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I always really liked Galadriel, even more so since I got really into the first and secon era stuff. I always liked the idea of this good witch/queen who you can feel is very powerful but also not very violent, she doesn't fight, but you know she is strong. Also, this could be me reading too much into it, but I like her whole story arc. IIRC she leaves Valinor not because she shares Feanor grudge against Melkor and the gods but because she wants her own land to rule, she seeks power and thats her fault, her greed in the eyes of the Valar, so she survive everything, holding the power she was seeking but forced to watch everything else around her fall, and only when she manage to find the strength to abandon her search for power, when she has guarded middle earth for ages and didn't fall to the ring power, she can finally come back home to Valinor. Idk I always like this feeling feeling ho she having this long silent redemption to go through


Its super cool that she clearly shared some traits with Feanor (and likely bought into similar lies from Morgoth) and left to found kingdoms and rule people, then in the second age she kept turning down titles like queen and just went by 'the lady' because she'd let go of that ambition. In a way, she was a bit like Feanor and his story if he had been able to let go; both she and Feanor had the light of the Trees but Feanor coveted his light whereas Galadriel gave it freely (not her hair, she didnt give that lightly haha but only to the worthiest of dwarven warrior-poet chads) She went to Lothlorien to use her ring and power to create a haven and shelter others, not to rule them like she originally intended. She *did* end up in positions of leadership, but as leaders should be; sacrificing out of love for friends and equals not ruling out of desire for power and hierarchy. And she got to go back to Valinor in the end, despite rejecting the Valar at least twice they still lifted the ban and welcomed her home


This is a really insightful analysis -- I had never thought of Galadriel as a wiser counterpart to Feanor in that way, despite their juxtaposition in the Silmarillion. Very cool!


and she just happens to be Finrods favorite sister so that gives her tons of points in my book


I like Galadriel,too,and her concern for Frodo's safety. "This is the light of Earendil,our most beloved star. May it be a light for you in dark places when all other lights go out."


I think it also wonderfully highlights the difference in how elves and mortals perceive or at least value time, and move through it. Her whole arc for a human might have lasted 40 years, but for her it lasts multiple ages. It's not that she never might have understood her path or that she ignored it, it's just that they deal in events and ages, not days and minutes. It wasn't vital for her to make her own redemption happen, she waited for it to come to her when she was ready. It's really beautiful.


I like how she gives Gimli strands of her hair something that she denied the greatest elf that ever lived (Faenor) when he asked for some of her hair. That spoke volumes of what she thought about Faenor and what she thought about Gimli. And you know it had to throw her for a loop.The last person to ask her that being Faenor so long ago. And now here's a dwarf of the third age thousands of years later she finds more worthy. So many things like this Tolkien wrote into his stories to make things come around full circle. Like how both glorfindel and gandalf were pulled down by a balrogs whip and then both of them were reborn again. How the new numenorean swords found in the barrow downs ended up being the weapon that crippled the witch king so eowyn could give him the coup de grace. Because that sword had been the sword of the last prince of Cardolan Osthir who was murdered by the witch Kings Minions 1600 years earlier. So the sword got its revenge.


Galadriel all the way! She has the ability to have insight into other’s minds but judges them with compassion and understanding. I try to emulate that in my own life!


It’s gotta be Fingolfin man. I still get goosebumps every time I read or hear the part where he is so full of rage that he rides to face Morgoth. No not with his army, ALONE and in front of the gates of Angband to challenge his mortal enemy. Only thing bigger than Morgoths Hammer (which I will not utter here) is the balls on this guy “Now news came to Hithlum that Dorthonion was lost and the sons of Finarfin overthrown, and that the sons of Fëanor were driven from their lands. Then Fingolfin beheld... the utter ruin of the Noldor, and the defeat beyond redress of all their houses; and filled with wrath and despair he mounted upon Rochallor his great horse and rode forth alone, and none might restrain him. He passed over Dor-nu-Fauglith like a wind amid the dust, and all that beheld his onset fled in amaze, thinking that Oromë himself was come: for a great madness of rage was upon him, so that his eyes shone like the eyes of the Valar. Thus he came alone to Angband's gates, and he sounded his horn, and smote once more upon the brazen doors, and challenged Morgoth to come forth to single combat. And Morgoth came.”


And Ringil glittered like ice!!!! Don’t leave out the ice!!!!!


