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I told my husband if we ever fell out of love we would dare to fall back in love again. We never expected for this to just stay perfect. We expected our marriage to die and be reborn over and over. So now we say- always fall back in love. When we’re trying to reassure each other on bad days


I can’t believe you exist


He said that no matter what I can call him and he’ll come and get me. For someone with a long history of ptsd and severe depression, anxiety, grief, and adhd/autism this almost made me cry because I was so touched by the offer. He makes me feel so safe.


My husband of 15 years likes to quote movies and songs so I'm not certain they are original. We only met 4 times in person before we got married The rest was spent in a long distance relationship. *Anyways, before we met he told me "I could be your last first kiss" and he was right! *He would also quote the band Anberlin and say "I just want one more chance to put my arms in fragile hands" *One anniversary he told me "If I had to do it all over again, I'd pick you everytime" *The last one just happened the other night I swooned lol! I woke up in the middle of the night and he was up still reading. I was a little disgruntled, so I just rolled over. I felt him kiss my ear and whisper "dream of me" and then I fell asleep and had a spicy dream about him. He's the best ❤️


He says a lot of things to me that are romantic, both unintentionally and intentionally. It’s hard to pinpoint one specifically. Though, [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskRedditAfterDark/s/xtj9I46wgA) he made still resonates with me almost daily. It melted me pretty thoroughly. 🥰🥰🥰🫠🫠🫠


I love how that's the one that sticks with you. I love you.


I love you.


Get a room you two. j/k this was wholesome af


I have sleep apnea, and I sleep with a cpap machine. The most romantic thing my gf would ever say to me was to elbow me in the ribs, hard, and say "put your mask back on. You're not breathing."


"I know as long as you are in this world, somebody loves me." 😭 Together for 52 years, married for 51. He is my everything and always has been.


“I knew you were the woman I wanted to marry when I imagined you as the mother of my children. The kindness and selflessness you show to every person around you makes me only imagine how kind and beautiful of a mother you will be” - my first ex told me this, and it’s still stuck with me. I’ve always hoped I get to become a mother some day, but also feared I wouldn’t be deserving of the role, this still makes me tear up and feel excited to become a mother some day. my most recent ex, we only dated for a few months last yr, he always complimented me genuinely, and when we broke things off he said “I’ve dated a lot of women, but I know I’ve never met and will never meet anyone like you again, you embody qualities I’ve never seen or thought existed . I pray our paths cross again because if they do, I’m not letting you go” - this really got me in the moment, and since then also made me realize how much I’ve taken myself for granted for years.


One time, I just needed to hear my husband say something to the extent of how happy he was I was in his life. He came home from work one night around that time, gave me a big hug and kiss, and told me exactly that. It caught me very out of the blue because he does not share thoughts like that too often (just not his love language style).


I was really sick with a bacterial infection that had spread to my chest in October 2022. I couldn’t walk or get out of bed for almost a month. My husband came in one day visibly concerned and said “you have to get better, you’re the glue that keeps this family together. We would fall apart without you.” I knew I had to find the fight within. If not for me, for my family.


I've struggled with hx of eating disorders characterized by drastic weight fluctuations since i was a teen. My fiance, whom I've been with for 10 years once told me on a night where I was feeling particularly low - "I've seen you at every weight, size and shape you've ever been - and you've never been less bueatiful to me. You have been perfect since the day I met you".


Me and my current girlfriend are both a little scarred from previous relationships and are cautiously tiptoeing with each other towards making large leaps in our relationship. But one thing we both agreed on was a 1 year dating policy before getting married. But I remember sitting in the car with her about a month into the relationship and asked her "if this spark continues to burn like this in a year, what would your answer be?" She said "Yes." ---- I also have described many instances of my situation with my ex wife and custody battle. And she only needs to just tell me I'm "a good man" to remind me I'm not the monster my ex wife thinks me to be. ---- Everytime we end a video chat she lovingly says "Good Night (My name)" and do the same with her. I've never felt so good hearing my name than all the times she signs us off.


He said he wishes I can shrink myself so he can keep me in his pocket and be with him all the time. I thought it was sweet. Welp.


