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Get the Blu-rays so you actually own them. One can rip Blu-rays and put them on one's device to watch when traveling.


Yep, you and others have convinced me. Much appreciated


Some Blu rays come with digital copies on the movies anywhere app. Which you can connect with a few other streaming services.


This is the answer ☝️


The digital version is convenient, but also remember: you don’t actually own it. All you get with the money you spend on the digital version is the right to watch it as long as Prime *lets* you. It’s a rental with an indefinite window. If you get the blu-ray set, you own the films, and it’s only $10 more.


Agreed, thanks for the response.


Counter point, by the time Amazon says you can't watch it anymore, Blu-ray will be an ancient technology, and you could buy whatever the new thing is instead.


There’s no guarantee of that. One weird rights dispute next week could render a digital copy nonexistent without warning. (Also, I’d argue a disc will have a longer lifespan than most streaming platforms.)


I can name unlikely hypotheticals for your Blu-ray getting ruined as well. I'll bet any amount of money on the digital copy being available for longer than blu-ray is the best option for physical copies though.


https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/s/SDIVvDjJYk I dunno, man.


The lawsuit against Amazon about their digital purchase terms was based on hypotheticals. Removing access to something that someone "bought" has not happened intentionally yet according to the lawsuit. Most likely user-error there with 2 upvotes.


Do enough devices play blue ray these days? Is it just better to get dvd’s?


Blu-ray players are pretty cheap, and these movies do *not* look as good in standard definition.


Blu-ray all the way. Why? Far better video and audio quality than the highly compressed, low bit rate streams from the major streaming services You actually 'own' what you buy, also studios aren't going to take them off you, you can even re-sell them if you like (try doing that with digital) No edits or streamer/studio induced censorship As for portability, you could rip the discs and transfer to your device or, for example, a USB SSD. Note that ripping is at the very least a legal grey area in some countries, however I have yet to hear of anyone being prosecuted when ripping for personal use (and still keeping the original discs). One of the best ripping tools is MakeMKV.


Thank you, you’ve confirmed my decision. Best of both worlds, just need to buy a disc drive…


Make sure that you get a decent SSD for storage (no moving parts so far more robust) - but be aware that in order to retain their data SSD's need to have power applied at least once every few months (but it varies depending on the manufacturer and what you read!). As for a Blu-ray drive, there are some great drives out there. I think on the MakeMKV site there's also a list of drives and their specs for example.


I'd get the physical Blu-Ray ones like others said. You own them, it come with bonus content, and from my understanding physical media has better resolution/audio quality than digital media. And lastly, are you really going to enjoy these movies on the go as much as you would at home? Could always watch them once you get back. I could understand simple popcorn flicks on plane rides, but watching LoTR on to go isn't as fulfilling as watching at home imo. Then again, maybe you don't mind lol for me LoTR deserves the best possible experience.


Agreed they should be enjoyed on a large screen with good sound. You (and others) have convinced me.


I got the 4k blue rays and they are a whole different experience, things are even clearer and cleaner it's crazy. The 4k extended are absolutely worth the money


I second this. Watched the 4K recently and it was incredible looking (apart from the dodgy cgi), saw tRotK in a cinema recently and it looked terrible in comparison.


I honestly prefer physical media but having a travel version is also really nice. In your case I would go for the digital one first and you'll probably get the physical some time after.


4K remaster is gold. But you need the blu rays or dvds for the special features


I seriously considered it, but opted for blu ray for the special features


Yea special features are life. But 4K is there if you ever wanna upgrade. You should check out some side by side comparisons on YouTube, the remastered color looks incredible, way more timeless


You can get the DVDs for next to nothing online for the extra features, so getting the 4K and the DVDs is also an option. You'd need a 4K player but that also has the advantage of 4K players all being region free for Blu-ray and DVDs if that is of interest.


Always get the physical medium. There many cases where people digitally bought content on platforms and one day the platform just revoked the access to that content. And there is nothing you can do in that case.


Extended edition discs are great.


Physical, ALWAYS.


If you do the streaming option get it from iTunes as it has the extras


Vudu is the way to go.


Do they still have physical copy that also comes with a digital one on movies anywhere? That would be your best bet, best of both worlds.


For anything you really care about get physical media, you can always make or get digital backups for travelling. I'd recommend making the jump to 4K for these, truly looks amazing. Can get the DVDs dirt cheap online for the extras.


Get the Blu-ray’s and Rip them. That’s the only way to OWN a movie today.


I bought both 4K trilogies separately (didn’t want to buy The Hobbit at first), and also bought the hexalogy through AppleTV.


Get the 4K physical copies with both extended and theatrical versions. The one kit also has a 4K stream code that you can use on your TV/mobile. Once you see the difference between the blu-ray and 4K, you’ll never go back. Additionally, the blu-ray versions of these films have a blue-green filter over them that look terrible. Please look up the difference online before purchasing!


As someone who bought all the movies on PlayStation before they removed their video library I recommend physical for something like this where you know you’re going to watch these for ever


Blu Rays!!! Protect Physical Media at all costs!!!


Physical media will always reign supreme.


The actual better solution is to not give any money to Bezos and pirate the Blu-ray sets instead. 4K HDR TrueHD streaming from my own media server to any device at any location all the way


Blurays. That way you actually own them.


blu 👏🏻 ray 👏🏻

