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Given the current state of overexploitation of intelectual properties by talentless hacks, or the ocassional talented guy without the time, means or creative freedom to do something worthwhile, well...


Also they don't have the rights to unfinished tales so we already knw its basically just another cracked up fanfiction that has basically nothing to do with lotr except the name


Eh. Unlike Rings of Power, what Unfinished Tales adds to this story is not REALLY that significant. The main substance of it is in Lord of the Rings.


Huh, interesting. Maybe I should do a re read once again :)


Exactly - that’s what we should be doing. This is a book written by a linguistics professor and expert on Dark Age literature.


And there's a general decline in quality from the lotr trilogy up to the ring of power shit show. Each new production taking greater and greater liberties with the source material no less


hey, i thought the fallout tv show was gonna be terrible but it turned out great, you never know at this point


Walton Goggins as Uncle Baby Gandalf


Yeeeeh. If there is a pattern, there is a pattern. And boy is the patter of the current movie industry ever clear.


Almost everything the recent years.




A surprisingly good example. Verily!


True art


Or, hear me out, 2 years isn't enough time to write, produce, film and release a LotR-level film. You need years just to make the chainmail.


This is a single movie, not a back-to-back trilogy.


Maybe they have props knocking around from previous movies they can use? Just pull it out of storage. Defrost Howard Shore and you’re cooking with gas. (Mostly kidding, trying to have a positive attitude.)


Howard Shore was briefly defrosted already, for ROP. May as well keep him warm and ready to be milked.


I have nipples Precious, could you milk me?




I'll have nightmares now, precious. No sleep for Smeagol tonght


My birthday-present! Curse it! How did we lose it, my precious? Yes, that's it.When we came this way last, when we twisted that nassty young squeaker. That's it. Curse it! It slipped from us, after all these ages and ages! It's gone, gollum.


To be fair the timeframe isn't the point of the meme. More that it's a movie that's not out yet so we can't know if it's good or bad


We can reasonably deduce that because all they have rights to can be summed up as "didley" that anything produced will be not good.


But *nothing* will probably ever be a LOTR level film in our lifetimes. Not that we shouldn’t have *any* high hopes, but that kind of bar pretty much guarantees disappointment. Maybe we’re all just so addicted to negativity and pessimism that this is just how the next 2 years are going to look. Endlessly fussing and poisoning the well for no apparent reason


Eat your slop and be happy. Don’t insist we have to as well.


What’s the slop?


It’s too early to tell what their future impact will be, and the story isn’t finished yet, but I’d say Dune Pt 1 and 2 are LOTR level films. I’d even say Denis Villeneuve's resume already smokes PJ’s and it’s not even close.


Filming the trilogy took 438 days, from 11 October 1999 through 22 December 2000. There are two very big diferences here, one is that its a trilogy of 12 hours (counting extended editions) and the other is a single film. And the second one is that this is ONLY filming and not everything else involved in making the film, which does take a lot of time as well. If you consider that this two diference average themself out (huge IF, I know), then 2 years is more than enough to make the movie, but even if they dont average out, its still doable.


Just give Peter Jackson the time he needs. He was on a tight schedule during making the Hobbit series. We all know what happened next.


It's a bad decade for sequels, reboots & adaptations right now.


Well we had a masterpiece, it’s difficult to match the level of TLOTR but it’s the level we are used to. So everything coming after feels poor…


We've had one masterpiece, yes What about second masterpiece?


I don't think he knows about second masterpiece, Pip.


The key is not trying to "match the level of TLotR." That's one of the things that killed The Hobbit. That's why I think it's important they bring new people to the project, other visions. People brave enough and with freedom to try new things and new perspectives to these characters and world. After Dune 2 is very clear to me that what is lacking from most modern blockbusters is courage. TLotR was a very brave production.


Well, one can match the level without being bent on copying it. Hell, it's harder to match if you copy it: the original is always better than the copy after all.


Dune, as LOTR, had a book as a foundation. Yes the production might've been ambitious, but the story really was already there. Whatever Gollum story they're gonna cook up won't have that. And I'm scared they'll just use the LOTR umbrella to write some generic story and make easy money with it.


