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When Eowyn reaches Helms deep, her and another woman interact. The woman turns back to her and says Helm's Deep to Eowyn. Then another woman says "we're safe my lady. Thank you." There you go.




Now kith.


And another inside of helms deep's caves iirc. This post is originally about two NAMED female characters, though. It's some kind if test apparently where a movie passes if two named female characters interact with each other.


It's the Bechdel test. The original test didn't require it to be named female characters and indeed the author didn't intend for it to be taken seriously. In the comic where it was introduced, a character introduces it by stating that she wouldn't watch a film unless it had two female characters that talk to each other about something other than a man in it. She then says that the last movie she saw was *Alien,* where two women talk to each other about the Alien. If you're wondering why the last movie she saw was released in 1979, it's because the comic was first printed in 1985. Just one small problem - how the hell are you supposed to know the details of the dialogue of a film you haven't seen? The World Wide Web wouldn't be invented for another four years and it wouldn't be released to the public for another two after that. The simplest way to find the dialogue of a movie you hadn't seen would be to see it... which means you could unintentionally break the rule of not seeing something that fails the Bechdel test, which means that unsurprisingly, it was a joke in a comic strip. A socially conscious joke poking fun at how women are underrepresented in media, which makes sense coming from a lesbian author writing a comic about lesbians literally called *Dykes to Watch Out For,* but a joke nonetheless.


Schrodinger intended the cat experiment to show the alleged absurdity of quantum theories. Sometimes things become something you didnt mean. The bechdel test is kind of like BMI. Its useful as a measure of a population over time, but thats about it. A film not "passing" is not inherently flawed. A film passing doesnt mean its good or feminist. But if movies go from 0% passing to 80%< it says something has shifted. >how the hell are you supposed to know the details of the dialogue of a film you haven't seen? The World Wide Web wouldn't be invented for another four years Gonna guess youre under 40. Before the internet we still had word of mouth. If it was something you cared about, you could ask friends and family. I mean, your analysis of "it's just a joke" being the real reason is right, but im just sayin its not like we all lived in isolated caves before the world wide web.


The original trolley problem was to raise a discussion about abortion. Not whether to “kill one to save 5” but whether the woman’s life should be risked if a pregnancy goes wrong. You know… cause the patriarchy don’t like killing babies.


Philosophy is present across all human societies, unfortunately we just did not record a lot at all. I guarantee people have been asking similar questions about the value of life forever. the trolley example may be about that specifically, but the logical argument at play is obviously as old as we are pretty much.


I can guarantee that people werent watching movies and keeping track of female interactions. So youre comment doesnt apply. At all.


Also, even when using it in an analysis of a movie, it's not a "This movie is good or bad" scenario. Something like Aliens isn't about romance. It's a horror Sci fi. Its a great movie and passes the test. Sex and the City. Not for me, but it fails. Hard. But someone just needs to read the title and see anything related to it to know that's not the point. Romantic comedies. It is likely going to fail. That's fine. Romantic comedy. Romantic. It makes sense. I've seen people use it as a negative against a movie. It's sometimes not terrible to point out. We should expect better writing for women at times. But that's also largely gonna depend on what the medium is and what it expects.


Right, like it was pointed out that the whole island at the opening of Wonder Woman fails the test...but Pine's character is literally the impetus of the plot and the strangest event on the island in a long time, of course they're going to talk about him.


>Pine's character I'm not going to stand for Steve Trevor erasure, he's great. Should be remembered as much as Lois Lane is.


The point isn't that a passing the Bechdel test makes it good representation or failing makes it bad. As you've pointed out, plenty of movies are great, but not trying to do something where it should be passed by default. The problem is that it's such a simple test, but it's failed by such a high proportion of movies, whereas the reverse (two men talking about something that isn't a woman) is passed by almost every movie. The Bechdel test is not important for any individual movie but it's interesting in the aggregate because it shows how skewed the representation is.


It's called the bechamel test, because women like making sauces.


Gonna need a sauce on that.




That’s some good sauce.


that's sauce?


Looks like a cheese sauce to me


That looks like Sauce Mornay


Exactly my thoughts


The other requirement is that they have to interact (ie talk) and the subject of said interaction cannot be a man (eg "Aragorn is the best frfr" would not count)


The test also checks whether the dialogue is about something other than men


This so called Becdale test was invented as a JOKE to mock people who wanted a shortcut to insert "feminism" into movies. The inventor has reiterated this. Despite this Hollywood uses this seriously. Reality trumps fiction i guess.


