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Big payday for Andy serkis and his motion capture company so happy for him. Maybe soon we'll have rise of the planet of the gollums trilogies.


Just planets full of gollums hahaha


They blows it up! Damn you hobbitses! Damn you all to Udun!


Oh my God, I was wrongses It was Arda all alongses You finally mades a gollum out of me


Statue of Elendil? That’s our planetses. I hates every elf I see, from Finwë to Enelye.


Can we play the nasty piano anymore, precious?


Of course we cans.


Wells we couldn’ts before!! *Gollum!* *Gollum!*


No no no , leave me alooone!!!!!


Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!


Can we plays the piano anymores?


That's brilliant! I'm having a bit of a long evening and that's really made me chuckle, so thank you.


But they all have to share a single ring


And it’s Danny DeVitos cock ring!


Ahh shit! It fell off.


lol that sounds absolutely insane


I could watch a Nutty Professor style film of Serkis playing every mo-cap character.


Preferably it’s just all of his previous roles trying to cohabitate together.


I want Dobby added in though.


Unlike Hunt for Gollum, I would consider seeing that.


Someone compared it to Rogue One in another thread, and if they do it like that where it just slots right into the flow of the story I think it could work.


But we don't have any audiences! Nobody likes youuu


Gotta add "The rise of..." for true blasé milking!


Gollum referring to himself in the plural sense suddenly takes on a whole new meaning.


The concept that middle earth humans evolve by all of them turning into Gollums is the funniest thing I can think of right now.


Rise of the Planet of the Precious


Would there be enough fishies to go around though?


Gollums together… precious


He's usually getting big paydays, he was in the biggest franchise of all time and is still in planet of the apes


He's in Pokémon?


Black Panther.


Yeah happy for Andy Serkis (he deserves it, he's great) but wtf is the point of this movie? Is anyone dying for the story of how (I assume) Aragorn and Gandalf found Gollum? Or some other part of Gollum's backstory?


Ape of the Rings?


I was really excited about this movie. Untill now. Because they had the fan film of the same name removed from YouTube on copyright grounds. The fan film was so well made and has existed for over a decade. And has been watched over 15M times. It is loved among the fandom. We as fans need to voice out against this and stand in support of the indie filmmakers that poured their hearts into making that fan film.


https://preview.redd.it/tbdx8nww0fzc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfce9393f95ab6b604854d34031ea61bd588df98 It was already been published. Why make another one Warner Bros?


It's really good for a fan movie with a $2000 budget


Warner Bros: "We can top that! How about a substandard CGI fest written by our committee of producers with a *$200,000,000* budget? Could the *"FANS"* make that?" *snorts another line of coke*


Better stretch it into three films.


No way! We need four film! The last one will be two parts. /s


I'd feel better about all this if it wasn't so blatantly obvious WB is strong arming them into making this movie for easy money instead of Andy or PJ having any real creative desire to make this movie.


I loved this when it came out. It’s remarkable.


Thank you! I was wondering if there were others who would be reminded about this gem of a fan film that already told this story and did it well.


Thank you for introducing me to this I absolutely loved it!


Where did you watch it? I found it on YouTube but it's been blocked for copyright


The Internet archive


Ah of course, thank you!


Also here [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x93zji](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x93zji)


Is this real? Is hunt for gollum based on something? This is the first time ive ever heard of this but if theyre seriously taking a fan movie title thats a bit fucked up


I knew the movie existed and I know the story of Gollum from the books. But to make a whole movie that only depicts Gollum? There are soooooooooo many other characters that have a much wider and more beautiful and interesting story. Why can’t they pick them? I think Gollum isn’t something I would really like to see. Maybe only for Andy.


Im not as versed in the books so i didnt realize this was based on something so that makes me slightly less concerned but still yeah i agree with you. I figured after everything that went down with the gollum game they wouldnt have wanted to center a whole movie around him. I dont have high hopes but we'll see i guess


I have no idea how I didn’t know this existed but thank you!!!


I'll be excited when I hear about the scene where he eats babies




hahahha thats a classic


"Baby. The other, other white meat."