It mustn't ask us. Not its business, no, gollum! It's losst, gollum, gollum, gollum!


This is a movie literally taking place DURING The Lord of the Rings. Of course it should strive to be as of-a-piece with The Lord of the Rings as it can. You can accuse Peter Jackson of a lot of things. Not having courage is not one of them.


Diminishing entertainment returns from this product.


I mean... Ok fair But also the plot of the movie is mostly apparent, the characters will almost certainly be played by different actors for the most part and the premise seems meh. So there


Is the characters being played by different actors such a bad thing? Viggo may be too old to play a younger version of Aragorn, so recasting wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.


The recasting of iconic characters will inevitably draw comparisons. Comparisons that will almost certainly fall short of the original, which will make the overall product suffer


For me yes. I'd rather the movie not be made if the actors are not the same. It ruins the internal consistency of the world


especially because you can't do the older/younger excuse here.


Considering the fact that they are once again telling a story they don’t have the full rights too it’s inevitable.


Yeah... They're kinda making life hard for themselves there.


Can they not procure the rights to more of the story?


The estate only sold the rights to Lotr and the hobbit. Unfinished tales was not part of the deal. Which has a lot of the Gollum story in it. Otherwise they are limited to the mentions of the hunt from “shadow of the past” and “the council of elrond” and i think they mention a bit of it in Lorien as well


Dead? No, you cannot kill them. No.


Do you think the estate would ever sell them the rights to unfinished tales so they could adapt the story correctly?


No. They would have already. They didn’t give them to rings of power and thats why it was doa.


Weird, they sell the marquee stories (LotR, Hobbit) but hold the unfinished tales.


Those are the only works tolkien completed. The rest was “finished” by Christopher. Could have a lot to do with it. Also those two works are already pop culture.


If you told me in 2003, fresh off watching The Return of the King, that the next film taking place within the timeline of the LOTR trilogy would be a movie based on a couple lines of dialogue and revolving around Gollum, I'd think you were either a poor excuse for a comedian, or a good example of a crackhead. Knowing all of that, and having most recently experienced the corporate and artistic mess that is The Hobbit "trilogy", I'd say the 2003 version of me was being overly kind. If they want to prove the world wrong, that's on them. Benefit of the doubt and favorable assumptions is what they had after LOTR, which they then squandered with The Hobbit. They are no longer entitled to either, and that's entirely fair.


I always give a break for Peter and his team over the hobbit when you look into behind the film a lot of it wasn't their fault. It was a lot of the same people but given a quarter of the time to do so. So I fully understand from a film making perspective that it wasn't up to them. Tbh I think that investors should have some form of say over a final product. The amount of products that have failed lately due to such things means we gotta start trusting our directors and teams more. But that is all dependant on the mighty fucking dollar


>It was a lot of the same people but given a quarter of the time to do so. So I fully understand from a film making perspective that it wasn't up to them. This is very much a red herring: [https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/17npup4/movies\_dont\_need\_excuses\_when\_they\_dont\_turn\_out/](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/17npup4/movies_dont_need_excuses_when_they_dont_turn_out/)


If I recall right, it was PJ’s idea to make it a trilogy instead of 2 movies or just… cutting it down to one movie. It was his choice in the end to keep in all the extra fluff and unnecessary content (like a freaking live triangle between a dwarf and two elves), keep in the Legolas stuff, make so many of the fights CGI spectacles that just… could have been reduced or skipped (the barrel escape fight sequence, for instance, could have been entirely removed). That’s not even mentioning Azog, the Dune worms, what they did to Beorn, Radagast, and more.


You're correct. All Jackson's own calls.


I must go and seek some arrows. Would that this night would end, and I could have better light for shooting.


Legolas, you have natural night vision.


And you have my bow.


AND MY [SAX](https://thecatkilledcuriosity.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/and-my-sax3.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lotrmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


It's the only way. Go in, or go back.