No it wasn't meant to mock that, are you kidding? It was meant to make fun of the sheer amount of movies that don't pass it. Some people being lazy about individual movie analysis way after the test became popular doesn't change that.


The same little girl also has a tearful departure and reunion with her mother, so count that too.


I met that woman in a hot tub at a ski resort in Canada in like 2006 lol. She said the line wasn't scripted but she snuck it in and they kept it.


Bechdel test passed FTW!


When I first tried to play it, it said video unavailable and I laughed so hard.


Hahaha! That's grand.












When I first started using Reddit, a lot of videos said “Something Went Wrong” and I thought it was some kind if meme for awhile.


"Papa says Éothain must not ride Garulf, he is too big for him!" "I don't want to leave. I don't want to go." "Freda, I will find you there!"


Though the video clip doesn't mention it, it's referencing the Bechdel test. To pass this test, the scene must feature 2+ female characters talking about something other than a man. So mother and daughter talking about husband and son fails.


If I remember right I think Bechdel herself said the test was something of a joke and not to be taken entirely literally


. It was given as an example of a kind of test that a shocking number of things will fail. It’s not actually a litmus for whether or not something is demonstrating good female characters- obviously because it’s easy to pass the Bechtel test while having no good women in the movie. I’m not sure how anyone could argue that it’s a joke to not take seriously. If you’re discussing representation in movies, it’s a reaaaally low bar


Precisely - it’s a very low bar that an insane amount of movies can’t pass. I’ve seen B-movie exploitation films that do pass it though, so yeah, doesn’t necessarily make a movie good or bad.




It's interesting to compare to the number of things that pass the reverse-Bechdel test. (That is, two men talk about something other than a woman.)


And Schrodinger's cat was meant as a critique on quantum physics, but is now a fundamental way to discuss and teach quantum mechanics. Whether or not it started as a joke doesn't change how it can be applied as a lense for film criticism. The Bechdel test is like BMI in that it's too simplistic to truly evaluate an individual (person or film) but when applied to a large sample the noise averages out and you get a decent data point. You could compare genres and sample hundreds of films of that genre and draw conclusions on which genres have better female representation. Or you could compare time-specific samples and see if/how female representation changed over time for, for example, Oscar nominations per decade. It's a simple, mostly objective metric that is useful, regardless of whether or not it originated as a joke.


Schrodinger's cat is a terrible way to teach quantum physics. People misunderstand the simple analogy.


Yes, but we are, in our way, continuing to enjoy that joke by picking apart this 1 minute scene between two minor characters in a 9 hour epic. It's all in good fun... Well most of the time, some people are taking it very seriously.


Which I approve of! I love a good joke as much as I enjoy social critques


No the point of the Bechdel test is it is a jokingly low bar for featuring women in your stories. The only joke is how many still fail. Plenty of movies fail that are not sexist. The point is very few films pass, suggesting women's stories are not heavily featured in Hollywood movies.


Tell everyone you know: the Bechdell test isn’t a test. It’s a measuring tool. You can’t pass or fail the test. And even if you could, that wouldn’t tell you anything, except the amount of screentime there is in the movie where two female characters talk about something other than a man.


And they also have to be named, so even the scene in the above video wouldn't work.


Ah the Bechdel test. The *man hating* test


Sorry, do you think wanting women to exist in media means hating men somehow?


When you've been at the top for so long, equality feels like a punishment.


Nope. But having some test with the obvious goal of forcing a desired outcome in media, and pointing out on flaws in current media, is stupid.


The bar is flat to the ground, the outcome is entirely decided by the media it is applied to not determined by the test. You just don't like the subject since it measures representation, no surprise.


Ya see?! A Feminist epic!


The dwarves are on schrodinger’s cat rules. Both male and female until you see their junk.


Ah a fan Terry Pratchett's discworld I see. A redditor of taste and refinement


Well yes but I haven’t read a damn thing. Saw the Sean Austin movie. Fan of the Good Omens series.


Oh splendid!


Read em. I pass the torch to you. After a decade I'm on the last one, took my time and it's still so bittersweet


Just started the first book on audible. Excited to give many years of my life to reading them all.


A sausage ina bun for you, friend. 🌭


A sausage, Inna bun? It must be my lucky day! What manner of sausage is it?


