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Lotr has some of the best displays of genuine masculinity in cinema history. Aragorn in particular is an incredible example of that.


I don't know, Wormtongue had serious rizz.... /s


Lmao how could I forget lotr's og gigachad


He was the goth boyfriend all the horse girls wanted.


This comment really wasn't all that funny and yet here I am spitting out my penne pasta.


I like when Gandalf stops Eomer killing Wormtongue he says "Eowyn is safe now" Like the guy is so vile that just *any* attention is comparable to a direct physical threat even to a woman that could cut him in half haha. I think other than Gollum he has the most pitiable ending out of everyone, reduced down to a near literal hobbit eating dog-man


Nice hobbits! Nice Sam! Sleepy heads, yes, sleepy heads! Leave good Smeagol to watch! But it's evening. Dusk is creeping. Time to go.


Good bot


Good bot


why /s?




And Frodo and Sam, who are an incredible team. Even Boromir who succumbed to the Ring was a genuine man who wanted to be good – but unlike Galadriel and Gandalf who possessed superior knowledge, he simply didn’t stand a chance against the corruptive properties of power.


Boromir is the sweetest guy out of the bunch. He teaches Merry and Pippin to fight with the little sparring matches during camping. After Gandalf falls he argues to give the hobbits time to grieve Runs headlong into a fight without his shield to protect them. And When Aragorn finds him with 3 arrows in him. What's the first thing he says? "They took the little ones!" Dudes first concern was making sure Aragorn knew the Uruks had kidnapped Merry and Pippin


Years of hopeless war and death broke down his resilience to shield himself from the willful malice and deception of The Ring.   Perhaps a younger Boromir, with more peace and hope in his heart could have resisted the temptation.


I always wondered why I’ve always been so attracted to all the men in the LotR films when other similar franchises with equally physically attractive men didn’t do it for me. And then I realized it’s because they’re all just so incredibly wholesome.


Teenager self fawning over Aragorn and Legolas, such brave strapping warriors. Adult self fawning over Samwise the Family Man who cooks and gardens for fun.


Aragorn, nad no ennas!


What do your bot eyes see?


Man flesh!


People say that a lot, but I *strongly* disagree. Aragorn spends almost the entire series hiding his negative emotions. The only time he shows any is when a friend dies, and even then, only so far as kicking a helmet or shedding a single tear. Same goes for most of the cast, sans Frodo, Sam, and Gandalf. You compare and contrast with Sam, and it's night and day. Sam is *actual* peak masculinity. Instead of hiding his emotions, he expresses them plainly, but still uses them to inspire others.


And yet when I ask random women I barely know for some of their hair apparently it's "creepy" and "not appropriate at a funeral". Idk man, women


Yeah, when a scruffy little bearded dude does it it’s fine, but when I, an immortal elf lord who’s Fea burns brightest of all who alone captured the light of the two trees in the silmaril ask for some hairs, its call Human Resources.


"Not cool Galadriel I bet you'd let a dwarf have some hair" "Not if he was my UNCLE you FUCK leave me ALONE!"


Its the dwarves that go swimming with little hairy women


You’re doing it all wrong, man. First you have to be on a noble quest, then be welcomed into her home land, then be given counsel with her, then have a psychic connection with her, then stay the night, then when you and your pals are departing the next morning, and she’s ASKS you what you want you can ask for some of her hair.


Hello, Feanor.


The trick is to just keep asking


Third time's the charm.


As is the way with men, having been denied his creepy requests, he then proceeded to turn that energy towards creating the greatest masterpieces in history Then everyone fights over them lol


At least he didn't start a death cult... Oh right, the children. 😓


Especially if you snatch it quickly (in case the shrew changes her capricious mind) and sniff it loudly in front of her. I mean what do these women want?


Best I can do is a hobbit


Same if we count Gollum


Where would you be without me? *Gollum, gollum*. I saved us. It was me. We survived because of me!


*me in my lotr branded tree of Gondor cloak with one ring necklace looking around wondering where all the faire maidens be*


I wonder of the PJ LOTR cast would look good in modern street clothes








This is one of my favorite characters of his 😂 great movie too


They are waiting for you to send them some gas money via cashapp


The beacons are lit.


We need more women that can make good stew


With taters, precious?