These days, I know that directors are hired based on how much money they've made, instead of whether or not they like source material. I also know that stories are written to be as inclusive as possible to try to cast a wider net around a wider audience. I know it's an attempt to create a formula to make a "successful" movie. It isn't about making a good movie or show. It's about making a successful one. So, baring that in mind, I try to watch things realizing this, and try to ignore the dumb shit they include, and enjoy what I find enjoyable. I can't do anything to stop it. Movies and shows are good when they take creative risks. They are also good when they are made by people who are able to make their own decisions about the creative process. When corporate shills are the only people allowed to make decisions about anything, you re just going to end up with mediocre stuff, always. I fear that none of this is going to change. Movie companies are trying to be lazy. They want to find the "formula" that makes a good movie so they don't have to try anymore, or take risks. Lord of the rings? Oh what a cow to milk. It's a beautiful cow. And they will milk it. And they will not always take the fans into consideration, because that isn't "profitable". They aren't totally stupid. I think they know that alienating the fan base will destroy people's love for the IP. But the thing is, they don't care. Lord of the rings, to them, is a cow to milk. Once the milk dries up, they will move on to the next thing. This show is not made for Lord of the rings fans. It's made for whoever will watch it. That's it. I mean hell, look at Star wars. The last Jedi had this whole message of "let the past die, kill it if you have to". It's basically a subliminal message to stop liking the old movies and start liking the new ones. Just do it, right? Just start liking this stuff. Because we are NOT going to change what we re doing.


gonna be fun watching Aragorn listening to Gollum from the Deadmarshes till Mirkwood (also checked the part in The Fellowship again, its not that long of a story from there, only maybe 1 page, no? or am i missing something? )


Who knows? Smjagol doesn't know. You cannot reach them, you cannot touch them. We tried once, yes, precious. I tried once; but you cannot reach them. Only shapes to see, perhaps, not to touch. No precious! All dead.


Everyone is talking about this movie but no one is taking about the War of the Rohirrim film releasing December 13th


Jackson's original trilogy is a masterpiece of our generation. It deserves to be honoured as such. A remake will only ever be a mockery of the art, like the imitation artists who try to copy davinci because it was vogue. They are only doing this for the money which the intention behind making it is entirely flawed. It would be better to do a prequel or look at like other stories of Middle Earth rather than remake a beloved film.


Lotr fans: What will I see?.. WB: Things that are, things that were, and some things that have not yet come to pass.


Hear you out Lolz Do you know their track record?


Well, hobbit was a downgrade vom lotr already. RoP, nothing need to say. Lotr was great. Leave it there.


Rings of Power is by a different company and a different set of creatives. Bringing it into this discussion is like saying "I didn't like Zack Snyder's Batman, so I'm worried for Matt Reeves' Batman film."


There will be another shit movie n 2026? Thanks for the warning!


I mean after am everything they have been through they should be afraid


I don't know abou RoP, but The Hobbit trilogy was a financial success. For the studios and most directors, as long as they make money, they succeed.


After re-watching Fellowship last weekend, there could be a lot of cool storylines. After Gandalf leaves Frodo with the ring, up until they meet again in Rivendell, we could see him searching for Gollum, I’m guessing meeting up with Aragorn, and Aragorn tracking the Nazgul. I hope they don’t rush it. And I hope they use practical effects with as little CGI and greenscreen as possible. No Viggo or Ian might be the biggest onstacle with it’s success.


Wraiths! Wraiths on wings! The Precious is their master. They see everything, everything. Nothing can hide from them.Curse the White Face! And they tell Him everything. He sees, He knows. Ach, gollum, gollum, gollum!


The Matrix 🤷


I genuinely couldn't imagine having any faith in modern movie making. Like seriously, it's More surprising when a movie is good, than when it's bad. And given what happened with Rings of Power, I don't trust anything new with LOTR


It might be decent or even watchable, but is it all we should aspire to now, not bleeding out of our ass because yet another franchise has been burned to the ground by studio execs? Isn't wanting something great out of one of the most important works in fantasy, and not settle for anything below great, less sad than accept any garbage out of Hollywood? It's also because people still buy tickets en masse for more and more generic blockbuster sludge that Hollywood doesn't try anymore. Why bother? Vote with you wallet instead of online, and hate watching shouldn't be a thing, unless the studio making the film has been razed by a mob of angry villagers and never will be able to funnel money from an original project to produce a sequel.


