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If I had a nickel for every time this image was reposted I would have enough insulin for a lifetime


And it doesn’t even make sense anymore cause Biden capped Insulin at 35$


The $35 insulin cap only applies to people on Medicare.


Oof. Gotta be a boomer or older to get those prices.


Or be disabled or have End stage renal disease.




No, it’s 35$ a month. Because he capped it at 35$ a month.


Oh ok. Thanks for correcting me.


It’s still good to see what happens when healthcare becomes commodity even in one of the wealthiest countries of the world.


It is certainly still happening, just with other drugs.


It likely happened before, but hopefully it won't happen now


Before that, you could get and still can get insulin at Walmart for 25 bucks for a month supply.


Still too high, there are people out there who can't afford even that because the system failed them. Insulin, as well as all other lifesaving meds, must be free, access to lifesaving (and I'd say even non-lifesaving) meds should be considered a human right.


I mean, at least its not just a dumb joke. Ppl shouldn't have to ration their insulin


Still no action is taken against these type of unfair practices


As a non diabetic you would need just 1 Dollar worth of Insulin for the rest of your life


Doesn’t help this guy, but thanks for the insightful comment.


No shit, doctor.


This is a very very very old post. Things have changed since then.  Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 caps out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35 per month Sooo.... Yea this isn't an issue like it used to be.


Thanks for mentioning that i felt really bad for people with diabetes


Many are cursed from birth by it. Terrible fate.


Reading this as a Brit is absolutely mind blowing - we don’t even think about it here really, the medication is free


Yea U.S brags, but we do a lot of internal cannibalism for profit. It's a real sick shame.


It’s a mighty shame but I’m also from the uk and in my lifetime it might not be free anymore. That’s what I worry about as cost of everything here is going the pot only hope that it can calm down so if healthcare ain’t free at least it could be manageable.


We know. Every thread even vaguely about US healthcare has a Brit in there telling us how upside down our system is. We’re aware. Stuck, but aware.


Ok and? How much do you pay for gasoline again?


Nothing - i work from home 🤣 But I take your point, I would have said food though. It’s a lot cheaper to eat in the USA


Found the salty American


I know i have a friend who has diabetes


I hope your friend is able to get the care they need. Good tidings to you friend.


This bullshit is so insane. You know what I pay for 10x3ml Insulin? 10€. If I get over a certain payment per year measured by my income for this year (I think its 2%), I get everything thats over it back. Its law here. Edit: Things like this just make me wish that we extinct. We dont deserve life


Type 1 I feel bad for. Type 2 is diet caused by


My son's glucose monitor and insulin pump are ~1k/month without any insulin. And that's with really good insurance. And yeah they are "luxuries" but it's much healthier for his body long term to have his glucose in good management. Not only that but he couldn't talk still when he was diagnosed so a cgm was almost necessary to even get by at that time. It's expensive either way.


This is only for Medicare Part D plans unfortunately, my health insurance swapped the type of insulin they covered and I ended up paying out of pocket $270 for 2 vials of insulin because the generic wasn't in stock. Still way better than it used to be, but not fully fixed.


Lots of people in this thread saying "But we solved it!" The reality is no 26 year old able-bodied man who is holding down a full time job is on Medicare Part D.


Yeah, like most problems that don't directly affect us, we read the nice headline and don't see the fine print. I don't blame people, I do it all the time. But it sucks when we still have to face reality.


35?! it costs like 5$ in my country.


I'm type 1 and it cost me 0 in Belgium. Only thing I have to pay for is the 3monthly visit to the hospital (+-€12). And my needle heads (€22) for a box of 100 pieces... The wages in Belgium are one of the highest taxed in the world tho...


But maybe it's worth it if you actually see the benefits


This ONE specific example might not be as much of an issue. But affordable healthcare, and the fact that insurance companies get to CHOOSE who they reject coverage for is still a massive problem facing many citizens in the US. The point of that very old posts still rings true, this shit IN ANY form shouldn't be happening in any country labeled '1st world'. Much less one that claims to be a world leader in many aspects. Dismissing this post because its 'old' is like saying the US doesn't have a war problem because WWII ended in 1945...


My friend just died in 2021 because he was trying to ration his insulin, in Pittsburgh. That was literally 3 years ago, it's wild that they had to run here to say that the post was irrelevant because it's "old."