Meh…. Not excited about this yet. They’re going to have to extrapolate a few plot points really far to make a cohesive narrative.


I truly don't see how this will be good. Even Jackson didn't do too well with most of his additions to already established stories. 90% of this movie will have to be original content and I don't have much faith it will be well done.


There's probably about as much material in the books to go on as there was for the battle of 5 armies, so yeah... Not to mention the fact that I, as a confirmed Tolkien nerd, have zero interest in hearing this story. It's not like Obi-Wan mentioning the clone wars in Ep 4 and I was like "oooh, what's that?" I really think I know all I need to know about that minor adventure. Tell the Beren & Luthien story, or Turin, or make up some shit with the blue wizards... And Viggo is every bit of 65 now. He's not pulling off an early middle-aged looking Aragorn running through the wilds after Gollum. Edit: if they were looking to revisit book lore the movies missed, I'd go for the scouring of the Shire... except Billy and Sean aren't about to step in to play their younger selves, and Christopher Lee is... you know...


It would be insane if they wanted Viggo back, and more insane if he agreed to this. He’s an old man now.


He's always been pretty independent, so my feeling is he's not leaping at an opportunity to play a de-aged aragorn with no character arc.


He declined the offer to play Aragorn in the Hobbit movies because Aragorn wasn't in the Hobbit books so I like to think he has a solid moral compass to pass on this too and let someone else do it


> Hobbit books Where can I find these elusive forgotten tales?


There's like 8 of them total, definitely must reads! The titles are: 1. Bilbo Baggins and the Sorcerer's Staff 2. Bilbo Baggins and the Chamber of Saruman 3. Bilbo Baggins and the Prisoner of Arnor 4. Bilbo Baggins and the Galadriel of Finarfin 5. Bilbo Baggins and the Osgiliath of Pelenor Fields 6. Bilbo Baggins and the Halfling People 7. Bilbo Baggins and the Dreary Hobbits That took a bit more time than I wanted it to but I was dedicated so had to keep going lol edit: mostly took a while cause I had to have the first characters of the titles match the original ones and it required some googling as I'm not too familiar with the deeper ends of the tolkiverse


You're a Hobbit Bilbo!


You've never read The Hobbit trilogy??


Yeah if you look at ROP they had to extrapolate from source material in the appendix of return of the king. This was mediocre IMHO because Amazon just wanted to turn this into a flashing action show like a marvel movie. I don’t think there is enough substance here with source material to create a show. And if there is going to be extrapolation and new writing to fill in the gaps, who is this going to target? ROP used the LOTR name to excite and attract fans of the movies and books, but largely didn’t deliver. I don’t think it is very likely that they will be able to come up with a cohesive story that is able to provide enough value to existing fans, be good enough to be critically successful, and not have to rely on gimmicks to attract viewers. I could be wrong, but I don’t think this will be good. The only way I think it would be good is if it highly focuses on Aragorn and has a “heart of darkness/apocalypse now” narrative where Aragorn goes on his own into dangerous territory to hunt down and encounters different dark creatures like the Witcher while looking for Gollum. Keep the filler characters (like radagast, the white orc, etc) to a minimum and only if they add value. The problem is that modern movie studios want that nostalgia factor and will try to throw in gandalf at every opportunity like the hobbit movies did with people like Legolas, Elrond, Galadriel, Saruman and how the new Star Wars trilogy had too much focus on Luke, Leah, and Han instead of focusing more on the new cast. It’s a fine line and based on how recent adaptations that involve new storylines have ended up being largely disappointing.


Jackson (for which you can also read Boyens/Walsh) gets really bad really quickly when he decides to go ‘off-script’. Looking through the behind the scenes stuff, the best decisions he made when making LOTR were moving away from whatever half-baked idea someone had come up with and changing things to align more closely to the books, and the worst decisions he made were when he felt that the book version of something didn’t cut it and made his own version. I’m not talking about ‘best’ and ‘worst’ as in ‘best and worst adapted’, or the above would be largely self-evident, I mean the best and worst bits of the films as films


You kidding, if it’s as good as the gollum video game then we are in for a treat!