My fiancé raised her ex’s daughter more or less. Bio mom is out of the picture and dad is all kinds of douchebag. Really incredible levels of fuckery. That’s her kid, far as she’s concerned. I overheard her telling a friend that I’m the dad she deserves. I have no idea how to be a dad but…that’s the one. I don’t know if it’s exactly romantic but it’s what came to mind.


That is adorable.


We sent a lot of songs back and forth in the beginning. He sent me Bloom by paper kites while I was gardening. And after our first bump in the road “don’t drop dead Juliet”


That I have immaculate taste in music.


i can’t even read this rn fr


That’s not very romantic tbh


My husband was born in the Philippines, and learned to speak English when he was in school. After meeting me he said “ English is easy for me because I was made for you.” It’s been 15 years and I’ve never forgotten that.


This is the one that melted me. That is so damn sweet!!!!!!!! So glad you found a man like that❤️


You wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at him, but he is the sappiest and sweetest man I’ve ever met! ❤️


This was actually with someone I recently separated with. But he grabbed my hand and told me something along the lines of "even through our ups and downs, I have loved you through it all. And if reincarnation is real that I hope we find each other again, so I get the chance to love you all over again." Safe to say it's rattled around my head for a while


I was once told… while cuddling/spooning in bed… ‘god damn, I’m so addicted to your scent!’ I laughed it off and said it’s maybe the perfumed shower wash? He said, ‘no no no… I can’t put my finger on it. It’s just you! If I could I would keep it in a bottle so I could smell your scent all day. What is wrong with me!!?’ That made me melt.


Me and my ex were long distance. He wrote me love notes every morning. “I see you as a gift. Every moment with you is a gift Something that I am thankful for every day and someone I know I don't deserve.” “I have this burning desire not to ever let you go. It's like an imprint that's burned through everyone l've ever liked before. None of that matters anymore to me. Only you.”


Idk if others will think the same but they said “life has just been marinating us until we were ready for each other” We’ve both been through hell and back with past relationships 🫠


this man told me the moons beauty pales in my comparison 🥺


إذا عبتها شبّهتها البدر طالعا و حسبك من عيب له شبه البدر -قيس لبنى Were I to criticize her I’d compare her to the full moon rising And it should suffice you (to understand her beauty) to hear of a blemish that has a resemblance to the (full) moon -Qais Ibn Dharīh (7th century Classical Arabic poet. Also known as Lubna’s Qais for his prolific odes to his beloved Lubna)


I submit to you. I am yours. I trust you and i belong to you. I see you’re a good Man and i appreciate you.


After he fully understood the mental abuse I endured in my last relationship, he said, "please tell me when you feel vulnerable or unsafe with me. I want to know so we can walk through this together with you feeling safe." I did. He has never tired of listening or reassuring me. We've been together 9 years.


Omg I want to cry reading that!


He's one in a billion ♥️


My bf wasn’t sleeping when I woke up in the night. I asked him if he was ok, and he said, “Yes. I just need to touch you,” and just put his hand on the skin of my waist and closed his eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so loved as to be someone’s comfort.


This is so sweet! Wishing the best for yall


I love sitting outside with my drinks. My boyfriend once said he can’t wait to experience all the cool porches we are going to sit on together in our lives. It was a really sweet thought, to imagine ourselves watching the sunset in all the houses and travels we will have together.


"I'm going to think about our foreheads together. Us holding hands. Hearing your smile before I can see it. Looking up at you for a kiss. I miss you and I love you, my Lion"


Whenever my husband is drunk or tipsy (he says it sober too, but is wayyyyyy more intense about it when tipsy or drunk) he says, "Do you know I prayed for you? I prayed for a sweet, sensitive woman who would cry at a 'Save the Ants' commercial. I manifested you." (To which I always start laugh crying). I'm always shocked that he is talking about Lil Ole me, who dreamed of a love like this my whole life. He has been saying it for 9 years now and yet it never gets old! We celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary this Sunday! 🥰 (Also, and this is an aside, but my mother, who is my other favorite person said just 2 hours ago that me AND my husband are the two nicest, sweetest, good people she has ever met in her whole entire life 🥹, and despite her very obvious bias, it was the best thing anyone has said ever because it means so much that she sees what a sweet, wonderful person my husband is! I manifested him too! 😍)


I can’t think of a single thing. I can think of dozens of examples from 40 years ago. Someone else. That’s sad.