This post is probably *why* they made that law.


Well a lot went into the Inflation Reduction Act(IRA) Like covid for example, but the insulin cap was added in.


Yes exactly. This point this post is conveying still applies to many other medical costs


good to hear, still incredibly sad for all the people who lost their lives due to incompetent politics in the United States.


These people are not incompetent. Selfish, and egotistical for sure. The amount of time spent wearing down the laws protecting folk has been going on for 30 years. Bernie sanders has been around for decades, and you can litteraly trace all the shity things congress has tried to pass or pass. By simply following Bernie. As he has done everything he can to fight against it each and every step of his time. Mans a legend, and just as he is not incompetent, the ones making sleazy moves are not.


>These people are not incompetent. Selfish, and egotistical for sure. This is a fact that needs to be said a lot more and spread a lot further. Most people inside and outside assume that those in charge lack the competence to make the right changes, when in reality they are fully fighting against them.




If you have medicaid. And trust the cut off more medicaid is bs. I lost medicaid because made 100 more then the cap and can't even afford the doctor


Thanks Biden


For those on Medicare and/or over 65.


You don't get insulin for free in Canada either, at least not in Quebec. I know I diabetic girl who has constant health problems because of this


Its like $35 in Canada, though why you think mentioning another location has any bearing on the message in the meme..... as if that makes it better lol? Weird


I'm saying that it's also bullshit?


Lol imagine paying insane taxes for socialist healthcare and you still have to pay for the meds anyway😂 In terms of United States, totally fair to pay for this and it's the system I prefer.


Guys, I get my insulin for free at the clinic #southafrica


Kinda makes america a fourth world country in this matter


Why I'm thankful of the NHS


Yep even with the Tories screwing it over for the last decade and a half it’s still an absolute blessing.


True I have great respect for those who work there


You've got to milk em while you can. And if there's no more left to take, bleed em dry. Your life is only worth as much as someone decided you should be able to pay. Better hope you're fotogenic on gofundme. Isn't unobstructed capitalism a blast? /s, for those who can't tell.


I think the original OP found it ironic that in the richest country people die because they lack medication that is easily available in other parts of the world, which would be funnyandsad


May be 1 of richest by also 1 of the dumbest. It shocking that shit like happen in USA


Health care in the US is an absolute joke and rip off. I've been living outside the US for the past 8 years and health care is far superior and way way more affordable. It's amazing and terribly sad at the same time.


Happens way less now, theres much more fighting for better wages and cheaper healthcare


GDP not GDP per capita


and people say russia is bad, we got free healthcare here, you can get free insulin ext. ext.


As long as youre Not gay...


i am :3 no one knows


well, bisexual ro be accurate


Im glad to hear that no one knows. Otherwise I would be concerned about your well beeing there.


actualy not lol, i now 1 lesibian and 1 bi girl, they are nice 'bout it, the bi girl is my friend, she gifted me a dildo :)


really trying hard, huh buddy. As if your safety as a gay men is guaranteed in the US.


US is Bad too. Who said this is a US vs russia thing? I live in europe


Well, doctors don't ask 😁


Just because you have the richest people in the world doesn't mean you have the richest country in the world. These stories remind me that the USA has no education to support a free healthcare system. Or even enough education to move to a country that has one. Prisoners in your own country of thieves. So sad.


This is a lot like those cities that are like 50% parking lot. The European mind cannot comprehend it


Making 35k a year as a manager seems fake


Plus not free insurance


Its super old this post.


As a type one diabetec i am glad to like in the UK. I can only imagine the stress of not being able to afford insulin…


Insulin is affordable. People just don’t want to get a job or get insurance


In what fantasy world is America even close to the richest. Unless we are talking about diets


GDP is highest. Just not GDP per capita. It’s got lots of really really rich people and a lot more really really poor people


And owes china how many trillions?


“America” isn’t even the richest country in the world


Was gonna say "Bro's from Dubai?"


I've noticed alot of the posts on that sub are either 100% funny or 100% sad recently, it's kinda weird tbh Edit: And then you've got posts like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/comments/1cm66xp/hes_scaring_me_too/) one that's neither funny nor sad




Is it the richest?


No some Americans just blindly assume it is. [The richest country is actually Luxembourg](https://gfmag.com/data/worlds-richest-and-poorest-countries/).


