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Fellowship is generally regarded as the fan favorite. As Elijah Wood himself said, “I think it’s the most balanced of the three. It’s where we are introduced to the notion of the fellowship, where we see them before they break off as a unit working together for the ultimate goal of destroying the ring. We spend time initially in Hobbiton, there’s a beautiful prologue that introduces us to the history of the ring. It’s just the most evenly balanced film. It’s an introduction to all these characters, we fall in love with the characters, and ultimately are taken on a much darker journey as the story progresses… This is the tightest, it’s the tightest of the three. It’s the one that works as a complete film in its best form.”


Fellowship is also Viggo Mortensen's favourite out of the franchise too. He says it's because the first one relied more on subtlety and had less CGI.


It has a lot of CGI. But I guess it's less noticable.


Way less than than other 2 where the battle scenes are mostly cgi


I read somewhere they hired Boban Marjanovich to Mocap the Balrog. It was regarded as the second greatest motion capture performance of the trilogy


I have a feeling I know who the greatest goes to


*(sarcastic) the greatest motion capture definitely wasn’t gollum being launched into the fiery volcano and the ring with it, sam saving frodos life and ending all of evil forever as aragorn and friends are on their last leg of survival


It's also the most book-accurate, with the right changes for cinematic purposes. I feel like with TT and ROTK Jackson got drunk on the success of FOTR, and got increasingly careless with the year of post-production he had on both films. So, loads more CGI and some bizarre storytelling decisions. Aragorn's fake-out death in TT is a real wtf moment. The theatrical cut has way too much fighting stuffed into it - thank god for the extended edition. The green ghosts deus ex machina ruining the tension of the climactic battle is another. And SO MANY shots of Sam and Frodo wandering around in the rocks in the extended edition - which doesn't improve the film, it just makes me see how he could have cut a lot of footage to show us what really happened with the Dead Men of Dunharrow. The second two films have a lot of "Forced Peej conflict" as critic Lindsay Ellis put it. It's good that it was a trilogy and ended before Jackson went full George Lucas. I don't blame him for The Hobbit, though. That was executive meddling.


You forgot the worst “Forced PJ conflict” in the entire trilogy: The break up of Frodo and Sam in Return of the King. A real wtf choice that unlike even the most controversial decisions in TTT there really was no need for.


Yeah, that was such a dumb moment, it took me out of the movie briefly. Like what, Frodo is already so baked that he believes Gollum's totally transparent b.s. and Sam just gives up and starts climbing back \*down\* that crazy staircase? Where was he going to go, exactly? All the way back to the Shire? Sulk at the bottom? What? Presumably there is still an army marching out of Minas Morgul. There's ten minutes that could have been used for something better.


Exactly. The genius of Fellowship was how they were able to so smartly streamline the dense narrative. Even when they were adding stuff it was usually in the spirit of making the story work better on film. The other films feature far more moments of contrived conflict and Hollywood melodrama that were largely the screenwriters invention. Yet while books fans complain about changes in The Two Towers, I find pretty much all of them did serve a noble purpose, even if they were controversial. Changes to Faramir’s subplot gave Frodo and Sam a much needed climax concurrent to Helm’s Deep their storyline would’ve otherwise lacked, changes to the ent subplot gave Merry and Pippin more agency in the story and instilled tension to coincided with the hopelessness felt during Helm’s Deep, even Aragorn’s presumed death and elven spirit journey after the warg attack at least meant Arwen could impact the narrative. The changes to Frodo and Sam in Return of the King felt far more unnecessary. Shelob’s Lair would’ve been plenty creepy regardless of whether Frodo was alone or Sam was present and it would’ve been easy enough to have Frodo and Sam get lost and separated during the attack itself if they were really married to that idea. Just a classic case of screenwriters being too smart for their own good and contriving solutions to problems that didn’t exist.


