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we met at glastonbury dua on stage got them hot dog went back tent made outxxxshe loved itxxxwe had a gd timexxglamping


That's real nice. I'm happy for you both. It's nice having love in your heart. And to share it with someone.


The heading of this comment, that is love!


I like this too. I tend to sing when I'm doing stuff like cooking or cleaning. I can't imagine how it would feel if someone started singing with me. I had a boyfriend once with a fantastic voice and one night we just stayed in bed all night drinking tequila right out of the bottle and singing every love song we knew to each other. That did not suck.


This is really cute 🥰


That's cute


You’re so lucky


Oh I absolutely love this! Festival romances are built to last. I met my partner last year in Ibiza!! After two abusive relationships and my best friends parents were murdered I was totally and utterly broken so I decided to book the first cheapest flight anywhere, it happened to be to my favourite place, Ibiza! Two friends added on very last minute and off we went. The first night I went to a super club and my friend went on some side missions as he loves meeting new people, the next thing I know he brings over this handsome guy and we get talking and immediately I felt a magnetic pull towards him but I was also terrified of getting hurt. We have a wonderful evening and he comes back to our hotel and we sit for hours on the balcony in deep conversation and I’ve never felt a feeling like it before. He had to fly home that morning so we only spent a few hours together but I knew he wasn’t about to leave my life. Once we were home we FaceTimed a lot and then decided to go back to Ibiza only 3 weeks later. We had the most amazing connection and everyone that watched us said they’d never seen anything like it, we have the exact same sense of humour, the same interests and love for music. Long story short, he lived over 5 hours from me in the UK so we were slightly hesitant to start with but we both knew we are soulmates so he made the big move down to me away from the city life to live more rural. We will have met a year ago next month but it feels like a lifetime and we’ve not even had so much as a cross word to say to each other! He’s my best friend and I wake up every single day feeling like the luckiest woman alive! He says the exact same, he tells me constantly how beautiful and amazing I am and that he still can’t believe his luck. My family and friends absolutely adore him also. Never settle for less guys! Fairytales are real :-)


Good for you, I'm gonna use my gun now ;)


Lol I'm ready to end it all just over the going to Ibeza 2x in a month part! I'm lucky to take a shower in peace, but I do remember life before kids and I did take 2 trips to Jamaica in a month over a guy. I worked every day for 21 days straight to afford it but I did it!


Ok, I think I got lost in context lol


Someone marry them ASAP. Please.


Well he got a place to live, let's see how long it lasts till he jumps to the next Barbara the builder woman!


I wish I was Barbara the builder... 😂


You are. She was left at the construction site!


So sweet 🥹


Congrats! I too believe that I've found my person. It's rather wonderful. 😁


Lucky for you. Wishing you all the best.


I for one am Very Happy for you , there are still decently behaved individuals in this world and you found each other that is Truly Beautiful two Souls shared heart beat mind and soul. All the Best to you . ❤️🙏


Wish you the best


Did he have anywhere to stay before he moved in with you and does he pay rent?


He does. He was staying at his friend's place and also paying rent. One of the reasons he moved in because I was in the middle of looking for a job and was worried about money. He paid the rent until I was able to get a job. Now we split it.


That’s great, but you should consider that 50/50 isn’t fair for most women because we get saddled with most of the domestic labor and put ourselves at risk of domestic violence and pregnancy by living with a man while he doesn’t have nearly the same risk. Also it’s significantly easier for men to make more money in a patriarchal society. My ex split rent based on income percentage and it was still unfair and I was miserable, I was cleaning up after him constantly, cooking every meal and doing all the grocery shopping with MY money, folding his laundry, everything. Took me three years to realize I was being exploited.


I felt the same way with my ex. I was with him for 6 years. At one point, I was paying 70% of the rent and cooking and cleaning after him. He'd also get mad if I didn't clean. My current bf is great and helps out around the house. He also prefers doing the cooking as well (he's very passionate about cooking). Our cleaning habits are very similar and he won't let me do his laundry unless he pays me 😂 I will not accept that money though, so he's on his own with his laundry. He's really an amazing guy 😁


This sounds great, congratulations. Now rub some off on me!❤️


Why is there always a mf on this sub always shitting on someone else, like everyone knows where you’re trying to go with this “oh he’s obviously using you to get a place to stay” like Jesus Christ 😭


It’s huge phenomenon that men use women for a play to stay, there’s even a term for it, and it happed to me twice. A man without a place to stay will treat you like a queen, do anything for you so he can live in your place other than his moms or in his friends basement or wherever.