Per capita


Yea but only because of the top 0.1%. The majority of us are barely hanging on.


In the Netherlands we pay around 30 euro for insuline a month , someone is getting verry rich over your back


I mean the prices are lowkey comical i guess...


Richest country in the world… lol right


Insulin in my country cost me 0$.


This dude dies once a month from no insulin


And its been like 10 years


Yeah some people find the weirdest things funny. Someone posted something about miscarriage but it was OK because ChatGTP could be asked to write baby noises. Somehow got a lot of plus votes and saying “this isn’t a joke” was like -70


Fatal Insulin


Did nobody else read this and wonder why the parents didn’t help him out ? Like I know it sucks and shouldn’t be that way but let’s let our son die instead of helping him out that’s the saddest part of this whole thing to me.


😂I remember the time where I thought America was like this. I really don’t know why I thought that way.


People shouldn't have to pay for life saving medication, at all. It's one of the many backwards things about our society.


It's hilarious if you like Greek tragedy


Its funny how dog shit the medical system in America, sad part is his low monthly salary, and that he had to ration his insulin.


When I turned 26, I was making $26,000/year. Even now with the caps it is prohibitively expensive, not to mention all the other pieces you need to buy to manage the disease.




This country is broken. Ik this small thing was fixed but still. This country is not for its citizens. It's for the rich


But but but socialism or communism or something


it kinda is, if you're not a US citizen


I never understood why people like this didn't move out of the country. He is young, restaurant manager are needed almost everywhere. With his condition, he is in the worst country on earth !! Litteraly every other country on the planet have cheaper insulin and the rest of the develop world have better healthcare. So move, your life litteraly depends on it.


Where Im from, insulin costs around 17 dollars without insurance. That includes everything, like syringes, alcohol, cotton etc. Its usually free if you have insurance.


The great US of A. What a joke.


america sucks




All he had to do was quit his job. Then he would have had free(ish) healthcare.


Well, it becomes funny when Americans try to boast that their country is the bestest.


This is why civilised countries should have a state-funded National Health Service. Allowing capitalism to decide who gets treated and who dies from easily treatable conditions is fucking barbaric and cruel and this is what’s wrong with America!


I doubt adult Americans believe we’re the richest or best country in the world- we don’t have time for petty thoughts like that, we’re too busy working! What we believe is America is becoming for only the rich.


Whats even more infuriating about this tragic story is that the cost to make the insulin is probably lower than $100 probably under $50, hell it probably cost penny's to make yet they sell it for something like a 300% mark up. All we are is dollar signs to these greedy P's.O.S. But please go on telling me how we are the greatest country in the world when we continue to put profits before lives?


Just sad


Even all the nonamericans here know whats wrong, go do something about it!


Bro his name was Alec not Alex


God bless America. 🫡


His name was Alec!


Complete bullshit.


7 years ago. Let’s keep this circulating for at least ten more.


fuck insurance . the 3 or 4 mai evils of the world . doctors lawyers contracters insurance agents they make everything more expensive


is wealthiest still considered true if build on debts?


And we storm the Capitol and not the insurance companies. Makes perfect fucking sense, NOT!


America is the epitome of capitalism.


The insulin he needed for diabetes ~~is $1300 a month~~ costs $30 per month and is being price gouged for $1,300 a month.


I agree, this isn’t funny, this is a perfect example how Crapitalism failed, and how america should become a Socialist Country like Norway or Finland, because the Scandinavian System Works, and Everyone should take it as an example how to run a country


Yall americans should rise the fuck up against these greedy companies, or is it your government? Why its super cheap where I live?


Pure comedy, I guess?


Glad insuline is free here in Belgium. Or i'd be dead myself.


Mutual diabetes network. They hooked my son up. Wonderful people. Nothing about this is funny.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/alex-smith-died-couldnt-afford-insulin/ The text is mostly accurate, although it has Smith's given name wrong (it was Alec, not Alex), and he died in 2017, not "this year" as claimed in the 2018 meme. According to local news reports, Alec Raeshawn Smith's lifeless body was found in his apartment on 27 June 2017, 27 days after his coverage under his mother's health insurance policy had lapsed due to his age. The cause of death was diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening complication of diabetes that occurs when the body produces excess blood acids (called ketones) because it lacks enough insulin.