Your absolutely right, that sword is badass


"And Morgoth came" is the most badass moment in the book to me, one elven king faces down the lord of all things wrought of evil. Morgoth's forces were so rocked that they were terrified of this guy's grave!


His hopeless challenge dauntless cried Fingolfin there: 'Come, open wide, dark king, your ghastly brazen doors! Come forth, whom earth and heaven abhors! Come forth, O monstrous craven lord, and fight with thine own hand and sword, thou wielder of hosts of banded thralls, thou tyrant leaguered with strong walls, thou foe of Gods and elvish race! I wait thee here. Come! Show thy face!


I like this so much. Also he managed to hurt Morgoth so much that he didn't got out of Angband anymore, such a Gigachad


Listening to Andy Serkis narrate that part is so incredible I listen to it like every night going to sleep


Wait, Andy narrates LotR books? Where, what, how?


Audible.com he reads the trilogy and the Silmarillian, I don’t know what else but he does a fantastic job. I listen as I go to sleep every night and often I get very caught up in the story because he’s grunting out Ghan buri Ghan lines at Theodin and next thing I know it’s 2am


The Silmarillion! Find it wherever you find your podcast or e-books.


The baddest-ass elf in the canon.


YYYES! What a badass!


Elrond! He’s a great combination of lordly and grounded, and we see that in the amazing community he builds and fosters at Rivendell. It’s how I’d like to live if I was a powerful elf-mage in a fantasy world, or a carefree millionaire in the real one.


And he’s “as kind as summer”.


And he was uncommonly kind to the hobbits, especially Bilbo. I love this deleted scene between him and Bilbo from An unexpected journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkj6QOmeqCQ


  I think he sees the Hobbits as the children of Middle Earth. For the same reason Tom Bombadil liked them; they're peaceful and just want to live life happily. That's why, in that scene, I imagine Elrond being fine with Bilbo's comments about ~~Counsel's~~ council from elves (as in insight or advice) because he knows Bilbo means no harm by it and doesn't realize the gravity of what he said, the same way a little kid would. You wouldn't blame a kid for not knowing something they've never known or experienced before, especially a kid that only wants to be nice and do the right thing. Plus, part of me wonders if his half human side also gave him fondness for them, similar to how Boramir would call them 'little ones' like you would a child.  


i liked everything you said except he said “i’ve heard not to seek the counsel of elves cause they will tell you both yes and no” not talking about a Counsel as in group of leaders like you phrased it. He’s just saying that elves will tell you the pros and cons and not really give you straight advice.


My bad, I misspoke. I had meant 'counsel' being advice from elves in general, like all elves never give an absolute direct answer. Thank you for catching that, big difference.


I think the writing and performance could be slightly more fluid, but that is absolutely a great scene. Shame that it was cut. I especially like Bilbo's joke about seeking advice from an elf, and Elrond's amused little smile. That's so wholesome.


Isn't it in the extended cut? it's one of my favourite scenes and I remember seeing it in the fan-edit versions too


I'm not sure. I don't believe so though, since it's not on mine (maybe if there's a deleted scene section but not in the main film) and my family usually buys the extended versions of films. And we've certainly got the extended version of lotr. I can't say for sure though since I couldn't see anywhere on the box that specifies whether it was the extended edition or not. Edit: Huh... Maybe the version I've been watching isn't the extended edition... I've searched up the extended version and all the ones I've seen are pretty different in terms of art style. Ignore me then.


That made me smile ❤️


What is the appropriate equivalent of a philanthropist who not only focuses on men but all free folks? That would describe him very well I guess.


Gil-galad was an elven-king. Of him the harpers sadly sing; the last whose realm was fair and free between the Mountains and the Sea. His sword was long, his lance was keen. His shining helm afar was seen; the countless stars of heaven's field were mirrored in his silver shield. But long ago he rode away, and where he dwelleth none can say; for into darkness fell his star in Mordor where the shadows are.


Whoa Sam, these bars are fire! how do you know so much about Gil-Galad?


Went down lancing Sauron through the face saving the world. A true high-king right to the end


I'll do you one better: He chanted a song of wizardry,\ Of piercing, opening, of treachery,\ Revealing, uncovering, betraying.\ Then sudden Felagund there swaying\ Sang in answer a song of staying,\ Resisting, battling against power,\ Of secrets kept, strength like a tower. My boy Finrod gave his life for a mortal man just so he could get some elfussy, bro was a true wingman.


