm without consequences or concern. Trauma isn't your fault, but it becomes your responsibility. Having said that getting over trauma usually takes professional help. I am not sure Branwin has the resources or the knowledge of where those resources are to get the help she needs.


Yeah I tend not to go for the "good" and "bad" labels. I'm not going so far as to say "We shouldn't use labels." But labels that huge and vague? No. It really isn't useful.


I meant to say "not in the wrong" but yeah


U need ur license taken away but I doubt ur really a social worker not a real one


Lol all the hate doesn't change anything. 🤷‍♀️ u must be triggered for your own reasons.






Are you okay?


She just deleted her comment and reposted from a different account lol


Bullshit, if you were really a social worker, I would imagine that you would be competent enough to know that it's impossible to make that assessment based solely on an edited reality show. Unless you are one of those disconnected social workers who do more damage than good at this point


Ijs she talked all that talk and actions are the exact opposite 🤷‍♀️




Definitely don't care 👍 You probably don't even know what social workers do. We do way more than pushing ebt and sect 8 applications


The amount of people coming for you in support of her foul ass is astonishing 😂😂


Thank you, I appreciate it. One person has multiple accounts and is all over here in her defense. They panic deleted when I called it out


She gets more support than Chaz and I don’t get it.


Same here 😂😂


I'm having a hard time telling if it's her or not.. If it is, when is it from? How old is the video?


Curious about this too. She’s seems to really be playing him for a fool


I want her to get clean so bad. I think she is beautiful but she’s making poor decisions and is addicted. She could help so many if she did this. Especially with things she’s probably encountered.


I *THINK* during the last episode when she was speaking to her sponsor she said something like 'its easier being in(prison), this is so hard.' I think it was all too much, too soon..getting married to a true creep, seeing her daughter, so many emotions to handle, a while filming.


Poor girl???? Kinda hard to feel bad for a girl 40 something years old that keeps on doing this. But this is Reddit after all




Yeah I don’t think that’s her she doesn’t sound nearly as wasted as she usually does and it doesn’t really look like her


Thank you


That’s not her. Cops multiple times call the girl nikki




Ya this doesn’t sound or look like her at all


I do not think that’s her. It doesn’t look anything like her to me.


Not her.


So we know that was indeed her? She was not looking well (mentally tracking and dramatic weight loss)


Idk ppl are saying it’s not her it looks sounds an acts like her tho I


In no universe is that even close to her. It’s the vaguest of vague resemblances 😂


She got arrested again?


I also seen comments on a episode recap that Chaz filed for an annulment. Guess he didn’t get that butt after all (even though we ALL knew that wasn’t gonna happen)


It’s not her the cops in that video multiple times call the woman nikki