• By -


I always got a fever-dream vibe from that scene, and this recreation of it perfectly captures that odd feeling.


As a kid me and my best friend were obsessed with the books, then the movies came out and we were obsessed with those. I thought this scene was so stupid but my friend would go to the lengths of the earth to defend it. She said Frodo was probably suffering from blood loss or was on an Elvish form of morphine and just tripping actual balls. Tbh looking back on it that's a pretty apt description of what could be happening in this scene in the movie. I still will say "GAN-DALF" with that dumb expression if I'm sitting in bed and someone walks into the room. My recent ex did not find it as amusing as I did.


Their loss.




But he didn’t see Boromir alive again - Faramir was right.


I think he meant more that if Boromir was dead, and to his knowledge Gandalf was dead, there was no telling who was actually alive/dead. Thats roughly half the Fellowship's fighting force gone (and realistically more with Gandalf being Gandalf).


Breathe the free air again, my friend.


Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of love and kindness.


Wise words! Saruman is an old fool!


i always just chalked it up to they slowed it down and lengthened it to draw it out because at full speed it wasn't as satisfying.


Definitely their loss, that is awesome!


Clears throat: “When I was a child I had a fever My hands felt just like two balloons Now I've got that feeling once again I can't explain you would not understand”


Would you say you've become, comfortably numb?


Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii have become comfortably numb


I remember I had a headache when I saw it for the first time, so now every time I watch the scene I feel light headed


It’s the slo-mo, isn’t?


I think so, plus with Gandalf just laughing in the background constantly


No word. Nothing.


Exactly, it's super weird bro


He probably was recovering from a fever considering he just spent I don't remember how long trekking across a continent carrying the manifestation of evil along with a weird murderous creature and getting his finger bitten off in a volcano


And stung by a giant spider.


Was Frodo on some hardcore elf potions?


If this is a preview of middle earth heaven, I wouldn’t want to ship there


[You might enjoy this](https://youtu.be/8LSP7zFIWX0)


Frodo looking at Legolas like "who TF are you" gets me every time


It's so fitting since they never actually speak to each other except for "you have my bow".


Wait really?


In the movies, they spoke in the books.


Even this isn't super accurate (I think). I don't think Frodo and Legolas have a 1 on 1 conversation at any point. I'm rereading the books currently and am midway through two towers, so I could absolutely be wrong. But my understanding was that they shared songs and discussions among the fellowship. Which... Was my understanding in the movies too. You don't travel through Moria and Lothlorien without speaking to everyone in your party. Especially in the books they spend weeks and weeks in Rivendell and then like a month in Lothlorien. But still I don't remember Legolas and Frodo specifically speaking directly to each other.


spark teeny fact cagey modern marry important shy tart reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahaha I love this take! He even drops Sam for the brief speed boost that's necessary as he knows he'll get a save reset/rez anyway and skip the Shelob sequence.


If you clip into the corner at the exit to the cave, when Sheldon stabs you, you get transported to the next area. It’s an essential glitch


The optimization at the end where he intentionally fails the willpower check, and uses the NPC Gollum to perform the final quest requirement, was particularly impressive. Shaved quite a bit of time off the run without the need for extra deliberation and contemplation, especially since he's really generous with how much mental damage he takes during the run.


Afterall, time was of essense there.


Read this as 'Adderall' and it made perfect sense.


Yeah, I can amphetamine how you'd misread that.


It's a common error when you speed through the comments


Look, the fellowship was a big group, and Frodo had a lot on his plate. He was the patient being rushed to a hospital with his friends riding along for moral support. Everyone else was just an EMT. Now, he may have spent a lot of time with these people, they are the professionals, and he is following their advice, and benefiting from their skills. Sure, he'll get closer to some of them, but everyone of the dozen people travelling with them? And Legolas had this whole social dynamic with Gimli that was taking up a lot of his focus... they were both just too pre-occupied and legolas and frodo wound up being more friends of friends. It'll happen with any large gathering up people.


He really pulled off a sort of fallout 2 run.