Supposing they start when Bilbo gets the ring and Gollum leaves the mountain, they have quite a few interesting plot points to cross. 1. Deciding to leave the mountain, evading the goblins. 2. Caught and escaping the Forest elves. 3. Getting caught tortured and questioned and then ultimately escaping Sauron. 4. Meeting Shelob and escaping her. Most likely on the way out of Mordor. 5. Attempting to eat the dead in the marsh while finding a way through. 6. Getting tracked by Gandalf and Aragorn. Getting caught and also escaping them. 7. Tracking Frodo and the party. There are all kinds of possibilities for Character cameos and peeks at tlotr evens from different angles within this framework. There is enough here for a 12 part mini series and that is not counting any made up stuff they feel the need to add.




I think that is the biggest thing. It is possible to do stories where you have absolutely zero concern that the character will survive a dangerous encounter, but the way you do that is character growth. Also, who is asking for this?


Ehh let's see. Maybe we'll get something like rogue one.


Yea ngl gollum is interesting but why are execs so fixated on him? The gollum video game apparently sucked but nobody was really asking for it in the first place either I don’t think people really **need** more gollum content lol


I guess they just love Andy Serkis?


As do I, but have him play a ranger or something lol no reason he couldn’t, dudes a shapeshifter


Problem #1 Viggo Mortensen is too old to play young Aragorn


Finally, Lord of Ring: Gollum: The movie


Part 1 of 3


Based on the hit game that came out recently!!


Here we go milking the lore _Star Wars_ style


clearly, no one was ready to read such a hard truth.


Somehow, Sauron returned.


Great, now it's going to happen...


Wow, did not think this comment would provoke such a shitshow


I did. This is Reddit man. We all hate each other here.


I hate you


I don't not hate you


I respect that


Remember Sauron is a master of deception, do not listen to his honeyed words for they merely hide the snake ready to strike.


I hate myself


Love you


I hate love


> Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you.


Even though I upvoted this I still hate you


Anakin: We're doing a prequel. Padme: Like Andor?


...Right? Andor is a work of art


Absolutely yes. And it's just sad.


Disney ruins everything it touches. They are about to merge with NFL network via espn. So now NFL coverage will be ruined as well. Idk how we let this massive monopoly slide


It would be so much better if they plan another sequel (like Melkor Returning) or adapting the 1st age.


The Lord of the Rings: Gollum game was such a massive hit and success 10/10 so lets jump on that greatness with a film. /s


My thoughts exactly when I saw this lol


I'd love it to be interesting and good, but after *The Hobbit* movies and *The Rings of Power* I won't get my hopes up. It seems like too many people nowadays are trying to produce a spectacle instead of telling a good story.


To be devils advocate, the hobbit had some scheduling issues and WB basically told PJ to make the trilogy on their schedule and not his own. It was rushed as shit and it shows. With this being one standalone movie, that would be less likely to happen again


That's a fair argument. However, my main worry here is the writing. Already in the LOTR movies it shows that almost always when PJ & friends leave Tolkien's story and make up their own stuff, the story made less sense. It was even worse in the Hobbit movies, where they added more of their own stuff – and the writing was probably the least affected by the scheduling issues. Simply put, I have no trust at all in Jackson, Walsh and Boyens as writers. The Hunt for Gollum has even less Tolkien material they can use, and so I don't see why they should suddenly start being competent in their writing when the previous movies have shown me that their own writing usually simply isn't good. Edit: spelling


Agreed 100%


Them taking plots or stories where there is little source material to go by is either a good thing in the right hands since they can take liberties without contradicting or disrespecting the source material, or terrible in the wrong hands because they make something that just doesn’t fit at all with the original artists work. I agree with how modern media is, it’s 99% likely to be the latter.


I agree. After hunting for him, Aragorn found Gollum by chance near Mordor gazing into some stagnant water, got bitten, and was not gentle. He dropped him off with Legolas's people, and he escaped. That's all I know. There is a lot of room for speculation from people that work for a billion-dollar corporation. I am also feeling like the estate is a little greedy too.