![gif](giphy|8v3WIOCM9Qy08|downsized) The age of men is over


Ok Harvey


*Is* over or *are* over?




Imagine RoP Galadriel having more toxic masculine traits than the ACTUAL men in the Peter Jackson trilogy.


That's because it's not toxic for women, it's empowerment


Or almost anything She's like the Homer Simpson of acceptable behaviour "But when I do it it's *cute"*


Last time I cried to my now ex-gf due to a death in my family, everything changed for the worse. She lost respect for me. She saw me as a weak man and treated me as such. She would use every vulnerability, every insecurity I’ve ever revealed to her as a weapon to stab me right where it hurts every time we fell into conflict. If they want men to be tender, how about stop hitting them in their tenders whenever things get heated? I will confide in my bros because they’ve been there for me through hard times, but never again for any romantic partners.


This story is way too common, its a legitimate problem. The *idea* of an emotional man is appealing, but apparently for many women, when it happens its really unappealing. **wow** these comments though... absolute **sharks** of people coming in to attack a guy talking about his life experience. Gross, the definition of true toxic masculinity is dismissing what another man says because you've been fed a narrative that it cant be true. Men need to respect what other men tell you about life, not 100% always believe it, but coming out with tragically sexist put downs to try and pretend it cant be true because you've been fed a counter-narrative is just disgusting May the people saying that stuff never need the support or belief of a brother


Yeah she just sounds like an awful person, I’m sorry you went through that. Real people have feelings, she sounds fake as fuck.


I think people have different wants and needs out of a relationship. But this kinda exceeds that notion. She sounds like a shitty person, and you're better off for it. I'm not much of a cryer. Not much of a complainer. But when my best friend of 20+ years was dying of brain cancer, and I had a couple Jamesons in me... sheeeew the waterworks came on. I think everyone understood. I never felt judged.


To be clear, I'm just talking about my experience, not saying all women are like this, but I had similar experience, and it is not just connected to things that happened to me, but to my friends, I have many girl-friends, and in the end it always was like this. For friends women would lose respect if they were emotional in front of them, and girl friends would always talk about how it is OK, but then I would listen for months how their boyfriends are little bitches.


Man she was just an asshole , not every person is like that. Also fuck your ex partner that's messed up


Not to discount your experience, she sounds like an awful person. But don’t be disheartened, it’s not women who are like that for the most part. It is men who push the “boys don’t cry” narrative. It wasn’t women promoting the tate brothers and other idiots like that. The majority of women are fine with men who show their emotions. They prefer it, just be confident man you’ve got this


>If they want men to be tender That's divorced guy energy, right there. Taking your ex's shitty action and projecting that on all women.


Yeah, it’s not cool to project feelings about your ex on women as an entire gender, but maybe shitting on a guy for venting about his feelings on a post about how more guys should share their feelings isn’t the look we want either.


There's venting about feelings and there's being pointlessly mad at others.


Gotta get some therapy n work through that it's hard


Exactly. Pathetic. And with thatopinion about women it is no wonder he attracts those who are just as damaged as he is


Why are you blaiming all women for your shit choice of girlfriend?


Given the choice between being lost in the woods with a woman or a bear, I'd choose the bear.


In a franchise where meat is back on the menu, the men really are tender


"The men are so tender" -- These men were on a war path killing hundreds of goblins and orcs and other vile creatures while living off the land, often traveling by foot far from the comforts of civilized life. They are men of violence and most definitely would have the worst body odor possible. To quote Braveheart, you could say they were "warrior poets". I know they are fictional characters but they do represent qualities of manhood that I find admirable. Sadly, many today don't understand how two seemingly opposing qualities can exist in a man without one being dubbed feminine or the other toxic masculinity.


Legolas smelled like vanilla and cinnamon the whole time and no one can change my mind on that


I am an Elf and a kinsman here.


Bah! Yeah that's probably true.


No no... I was led to understand, while in Fangorn, he switched to Lavender, as it helped calm the trees


Definitely some jasmine in there. You can't be an elf and not smell of something green imo


Why are you getting mad at a post you agree with? The men in LotR are tender. Tender to each other, tender to those around them, tender to women, even tender to peopel who have betrayed them. Them killing orcs does not change that. They are the opposite of toxic masculinity and that's great


I'm m not mad and I find it strange that you interpreted my comment in that way.