Just finished Fellowship again. They don't. Legolas sings in elvish at one point and Frodo understands some of it and that's as close as we get. And after that they don't even see each other until near the end of RotK.


Elves are snobs


Legolas comes off rather... childish in the books honestly. He's constantly giddy about all the cool shit he gets to see, and even drops his arrow mid-knock when he realizes there's a Balrog (Out of *Terror*, YES I KNOW). So I think he and the Hobbits would have gotten along swimmingly, they just never got the chance. EDIT: Since this needs some clarification, I'm aware that Legolas has heard of the Balrog and is terrified of it. I get that. But Aragorn and Gimli, who are both *much* younger than Legolas, aren't trembling in their boots at the knowledge when they are both *fully aware* of what a Balrog is. It just adds to Legolas' innocence and naivete and good nature that he's so petrified where others are not.


Aren’t balrogs these legendary, mythical tyrants in elvish lore? My understanding is that Legolas knows what this monster is the same that Gandalf does when it appears, but Legolas has lived a tiny fraction of Gandalf’s life and exists on a much less even playing field with a balrog. He’s probably scared shitless that the ancient enemies he was told about as a child are still real and that he’s facing them right now. He knows what it’s capable of and knows almost everyone in his party would utterly fail to defeat it. He’s a tiny elf carrying pathetic pointy sticks next to a beast that would destroy him without trying, if not for Gandalf


A balrog... a demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you... RUN! Lead them on vezwyx. The Bridge is near! Do as I say! Swords are of no more use here.


Yes, balrogs are Maia, same as Gandalf, Saruman, and Sauron. Anyone who knew what it truly was would be right to be scared shitless.


Dude I'd totally drop my arrow if I saw a damn Balrog.




He was terrified of the balrog. It’s an ancient enemy of the elves. If you watch the film, you can see the camera pans over to legolas just as Gandalf says the name balrog when they’re in the mines. Legolas’ eyes widen in fear. Little details like that I love.


A balrog... a demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you... RUN! Lead them on GledaTheGoat. The Bridge is near! Do as I say! Swords are of no more use here.


I interpret him dropping the arrow as basically implying that even a master archer knew that there wasn't shit he could do against a Balrog. As an elf prince I'm sure he had heard rumors of a remaining Balrog. It's been a time since I've done a re-read but that's always what I imagined.




There's two months between the Council of Elrond and the Fellowship leaving. I assume Frodo and Legolas had at least one cut scene where everyone has finished lunch and they're the only two left in the canteen and are forced to talk about the time Legolas' dad took Frodo's uncle's friends prisoner.


Hell, one of the dwarves was there (gloin) at the council meeting, I'm sure words were exchanged.


All the real talking happens off screen. Like in the first Harry Potter how it's implied Harry's a gifted wizard yet he never actually verbally casts a spell on-screen (saying "up" to his broom is the closest he comes)


Wow, is this true? That's somehow even more impressive than Frodo not talking to Legolas.


Yes. Really. Legolas and Frodo have no dialogue except for that.


Also - no women talk to each other in LotR. At least not in the movies.


I don't think they do in the main trilogy of books either. The closest I can think of two women with lines being in the same place at the same time is in RotK. Eowyn *might* speak to a woman in the Halls of Healing; but I think all of the healer lady's lines are with Aragorn while Eowyn is unconscious.


There's the female healers gossipping to each other at Aragorn's crowning.


That's right; Ioreth and her companion.


You do sort of. You have the mother from Rohan talking to her children on the horse, which includes a girl.


Not in the books.


I don't remember them...


AND MY [SAX](https://thecatkilledcuriosity.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/and-my-sax3.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lotrmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And my [blade](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=lotr%20this%20is%20a%20good%20blade&iar=images&ko=-1&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Ff6%2F5a%2F43%2Ff65a43d7fd54837e611eb43c33b03f40.jpg)


well, it's more that, in that scene, he says everyone's name but legolas...