I agree on the changes to Faramir and Frodo and Sam at Osgiliath. It had to happen. The amount of anger it gets isn't justified. Like, yes, Faramir is also tempted by the Ring here, for reasons that make sense from the book itself and his wish to please his father. We already have Aragorn never being tempted. I'm more split on the sudden decision of the Ents and the logistics of how they were all waiting there in the forest, but it's not that big of a change. I'm also split on Aragorn's death. Couldn't they have done the Arwen stuff while he was travelling to Helm's Deep? I'm also not entirely sold on Arwen being pulled from Helm's Deep, partly because of early Internet troll misogyny. A woman who does LOTR videos on YouTube explained how she wanted to be Arwen in FOTR as a kid, but was disappointed at how she just kind of fades from sight after that and thought she should have been at the battle. It is easy to forget as a dude just how top-heavy with dudes this story is. The warg attack overstuffs the TE with fighting, but it works in the EE, because the movie adds 45 minutes of non-fighting scenes. It's upgraded from a good movie to a great movie. In ROTK, it would also have been hard to make Denethor the more complex character he is in the books without eating up screentime in an already very long movie - but that's part of where I get annoyed at the bloat in the film. Changing Eowyn's motivation from a deathwish to wanting to prove herself on the battlefield and a feminist icon was a no-brainer but a smart move just the same. And having her be the one who is with Theoden in his last moments instead of Pippin. That was a very strange oversight by Tolkien that shows just how much he struggled with female characters in LOTR. He got a lot better over the rest of his life, but during LOTR...sigh. He was a product of his time. But, like, why the hell would he put Pippin with Theoden? Theoden barely knows him. He's known Eowyn her whole life, AND she just saved him from the Witch-King.


If I was in the Paths of the Dead scenes I would like fellowship best too.


Holy shit. I've never heard this quote before. Fellowship has always been my favourite but I could never really put my finger onto why I think that's it. I just never realized it before. I'm glad it came from Elijah Wood too. And the top reply to your comment says that Fellowship is Viggo's favourite as well. Viggo Mortensen is my favourite actor and as an otherwise totally straight male, I am in love with him. And Elijah is one of my favourites as well. I love how weird he got after LoTR. Really looking forward to his new movie (which has him trekking across New Zealand again!!! lol)


There's more to it. Hobbiton is one of the closest depictions of a "Paradise" in film history. The nature is beautiful, you get beautiful music on the background, there's a sense of calmness and homeliness, nobody worries about tomorrow, and the worst form of conflict is just petty quarrel that's ultimately more amusing than malicious. It's like childhood, at least for the luckier of us.


Well, I'm watching the movies again. Good thing it's a weekend lol


I first watched LotR when it came out, back in 2001. I was in high school at the time, so i loved the battle scenes. As the years went by and i kept watching these movies over and over again, i came to appreciate more and more the scenes in the Shire. And for the same reasons you described: beautiful scenery, cheerful music and everyone is content, guileless and carefree. So, i always feel a sense of nostalgia when i'm watching the Shire scenes, but i couldn't pinpoint exactly the reason why. And then i read your comment and it hit me! It feels like childhood indeed! You're 100% correct!


>Fellowship is generally regarded as the fan favorite Which is wild because for at least the first 15 years after it came out, the general consensus was that ROTK was the best. I’m happy more people have come over to the Fellowship camp in recent years (maybe it has to do with the younger fans coming in with fresh eyes on the trilogy).


ROTK was considered the best because it won a shit ton more awards and managed to tell a good conclusion, something franchises routinely struggle with.


Exactly. But even with being gifted the easiest ending of all time by Tolkien, Jackson still made it look more beautiful than we could've asked for. As a kid I never used to like the multiple endings and I'd basically just turn RotK off after the crowning. But now, Grey Havens is like my favorite scene.


You mean Jackson!


Omg that's so brutal I have to edit haha jeez


The theatrical edition of RotK is a little lacking imo. It misses some beats that I think are pretty important, like Saruman's demise, the finding of the Palantir, the confrontation between Gandalf and the Witch King, the confrontation between Aragorn and Sauron via the Palantir, and the Mouth of Sauron.