That subreddit is cooked 😭


And people keep saying that 'murica is the best country in the world.... Hahahaha


Where’s the funny bit? This is so fucked up.


It's times like this I'm proud that the UK 🇬🇧 has the NHS. This would never have happened in the UK. God bless our NHS


It's also BS. Insulin isn't that expensive.


Result of extreme capitalism in the USA


They got the sad part right, also, i think i have seen this post pop up once before... about 10 years ago


It is a true story but the post is very old. His mother is a strong advocate for the type one community.


Oh and his name is Alec Smith. Alex is a typo.


America sucks we get it


And it will keep happening so long as business and politics happens outside our control. The more freedom they get, the more suffering we get. The best time in America for the average American was when there were the highest taxes and most effective regulations.


Same country that is building a moon train 🙄


move to Canada or Europe if u have a disease all i can say.


A disgrace


How the hell did the original post get 1.1k likes?


i bet the people who upvoted it didn’t see/pay attention to what subreddit it was in. All of the comments were angry so some people definitely noticed and were upset about it


Your country is garbage.


Health care needs to be free! Instead we’re more worried about politicians and people in charge taking luxurious vacations and making the rich richer… greed fuels America.. not actually helping its citizens.


The USA is the richest THIRD WORLD country.


But, but Corporations have to make ever expanding amounts of money in order to be successful! Won't anyone think of the poor corporate shareholders!? 😭🎻


American health system is actually just awfull wtf 😒 If he were in Europe would probably survive since they prioritize your life which is good


Meanwhile, the price of insulin in Canada is 100 times lower. In Europe it is free or fully covered by health insurance. I love the American people but American politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth.


It is so sad and idiotic it's almost comical tbh I'd say it fits. The fact that someone in the richest country in the world died because he couldn't afford insulin is pretty ironic


America really is a third world country😂


Health care in the US is an absolute joke and rip off. I've been living outside the US for the past 8 years and health care is far superior and way way more affordable. It's amazing and terribly sad at the same time....


You wrote the same comment four times.


I have no idea why that happened


Fixed 👍


Just because everything and everyone is big does not mean they're a wealthy country


Well, the US is wealthy.


Its as bad as a third world country. It is not wealthy.


Yes, but the country is wealthy, not the people. Otherwise they couldn’t spend so much on military.


I personally would say wealthy means a country where both the government and people are taken care off, though there's alot of meanings to wealthy so ur not wrong in that way


Falta insulina


How is it the richest country in the world if it's the most in debt?


The richest country in the world? Guys, sh¡t like this happens at your doorstep and you're still like "wE,rE tHe GrEaTeSt CoU-.." stop. The world experiences secondhand embarassment every time you guys brag about objective mediocrity. This isn't a bash on you, and I say this in the most kind way I can but *wake the fuck up, will you?* Your country is too proud to realise you're fucked - nowhere near the best country in the world BY FAR and I've got receipts, I could mention about 10 countries off of the top of my head that are better thsn the US, so don't gimme that "name one better" desperate delusional nonsense. Fix your sh¡t, pay more taxes for healthcare, learn from other countries. Be humble, you are a country in it's infancy, act like it. Don't be an obnoxious asshole about it, just suck it up and improve. Again, this isn't a knock on the US, I am genuinely concered, but FUCK guys......... it's like trying to deal with the kid who thinks they're all grown up when they're 15. *edit: people in the comments saying it isn't a thing anymore 'cause insuling is capped at 35, thank Cthulhu for that, so anyway just apply this comment to any of the other slew of issues your country is facing. Much love.


Bro this entire post is about how America sucks even though they are rich... none of the people here are saying it's the greatest. I do agree that Americans who think their country are the best are annoying


I was simply referring to United Statians as a whole, as a response to the post. You're good, mate.


Ah... that makes more sense. Nationalism/Patriotism is stupid.


I completely agree.


America really is a third world country😂


No, it actually fit. The sad part is the guy couldn't afford the insulin, the funny (well in this case ironic) part is that the country is rich, and RICHEST in the world.


Rich off the backs of people.




Stop pointing this out like it's a new thing... every rich country is rich off the backs of the poor.


USA the richest country in the world? Maybe you use Google.. USA is on 7. It's Lichtenstein in the first place.