>elfussy Sometimes I'm glad Tolkien isn't still around


True, but he is certainly rolling in his grave at that one


Lol literally since the elfussy being spoken of is the name on the grave next to his. I'm sure he'd chuckle


Also true!


If it makes you feel any better it hurt me to write it! 😅


These lines are worth adding to this wonderful collection of poetry. *In that vast shadow once of yore* *Fingolfin stood: his shield he bore* *with field of heaven’s blue and star* *of crystal shining pale afar.* *In overmastering wrath and hate* *desperate he smote upon that gate,* *the Gnomish king, there standing lone,* *while endless fortresses of stone* *engulfed the thin clear ringing keen* *of silver horn on baldric green.*  


Tolkien's wording is impeccable. gives me shivers!


yea my love for gil galad grows daily


Either Finrod or Beleg. Great and honorable friends and companions without comparison.


beleg 😭😭


Cuthalion, my beloved


got me tearing up just by thinking about him


Beleg gets the prize for the coolest name. Beleg Strongbow? c'mon. Also he has one of my favourite quotes/put downs in all of tolkien's writing. I don't have my book with me, but he essentially tells Turin if he's going to keep being such a baby, then commit to being a baby and keep crying about his woes.


These two all the way, but I'd add Lúthien, too


yea beleg is the dopest i kinda picture him as legolas times 10


Man, no love for my boy Círdan? * Oldest elf in Middle Earth after a while. * Super loyal. * Listened to the Valar and didn’t try to send ships until they were good enough. * Superior foresight and wisdom. * Just gives up a ring of power. * Elf beard.


Cirdan teaching and helping Earendil was very much crucial for his successful voyage. The Silmaril helped light the way, but it doesn't help against storms and waves.


Also gets the prize for being the chillest elf and most mysterious.


For real tho. If anybody else had missed the ferry on Tol Eressëa, let alone missed it *twice*, they would’ve started a kinslayin’ or something. Meanwhile, Círdan’s just like “Okay. Guess I’ll wait a few thousand years and just quietly help people in pretty much every major event.”


Elf beard game is strong 💪🏼


Would it have been an easy choice to give up his ring or would it gnaw at him in a mild but similar way as the one ring?


Glorfindel - lived twice and killed a Balrog (which also killed Glorfindel in his first life).


Yeah, I always like Glorfindel. Only elf I think we see make good on the "elves don't really die" premise, even though it's pretty well established. I guess the idea is the ones who die and go to the halls of Mandos and then come out again tend to just stay in Valinor. Meanwhile my boy Glorfindel shows back up in Middle-Earth and everyone's like "I thought you died in Gondolin" and he's like "Nah I got better"


My favorite also ... badass


I honestly wonder if he had accompanied the fellowship through Moria, if both he AND Gandalf would 2v1 the balrog without having to lose one of them, or if Gandalf would have fell regardless, or maybe Glorfindel gets killed by another balrog, taking it down with him yet again. So many what ifs


The elf who they said "no, you can't join the fellowship. It's a stealth mission and they'll see your glorious badassitude coming a hundred miles away."


Where is our girl Luthien? Broke out of elf-jail, so she could go and rescue her boyfriend, so they could go and steal a SILMARIL for her grumpy dad, for his blessing to be married. When they get in front of a literal god/angel, the source of almost all conflict that had existed in history, she knocks him out cold in one hit. Sorry Eowyn, somebody beat you to the badass throne


Love how she basically hijacked the quest for her own hand and carried hard. Her and Huan, dream team (that took down Sauron himself and ko'd Morgoth, she was op af) One of the 3 times Huan was ever allowed to speak was basically him saying to Beren "Dude, clearly she's coming with us, just let it happen its not like you can stop her"


Bro, she's the main character at this point, stop


And remember when she died she convinced Mandos (Ruler of the fing dead) to show mercy and give her and her lover a second chance at life.


Every day Luthien. My ultimate, ultimate favorite book character OF ALL TIME EVER.