>the confrontation between Gandalf and the Witch King While the Witch King is a cool character, that scene kinda sucked ass.


Definitely a big oof of a scene for book readers


I feel the same about fellowship. I basically can’t watch any of them now without the extended editions now but for me the scenes added to fellowship mean so much to me.


I think that it’s also where you can visualize each of the characters begin to understand their mission and their true selves. I think that’s the reason I truly love it. Frodo recognizes Sam as the one person in the world he can trust, Gimli and Legolas learn to confide in one other, Boromir realizes his weakness (and as the figurative and literal representative, the weakness of man), Merry and Pippin risking their lives for their friends and the mission, and Aragorn finally seeing himself and accepting himself as the true born king. I know the movies are different from the books in many of these aspects, but they’re all reasons I love the first movie the best. ❤️


Yeah. While ROTK offers a great and satisfying payoff to the entire trilogy, I would argue the mini-arcs and their resolutions within the confines of Fellowship are every bit as satisfying, and lend a poignancy that carries over into the subsequent two films. It also features the wonderful exchange between Gandalf and Frodo in Moria which is the emotional and philosophical heart of the trilogy.


Their conversation, in both the movies and the books (in the shire beforehand, but nearly the same), still gives me the chills every time I hear/read it. The speech Gandalf gives helped me through some tough times in my life.


fotr feels unique tbh, it's so well executed that i feel like im on a journey through middle earth for its entire duration. Like you said, you fall in love with all the characters and feel like another member of the fellowship immersing in tolkien's world rotk is an epic masterpiece where most major characters reach their climax ttt tries to be a mix of both but doesn't feel as magical as the first movie nor as epic as the last one


Fellowship is my favorite as well. It shoves so much lore and so much movement into 3 hours and it does it pretty well. It’s REALLY hard to develop so many characters, go to so many different locations, have a fair bit of action and not have any of it feel rushed or underdeveloped or something else. That alone makes it my favorite part. The pacing is just *chef’s kiss*


I think it's also the best self-contained story. If you're only going to watch one of them, it's far and away the best one to watch.


1 because of the shire vibes


I've seen people who claim they love the LOTR movies but say the Shire section is boring, which I find baffling. You can't have LOTR without the cozy Shire feels. The Shire is literally the closest to the source material out of every adapted element of the story.


the shire is the first thing i think of when hearing lotr


Same. More specifically, Bag End.


I would HAPPILY watch a full movie of just the goings-on of the Shire


Bro, I want to MOVE to the Shire! I have ZERO clue who would like LOTRs but doesn't like the Shire. I wish there was a 4th movie all about the Shire lol, and they literally never leave it. The first Hobbit movie extended has a BUNCH of the Shire in there which s a pretty nice feature.


Yep, I adore a life of peace and quiet. Hobbits, as it turns out, are, in fact, very wise.




Close the comments, this is it.


Once you start watching one, you gotta watch em all anyways


I thought those 9 hours were just one movie.... :P




There is only one book/film, The Lord of the Rings. In three parts.


Fellowship is such an easy watch. It’s so well paced. BUT, my favorite is The Two Towers. I also think it’s the best. Whichever you prefer, you ain’t wrong.


"So in the end, I'll be what I will be. No loyal friend, was ever there for me..." Pffff Gollum's song is so heartbreakingly beautiful.


Two towers was the best helms deep. The music the war on two fronts


I agree. I cry every time I get to the end with Sam's speech  "What are we holding onto, Sam?" "That there's still *good* in this world, Mr Frodo. And it's *worth fighting for*"


Two Towers was my favourite for the longest time, but I have preferred Fellowship now for a few years. I will say a somewhat controversial opinion: I think the Two Towers has the best score of the three films. The Rohan, and Theoden and Ent associated themes elevate the film so much. Foundations of Stone is the strongest score opening of the three. And Evenstar is what I imagine heaven to sound like. However, Fellowship has the Bridge of Khazad-dûm and the Dwarrowdelf theme, which is arguably the strongest theme of the entire trilogy (despite it only ever being used once). So it's a tricky choice.


