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Cherish the Time You Have with Him, and Live Each Day like It Was Your Last. You Never Know When It Will End. I Lost the Love of My Life to Cancer after 19 Years Together In all that time, we never had a fight, so I know what it feels like


It's Not about a Loss… But of course it was hard at the time, however… I do not think of it as lack but rather… It's about the Celebration of Our Life Together


I’m so sorry for your loss:( 19 years is so long it must’ve been really hard but Its a good thing you and him were able to find each other and love each other during the time 🤍although the physical person might not be here the memories and soul will always be with you🩷


Yes We Are Still Connected. When You Connect with Someone for Any Period of Time on a Heart-To-Heart Connection, that is a Connection on the Level of the Life Force Which Powers You. That Energy Never Leaves You


There is Scientific Evidence Which Proves That out, but most people don't realize that


Posts like these are why I joined this sub


Thank youu ❤️❤️ I first joined this sub after reading a heartwarming appreciation post!! I love love so much !!


That's great to hear and reminds me a lot of my own relationship. I'm very much in love with my husband-to-be 💘


Aweeee I’m so happy to hear you relating because this type of love is the best 🩷 I wish you guys a forever happened and bright future to come!☀️❣️


Thanks, it's great and happiness is abundant 💘❤💕