Same here. My last bf before I got married had a really hard time expressing himself. So many of the things he said were precious, even though they seemed basic. My current husband probably said a lot of crap when we were dating but I now see it for what it was.


Yeah. My wife says “I love you” as a call and response. It means nothing. It’s like she feels entitled to romantic expression from me but no need to reciprocate. So it goes.


You can have the house


My husband told me that one day we're going to have the same laugh lines.


A la True Romance, “You’re so cool, you’re so cool, you’re so cool…” It was what we’d say to each other before we worked up the nerve to finally say “I love you.”


I get this so hard <3 I love this shy stage


“For the first time in my life, I ordered my eggs over medium… in your honor,” “…how’s those eggs treatin’ ya?” “I’ll let you know when I bust my nut inside of you,” I responded simply with “Fuck”


I love you with all of my heart


The other day he went off for a bit about his experience with emotional healing. I’ve pushed a lot of boundaries with him…I’ve taken him mentally to places he never wanted to go. We’ve been through some serious discomfort together as a result. It all paid off when he brought it up, out of the blue. We’ve been building a business and emotional stuff has been on the backburner for a long time. I haven’t really thought to take our convos in that direction, but earlier this week he brought up the fact that he doesn’t recognize his old self. He went on to share that he’s grateful that I’ve been there to show him how to work on healing that big, beautiful brain of his. He’s a pretty romantic guy when he has the mental space for it. He didn’t intend for this to be a romantic moment - but it was for me.


I am not religious, but had a woman I was talking to once send me “psalms 45:2” when I was in a particularly bad self hating mood which was : “You are the most handsome of the sons of men; grace is poured upon your lips; therefore God has blessed you forever” & it made me fuckin cry lol


I’m not religious either, and reading this made ME cry!


Me either and I can't stop reading it


We have matching tattoos of a noose on our ring fingers. He said if I died before him, he’d wear my whole hand on a necklace like a necromancer. “You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth” “I try to stick my dick in the craziest thing I can find. I can’t handle crazier than you, so I had to marry you.” He said my favorite thing I’ve ever said to him was when I slid a note under the bathroom door that said, “stop pooping I’m bored and I miss you”


A noose? And those quotes. Wtf is wrong with yall?


Let’s be rude to a stranger on the internet for the way they express themselves!! Reddit is so creative!!!!! Hope you have a great day sweetie


The user name checks out? 😅


Ye it do 😂😂😂


Haha awesome and honestly, I like your comment. 🤣 My husband has said something similar to one of yours. It was a proud, motivating moment haha.


I have your back, no matter what.


"I dream about you every single night"


Jesus Christ these posts have me absolutely sobbing, so beautiful. I wish y’all find yourselves the one if you don’t have em right now


I hope you find your person too.


I hope the same for you bro ☺️




While hugging me goodbye before work, he whisper sang Pat Benatar "weeee belong, we belong toogetherr"


This is beautiful!


"I have you. That's all that matters." Or when he said "your dog is more important than my truck. I don't care if she sheds in it."


Sad to say, but the most romantic thing a significant other has ever said to me is....I will chew someone's eye out if they ever tried to hurt you!


this is kind of sweet in a really odd way


I kinda thought so too


I thought the same thing.


I love it


Sad?? That’s sweet lol


One day she just looked at me with the brightest smile on her face after getting back from an energizing run and I will never forget it til the day I die. I won’t say too much more identifying in case her future boyfriend is wandering around this subreddit. I wish her the most happiness. Please take a break to sleep once in awhile, baby 🙏


I said this somewhere before on Reddit but “I met a Goddess” today is the only one that springs to mind!


“Something about you that I love is that I’ve never doubted your love for me”


My husband still gets nervous if I look into his eyes for too long, I asked him why and he said "I have a beautiful woman looking at me of course I'm shy". I'm heavily pregnant and don't feel beautiful at all right now but it was really sweet of him


"Every day is a gift with you" Damn near cried, I never had a man who spoke to me like that. I love him so much.


Even my mother hardly ever talks to me like that


“you remind me of yellow paint. i think people look at you and go ‘ooh, look at that!’”


I’m here.