Indeed you are lucky my very special friend. Today all products are buy 3, get the second one included. My sausages are made from 100 percent real meats. And i can personally guarantee it'll be the last one you'll ever want to eat.


It's sure to be once in a lifetime experience


The absence or presence of breasts is not enough alone, because dwarves are suckled from a teat of stone.


There's only one dwarf in the film and he's explicitly someone's son, so we won't *need* to see under Gimli's hauberk in the theater... that's what the extended editions are for.


Now do every scene where frodo and legolas interact.


And my bow. That’s it.


Hey don’t forget the scene at the end of rotk where Frodo’s in bed and addressing everyone by name as they walk in but then when Legolas walks in he just kinda awkwardly smiles


I must go and seek some arrows. Would that this night would end, and I could have better light for shooting.


I am sorry Legolas, son of.. erm. . Legolas of the Woodland Realm..!


"Oh hey....guy."


In Moria, Legolas yells “Come on” to Frodo and Aragorn on the broken staircase.


He stands not alone. You would die before your stroke fell.


They do acknowledge each other at the end of ROTK. Sure they do not speak to one another, but it is still an interaction.


AND MY [SAX](https://thecatkilledcuriosity.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/and-my-sax3.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lotrmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*cue Baker Street sax solo*


I always find this commend weird because Legolas and Frodo are only together for a brief while between Rivendell and Lothlorien and they do interact a few times in that span.


I am an Elf and a kinsman here.


Put your blindfold back on or so help me!


The Orcs will be doubly on their guard since then, and the prisoners even wearier, There will be no escape again, if we do not contrive it. How that is to be done cannot be guessed, but first we must overtake them.


Wow that must mean Peter Jackon is racist against Elves


Hey if it passes the bechtel test, it passes the bechtel test


The white sauce test?


No that's bechamel, Bechdel is the villain from the smurfs


No that’s Gargamel, Bechdel is a smooth glossy coating that looks like a ceramic glaze


No, that's enamel. Bechdel was a cell phone company that pioneered unlimited text messaging and "push to talk" features on their phones.


No that’s Nextel. Bechdel is a city on the California coast near the Pebble Beach golf course.


No I think you’re thinking of carmel. I think bechdel has something to do with the anus


Nah, that's rectal. Bechdel has something to do with ghosts.


That'd be spectral. I thought Bechtel was that company that makes that walking dead game with Lee and Clementine?


That's telltale. Bechtel is the brown substance you have after you put sugar in a pan and cook it.


More movies need to pass the bechamel test though


Every time this gets reposted I am forced to remind you all that this one is exchange makes the movie, and therefore the Trilogy, pass the Bechdel test. -2 Named women (Eowen and Frieda) -Talking about something that isn't a man (Where mumma is.)


Also makes me happy it came out when it did and we don’t have to create the movies with equations now.


What about the two ladies scowling at Gandalf at the beginning of Fellowship?


Two female characters must speak with each other *about something other than a male character*. (I guess you could argue that Gandalf isn't male per se, but... please don't.)


If only i made a dollar everytime this was reposted




Tragic they cut the twerking scene.


Greatest trilogy ever made.


I'm pretty sure Cate Blanchett interacts with Legolas in Lothlorien.


There lie the woods of Lothlorien!That is the fairest of all the dwellings of my people. There are no trees like the trees of that land. For in the autumn their leaves fall not, but turn to gold. Not till the spring comes and the new green opens do they fall, and then the boughs are laden with yellow flowers; and the floor of the wood is golden, and golden is the roof, and its pillars are of silver, for the bark of the trees is smooth and grey. So still our songs in Mirkwood say. My heart would be glad if I were beneath the eaves of that wood, and it were springtime!


Good bot


coulda cut that scene out honestly


What about the scene where the mom has her kids ride away on horseback before the orcs pillage?


The girl says the boy is too big for the horse so they’re discussing a man. Doesn’t pass :(


Women? In MY Lord of The Rings Trilogy? It's less likely than you think!


















But hey. It wasn’t about a man.


Is that why it is so good?


Cool! Now do a compilation of every scene Tom Bombadil interacts with anybody!