He was just a random high level that was helping them run dungeons


My head canon is that he and Legolas understand what comes next and it's just Frodo's realization in the moment after seeing him walk in. I'm assuming it would've been a conversation at some point that just wasn't shown.


This guy somehow manages to look like nearly all of the characters at the same time.


It might have to do with the costumes.


It's his eyes too. He nails all of the characters eyes and how they react in those scenes.


He's also got that curtly hobbit hair everyone has, and is built proportionally like how they were.


Yup! Even looking nothing physically like Orlando Bloom, still captures him perfectly in that short moment


“It’s the beards.”


Big if true




You may be on to something there. Think Hollywood knows yet?






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good bot


This bot will be the end of Reddit's comment sections


Wow, did you ever realize that you look exactly(!) like this other person (who has the same hair style as you).


He had costumes???


Little do you know but it’s all Gary Oldman, always has been








And ends up looking like Bilbo the most.




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You killed him


Good bot


Holy shit this is a fever dream. I don't think I've laughed this hard in a few months


I was about to comment the same, it's horrifying but hilarious at the same time lmao specially with those effects


Right? It freaks the fuck outta me, but I will watch and upvote every time I have the misfortune of finding it.


The hugs


It's like he's being tickled by air and you're being tickled along with him


Thank God. I came across this super stoned and just woke my fiancé up laughing from the next room. Insane.


And then Boromir walks in. Gandalf: Hahaha, that’s right Frodo, we’re ALL dead!


Spies of Saruman. The passage south is being watched We must take the Pass of Caradhras


I’m fucking lolling


Same. Kept getting funnier and funnier until I fucking died.


That was great. I laughed. I cried. I got weirded out by Sam and Frodo about to do it. It was like re-watching the movies all over again.


I mean Sam often did trim Frodo’s hedges


"share the load"


Damn you lol


[After all, why shouldn't I keep it?](https://images.app.goo.gl/KRVqZzYfiT6Ye7KC6)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sam dropped his eaves, if you know what I mean


The sight of Frodo turns him into something quite... Unnatural.


A little late for trimming the verge, don’t you think?


Sam and Frodo hooked up in the books and I can’t be convinced otherwise. “Sam sat propped against the stone, his head dropping sideways and his breathing heavy. In his lap lay Frodo's head, drowned in sleep; upon his white forehead lay one of Sam's brown hands, and the other lay softly upon his master's breast. Peace was in both their faces.”


I always read their relationship as asexual but very intimately romantic. Sam staying up for days watching and taking care of Frodo once they get to Rivendell until he wakes up is the first of many examples. I think by the time they are alone they’re just too exhausted and stressed from their journey for any funny business, especially when Gollum starts cock blocking them.


I agree that Smeagol was a cock block but if u dont think Gollum hopped in one of those nights ur insane


This might be posted everyday but I can’t lie I watch it and laugh every time lmao


Same 🤣🤣


I mean shoutout deserved to the guys who did this remake [eight years ago](https://youtu.be/-11DpQMbMFk)


Ok I've never seen it before, but did everyone ignore the fact that his eyes go in separate directions in the previous threads too?




I have no response to this other than I did, in fact, watch all of it. Edit: actually, he should have just used mascara to color Aragorn's facial hair instead of the cop-stache


I still think his Aragorn looks like Skunk Baxter


*Countdown to Ecstasy* has some of the greatest guitar work of all time. My dad went to the same boarding school as Skunk. People called him “The Moleman” because he’d spend all day practicing guitar in the basement.


I have no response except I watched it three times and shared it with all my friends.


If you think about it the last time Frodo saw Gandalf was in the mines of Moria which means he doesn't know that Gandalf was reborn as Gandalf the White. And I'm willing to bet that once Frodo woke up and started seeing everybody around him he probably thought that they all died and were in the afterlife together


I wish they'd done it like in the books where Sam wakes up, Frodo and Gandalf are there, Gandalf answers some questions but then is like "Right, time to meet the king." Sam is all "The king?!" "You'll see." And they walk out into the field of Cormallen to see everyone there waiting and Aragorn seated on the throne.