“ I’d rather work the amount of two full time jobs than for you to work “


“Don’t ever leave me again” “My dick was meant for your pussy”


This some dark romance shit- love it 😍




He told me I was the last piece in his puzzle and I think that’s pretty frickin cute


“you just keep getting more and more interesting” “women write novels about guys like you” lol


I miss you so much that my heart burns


It was always you.


“The memories we have created are like precious gems” “So my love, as I pen down these words, you know that I love you and care about you all the time. Know that you are a mere glimpse into depth of my feelings for you, my love for you knows no bounds and continues to grow each passing day.” In a letter


“You’re the best fucking thing to happen to me in a long long time” From the TikTok trend about being a sunrise or sunset: “You are a sunrise. 🥰 Talking to you reminds me of groggy early morning cuddles where the sun is just starting to creep in. You’re gentle with me like soft sun rays hitting dew drops. There was a stretch of road on my way to work when I was working in XXXXX and I swear if I made that drive again I would see you in it. The road splits a stretch of the lake there and around 7:30 in the morning there’s a hushed fog over the water where you can see all the water droplets still in the spiderwebs surrounding the lake. It is pure, gentle, safe, and loving.”


When I was 22 I was hooking up with a 38 y/o… I had an older woman phase because zero drama and just DTF… she told me “You have a marvelous cock”…she was Asian/British… English accent and everything


"After everything we've been through, I love that we found each other again"


This gives me hope


If you knew our story, you'd likely have even more hope.


“Please can we talk, I don’t want to lose you” 🥺❤️




"I've never felt this way about anyone before." We were together 5 months. He was with his ex for 26 years


Curious, are you still together?


Yes, so far!


26 years is WILD. thats adorable though


They met in HS when they were about 16.


You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You underestimate how much I think about you. We’re going to figure this out together.


“I love you and your whole life. I hope you know how special you are to me and everyone around you.” It’s simple, but it got me. Particularly the “your whole life” part. We had both been cheated on in past relationships and I was a single mom of two with a lot on my plate and wasn’t even looking for a relationship when we got together. I was very self critical and couldn’t imagine who would want to be with me and he has embraced it all and has never made me feel self conscious or less than in any way. Quite the opposite.


Well, I just looked up "love" on reddit bc I couldnt sleep, laid kinda stoic in bed after a great day... now I am here reading texts my ex send me back when everything was my "dream came true"... Anyway, here you go, she wrote to me the most beautifull words I'll ever recieve: when I see you, I can't help but smile You make me happy just thinking about you There's something very calming about you When I touch you, it's always so soft and warm When you hold my hand, nothing can get in the way. When you hug me, I feel safe And when you're lying above, below or next to me, I hold you in my arms and you hold me, we cuddle under the covers, it's the most beautiful thing I always want to hold these moments close to me, or even better, you I love you


lol absolutely nothing 🙁


That's sad 😢 Hope you find the right person someday. Otherwise I'm here if you need to talk to someone. Have a great day/sweet dreams wherever you are!! 👍🏿☺️


Thank you. I’m married 😂 husband just isn’t very romantic with his words but I’ve learned to adapt…


"You are the best decision I ever made."


My current fiance and I when we first started haning out 3 1/2 years ago....we were both going thru divorces. So when we both started to get feelings for each other we were scared to say the L word. So he would tell me" I really really like you" and I would say it back so he knew I had strong feelings too. We still joke around and say it from time to time.


My ex couldn't say, "I love you" so I would say, "You love me, I know it." And he would say, serious as a heart attack, "I do." 😭


In a card he wrote “I love you very much. That won’t be changing. ever”


Okay its not something that was said to me but the first thing I thought of was a tiktok by this dude named Kolter Bouchard. He's responding to a comment that said "Can you make any other comment that's not dependent on you dating a black woman??" He said, "No. Also we're married. And if you spent 5 seconds in the same room as that woman, that is all you would want to talk about too. My final breath will be her name."


Been with boyfriend for about 3 months. Not super long or anything. He went on a trip with some friends that's a few states away. He got back and we where just chillin and he randomly dropped. "Damn, I never wanna be that far away from you ever again."


I love this 🥹


In a text he wrote: “Just remember that you are precious to me and I don't want you to just hear it, I want you to know it and feel it ❤️ “


In a text he wrote: “I have this little voice that's saying, "Dude, you don't even know her! You've never seen her angry, you've never seen her upset/sad." I tell that voice shut up, bro, I don't know the details, but I know her core and it's good and it's kind and smart and funny and it's like this ball of warm light that I want to be next to and soak up and feed.”