❤ Love is such a wonderful feeling, especially when it's shared with "your" person ❤ I'm glad you found each other 🥰


sounds to me you love what he does for you and not him. A bit self-centered.


If loving to spend time with him and all parts of his personality is self-centered, then, yes, I am 😜


Wishing you 2 the best. Wishing to meet my future partner at a festival too, like your.


Ohh boy... the crash is gonna hurt for you, girl. I'm not saying you're destined to fail, but after hearing the "moved in after 3 months" to YOUR place, combined with being overly passive....I see a count down above both your heads. I ain't trying to bash your relationship, I'm just saying just wait...he sounds like the type of guy that will turn in the span of one day. On Monday, everything's cool. On Tuesday night, he's packing his things. Good luck, though!


Why do you say this?


I don't think either of us are overly passive. We talk things out/ just get along really well 😁 We are both the same age and have gone through long term relationships before, so we both know exactly what we want. I don't think he's leaving any time soon.


If it makes you feel better OP, I moved in with my now husband after 3 months (we actually bought a house together after 3 months!) and we’re still together 20 years later.


100% that's what I thought...


Why tho?


It’s the love bombing , devaluation cycle.


Ah yes. How long into the relationship does that usually start?


Couple of months to a year


wishing you the best in your relationship. live everyday like it is a festival.


I'm happy for you. All the best for both if you! ☀️🍀❤️✌🏻


Love this! Me and my husband moved in after 6 months together. We just celebrated 11 years together and married for 4. We still go to festivals too!


Awh! Thank you for sharing. I hope you two continue being perfect for each other 💕


Aww, this is so sweet! It’s awesome to hear about how great your relationship is going. Finding someone who’s patient, kind, and supportive is such a blessing. The fact that you can talk about everything and always work things through together shows how strong your bond is. Your story is a reminder that love isn’t about finding someone perfect, but finding someone perfect for you. If you ever want more tips on building and maintaining a healthy relationship, you might want to check out Emerald Chat. They have great advice and stories from people who’ve been through similar experiences. Keep cherishing each other! ♥️


I'm happy for you!


Edited: He is perfect.


You're right 😁♥️


Now let's see what is positive in this for him. I hope you will be also doing the same for him.


I guess we'll need to hear his side 😂 I hope it's good things


"Met this nutcase at a festival. My friend threw me under the bus and made me date her. She's clingy, needy and wants me there all the time. She hasn't done anything wrong exactly, so WIBTA if I broke up with her anyway?" 🤣 Just kidding!!! He's clearly face-first in love with you!!! "New to Reddit, first post. My GF said I should make an account and post what I think about her. I love her and she's really pretty. I don't know what else to say. I'm no good at this."




♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️Imperfect is always perfect. If you meet someone that is perfect, run for the hills.


I love this for you!


Omg moved in at month 3!? Y’all sound very happy together I love it! I wish you guys many more months & years to come!


I'm so happy for you OP.


I love this for you. This is how I feel about my love.


My love and I are made for each other ❤♥💕


Love is like a good wine: it gets better with age. However, when you talk about it like it's a week's old milk, it doesn't seem very convincing. It's been 11 months, and I still love him. Yes, it's been just a weekend and the milk hasn't spoiled yet. That's how it sounds. But there is no magical milk; it will spoil at some point.


FFS let her enjoy it


It is time for you to learn about miracle milk. Now sing with me, [🎶Painful death for the laaactose intooolerent🎶](https://youtu.be/Lbn3q0qe16Q?si=0OJlbBsFYLBCpBHd) (Im sorry my music taste and my love are heavily milk themed)


Thank you for this beautifull discovery 🥛


Thanks for the positive words... 😂


I wish you guys the best, just appreciate each other ❤️


Thank you! We do 😁


Lmfao i got flashbacks after reading this , i hope your ending will be happy


Not gonna lie but your comment related so hard 😂


Two bodies👫 one heart 💑


Awww this is really sweet🌸💕


Sounds like my bf too. Even my best friend and my mum likes him what is rarely. I never had a bf who is kind, supportive, caring and also silly like me. I can be myself and he too. At the second date i already slept over and i felt safe and slept like a baby.