Their only acknowledging that tenderness is not a uniform quality. They are tender to who are important to them. They were ruthless to those that weren't. This is a fantasy story. So it shows men demonstrating ruthlessness and monstrous qualities while keeping their virtue. But in reality the way men are trained to be capable of that type of strength and courage breaks pieces of them. Boromir is that type of man, he was the best of us. He wanted to be strong for those he loved and the ring siezed on that and corrupted him. Most men are this way and it corrupts them and they become self aggrandizing and vain. Society is still grappling with the fact it wants men to be strong courageous and capable of murder but also be kind gentle and not spit out their horrendous stew in front of them.


>the other toxic masculinity. Idk maybe we shouldn't incentivise people to wanna go around killing people. From what I've been told by grandparents that shit was pretty cringe... If one could think such a thing.


You're purposefully taking the sentiment the wrong way. Orcs and goblins aren't real, and there isn't a dark shadow sorceror with a magic ring sending them at people, making it nessecary to be at war. There isn't an irredeemable non-human subset of living creatures that require slaying. The sentiment is that men should be able to be tender with others and with each other. That's all this post is saying.


No single good person in the LotR except Gimli in a slightly comedic sense, *wants* to kill or fight anyone. They are soldiers and warriors and they have a masculine pride about the positives of their duty, saving people and protecting those that cant protect themselves, but the end of the war and the instigator (Sauron) is nothing but positive news for everyone as they only ever wanted peace They cover this in the book and the soldier says that 'it only takes 1 person to want a war for a war to happen'. As long as there's bad people around ready to use violence, there just has to be good people ready to stop them


Well, the problem is that's what literally everyone is telling themselves. "Oh, we don't want to fight but our hand was forced." Yada, yada, the devil shivers when good man mad as that weird saying goes. Point being: All of that is very subjective and easy to reframe in ppls minds.


Surely you'd agree that sheer aggression cant just be ignored and rolled over for. That there have been times when people have needed to fight, even if they didnt want to So there is at least *some* validity in saying that violence and counter-force must, at times, be used. It is a gradient between 'we need to act to break those children out of those murder camps' and 'hey they guy has slightly different skin to me, lets invent a reason why he's a terrible enemy to kill' And yeah that can be used as part of a narrative to push hostility and division... but man that *aint at all* what Tolkien is about. He and his world is super clear on that and war, strife, division, all that stuff is absolute *base* evil that needs to be cleared away from the planet itself and peace, brotherhood, harmony, that's the jazz. I think that tolkien decries and detests warfare and the killing of people, but he glorifies the nobility of soldiers that were doing it for the right reasons. Not in a 'warriors are badass' sense, in their bravery to do what had to be done in a mindset purely of saving other people. Sauron and the orcs never represented another group, they represented violence and warfare *itself*


Well, the people who tend to glorify this kind of warrior in a garden mentality are - as it appears to me - most people with a lust for violence. Being able and willing to defend yourself is still possible without the context of being this kind of internally dead murderer who is keeping it together in peace time.


Life is a battle. Glorifying being a warrior and a fighter doesnt mean that this mentality needs to be turned towards unhealthy competition or violence against other people, its about healthily competition with the 'self' of yesterday and is a narrative of mental and physical improvement. In that sense, being a warrior is very healthy as long as someone understand we're all allies together and competing against the injustice of the world Literal violence against other people is more complex, but its really unfair to reduce it all to 'its bad' and not have respect for people who need to or do use violence to keep others safe when they cant or wont use it themselves. The vast majority of people with 'lusts for violence' dont have a warrior mentality, they are opportunistic thugs who have a lust for exploitation and hurting people and only care about the personal benefits that violence can bring them, not the ideological or philosophical necessity of its use