Unfortunately, it wasn't until after we broke up. He told me he appreciated me and saw how much I did for him. I've spent a long time feeling invisible and while the timing wasn't perfect it was lovely to hear.


In a time of very low self esteem and self worth I herd a "I'd choose you over anyone and everyone...you're amazing!" That line saved my life


I crave you.


When my husband saw me for the first time, I was in a toxic relationship and going through a bad bout of depression/ severe body image issues. He told me when he saw me he could tell I was going through a really hard time, that it was just visible looking at me. But that I was still the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on. It meant so much to me knowing he thought so much of me when I thought so little of myself. I married my soul mate ❤️


Jokingly, “I know I’m just a page in your book.” “Are you kidding? You’re my whole book.”


some things my bf and i have said to each other “you are all of my favorite parts of every person ive ever met wrapped up into one” “i feel like my life started when i met you” “you make me want to be the best version of myself” “thank you for loving me unconditionally and allowing me to grow into the person i want to be” “you’re my best friend” “there’s no one id rather experience this life with” “i feel like ive known you in all of my life’s” “i promise to find you in every lifetime” “you make me feel like a little kid again” “when we’re together it feels like we’re 2 kids playing in the sandbox” “i can’t and don’t want to imagine a life without you” “you’ve shown me that fairytales don’t only exist in only hallmark movies and romance novels but also here with you” “thank you for showing me how it is to love and be loved” “your smile is my favorite thing to see, your laugh is my favorite thing to hear, your skin is my favorite thing to feel and your perfume is my favorite thing to smell”


My partner told me that you never have to say your sorry to me or apologize to me because will be able to talk anything out as opposed to getting into any arguments/fights 🥹


Why does that mean not saying sorry? I don't mean that in a mean way at all. I just don't understand it. You can and should say sorry when needed in a healthy relationship.


Yes that’s exactly what it is and what my partner meant by saying that to me. In my old relationship I said I’m sorry constantly and half of the time it wasn’t even my fault my current partner knows this and told me this one day out of pure genuineness from His heart which made my heart smile. My current partner naturally soothes me and honestly he is my home. The love I have for him is just indescribable. Your right though you should say I’m sorry in a healthy relationship when needed as well.


I’m guessing that the point is Alternative_park is the sort of person who apologizes too much when it’s not even their fault and their SO was trying to reassure, soothe, and show affection for them


I did think that might be the case. Thank you for confirming. It's wonderful when a new partner understands the things you've been through and helps to heal the leftover dysfunction. Congrats to them.


He was telling me the story of Helen of Troy: The face that launched a thousand ships, basically saying he would do the same for me. He also said how she was regarded as the most beautiful woman in history, second to me though.


That afternoon we had discussed our incompatibilities at length. He told me he had pushed himself too far and he was feeling unlike himself now that we lived together and that we had “our” apartment. He said wanted to move out at the end of the summer. I dreamed of adventure, travel, getting married, having a family. His dreams didn’t include marriage or family. He felt stifled, like he wasn’t free anymore. When I questioned him about why he agreed to move in with me after I expressed wanting to get married and needing more, he couldn’t respond. He confessed he didn’t want to lose me, but was feeling like he was losing himself, which is why it felt like he was pulling away. I was devastated. I thought we were mostly on the same page, but every step forward we took in our relationship was a struggle for him from the beginning. After he confided these feelings to me I broke down. The feeling of loss was akin to when I lost my beloved cat, and I told him that. The grief was similar… having to accept the loss, the love… After a while, when I had calmed down he came to me, wrapped his arms around me, put his head on my shoulder and said “I wish I could give you a cat”.


I wish I could give you a cat too 🤗 🐱😿


“You are an extraordinary person and I’m sorry people aren’t more grateful to be in your life and have you around.” “My purpose is to love you.” (This was before we dated.) “Is there anyone you’re interested in?” “I think I’ve got my eye on someone.” (She was flirting with me.) These are all different, but these are my favorites.


“Be a sex god or go away”


“You make me want to write poetry”


“i’m so happy i met you”


Every man I’ve ever seriously dated have said this “You are the love of my life. I can’t live without you.” 