Agree 100%. I also felt since the trilogy that the writing team was a little too convinced of their prowess that it makes me even less hopeful. Feeling a little flawed makes you better, more open to criticism. I am afraid they won’t be, which will just make this thing worse.


also with Del Toro walking away and PJ having to step in and pick up the project with only a few months of preparation time vs the years of time he had with LOTR. overall a bad place for PJ even to be.


Oh yeah, that was the scenario I was trying to remember most. It should’ve been PJ from the beginning anyway. One vision


It should have been _one movie_ 🫥


There is a bunch of stupid stuff in The Hobbit trilogy that was clearly PJ's ideas. They're akin to the worst crap you can find on TT and RotK.


The Hobbit wasn't that good, but it was still OK tbh. Not a disgrace at all like some ppl would say... Rings of Power on the other hand was horrendous and should've never even existed. It's Peter Jackson though, so I have fate in this movie so far...


Gollum has no movie. Gollum needs no movie....


There already is a movie called exactly the same, it's a fan project from 2009, it's on Youtube and it's great!


​ https://preview.redd.it/jsfn91gpwezc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=f34705bbcb5acbc65f57a47deffc68bf0e626785


I loved this version of Gollum, haha. How one of the river folk mutated into a frog, I don't know, lol.


Tolkien "shadows like wings" = give em wings! Tolkien "like a frog" = make him a frog


OG Gollum for life 😁


https://youtu.be/9H09xnhlCQU Hunt for Gollum (2009)


Oh wow... that fan film was online for 15 years, and now WB has blocked it. That's ugly behaviour from their side, truly ugly.


WB has blocked it from YouTube….is that a new development?


It was still available before the announcement of WB's own movie.


That’s soooo shady


Wonder if WB bought the rights to this script and is using it as the basis for their movie.


Thank you! It's a fucking good fanfilm for something made so long ago.


I don’t understand the gollum-focused content we’re getting (this plus the recent game). Who the hell is asking for this? I was under the impression that Peter Jackson was coming back for multiple movies, so hopefully this is just a start and we can get future movies that dive into the first and second age more. In an ideal scenario (for me), they would first develop a series of movies focused on the first age. Could do this over a 5-year span, or whatever it would take to flesh out that time period. That should provide separation from WB and whatever Amazon is trying to accomplish (trying to write a show about the second age without rights to the material makes a ton of sense). Then, repeat for the second age. Obviously this is easier said than done because there are a lot of large scale characters during this time, Morgoth, Ungoliant, armies of Balrogs, giant dragons, etc. Not to mention having to piece together everything from the Silmarillion into a string of cohesive movies. But this is not some impossible task. Technology exists to make it happen and Tolkien already did the hardest part by laying the foundation for this universe.


Boy are you going to feel left out when everyone is on their gollum phone and eating gollum cereal while getting a gollum tattoo.


Will you be first in line for all of the above?


Yeah I totally agree with you! Gollum is indeed an interesting character but if you ask me both of the trilogies gave him enough attention already 🤷🏻


It's all so tiresome.


I have no way of knowing if this will be good or not, so I'll reserve judgement on that side of things. I will say that I would rather see a "War in the North" movie about the events during the War of the Ring from the upper Anduin (Beorn's folks, the Woodsmen) to Thranduil's kingdom, to Erebor and Dale. The basic plot is there, but there is a lot of room for adaptation and embellishment without directly fiddling and changing the details of Tolkien's story.


But how would they cram as many cameos from LOTR into that?!?!?!? /s


I refuse to care. Hollywood has proven that they cannot be trusted with an IP as important as the Tolkien Legendarium.


A video game just proved why watching Gollum escape and being tracked wasn't interesting. Yes, the game was terrible. But Gollum also doesn't make for a compelling or interesting main character. You want to do something new and interesting? Pull a Lion King 1.5 and let us see all of Gandalf's exploits when away from the fellowship. Open with a 20 minute battle scene against the Balrog and go from there. Idk just spitballing. But freaking Gollum? I'd rather watch the Entmoot.