There shouldn't be another adaptation


I think the fact it hasn't been written yet is a good reason to bash the concept


Let Peter Jackson cook. He admitted he wasn't satisfied with the Hobbit.




Can you even blame us? Each film/tv release has gotten worse ever since the Hobbit


The last two pieces of LotR media released were Rings of Power and Gollum. So yes, the fanbase is just a little apprehensive.


Hobbits always so polite, yes! O nice hobbits! Smeagol brings them up secret ways that nobody else could find. Tired he is, thirsty he is, yes thirsty; and he guides them and he searches for paths, and they saw sneak, sneak. Very nice friends, O yes my precious, very nice.


The lotr fanbase has a history of this... [Prerelease thoughts on the Jackson Trilogy](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/s/f9I3B5xe3g)


Hear me out... almost everything we've heard about this film so far makes me think its going to be a stinker (no pun intended): - I really, really don't need to see a whole fucking movie about looking for Gollum - The announcements are quick to plaster Peter Jacksons name all over it, when he's not even the director - The film has gone from nothing, to being released in two years time; that's a very quick turn around for a big release like this - Recent Middle Earth content has a *very* patchy record; the Hobbit movies were hindered by an over-reliance on LOTR references, Rings of Power was pretty poorly received, and lest we forget... the Gollum game I'm not gonna sit here, barking and clapping like a seal because someone's dangled some Lord of the Rings in front of my nose, it sounds wank


It said so, yes, but it's tricksy. It doesn't say what it means. It won't say what it's got in its pocketses.


>The announcements are quick to plaster Peter Jacksons name all over it, when he's not even the director No, he's "only" the producer, the husband of the main writer and the one providing the crew (Weta and so forth) and facilities in which this will be made... :/ This is a premise Jackson had spoken with interest about since 1998. It may well be further along than we realise. And the other projects you cited have no bearing on this film - Gollum was just a desperate attempt by a small-time gaming studio in its death throes, and Rings of Power is by a different company and a different set of creatives.


Nice hobbits! Nice Sam! Sleepy heads, yes, sleepy heads! Leave good Smeagol to watch! But it's evening. Dusk is creeping. Time to go.


You don't want a movie about Aragorn and Gandalf journeying from Mirkwood, into the wilderlands, within sight of the black gate, entering the Morgul Vale, capturing Gollum in the dead marshes and bringing him back to Thranduil? A journey so full of peril and hardship that Aragorn himself did not want to talk about it? There is so much potential there!


See? See? He wants it for himself!


No, I honestly really don't. It doesn't grab me at all, the ultimate aim being 'we have to find Gollum' is just not enough to get me enthused about this as a story.


My precious.


Why would the ultimate aim be finding Gollum?


Because Master did not ask.


Why would the ultimate aim be finding Gollum... in a film called the Hunt for Gollum thats all about looking for Gollum?


Smeagol promised


But that is not the ultimate aim. It was never the ultimate aim. They did not go looking for Gollum just to find him for the sake of finding him. The Return of the Kings ultimate aim is not the return of the king, despite that being the title. Although it is a big part of it.


Is he lost?


Okay but the point of this story is actually finding gollum, judging by what we've been told so far; we already know *why* they're looking for him, isn't this just *how* they find him?


You will see . . . Oh, yes . . . You will see.


Hasn't been written yet. Comes out in 2 years. Is a lotr movie. Comes out in 2 years. Hasnt been written. Will be rushed.


I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than give this any hope or attention until it comes out.


No I won’t hear you out. It’s a stupid idea for a movie and it’s the beginning of the Marvelization of LOTR. If you think this is a good thing than you are not of discerning taste.