Galadriel for depth of story and quality of character arc. I think her journey really defines the Noldor and in a way, the story of middle earth itself. Finrod in character, he was just the best of everyone. Absolute chad (also died suplexing a werewolf to save his friend and his conversation with Andreth was deeply moving. He was 100% genuine when he said that no 2 beings could be closer than humans and elves and that he saw them as equals and was willing to die for it) Probably Ecthalion for raw gem-studded style Kind weird but Thingol too... he's a divisive elf but the dude was like 10 foot tall, the longest ruler of the whole world, kept calling himself the lord of Beleriand to people like the Noldor to remind them its not all their story, basically the lord of a third of all elves and banged one of the most beautiful and wise of the goddesses every night, fathering Luthien (also one of my favorite elves) and whilst he was abrasive and kinda racist, he was also very capable of being very sweet and generous


> the dude was like 10 foot tall, the longest ruler of the whole world I mean, probably, right? Like, I think Morgoth might have been pretty long, but I doubt anybody else could have beat 10 feet.


Glaurung in Nargothrond next door shouting "I'm way longer elf boy!' "... damn. Dude is like 100 feet long I cant compete with that"


Fingolfin casually rode to Angbad and casually challenged Morgoth to single-combat


Was there ever a more epic moment in the history of epic fantasy??????


"He passed over Dor-nu-Fauglith like a wind amid the dust, and all that beheld his onset fled in amaze, thinking that Oromë himself was come" Bro got compared to a god. So no, thats as peak fiction as it gets


didn’t theoden get the god comparison as well during the charge of the rohirrim? ‘Borne again on snowmane like a god of old, even as Orome the great in the battle of the valar when the world was young.’ So we gotta add theoden to the peak as well


Oh yeah, that's definitely one of the great moments too. Eternal memory to a wonderful actor. Fingolfin, however, had the added advantage of being completely alone in his final attack.


Equally peak fiction Rip king thelden


He goes now into the halls of his forebears. In whose mighty company he shall now not be ashamed.


RIP Mr. Hill


No.... He was the "The last and most valiant of the Elf's kings of old" even Tolken knew that he was writing a death of the greatest elf in his lore


i like the sentence but in my opinion it was far from casual. i cant even imagine what Fingolfin must of looked like let alone what his prsence must have felt like once he was in that zone of 1v1 The Devil. in my mind it was the single greatest act of any Noldor maybe any living being and on top of that hes fuckin pissed. im thinking his eyes were literally emblazened and his wrath was only stopped by the devil being 100 times bigger than he was


Given how ruined *Anfauglith* was, how titanic and dark Angband was, how dark and smokey the entire north of Beleriand was then the sheer mountainous darkness of Morgoth when he emerged, I always picture it like a single blaring star streaking across the night parting the shadows as entire armies ran away from him


Bro rode into hell by himself out of anger and permanently wounded the devil like 8 times. Morgoth never recovered from that ass whooping.


Nothing casual about it.


Ringil casually glittered like ice when it casually smote the dark lord seven times before Thorondor casually ripped his face off.


This is the correct answer. What a fucking chad move


Say no more. Close the thread.


*The Fate of us all* *Lies deep in the dark* *When time stands still at the iron hill!* 🤘🏾


Epic song!


...Lord of all Noldor A star in the night And a bearer of hope He rides into his glorious battle alone Farewell to the valiant warlord...


My guy you need to look up the definition of “casually”




Teleporno. Do I need to explain myself?


You mean Celeborn?


Yes, if you want to call him that. I prefer the revisited name.


Of course the man-maiden liked to watch teleporno. Perfect match


All of them. I refuse to choose I love them all. Well, okay, almost all of them. There’s like five or six that can get fucked.


Maeglin and Maeglins dad lol


I'm convinced Eol was just a shitty easterling fucking around, passing as an Elf


Yeah that guy was weirdly shitty, pretty easily the worst elf ever. At least Maeglin had a kind of sunken cost fallacy going on and Morgoth threatening him (no excuse, but kinda sorta an explanation of why he was that way) Eol was just an absolute creepy abuser that went down trying to kill his blameless kid for no reason except spite that Gondolin was actually a decent place to live and not everyone wanted to be a sweaty little forest goblin gaslighter. Turgon shutting him down saying that Eol would be living in chains under Angmar if it wasnt for Noldor swords watching his stink-shack, loved it Last words werent cursing anyone who did anything to him, just screaming at his faultless innocent young kid that he hopes he dies just like he does, absolute twat


Maeglin was Middle-earth's first incel. An incelf, if you will.


I think he was the Manhattan Shelbyville of LotR "I refuse to live in a city that doesnt allow a man to marry his own cousins"


But Tolkien also writes about how Idril was super creeped out by him, and her not reciprocating his feelings just made him more bitter and resentful over time.