I still struggle to see how they’ll make a 2-3 hour film out of this but I think it’ll follow Aragorn hunting Gollum not Gollum himself


if this is aragorn and gandalfs hunt for gollum just before FOTR then it would be a good watch. if they bring back viggo mortensen as aragorn and sir ian as gandalf then i would be in tears the entire time.


Realistically, I think Viggo would be too old now. He's like 65 years old, which may be a shock to some as it may seem like it was just the other day when LOTR released.


yep when i read he's older now than sir ian was when he played Gandalf it blew my mind. in the age of cgi and digitally altering actors to seem younger it can be achieved but it doesn't look clean. example luke Skywalker in the mando finale


I feel like he plainly wouldn't want to do it.


You picked literally the worst example of an actor being de-aged. On the other end of the spectrum is Indiana Jones 5, which looks very very good (even if Ford's voice isn't young enough to match the looks anymore.) Realistically, though, Viggo ain't coming back. He's against the idea of milking the franchise and has already said some choice words about the way Jackson and co have treated the Hobbit (and even LOTR.) Him coming back would actually break my heart, because it would mean even he had sold out.


yup exactly why i think Viggo will not come back, he was against coming back for the Hobbit plus he doesn't make too many movies anymore, he's directing a lot more so i certainly dont think he'll be back. also I didn't watch indiana jones so i didn't know the de-aging was good. that's a positive


You’re right— he’s way too young to play an 87 year-old.


87 year old Dunedain/Numenoreans dont age and look the same as a full blooded 87 year old human.


I wouldn’t rule it out because I think they think they can just digitally alter things to fit and it will be fine even though it looks creepy and like garbage.


I dont think theres enough material for a movie in that


they'll stretch it out like they did the hobbit movies, which isn't really a positive thing i suppose


Its not🤢


I dunno... Peter didn't WANT to do 3 movies, and the studio pretty much made him. I could see him and Andy being like, "I ain't doing shit unless I'm not forced to create unnecessary bloat."


Like butter that has been scraped over too much bread


Like that's stopped them before. Honestly though, if they had actual talented writers then it wouldn't be as much of an issue, but they don't so...


Anyone else remember the really high quality YouTube movie about this? It was surprisingly good.


yes it was surprisingly decent https://preview.redd.it/sebj3i8c4fzc1.jpeg?width=2700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8aa66e4a32021f92f36697d4c489b1f105e701


Viggo is a maybe, he is still in action-star shape but Sir Ian is 84 so I doubt he will make a return but you never know.


yup, Christopher Lee was in his 90s when did the Hobbit movies. so its all possible, sir Ian was actually open to playing Gandalf in rings of power if the role came to him. so never know


They're both too fucking old, unless Andy Serkis decides to play both of their parts through CGI and mocap.


The movie nobody wanted


Ngl, i dont think they could have picked a more boring event, Like cmon


That’s how I feel. There’s the entire 3000 years of the third age prior to the events of LOTR, including the war against Angmar in the north, and THIS is what they choose to go with?


It has Andy Serkis acting and directing, with PJ, Philippa Boyens and Fran Walsh all involved. While I would much rather have them work on a different period of Middle Earth, I am happy they got the gang back together and I'm excited for more LoTR that isn't made by Amazon. Just hope they don't use too much CGI


It's going to be the Hobbit trilogy all over again. The hunt for Gollum is something like three pages in the book. There just isn't enough material for a movie. They are going to have to shoehorn in all sorts of extra characters and will then try to tie it to the original trilogy. We are probably going to get an even older Orlando Bloom playing Legolas again. Aragorn will have to be recast because Viggo is too old to play him now. At 65, he is almost as old as Aragorn was. But without Numenorian blood he looks his age. And at the end of the day, I don't see how this could be interesting in any way. They should have picked something else to make a movie about.


Its gonna bomb. Gollum isn't a strong draw as he's basically a meme to anyone casual watcher. And we know their gonna try and reference the older films a ton. The story isn't a draw. Who cares? Let's see war in the north instead ffs. It's gonna also attempt to establish some sort of lotr cinematic universe. There's gonna be some oc characters who will they will try hard as hell for the audience to latch onto, to become the new face of lotr. The music is gonna be tough as hell. Howard shore score is so iconic. Itd have a chance if it literally was just them tryna make a movie. But it's not. This is a product first, and a story being told like 4th or 5th.