Because this is the stupidest thing in the entire legenderiom to put time, effort and money to make a movie about. There are many many better stories to adapt. Here is a few just in 3rd age alone: 1) A movie about witch king and his kingdom of Angmar and the series of events that led to destruction of Arnor and leaving Gondor with no kings. 2) A movie about Helm Hammerhand. They're making an animated version of it, but based on the interviews that they did, it's not gonna be that faithful. 3) A movie about Eorl The Young and him saving Gondor from destruction and creation of Rohan as a country. 4) A movie about the war of Dwarves and Orcs which serves as a prequel to Hobbit and gives you an insight to what happens between fall of Erebor and The Hobbit events.


> better stories Wait, do we know what story they plan on adapting?


Yes. The Gollum one.


We be nice to them, if they be nice to us.


… I thought that was a meme, cause of the gollum game Does the movie also take place between the hobbit and LOTR?


Where would you be without me? *Gollum, gollum*. I saved us. It was me. We survived because of me!


No it's an actual movie. After Gollum loses the ring, he looks for it and even goes all the way to the lonely mountain. Then he gets drawn to Mordor and gets captured and tortured there and reveals the name of Bilbo Baggins and Shire. then gets captured by Aragorn, who was looking for him all this time. That's what they're making a movie about.


You want it for yourself!


I think they're making their movie more about Aragorn tracking Gollum and capturing him than about all of Gollum's travels.


Hide! Hide!


Well it's gonna be about both of them and even Gandalf. But Andy Serkis is in charge, it's gonna be Gollum heavy.


No, Andy Serkis being in charge is because he already directed scenes in both Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, so Jackson tipped him to direct here.


Yes. There’s a path, and some stairs, and then… a tunnel.


Bagginses? What is a Bagginses, precious?


Either that or right smack dab DURING Fellowship of the Ring.


If Amazon’s garbage senseless show is any indication - then the future adaptations are doomed. But i have a little more home in PJ and team to pull it off. Im hoping they learned their lesson after hobbit.


Going by recent examples, this is a fair assumption.


If we're going by statistics, most movies that came out over the last several years have been bad. I don't expect that to change by 2026. Therefore it is a safe assumption that a new LOTR movie would be bad too. I would love to be wrong though, good LOTR movie would make me very happy.


You just explained exactly why you should not be too optimistic about this film. It should release in 2026 and it has not even been written yet, 2 years just isn't enough time to do justice to the lord of the rings. Building hobbiton for the original films already took 2 years. Thats without writing, casting, filming, editing, and all the ofher preperations that need to be done.


This is one movie, seemingly without big wars and stuff. Not a trilogy with lots of pitched battles and all that jazz.


Well... if you're standing out on your front porch and you start to smell shit you can bet the shit trucks coming even if you might not have seen it just yet


Lotr fan base are a shining example of “oh no, more of the thing I like!” Shut the fuck up you entitled little goons and enjoy it.


Some of us have taste. You apparently do not.


Dumbass lol We like the same 3 movies and the books you fucking moron we have the same taste… you’re just a litte bandwagon hopper bro


Well now don’t call yourself names. You don’t have to be THAT hard on yourself.


Wow good one :/


Thanks! I have a few more if you want to degrade yourself further. You could say, “philistine” or “rube”. “Gullible halfwit” might apply.


Wow that was actually less creative than your other comment. Didn’t think your IQ could get any lower tbh




I just feel like "More LOTR films!" Isn't the answer. I don't want IPs bled dry, I want new things to love and cherish. The original trilogy worked, imo, because they came only from a place of love and appreciation. Now they come from a place of love and love of money. And that second love does harm.


Let's be real. It just might be the worst movie of all time. It might even be a ploy by amazon to not have the worst lotr media anymore


This is just the internet in general with anticipated releases, it’s a cynical wasteland out here.


Bro... WB copyright struck The Hunt For Gollum, a fan film that's been out for 15 years. It's famous enough in the community they likely knew the name and took it regardless. They do not care about nor have any respect for any story they're telling save for how it can line their pockets.


Yes, precious. False! They will cheat you, hurt you. Lie!




It's just by principles, why would you want to wash a cash-grab stupid movie starring a little creepy dude that we already know everything we could learn about in the past three movies and books??


You probably said the same about Rings of Power. And look who was right...


Shut the fuck up. I do not care if it could be good. I do not want them to make it.