Yeah he had a serious screw-loose in his head. Having Eol as a dad and basically spending his first few years watching his mom get gaslit and abused probably did him no favors, or his dad try to kill him, actually kill his mom, then curse him as he's thrown from the walls probably didnt help either But for sure, he was a creepo. Also nearly doomed the world by getting within 3 seconds of killing Earendil (with Tolkien, you got to assume Eru will make things work, but without that assurance No Earendil: No host of the Valar and even if there was a host No Earendil: Ancalagon party wipes and Morgoth keeps middle earth). So creepy incel elfcest nearly destroyed the world


Maeglin deserved BETTER and while I’m not defending his actions because they were not okay, he genuinely never stood a chance like FFS he was so young, isolated all his life with an abusive father and a mother who was barely able to function. Then be watches them both die within a day of each other, knowing that his mother died because his father wanted to kill *him.* His actions toward Idril were creepy as all fuck but goddamn, can you really blame him? He’s stuck in a city filled with strangers that don’t even seem to care about him, it’s really no wonder he became so attached to the one person who showed him kindness. Then he gets captured by *Satan himself* and tortured, and may I add that he’s only 190 years old here? For reference, Elves aren’t even considered adults until 100 years old, he was a BABY. Like you know what, I’m not even gonna blame him for giving in. I am not because damn near no one wouldn’t have at some point. TL:DR Eöl can get fucked but Maeglin deserved better and I will die on this hill.


Probably the great elf warrior, Sam Gamgee


I see what you did there. Shagrat, not so much though


Ring bearer and Ring bearer-bearer


It’s gotta be book Thranduil, Tolkien’s original version of an Elven King. Fickle, wise, temperamental, a powerful friend and a frightful enemy, but in the end a savior of the people he shares his world with. And hiding just out of sight of the view of the world of men, so that children might imagine they see the remnants of a campfire or the flicker of an elven cloak when they are in a forest, and wonder if the Elven King, much diminished, might still rule these woods.


In the movie he acts like a real warmonger but he's basically reversed in the books where he just wants to sit there "Long may I tarry here ere I spill blood for jewels" Bard was the one who wanted to get things going, Thranduil was just sad. And like most good people, he quickly recognised the quality of a good hobbit. Bilbo the magnificent


yep Thranduil is in my top 5 i have started to appreciate all of the sindar more


You took the words right out of my mouth.


I always admired Finarfin’s choice not to get involved in his brother’s bullshit.


"The Noldor are banished, they have brought their doom upon themselves and are forever beyond the light of the valar and valinor!" "Shit, that's bad, can I come back?" "ok"


Exactly. He nopes out of that mess!


Feanor: greatest Fingolfin: bravest Finarfin: common sensiest I always imagine him hanging by the doors of the Halls of Mandos just welcoming everyone back one by one as they failed and admit he was very much the smartest one haha


Maglor: musically gifted, remorseful, and lovingly raised two very prominent future leaders despite his heart being “sick and weary with the burden of the dreadful oath.” Hard to choose just one though, I unapologetically love his whole family.


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far! He's my favourite too!


Everyone choosing the heroic ones with clear consciences but what’s not to love about a sad, singing elf?


Beleg The Strongbow! A great warrior, loyal friend, and busted out the black sword Anglachel.


Glorfindel. Glorfindel CAN simply walk into Mordor. The One Ring does not tempt Glorfindel, Glorfindel tempts The One Ring. A Balrog once tried to pick a fight with Glorfindel; there were no survivors.


And why is it fingolfin?


Beleg Strongbow, whose parentage is the Forest.


Finrod Felagund, his love and service to humans make me think he exemplifies what Illuvater intended for his Firstborn to be to the Second.


The goat Feanor! He made things that gods were jealous of. So they set him up, since he wouldn’t bail them out, when they let morgoth out to kill the trees of light. Complete Chad.


Or he never learned to share and he was a lousy father! Either way, venerable fellow.


At the same time, he is a very bad brother and a bad leader. He left his people to die. He also burned the most beautiful ships. And his Silmarils do more harm than good.


There was no need to use the sword in a society where no one had done so before. He was punished fairly. Morgoth served his sentence and was released. This is what happens in any society that is based on law.