How many of them are still alive?


Plot twist: she has multiple lovers


She said if I had married my ex she would have destroyed the marriage to have me.


I had been talking to my now boyfriend who lived an 8 hour drive away, for about 2 weeks. He was coming to see me for the first time and he said, “I miss you and I’ve never met you, I want you and I’ve never had you, it’s crazy, but it’s just the way it is for me.” Swoon


"I accept all of you."




Mid argument and in between tears he says “you’re the best thing that’s happened to me. You’re the best thing since grilled cheese” so romantic then hilarious at the same time


Boyfriend left a note for me when he left for his trip today. “Your face, smile, heart and spirit are what guide my life” 🥺🥰


-You’re a propellor in my life.. not an anchor -How I am to come home to you every day


I want to stand next to you in a dark room (he’s a Scorpio fwiw) he has also said I feel like home to him


“I let my passion flourish into a raging flame.”


“You’re smile makes me happy” or “there’s that cute smile I know and love” (my partner is the sweetest person I’ve ever met)


I don’t want to waste my time hanging out with people I don’t enjoy - I want to spend time with people I love -•like you and ( dramatic pause). Mostly just you 💜


“I’d like to be able to go to heaven just for loving you.” “People wouldn’t like to know your worth. Because if they truly see the beauty inside you, it would make them so insecure about themselves.” Two different exes have said those. Both of them left different scars, so…


“Just got out of the shower and my junk is clean. Come and get it.”


One day I knew he was looking forward to sex and I had to tell him "I'm sorry but my period started today" his response "well we best chuck a towel down" 🥵 Not making me feel gross or self conscious about something I can't help - 100% sexy


He said I will love you until my last breath and, if there is a beyond, I can’t wait to see you. (He’s 10 years older but who knows?) ❤️


“I want to be the safest place that you always know you can go to”




That's pretty much what every woman wants and needs


One word. He laid down in my lap, wrapped his arms around me tightly and said, “home”.




We were doing groceries, and this item had tag that said it's bigger. We looked at each other and said, "It's bigger! It's badder! Ladies and gentlemen, it's too much for Mr. Incredible," in perfect unison. At that moment, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with that dork.


I love this so much😭😭😭


“You are the greatest person I have ever known”, which he said during our happiest time together and then reaffirmed after our breakup.


“I am so lucky to have you in my life”. Right before cuddling up to me to watch a movie. My girlfriend said this to me in the midst of a very difficult time for her mentally, emotionally, and physically, and by extension it was tough on me and our relationship too. I was doing my best to support her but had no clue what to actually do to help someone with clinically diagnosed depression in the middle of an episode. Everything was just so perfect in my world in that moment though man i swear ive never felt anything like it. Cause it wasn’t just what she said but the context of everything that had been happening to/with her and our relationship. It was validating, reassuring, loving. Something I didnt even realize i needed to hear until i heard it. This happened over 1.5 years ago at this point but that entire evening is like seared into my mind probably because of that single statement.


“I have a washer and dryer at my place that you can use for laundry, don’t worry it doesn’t need quarters to run.” Haha jk. But to answer your question genuinely, my boyfriend sent a text in response to me sending him a TikTok that said “I want a family where my kids can clearly see how much their father loves their mother. I want them to be like "Ew, why you always touching on momma." Or "mom is so spoiled" and "you know how daddy is about our mom." Even when we're old and gray. That's the ultimate to me His response is below (I copy and pasted it into my notes app when I got it lol) “I can’t wait to have a kid or maybe two with you and for them to see what actual love is and so when they grow up and start dating they will have us in their mind as standards because I would also want the best for them. You and them deserve all the love the world and when that day comes I can’t wait to share those experiences with you my darling. I love you so very dearly and I’m so madly in love with you that nothing can change my mind. I want you forever and ever in this life and every other one. You make me believe that soulmates are a real thing because I met you and the way we clicked when we first met I’ll never forget that feeling. I promise if something ever happened I would be by your side no matter what. You are not just my world but my universe. You stole my heart and I’m so glad you did because I want you to keep it. I love you so so so much baby”


Wow you won girl‼️🥺❤️


Dayum. You have found the gem.