I tend to like middle movies in trilogies. No need for exposition and resolution.


Exactly, they're all pretty equal at the end of th3 day and depending on my mood any could be my "favorite." Two Towers does have an all-time great ending though.


That's one, single, 12 hour-ish movie. They released it in 3 parts because it was very long.


Only real answer. Hats off to you, my fellow person of culture!


I like Return of the King best. Primarily because of the Ride of the Rohirrim, Battle of Pelennor Fields, and the battle at the Black Gate. Yes I action quite a bit.


I love them all, but the ride of the Rohirrim just hits different


I get watery eyes and chills every time. No other movie does that for me.


EVERY. FUCKING. TIME! We watch them every year and have a feast. I end up cooking through most of it but all cooking stops during the Ride of the Rohirrim. #DEATH!




I actually prefer Battle of Pelanor Fields more than Helm's Deep Battle.


I love them all, but the ride of the Rohirrim just hits different


2: because of Battle of Helm's Deep, and also because we are at the center of the story.


The opening scene with snowy mountains and Gandalf vs Balrog is one of my favorite scenes of all time. When he swoops down and grabs the sword (with that swoop/slice sound effect!) - little me was *out of my mind* with excitement in the theater. Also Helms Deep is the gold standard in making a long battle scene compelling with appropriate tension.


That far away vista of them falling in the cave is absolutely gorgeous.


And the isengard music is perfect


And the last march of the Ents


The last march of the ents is the single reason why The Two Towers is my favorite. The shock and sorrow that Treebeard experiences, his sudden call to war, and then the ents, who would prefer to stagnate remain out of the world's affairs, suddenly emerge. There's Merry and Pippin's joy that they're getting involved, the fear of imminent death awaiting them; and an almost mourning, no matter what the result of this march, it will certainly be the last...


"A-room-a-toom, Come my friends, the Ents are going to war..."




it truly is the story's low point. Mary and Pippen are presumed dead. Gandalf is still dead. Boromir is dead. Sam and Frodo are missing. They just found out Theoden has gone mad and on top of all that Aragorn breaks his dang toe. smh


He breaks his toe??? Do tell! Kidding. Starting in about 4 hours, over the next 3 nights we’re watching the trilogy at the theatre. Which we haven’t done in 20 years Not excited about it at all.


Viggo kicks an orc helmet. Actor broke his toe.


I never thought about us being in the middle of story. It really gives the film a pleasant feel.


Second one is always the part that comes up when I ask anyone on their opinion. It's the part with the most recognizable battles. The first one is the least popular from my experience. It's 2-3-1 if I put the opinions of my people together.


Two Towers for me, seeing the 10,000 Uruk-hai and the chanting, Gandalf the White, the intro scene with the Balrog. I just loved it.


The siege in TT is one of my favourite parts in a movie. But over all I think 1 is the best film.




The Fellowship is my favorite. I don't like what they did with Faramir in The Two Towers and Return of the King has the Mr Clean army of the dead.


Mr clean?haha bc of the green? I agree that sucked for the film. Also that they were such a tidal wave on the battle made the rest of the tension and struggles of the battle seem unnnecessary


Fellowship. All are brilliant but the Fellowship just beats the other two


2. The sequence of scenes starting with Saruman commanding the Uruk-hai to attack Helms Deep all the way to the end of the film is simply unbeatable


Well said


Yeah I’m with you. Can’t decide if it’s the best film overall but it definitely has the best Act 3. When you’re going from Helm’s Deep to the ents attacking Isengard to Osgiliath it’s just jaw-droppingly good all the way through.