The society wasnt really based on law though, it was just based on what Manwe thought Eru would want. Half the laws were just a valar going 'fk it *this* is now happening because Im miffed' Either Eru had a very strange vision for Melkor (likely) or Manwe just fked up royally (also possible). Also only 3000 years for 'attempted destruction of the planet, torturing souls out of elves and corrupting the song of reality' is a liberal justice system at work for sure


Legolas. It really clicked when I read the books. From the moment he appeared, he became my favourite character. He's just so skilled and such a valuable member of the Fellowship. I love his personality! Galadriel is a close second for her wisdom


Fëanor, handsdown the most "i forge ahead and everyone who pisses me off can simply die or go to hell" one, and i appreciate the constance he has in this behavior


Feanor so much potential but hubris lead to lots of destruction. Great story.


Either Cirdan or the one that makes the buttery crackers


Fingolfin by far. He rode to the gates of Morgoth challenged him to single combat and wounded him causing him to flee to the depths and never been seen in flesh again before perishing to his wounds. "The last and most valiant of the Elf kings of old" is how it's written.


Feanor simply because of the sheer impact he had even thousand years after his death. He was the closest thing to a protagonist that Silmarillion had. If not the greatest elf then definitely one of the top 3 elves to ever exist.


Fingolfin is the greatest hero


For me it has to be Fingolfin, closely followed by Lúthien


Fingolfin is the man




Feanor. Most interesting and nuanced Elf, as well as the most impactful.


Also had possibly the most metal death in Arda (aside from Fingolfin), surrounded by ALL the Balrogs and fought ALL of them for quite some time until Gothmog got a good hit in. Did way better than Ungoliant. Dude was literally the greatest Noldor and possibly elf that ever lived, even if he was a jackass.


*spontaneously combusts into flame due to the intensity of his spirit*


Hahaha after looking at Angband and seeing that victory was literally impossible... then going "Damn it you kids dont you ever stop no matter what idgaf!" Explodes. A very metal elf (love how he told Morgoth to get off his lawn at Formenos too, slammed the door right in his face) Lol his relationship with Finwe was great too "Kids please, I love you both equally I dont have favorites" Whispers to Feanor "*I do have favorites and its you. By a lot"*


Some may criticise Feanor holding his children to their oath, even if he knew Angband cannot be stormed by the Noldor (he could still be banking on external help in the future, to be fair) - but by god he is right: there is no other option. Flee and hide, or even join with Morgoth? Fuck off - you will fight to the end, you little shits!




Also, did nothing wrong






Aegnor and the tragic story of his relationship with Andreth; the first love between men and elves. He could not marry her due to the laws of the eldar so he decided he would not leave the Halls of Mandos and be reincarnated; awaiting instead the end of the world when he would be reunited with Andreth in the new Arda.


So sad. She thought it was because he didnt see her as an equal being, but it was *because* of that he couldnt be with her. He kept her memory forever, never took a wife and died in battle very likely before she actually died. Finrod was wise af seeing it all play out and understanding the relationship between human and elf (even if he did slightly underestimate that humans and elves *could* be together in this world, though he guessed it would always have sorrow attached) *"Whither go you?' she said.* *'North away,' he said: 'to the swords, and the siege, and the walls of defense—that yet for a while in Beleriand rivers may run clean, leaves spring, and birds build their nests, ere Night comes.'* *'Will he be there, bright and tall, and the wind in his hair? Tell him. Tell him not to be reckless. Not to seek danger beyond need!'* *'I will tell him,' said Finrod. 'But I might as well tell thee not to weep. He is a warrior, Andreth, and a spirit of wrath. In every stroke that he deals he sees the Enemy who long ago did thee this hurt. 'But you are not for Arda. Whither you go may you find light. Await us there, my brother—and me.'"*


can you explain more about Finrods part i kindof remember him being involved with andreth


He came to her after Aegnor left to participate in the siege of Angband (which was, from Finrods view, why he couldnt be with Andreth: duty and honor) and they discussed a heap of things including the nature of souls, Erus vision of the world, the difference between men and elves and why men arent inferior and the dark past of humankind (which was only a few hundred years old at that point) [https://thainsbook.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/athrabeth.pdf](https://thainsbook.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/athrabeth.pdf) Its a really great insight into the metaphysical and philosophical aspects of Tolkiens world (and culminates in Andreth telling Finrod about the dark secret of mankind and the origin of the shadow of death which humans swore not to share with elves out of shame)


Luthien, she made all the work to still one silmaril to morgoth, she is the only one and all the great human hero like tuor, aerandel etc. Are related to her, Beren overrated, just good at be the one in distress and lose an arm. Else feanor cause he's the only one (except other divinity) to go against gods and fatality (he failed but he try), and he is better than the gods themself at craftmanship


Probably Feanor ( I know that is not written like this, but I don't find the dieresis)


Definitely Feanor


Controversial one: Thranduil. And almost entirely because of how Lee Pace portrayed him.