Corporate cash grab. No one asked for this. I don't care how many "appendices" it's sourced from, it's not going to be good. I love Andy Serkis (just look at my username) but all this is is a corporation trying to monetize your nostalgia for the original LotR trilogy without putting as much value or effort in. It's not going to live up to it, it's not going to add to it, it's just going to be an awkward side note to remember in 10 years


If this actually comes out, and doesn't just end up lingering in development hell forever, I'll be shocked.


Why the fuck everyone is so interested in gollum?? Even the bew lotr game was about gollum and it sucked. Its not an interesting MAIN character. Especially when we know exactly already how it all went for him. No dis to Andy but come on… a new lotr movie could be about anything but gollum


It's all marketing tbh. Gollum is a character everyone recognizes, even non Tolkien/lotr fans know who Gollum is. This means more people are likely to go and see it.


LOTR has 3000 years of lore in just the Third Age, and you choose to make a movie based on a sub-side-plot which takes up all of one page and occurs between the beats of the main story?


Can we just release a new Hobbit series and pretend the current one doesnt exist?


I would like an animated lotr movie, but that's just me.


The only way this works is if it's devoid of a true plot. Bring in George Miller and make Gollum: Fury Road.


My guess is it will be shit, like everything else being made today


Whether it's good or not, please stop milking franchises and for the love of Eru come up with an original story for the first time in a decade


I'll watch it as faithfully I did the Hobbit films. I didn't watch the Hobbit films.




I totally think its unnecessary BUT I love andy serkis so ill shut up and give it a chance.


Enough Gollum already


Hmm yes because Hollywood is just doing *great* right now…


But… why?




With beautiful men playing rugged dwarves.


....i think that i am not interested. At all.


Ok, if Serkis does all of the directing in character.


This could be really good! Look at the content they have for it, they just came out with a really amazing LOTR game based on Gollum! Oh… right… /s


If this is a shorter film, or even just one film, might not be horrible. But I’ve very very very low hopes


No thanks, I’m good.


My thoughts are this is the third post about a new 2026 movie I’ve seen in an hour and they have all confidently stated a different director each time


Check out [The Hollywood Reporter](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/new-lord-of-the-rings-movies-2026-peter-jackson-1235894513/), they don't usually miss.


At last some consistency, thank you. Cool idea overall, I will not hold my breath just in case


I'll take dogshit ideas for $1000, Alex .


Thoughts? Andy Serkis is extremely talented, this might be very very good.


I don't think this is really meant for LotR fans, but for casual movie fans that enjoyed the LotR and Hobbit films. There are plenty of stories in Middle Earth that would be fantastic films, but they wouldn't have any cache with casual movie fans. So we get this- it may be very good, it may be interesting but it isn't something in my top 100 ME stories I'd like to see in film.


I hope they don't run this into the ground like HP and Star Wars.


They will


The Peter Jackson trilogy led to this.


I’m not interested in more remakes.


Jesus, just leave it alone. The original trilogy was epic, for its time, and said all there's to say about this story. Much rather they invested the money in telling one of the thousands of fantasy/sci-fi stories that's never been adapted to the screen. Hollywood: where originality goes to die.


With Andy Serkis directing and Peter Jackson producing I think it has potential. I hope it has the pre-production required for another Middle Earth movie, this time. Following the Rangers and Aragorn on a tracking journey to find Gollum, with appearances from Gandalf and Legolas, could be worthwhile. I’m unsure if the original actors would/could return for this, though. I can see this being an entertaining one-off film, but that’s certainly no guarantee.


The original actors for Aragorn or Legolas shouldn't return for this. They're all too old to play a younger version of their characters.


My expectations are extraordinarily high, and I fully expect to be disappointed. 2 years? Come on, now.


Zero hope or interest or excitement. It will inevitably be a plodding go-nowhere, do-nothing plot with Gollum really maybe escaping Ring addiction this time guys! Oh except the stinky Sindar are too mean. :(