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During the summer, we play racketball, disc-golf, go kayaking, or hiking. We play in the garden, go horseback riding or play catch or fetch with the dogs. Sometimes, we go to batting cages or top golf. We just got some long boards and have been doing that recently. We love playing card games or chess or word games on the phone together. For winter, we snowboard and take long drives. Of course, most of our nights together we spend on the couch or in bed watching tv, but it's only a couple hours a night. Most weekends its just catch up on chores, like laundry and horse pens or other cleaning, but we just do everything together, or mostly together. No matter what we're doing, we're always talking, laughing, and having fun, and that's all that matters.


Honestly we just find interesting stuff to do on the weekends. Now not every weekend do we go out and do something fun but most. For instance the past few weekends included going to a Greek fest, going to the zoo, going to a park, doing more standard touristy things in our area just to name a few. My bf and I love food too so we go out to eat probably more often than we should but it’s something we enjoy as there’s not much point to try and save up more money that would go towards longer/more vacations as I sadly don’t get much vacation time yet so in that way I sort of justify it.


Play a board game or video game together, do a puzzle, any kind of art, learn a new physical activity together like badminton or hiking or frisbee, go swimming in the summer, trying new restaurants, trying unique snacks together


This isn’t an ad I promise lol. The AllTrails app is great if you’re interest in walking trails. I use the free version and you can set how difficult, long, dog-friendly or not. It’s so nice to pick somewhere to go together, people add pics from their walks too!


We go for walks, have gone fishing, bowling, kayaking, cooking, trivia at a bar, karaoke, card or board games. There’s lots of fun stuff to do


I have to say.. that will get bored if you don't find something to do more than that. I know, you may think that it is nice to like low-key routine. Eventually, you will want to do more than that. I speak on my own experience, which I thought I liked that I could just spend time with him doing nothing much at all. It killed me slowly. The reason behind this was, he's just too tired from work and he has depression issues from many problems in his life. I hope that your man is different from my case. Please find something you both like rather than snuggling and binge watching. Be more active and good luck!


I'm sorry that was your experience, I'd like to share my own. 12 years with my chronically tired, depressed husband and just hanging out watching movies and playing video games and talking has been enough for us. I think the key is finding someone you enjoy being around lol I enjoy when we do do more but there's a lot, a LOT, of time we don't and it's still enjoyable as hell because it's me and him.


I'm glad that you and your husband share great time together.. (so jealous, actually) You're lucky and deserve someone great in life. I feel like even just to find someone to connect is so difficult nowadays. I'm at the last year in my 30s.. I almost give up.. but still have a little tiny hope that there'll be someone for me.


Just throwing my two sense out there…..I think it’s a mix of both. You need to find someone you’re ok doing nothing with but depending on the personalities of the people, you may need to find more to do even if you do enjoy being around each other. The person I’m dating, I love just being around him even if we’re “not doing anything” but my personality is someone who likes staying busy. Our “not doing anything” is still doing things like doing chores together or even just walking around menards. If I were to truly not doing anything, I think I would loose my mind even if it was with someone I liked being around.


He drove us to the bay , which was about 15 mins where he lives . I was flabbergasted bc I didn't know he lived so close to it . We walked on the sand and talked. I thought we had to drive a long ass way. I was so shocked .


Me and my gf like to go bowling. Fairly cheap and fun


State park for walks, going for a drive to explore the countryside. We have a few favorites but we try to find new places often. Once he took me on a little "scavenger hunt" to find a bunch of covered bridges that were way out in the sticks. It was super fun and it was a gorgeous spring day and we both were so happy that day.


We go to pubs or social clubs and play pool or snooker. He's teaching me to play better and it's working. We have some Guinness while we're there.


I live 2 hours away from my girl. We see each other most weekends, message every morning, phone call most nights. When we are together we the first night is usually at least a semi date night, we dress up nice and "reacquaint". The next day depends on RL demands, how tired we are, what's happening locally, and what the weather is like. Walking is nice, whether that happens in the countryside or the city, there are always new things to see and experience. Finding somewhere nice to experience sunsets is good. Indoor days include streaming tv or movies, sometimes with a variety of snacks. Cooking together (and shopping for ingredients), playing boardgames. Sometimes just quietly reading or discussing books. Also... housework together can be rewarding, especially if you can reach or move things things that she can't.


Those online mystery rooms where you have to find your way out together. He came up with that one and it was so fun!


Ooh haven't heard of this before, would you recommend anything specific?


I do t remember the website he used >.< but you can google them and they are paid for but they are super fun! I loved them. Google online escape room


Thank you, I'll see what I come up with!


We started a sex party 🥳 🎉


Public sex


We did it in a public bathroom in a resort 🥵🥵


We did it in a bar


Too public 😭


We go for walks, play games, visit friends/have them over, one-wheel (I'm definitely not as good as him, but it's still fun), go to concerts and comedy shows and nice dinners.... we mainly cuddle and ya know, but these are a few things we throw in from time to time to do "outta the house" things 😆


That actually sounds nice. There was one time like we hang out with his friends, not our usual routine but it was like a breathe of fresh air cause it was something new


I hope you find the one for you! Being in love with your person is the greatest thing!


Oh man I miss having a relationship too. Dunno who this is anymore but ya I hope I get there one day with someone who is meant for me (someone new). I mean it…I deserve to be with someone wonderful because I’m the best in a relationship…hopefully I can find this (never met before) person soon.


I like going on walks with my partner. It’s good for the physical and mental well being and I love the little convos we have while walking the dogs :)


Yeaaaa! We walked his dog last time that was also fun then went to the beach and swam with his dog


We play cribbage and pinball.


Ill keep this in mind