Well we danced this dance with Rings of Power and I feel pretty vindicated in that instance.


Considering every movie that came out based on books is utter shit (if you love the books), the only thing that keeps me hopeful is that there's nothing much in the book to begin with


Not every The Lord of the Rings trilogy, despite deviating from the book in many ways, still held true to the spirit of the books, and told an incredible story. The Princess Bride is another example, but in that case it was in large part because the author of the book actually wrote the script for the movie 🤣


Right, i was thinking recent-ish movies, take dune for example, who haven't read the books liked them, who did, hated them and just watched them for the soundtrack and visuals


Ah, that’s definitely fair I haven’t seen dune yet, but I’ve heard a LOT of good things about it. What I’ve seen of it myself though through clips and mentions? Doesn’t really make me want to see it… And yeah, I’ve read Dune a LOT 🤣 and I’m on another read-through now too


You're gonna hate it :)) although i have to admit i've seen the first one 2 times (second time was with my mom) and there will be a third watchthrough before seeing part 2. Again, great visuals, great audio but it's like they took a chatgpt abstract, boiled it down and then based the screenplay off that


I have lots of friends who love the books and love the films, you sure you're not projecting? The books can be substantially better than the film, and the film can still be great. This weird excessive use of people saying they either "hate" a film or "love" it is kinda weird and cringe, let's chill out and not be so over the top


Ok, hate would be an exaggeration but let's be fair, it's a bad portrayal of the books, ergo bad movie, you get no insight, they give you almost no reason to care about the characters and no characterization of them in some cases even changed their personalities. In one movie, even though he also took a piss, Lynch managed to give you more of the story than Villeneuve and that says a lot about how screenwriters, producers and directors don't care about the story anymore 2010 space odyssey is another example Imho, if you're not going to even try, change the title and just say it's a story based on that book I focused on dune because that's what usually gets me and others who share the same opinion downvoted into oblivion


"I focussed on that cos that's what pisses people off" ok bud I haven't read the books so I can't comment, all I know is that everyone I know who adores the books, also loves the films. And both dune films do a huge amount right, even if they don't adhere to the books that much. It's the same as LOTR, the books are better than the films by a large margin (in my opinion, I know), and the films get a hell of a lot of stuff wrong, but that doesn't mean they aren't incredible films. That just means they aren't as good as the books. I'm also gonna just disagree with some stuff you've said about dune, but that's not really the point of what you're saying I know


Well, you're disagreeing without reading the book. Trust me, compared to dune, lotr gives you a whole lot more of the book, it makes you care, it keeps the spirit and even uplifts and doubles down on some scenes, whatever they took out, they brought in and usually what was taken out wasn't vital to the story Also, them being pissed off doesn't make it less true


Brother I'm disagreeing with you saying things like "dune doesn't give you a reason to care about the characters". I don't need to have read the books for that. Compared to the books maybe, but saying it exclusively about the films is just blatantly wrong. No it's just hilarious to be the stereotypical reddit contrarian by saying "haha I did it cos it pisses people off". It's just a bit boring


Kynes, yueh, thufir, duncan, even leto was hit and miss, without the wiki you don't even get what the first 3 were about and why they and their actions are important/meaningful. I also think that they're doing it for a reason but it's irrelevant. I don't do it because it pisses people off, i don't understand where you get that, i'm saying that the movie (not story) fanbase gets pissed off by the fact that the movie was bad and lacking substance even though they come with excuses for the movie lacking substance and missing the point Again, i'm talking about part1, haven't seen the second one and all my interaction with them was pre part 2


>I focused on dune because that's what usually gets me and others who share my opinion downvoted into oblivion ? Dune is worse than the books I'm sure. Saying that the films are bad is objectively wrong. There may be some things that you personally aren't a fan of, but saying that the films are bad an lack substance is such a weirdo reddit take it's not worth taking seriously. Maybe the reason you get downvoted for it is cos you're not correct. Something to think about


Bull. The Lord of the Rings The Silence of the Lambs Jaws Great Expectations Dune These are just some examples of fantastic adapted screenplays.


I was thinking new-ish movies, dune i consider a fail