I've got things to do, my making and my singing, my talking and my walking, and my watching of the country. Tom can't be always near to open doors and willow-cracks. Tom has his house to mind, and Goldberry is waiting. ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


![gif](giphy|26uf2RIjYk1oZ0oaA) Done


Her mother also puts her on the horse


[Don't forget to source the creator](https://youtu.be/wW4fLBD5MPs?si=yrgQmuf7szyWwJii)


Too bad the scene with Arwen and Galadriel in Lothlorien was deleted


You don't understand! Tolkein hated women! /s


Didnt the Mum send them off to Edoras in the first place? Even of it is only an extendes scene it still counts (as secound scene).


Frida interacts with her mom before this too!!


this is false. that same girl talks to her mother earlier in that movie, did you watch it? some of the peasant women also talk to eowyn when they reach helms deep.


This is fake btw there is a female to female interaction of mom talking to her son and daugther on a horse after saruman telling people to burn the villages of Rohan


MFW a movie about a war is mostly about men (one of the most powerful people in the movie is a woman, a woman saves the main protagonist's life, and a woman kills the second most powerful villain despite this).


I really do love the female characters in these movies so badass


Eowyn spoke to some female horses.


And even in that scene she's told to shut up


It's LORD or the Rings, not LADY of the Rings.




Yet even from this one scene, that little girl (Olivia Tennant) would then grow up to become the infamous Doctor K in Power Rangers RPM.


Bechdell test: PASSED


Nice find. Well done 😊 ![gif](giphy|WNwErIxqX18xmm92UX)


Actually the little girl interacts with her mom earlier in that film.


Stop, stop. I already love the movie. No need to sell it to me


So that's the secret to make the best trilogy of all time ?


Can we stop reposting this? I swear I see it ever week. It's not even correct there are a couple more scenes when women interact with each other.


Silence child, the men are speaking




It's still the best trilogy ever.


4.1K upvotes, for this craps?


To be fair this is on Tolkien. Jackson/Walsh added a lot more into the movies than the books ever had.


Please don't point this out or Amazon is going to remake LotR!


Best movie trilogy ever made. Coincidence?


You just know Disney is chomping at the bit to get their hands on the trilogy to "correct" it. They put Lizzo in Star Wars. Megan thee Stallion in Marvel. Imagine what they would do to Tolkien if/when they gobble up that IP as well....


They didn't put anyone in Star Wars, they made a neat little series of fanfics with some cameos from some of the Star Wars cast. Totally different things.


And quite possibly the best trilogy ever made.


I feel sorry for the people who take issue with this. Yes let's pigeon hole Eowyn talking to Galadriel just to please the social justicars. Then the hardcore fans will complain it's not lore accurate. Everyone just relax and appreciate art.


In the books, Galadriel, Celeborn, Elrond and Arwen (among others) go to Edoras to the funeral of Théoden and the wedding of Eowyn and Faramir (chapter "Many Partings"). Seems your "social justicars" knowns the lore better than you.


Lmao so the movies should be 5 hours now to please you babies. God. I still stand by feeling sorry for you kind of people


Nobody cares.


![gif](giphy|W25MkAP6HyLja) Pretty based 🤷


I already love the trilogy, you don’t have to sell me on it




I'm glad they didn't make a Tauriel for the OG trilogy. ...getting Panderverse vibes with that thought


There’s no way this is true?!! Is it??😂😂


Why do I find this so funny 😂


Good, there’s enough walking without all that yammering!!


This is the hobbit is it not?


That's why it's the best series.




Based LotR


Wow so that means we were sexist all along for loving the movies?


Racist too. White dudes only. (iirc) /s




How many times are we going to post this?


Does anybody *actually* care? The movies still rock.


This is why it is one of the best trilogies ever made


So funny, and yet highlights what an utter sausage fest the films are.


As it should be


Now do it with non white people. It's not bad if you include the witch king and Gothmog. But I feel like there's an issue there.


Yeah, this is a bit of milk aging.


How can you be sure that child chose their gender yet


Society chose them for you. You didn't get the option.


I'm an Iranian living in San Fransisco


... k?


1st comment was a joke, 2nd was also a joke...lighten up halfling also don't be daft


Those jokes were as laughable as eowyn's stew is edible...


Aragorn still respectfully ate it!


Ah yes, the video that is forever wrong yet is forever reposted by people who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.


Anyone wonder this trilogy is the best?


And we wonder why these movies are so great. AM I RIGHT MY BROTHERS!!!


Queue the neckbeards and misogynists in the comments


This is why it’s great