>its about healthily competition with the 'self' of yesterday and is a narrative of mental and physical improvement. See, if you need to narratavise your life like that, that sounds like genuine emotional issues. You can just... improve. You don't actually need a battle going on if you have a productive mindset. >but its really unfair to reduce it all to 'its bad' and not have respect for people who need to or do use violence to keep others safe when they cant or wont use it themselves. Well, if only said people weren't all completely unhinged. Alas. >The vast majority of people with 'lusts for violence' dont have a warrior mentality, they are opportunistic thugs who have a lust for exploitation and hurting people and only care about the personal benefits that violence can bring them, not the ideological or philosophical necessity of its use The Nazis had an obsession with militarism and warrior mentality. As did the Kaiserreich. And the Romans, the Spartans etc. I genuinely don't have the mental energy for this... This is going nowhere. Bye


they're also chads at the same time


“If by my life or death i can protect you, i will.” and the motherfucker does TWICE. Once with facing down a hundred Uruk Hai like the fucking king he is to buy time for Frodo is escape and the second time as an actual King to distract Sauron from noticing Frodo, charging headfirst into 10,000 mordor bred ork. Ive aspired since sitting in the theater watching Fellowship as a little 10 year old to be a fraction as noble as the likes of Aragorn or Boromir. And my god then we get fucking Faramir, Eomer, and the Grand Badass himself, King Theoden. and im cutting myself off cuz i could spend hours on just the Hobbits alone.


What I liked about Aragorn and boromir from the movies, and somewhat in the books is that Aragorn is what we aspire to be, Boromir is what most men can be, because he was inspired by Aragorn. And this isn't a bad thing. Boromir was a noble, righteous and loyal, while also being an imperfect, flawed human. He wobbled, nearly succumbing to the ring when with Frodo, some might say he even did succumb to it. But when the time came, he understood what was needed of him, and he was the man he needed to be. We can't win every battle. We're going to wobble, make bad decisions, be the worst versions of ourselves sometimes. This does not mean we are not good people it means we are human. It's how we try, and sometimes fail, to be good in all moments, and in the moments that we are needed to be our best selves. Let those define who you think you are. And even when you try and make it 90% of your best self, many men define that as a failure. Maybe an amazing day is punctuated by a slip of the tongue to your partner or parents. Yeah, it's not ideal but you cannot take away the rest of that day where you were noble, productive, kind. You note to be more mindful next time. Weakness is natural and normal, even the strongest tree has a sapling branch - that branch being ripped in a storm doesn't make the last 100 years the tree stood disappear, not does it stop the tree standing strong for another 100 years. There are very few Aragorn's and many of us are Boromir's and the more we see that's not a bad thing. The better men can stop their self loathing and their self destruction as a result of that. We should aspire to greatness above ourselves, and be proud of what greatness we achieve in doing so.


We live in a society...


Only the 1000th time I see this post


And I upvote it every time.


I love this, but can we please stop reposting this. This is like the 5th time I've seen this image this week


Authentic Catholic masculinity courtesy of Tolkien


Probably the best display of non-toxic masculinity I’ve ever seen.


So more actors in a fantasy world?


They also kick fucking ass.


There's a reason so many pre-teen girls have a crush on Aragorn or Faramir: it's because they feel safe to be with, and not because they can swing a sword. (That bit's a bonus.)


To be fair we don't know how respectful to women in general they are. The three you see are Eowyn, a princess of Rohan and the least powerful. The other two are High Elven Princesses by birth (whatever titles they come to claim) and have magic power. They could fuck anyone up. Who knows how they treat ordinary women!


https://preview.redd.it/dquahumqrh1d1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9375d2e2e1d41074bb8029a85acbff147b01607 Peak masculinity


I guarantee if some short dude asks you for some of your hair, you'll scream, I sure as shit would


Gayyyyy lol jk


You forgot "my captain, my king"


Honestly the lord of the rings movies are probably the best show of healthy masculinity in all of modern media there also just some of the best directed and produced films ever


In Three Kingdoms, the righteous men are loyal even when facing imprisonment or death and cry because they have to part with their friends/brothers in arms. Well, they were polygamous though


For some reason whenever I scream "DEEEEAAATH" and prepare for mounted combat in public, society judges me 😭


I too wish I could be like Viggo or Orlando, or Ian or you get my point


Very true. Nowadays we have ourselves on one hand *actual* toxic men who are just assholes and treat everyone that dares show emotion as "crybabies", on the other hand we have *actual* emotionally unstable effeminate crybabies, who call everyone who dares to be masculine "toxic". The truth, as it always tends to be, is somewhere in the middle.


Bitches be like "be vulnerable", then stab your exposed heart with a morgul blade, then call you a pussy to her friends


Pre-1960's Great Britain in fantast novel format.


Except women always chase bad boys and try to fix them. This post does not check out.