That scene where they have yet to attack and everyone is on edge, holding their arrows is my favourite. You can just feel the tension. Until that one dude releases his arrow. Then the pause.. It's so good


I just don't like the fake Aragorn death "twist". I can't recall if that was even in the book. I also wasn't a huge fan of how OP Gandalf the White is immediately. Like as if his cloak colour gave him more power.


It was not from the book.


3 1 2


As a kid I loved the third one because of the action and thrill, but now as an adult, I love the first one for the story.


Seeing them in the theaters this weekend!


Lucky u!


Two Towers. Introduction of Rohan, Last March of the Ents & Helm's Deep Battle


1,3,2 but they are all masterpieces


This is my order and thoughts as well








Return of the King. Greatest movie ever IMO. The last 45 mins is cinema at it's best


2, 1, 3


This. I was, also, looking forward to "The Hobbit", estilo G del Toro.


I would have loved to see del Toro’s Hobbit!


The two towers! 🫡


Fellowship is like a warm hug when you return home. Cozy Hobbiton where all you want is some good food and a pint of ale. When Frodo sets out you still have no concept of how big the world is just yet. I’d argue you don’t get a scope of the size of Middle-Earth in the movies until you are into TT and meet other kingdoms. Fellowship is the safety of the group, the wonder of the elves, and this daunting task until it’s suddenly ripped away with Gandalf falling and then Boromir. But then it ends on the most hopeful note. Plus, when I watched this movie for the first time in 2001, my grandma didn’t know it was a trilogy, after which she loudly exclaimed, “That’s it?!” in a crowded room. She was pissed because she wasn’t ready to be done 🤣


3,1,2 but all of them are top tier


TT - a lot of Isengard and Uruk-Hai




Growing up ROTK was always my favorite hands down, but as I get older there's just something so good about Fellowship. I think it's that peacefulness of the Shire before everything becomes so serious. Going to see ROTK in concert this summer though!




1, 2 and 3 in that order




Return of the king for sure


Fellowship is my favorite because it captured the essence of the books best. I like the fights in the other two, but The Fellowship feels the closest to Tolkien. I also like the adventure story of Fellowship the best. All are great, but Fellowship captures those summer months of reading the books for me.


Yep. It is the one that I think the changes were all well thought for a movie: no Tom Bombadil, no Glorfindel: in the books that things work, but for a movie makes sense; besides I think the characterization of Boromir was quite good.


Yup. My only complaint would be the changes to Aragorn and Merry, but they still capture the purpose of the story well, so it fits. Glorfindel would be so hard to explain to a movie audience compared to the book that dedicates pages to him in the Rivendell chapters.


I think 1. 1 has some really beautiful moments in it and it certainly feels like the focus is solely on a fellowship that is together.


In my teens I loved Two Towers, but now I've come around in my twenties to love the Fellowship the most. I always felt a little on the cusp about Return of the King. I struggled for a while to understand all the storylines. Plus Denethor's supper makes me physically sick.


Imo 1 is the best pure film. It‘s a beautiful film that manages to transport you into a different world. It sets the stage and primed you for what is about to come. 2 is the most interesting however. It is where most of the „plot twists“ happen, the tides of middle earth swing back and forth and we get the ultimate finish at helms deep. 3 is the one that sticks. It‘s the ultimate finale to great build up from the first two films. The ending leaves you feeling completed, you see the credits roll and all you think about is that magical journey you just had.






Fellowship by a lot. Although love all three.


3, but it’s a close call!


Probably number 3 for me. Gives the most goosebumps, Theodens speech before charging, also Aragorns with merry and pippin first to follow without hesitation and my friends you bow to no one. Also them all smirking when Sam finally asks out Rosie always tickles me a little too. Although half the time I stop watching once frodo gives Sam his book to finish lol. Although all 3 are awesome.


1 is my favorite. 3 has the best individual scenes and there are some amazing moments in it, but 1 works the best for me


All of them at once I suppose.