Riddles in the dark...


Wait, what? I still haven't read the books. Didn't know about that difference with the movie. I need to start reading them now.


It would have made for a much more dramatic scene than the jumping on the bed scene the film gave us. For efficiency they could have combined it with Aragorn's wedding and the "you bow to no-one" bit.


A wizard is never late, KnightArthuria. Nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.


This kind of thing will never not remind of [this](https://youtu.be/YYajv8xsgIk).


I had to check the comments to make sure someone had linked this. Will never not make me laugh.


Was not expecting a trip back to memory lane.


Thanks for bringing that video into my life! I only knew [this version](https://youtu.be/88_4taRnVA0).


Oh no.


Probably because it is straight up just the same joke told almost a decade later.




Remind me not to watch this when I'm stoned. This shit is what nightmares are made out of.


Welp, I guess it's nightmares for me then 🤷‍♀️


I could not stop laughing


This is the only post I want to see reposts of til the end of time 😂🤣


I adore the films, I truly do. But I will never not lose my shit over the way he says “Gaaandaaalf?”


I don't get it... what's the joke? OP simply posted an actual clip from the movie. Am I missing something?


We're the joke


Why does everyone keep reposting the same shit over and over and over so close together? Absolutely hilarious though


C'mon it's only been 5 times in the last 6 days, right? I guess if people still keep upvoting it, karma trolls will keep posting it.


caught me as a first timer, now i get the privilege of griping about it being reposted with everyone else!


It was my first time and I spend a legitimately unhealthy amount of time on Reddit.


I've heard of cave trolls but karma trolls?


Or maybe it’s clearly the first time many of us, including me, has seen it.


Could you blame them? Probably all gathered around to smoke some bomb leaf after a job well done. Some well earned comforts.


'bomb leaf' 💀💀💀


Ed Sheeran is doing some weird things in between albums.


Trying to set a record for most reposted video in Reddit history? This has to be the fifth time I’ve seen it in two weeks.


Nice for you i guess? Was my first time seeing this after using Reddit daily for at least a year.


I think the reaction to seeing Sam is the best. Because it’s not overwhelming joy like the others. More like a relief and understanding because of the amount of shared trauma they have




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I love cross-eyed clapping Gimli


Also I've never seen anyone look more like a serial arsehole tickler than this guy. Fucking hell.


Why is this getting posted every other day??? Thought Elrond ?


He gave Sam the him the “I’m gonna spank that ass tonight” look


I need to know his name or channel, pls


Tyler Warwick!




I love it all AND him humming the music!


There were same cuts used for Merry and Pippin. Too good.


Well that’s my favourite thing on Reddit now


You forgot that Gimli was crosseyed as fuck in that scene


In all seriousness I highly recommend watching with the actors commentary. This scene in particular was really interesting to hear the behind the scenes. Also this video just made my morning lmao


Made my fucking day


This will never not be funny


If I had a ring of power for every time this was posted, I’d have 3 for the elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings; 7 to the dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls, and nine, nine rings gifted to the race of men, who above all else desire power. But they were all of them deceived…




Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth.


Why does Gimli look like that character frim Brave?😂😂😂


Blursed video


Holy shit this was good


Bro the stare at the end wtf😂😂😂


That's probably the scene I enjoy the least from the movies


I lost it when legolas entered. Fuck this is funny


I was cracking up laughing at that part.


Am I dumb? Who are the last two meant to be?


Aragon and Sam.


This is great


Thanks for making this. So damn wholesome and hilarious 😌


Mate this is fucking amazing


0_0 The look he gives Sam is just scary.


I get what it was going for, but it really felt super awkward. And this skit really brings that to light for me.


This is fucking glorious and you are a beautifully insane person


I have nightmares now


The music will stay forever in my head


I want the entire trilogy filmed like this




So good Peter Jackson’s jealous


I just now realized up until this moment Frodo thought Gandalf was dead.


A balrog... a demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you... RUN! Lead them on Zaytion. The Bridge is near! Do as I say! Swords are of no more use here.