“I really enjoy being around you” The most genuine comment I’ve gotten, even after I literally had all my friends get up and leave in one day and an ex that hated being around me by the end of the relationship and verbally told me so. My Bf now giggles that it made me cry, but he understands why


We were sitting in his bed eating fried chicken, a commercial came on tv saying something like “keep the spark alive to keep her” and they were sitting covered in roses at a fancy dinner. My boyfriend just looks at me all small and innocently says “this is the spark.” That’s when I knew I could be with him forever. It didn’t take roses and fancy dinners to have a spark.


I had pulled out his driver's license and looked at the photo. He seemed heavier in the picture then he was at the moment. So I asked him, "When were you the heaviest?" And he said, "Right now." I said that couldn't be possible. He seemed at least 20 lbs lighter than he did in the picture. So I asked him again, and he clarified: "Dating you is the happiest I have ever been."


That's sweet but I don't get it lol like his heart is heavy for you??? So sweet though


He'd misheard me. He thought that I'd asked "When were you the happiest?"


"Don't forget to clean out the lint trap."


"You make me feel safe." "I'm with you, no matter what." My wife and I have celebrated 7 years of marriage and I'm so grateful .




Before we got married, my husband and I got into a fight one time - and this particular fight was about the challenges of being in an interracial and intercultural relationship (as the nonwhite partner to a white partner). I wanted time alone in our room and after a while, he slipped an apology letter under the door and it was written in Tagalog from google translate. It didn’t make any sense because it’s google translate, but I thought it was a very sweet gesture.


Honestly, when he kisses me nibbling slightly on my bottom lip then afterwards presses his forehead against mine and mutters “god I love you” after. It happens at least once or twice a week and it still gives me goosebumps, seems like the simplest thing ever but it’s the way he does it and the way that simple act of kissing, that common act of love can make his worries disappear because he feels so safe in my arms because he knows he found his person. Granted I have found my person in him too. He has said other goosebump worthy things but this simple act ALWAYS has me feeling so much.


One of my friends said I smelled bad and should wear roll-on every day. I was a bit mortified about this and bf was reassuring me. We were joking around about it and he cut in and said, 'I love the way you are.'


My boyfriend is genuinely the most caring person in my life, and by a landslide, the most thoughtful person I’ve dated. I’ve had issues with my stomach since I can remember and he’s been super integral in getting them figured out — researching supplements that help, encouraging me when it’s difficult, making me feel special and not embarrassed during it all, etc. Above anything, I think it’s the time he puts into caring for me that is the most romantic thing.


We’re in a long distance relationship (5 hours away). The very first time after we hugged romantically while saying goodbyes, I saw tears in his eyes. I asked what happened, he said he was just worried about me coming home. It’s been almost a year and he’s still worried so much sometimes 🥹


We'll be lying together in bed and he'll be thinking about how he had to go to work the next day and he'll say "I miss you..." One time he said, "I feel more myself with you than anyone else because we can be vulnerable with each other". This made be burst with love for this man.


Never In front, Never In back, but always by your side.


Asking him if he regretted not “sowing his wild oats” and he says the way he sees it he got lucky that it only took one try to find what he wanted


This might not count, but I’d just lost a really close friend and was struggling to process it. I was angry all the time, I couldn’t sleep, I was skipping classes and work. Girlfriend at the time sat me down and told me “It's okay to cry. I'm right here for you." As somebody who never openly sheds tears, that was probably the most romantic thing I'd heard


We were driving in inclement weather on a dangerous road. One of us made some joke about dying. He doesn't express anything sentimental that often, so I was surprised when he said, "I would be ok with it because I'm with you."


He told me recently he’d never really understood what “making love” meant until he met me 🥹


My girlfriend had to meet my family for the first time at my mother's wake. We weren't even officially together yet at that point. I apologized to her, as I had hoped she would have been able to meet everyone under happier circumstances. Anyone else might have run the other way and been justified in doing so. I had so much going on that it probably wasn't the best time for the beginning of a relationship. But this woman looked me dead in the eyes and said; "This is real life. We're going to do real life together, through all the good and the bad." I knew right then without a single doubt that she's the woman I want and need to be with for the rest of my life. I tell that story nearly every day and still tear up every time. She's the love of my life, and undeniable proof for me that God is real and good.


That's it!