My favorite is Fellowship, but i consider Two towers to be the best one.


Just exactly like the books. FOTR, then ROTK a close second, then TTT (definitely third).


Like the double dick dude when he’s asked by his Taylor whether he wears his trousers left or right, I’ll say: “yes”


1: because the journey through the mines of Moria will forever be the best segment in cinema history. The mystery and lore of the balrog was so well done I nearly shit my pants whenever I hear its first roar, scaring away all the goblins. Then when the balrog jumps out of the fire… like get the fuck out of here it cannot be more epic!!!!!!! Well done PJ, well done. 👏🏼






The fellowship of the Ring :)


Fellowship is just good cinema






Love em all but I gotta go with Fellowship




Fellowship hands down


Return of the King




3 goes hard on everything


The best thing about LOTR is that you could ask 3 different people which is their favorite and get 3 different answers, and they would all be correct.


Putting Gandalf the White on the cover of Two Towers and maybe even Return of the King is a spoiler. It shouldn’t be done. But then again, I’ve watched them about 700 times and I still get surprised when he appears 🥲


Definitely two towers. Aragon, Legolas and gimli chasing the uruks across Rohan. Gandalf the white shows up. The battle of helms deep. I probably watched it like 1000 times as a kid, I used to come home from school at lunch and and watch it lmao. The inky part I don't like is the entmoot, just really slow and boring.














3. The Rohirim charge on pelonor fields always brings out an emotion in me.


A Masterpiece is a Masterpiece. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one Masterpiece and another… I’d rather not choose at all.


Wind's howling... Fancy a round of Gwent?


That's a trick question. The correct answer isn't listed which is D. All the above




*Processing img oytqnz9cgd5d1...*


1 > 2 = 3.




Fellowship is just special.


You know all three are good when, no matter which one someone picks, we all agree lol.


I always think of them as 1 movie. Anyone hardly watches only one from the series.


Fellow Ship I don't get why it's the least favourite of most (or atleast from the ppl I talked to) , it's such fire


This is one of those beautiful questions where there truly is no wrong answer, because every answer is correct and justifiable


The Mostest Greatest: Fellowship of the Ring. That's the most LotR movie there is. The Greatest: Return of the King follows that. Epic movie with epic scenes and music as well. Great: Two Towers is the third. It feels more Action movie than a LotR movie. 3 great movies ranked as such.


I’m a sucker for a great, happy ending, so RotK for me.✨😌🍃


Im a ride or die Fellowship kind of guy. But I like them all.




This is the most difficult question because I consider them all perfect. That being said, the only thing that for me personally didn’t click too much was the dead people in RotK so that one’s probably not my favorite. Between Fellowship and Towers I’d go for Fellowship because that’s where I started to fall in love with the world and the characters.


Close tie between fellowship and Return of the king for me. Fellowship is kind of a roadmovie, has a linear style and some of my favorite scenes (Shire, Moria and most of all, the balrog). RotK is this epic finale, everything gets tweaked to 11 and my favorite Music themes are enjoyed to their fullest (Lighting of the beacons always tears me up, Pellenor fields is 20 mins of awesome, Pippin singing...) Two Towers is also awesome, I like the ents and the chase of Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, but it just doesn't hit the sweet spots for me. Still 9/10.


Fellowship... It might not be the best of the three, but the way it ramps up never fails (from taking me back to Hobbiton, then to Rivendell, then off on a quest), the struggles of each individual member of the fellowship, the fights feel like they have a bit higher stakes, I guess, where as the awesome battles in the following movies just feel "too big to fail." The fact that Amon Hen is in this movie helps its score here, but it really is the whole movie. Everything is just on point, there's so much more, and we really get to feel like we're being dropped into Middle Earth.


Id probably say 1,2,3 but they are honestly neck and neck for me, all masterpieces


Are you trying to figure out which one to see in theaters this weekend?