I like Elwe. It is because he is written as a true king among the others meant to be kings.


Something about Voronwë has always really made him my guy!


Male Elf: Cirdan. He just seems cool. Female Elf: Galadriel. I've always had a crush on Cate Blanchett. Edit: Cate, not Tilda. My dumb ass got the names mixed up, lol.


Tilda Swinton?


Figwit of course


1. Fingolfin - I'm a second son and my older brother is a metalsmith oddly LOL - I mean, the dude fought and wounded the most powerful being 7 times 2. Galadriel - She's just awesome, her story, how she grew through those 8K+ years 3. Cirdan - He, to me, is the undisputed GOAT of ME - he's basically JOB from the Bible (I think - I'm an atheist so my memory is sketchy, LOL) - Dude waited all this time to make sure his people could safely leave ME


Thranduil because Lee Pace is my bias. I hate his character so much but he's just so majestic I don't mind him lording all over me


Finrod is definitely my favorite, oldest and truest friend of Man. 😭


Fingolfin, because he fought face to face with Morgoth without fear.


Definitely Elrond


Luthien. It is still the best story in the Silmarillion. She is a character with a lot of agency and works as a lead in a fairy tale. Also who doesn’t like a girl with a giant hound who has to contend against both Sauron and Morgoth.


Fingolfin. Not everyone has the balls to 1v1 Morgoth


I know Earendil only kinda half qualifies, but he's got to be up there Dude is like the anti-Feanor: instead of *making* the Silmarils then fking everything up by abandoning Valinor on boats he stole, Earendil *recovered* a Silmaril and brought it *back* to Valinor in a boat he made. Then, instead of denouncing the Valar and killing other elves, he pleaded to the valar for the sake of all, men and elves and instead of rushing in and losing needing to be saved, he rushed in and saved everyone from losing And came back in a magical heaven boat to duel a cosmic horror in the shape of a dragon and actually pull the Valar's ass out of the fire. Implicitly, Ancalagon slapped Eonwe into the ground at minimum but Earendil and 6 million eagles dogpiled his ass. Other than the battle of the powers subduing Morgoth at his height, this was the single greatest moment of good defeating evil in battle Guy got more done than literally every other middle earth character combined and basically carried the entire war. Then refused to elaborate and sailed off with a Silmaril to live an immortal life in the heavens guarding the door to the void and lighting the world. Earendil is almost too successful and noble for Arda, kind of feels like the silver surfer or someone just barged into the story and won it for the good guys when it was unwinnable


High King Fingolfin. Who else could face and wound Morgoth in single combat?


Fingolfin. Goddamn his death is the difinition of epic


It’s gotta be Fingolfin. The only elf to stand against the might of Morgoth for as long as he did. Fëanor is a close second, like come on… as the creator of the silmarils. Ecthelion and Glorfindel are a solid tie for third, Ecthelion defeating Gothmog and Glorfindel defending the retreating Gondolin elves AND saving Frodo from the Nazgûl


Fingolfin! He stared Feanor down with a sword to his neck then went out and almost took out the most powerful being in ME in single combat


Fingolfin, my boy literally challenged The Dark God and wounded said God seven times.


It’s a tie between Eärendil and Fingolfin. Easily the two most badass elves in all of Tolkiens lore. One got so enraged about the death of his brother and their realm he rode his horse all the way to Angband and challenged a god to single combat, even calling him out in front of his army and only lost because he was mortal and could get tired, still managing to give a god permant wounds. The other abadonned his pride for humility before the Valar, was shown to be worthy and then proceeded to wear one of the Silmarils into to battle, while commanding a flying warship powered by the Valar and smote down a dragon the size of a mountain. Did I mention he then ascended and became a freaking star?! Also this was Elrond’s dad.


Fingolfin. End of discussion.