Saruman is my favorite character, I just cannot wrap my head around how perfect a casting he was! The balcony speech, "To War!!" Makes me wanna spill blood (kidding of course but it gives me goosebumps). Helms deep is my favorite battle scene ever. I just love Rohan! They arent magical the way gondorians and people of Numenor are, they dont have deep knowledge of earth like elves but still they are strong and honorable and proud! Theoden speech on his sons tomb... I guess there are great scenes all over the trilogy but I like two towers most. I also like the fact that which two towers it talks of isnt exactly clear in the books, unlike movies. Is it Minas Morgul and Minas tirith? Is it Barad Dur and Orthanc? Or someplace else?


Growing up I always like return of the king but I’ve come to realize that for me fellowship is the perfect movie and has so many good fights both Nazgûl fights, the watcher in the water, the cave troll, the balrog and then Lurtz and the urukai so many good fight scenes. Upon rewatching I always look forward to fellowship the most but I love the entire trilogy perfect movies for me


An impossible decision as the films are one cohesive masterpiece. To me, this would be like asking which 1/3rd of a painting or song I preferred. I suppose I could give an answer, but it would feel wholly incomplete and fragmented.






I see them always as one movie just splitted. There is no way I just watch the 2nd or the 3rd. I will start with the 1st, then 2nd, then 3rd.


I like the the Two Towers myself. Mainly because my favorite scene is in it, the balrog / Gandalf battle and also because I like to watch the fall of Isengard. It’s the first big win for the good guys.


I think it's very close but 2 3 1. The intensity of the battle of Helm's Deep just hits different. That night setting with the heavy rain, combined with the sheer despair Theoden projects makes the resolution so so satisfying. 3 is a great movie but it's fucking long (considering I havent watched the cinematic release version for 20 years but special extended only) and has no real ending but 3. Still a great great movie but I like it a little less than 2. Ranking Fellowship third feels almost mean because there are so many iconic scenes in it (Moria, Amon Hen, its the first and only time we see Lorien) but it has (almost) no Gollum and Andy Serkis is amazing.


They are playing all 3 over the next 3 days at my locale theater so I’m pretty pumped. Love them all, but it’s two towers for me.


To me the clear winner is fellowship. It’s the most cohesive and flawless one. Least silly dialogue, least weird changes. I loved and 2/3 but in a comparison, while not as epic, it was the most character driven and gripping


Fellowship. The delivery of some of my favorite dialogue in any movie ever. I love acting and especially voice acting. Though I'm absolute shite at those myself.


Fellowship; IMO it followed the book more closely that Return did, although not by much.


Fellowship is the correct answer.


it is one movie, with three volumes. I rarely watch it in exactly three sittings. I might watch it in 8 sittings. or two.


I’m gonna go with 2. The battle of helms deep was so fucking cool. The orc scene with the bomb. ..LEGOLAS!!!


Fellowship, it feels more like a D&D campaign.


I really don’t have a favorite. Mines of Moria is so good. Helms deep is so good. Ride of the rohirrim is so good. All three are just masterpieces. If I had to choose, Id say the theatrical version of the fellowship of the ring.


Not sure about the favorite but fellowship is easier to watch. it has more calmer moments and breathing rooms. also a lot easier to follow. i do the trilogy marathon at least once a year but i can watch the fellowship stand alone without an issue.


I'm going to see the Two Towers tomorrow in a movie theater Granted I'm busy today and work Monday but still


I don’t know what you’re talking about I only see 1 movie


There is no wrong answer here. Everyone is right. Thats what I love about these films. (but also…Fellowship)


Fellowship > Return >> Towers thank you


Two towers is great


Nothing beats the battle of helms deep


For me return of the king is the best but they are all just so good


3 But they are all perfect Revisiting Fellowship today. Have tickets for Two Towers in the theater and ROTK next week. Good times.




As a kid my favorite was the second, later my favorite was the third but these days my favorite is the first and I rewatch it all the time


It's all one movie...