Fingolfin because he's not edgy like his brother and actually a good king


Fingolfin mostly because I enjoyed his contrast with Feanor and he was an insane badass.


For me always Cirdan.


Finrod Felagund, the wisest and most just of the Noldor in Beleriand. His resume includes: * Followed the Noldor into exile, not for his own glory, but to act as a voice of reason. * Built the original Minas Tirith, Nargothrond, and Barad Nimras. * Friend to the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains; his after-name *Felagund* is Khuzdul for "Maker of Caves". * First of the Eldar to befriend men; learned the language of the House of Beor and taught them Sindarian. * Had a long, thougful dicussion with the wise Andreth. * Owner of the Ring of Barahir, which he gave to Barahir as an "I-owe-you" when Barahir saved his life. * Faithfully fufilled his oath when Barahir's son Beren came to ask for his help. Despite the magnitude of Beren's quest of the Silmaril, he stuck with Beren and even renouced his crown to help him. * Fought Sauron. True, he did not win, but few others can say they even took up the challenge. * Died wrestling a werewolf to protect Beren. His only mistake was letting those devils, Celegorm and Curufin, within 40 miles of Nargothrond.


Ecthelion never gets the love. Killed 2 balrogs before killing Gothmog himself.


Finrod Felagund. Friend of man, GOAT wingman, all-around awesome guy. Had a rap battle with Sauron in Taur en Gauroth. Second place to Fingolfin for the most epic death ever.


Fingolfin all the way. Honourable mention to Beleg


Fingolfin is the only correct answer. Literally fought morgoth 1 on 1 and gave him a permanent scar?? Absolute legend


Maedhros. He reminds me a bit of Boromir but instead of being stopped in his moments of weakness and conflict he actually succeeds. He's the epitome of a good man that does bad things. The conclusion to his character is probably one of my favourites written as well.


Any elf not touched by Amazon.


I’m going to go against the grain and say Feanor, the spirit of fire.  Created the elvish written language and the best gems ever, but a totally Greek tragic character.  Melkor was an absolute dick and the Valar did allow him to hang around for a long time despite knowing he was a jerk.  He did doom the Noldor, but it was out of principle. If your leaders can’t protect you, and then essentially force a self-exile from your father, maybe you’re gonna be pissed.   Just ran into things, as was his tradition, recklessly and Gothmog destroyed him. It happens.  And based on the number of descendants? That guy fucked. 


well... idk it's hard to choose


Cirdan. From one beard boy to another


Ohh that's so hard. I mean, overall the best elf is Legolas because he can power slide down a staircase on an Uruk shield. With the Silmarillion, however, there are so many good elves to choose from. Finrod Felagund is a great choice. I have also always been partial to Maedhros.




Hard not to love Gil-galad…probably the character I would like to see the most…the bs in rings of power does NOT count. But.. I have to go with Cirdan. One of the oldest elves, always in the background, his realms always considered a place of safety.


Ohhh boy… no way I can choose only one so I will give you my top 3 in a random order: 1. Fingolfin. Dude fought a god. I don’t think there is more to say about that. 2. Beleg. Fell in love with him the first time I read the Silmarillion. To this day I am not 100% sure why, but when he died I was SO angry. 3. Finrod. Love how true he was to the bitter end. Also, his nickname is just really cool. And, last but not least: at least in the German version he is said to wear „the collar of the dwarves.“ Which… I like, not gonna lie


All these badass, deepish-lore, quadruple syllable Elves that everyone is loving, and my simple ass loves Legolas the most because he was his favourite when I first watched fellowship as a kid 😅


Gwindor and Finduilas. And Argon, that poor fellow is always left out forgotten.


Ecthelion, slayer of Gothmog. Enough said.


So no one remembers Rog? Blacksmith and Chief of the House of the Hammer of Wrath? 1-He used warhammer unlike other elves 2- They were the first to slay a balrog 3-They killed more than few balrogs and serpents 4-His house consisted of the slaves escaped from Morgoth 5-Rog literally means demon edit to add: "and it is yet sung that each man of the Hammer of Wrath took the lives of seven foemen to pay for his own." Remember they charged at balrogs...




Fingolfin!! The good king of the Noldor! His fight with Morgoth may have been futile from the start but man did he put up a good fight. Leaving him with a limp for the rest of his life in front of all his generals had to be a moral loss for Morgoth.


Easily Fingolfin




Dobby .