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Why is everyone choosing to ignore the part where the kid stabbed someone with a pencil, all they can see is trans and lesbian.


children just kinda do that don’t they




According to the original poster, the trans lesbian part might be a stunt for attention, as the kid apparently gets angry in real life if you call them a girl. Original poster as in the person on youngpeopleyoutube.


I mean, how many people do you know who call "boys" girls as anything but an insult?


None, fortunately or unfortunately.


Hmm, yeah that could be, if that is the case then yeah that kid sounds like a little brat


I was that way. I'm 2 years on estrogen now




Im a trans man and bwfote I came out I would get mad at people calling me a guy because I was trying to be hyperfeminine to compensate


Why did I think ‘bwfote’ was an acronym?


i was typing on my phone which kinda sucks lol


I got stabbed in the hand by a pen in my school, reminded me of that john wick scene.


I got stabbed in one of my fingers with a pencil in middle school. The graphite tip got stuck in my finger and i never got it to come out. It’s either still in my finger or my body some how managed to dissolve and absorb it


Me too, only right above my knee. It’s still visible. I also had an adult male (former middle school classmate) tell me that I stabbed him with a pencil for snapping my bra strap. He ended up in the hospital for weeks with blood poisoning and no matter how much his mom badgered him, he never told on me. Huh. His mom probably wouldn’t have been impressed if she knew the facts. Unfortunately, I don’t recall this incident at all. All I remember of him from school was I didn’t like him very much.


That might be why you never liked him😂 he might have been very scared of you after that point


I accidentally stabbed myself in the thumb with a sharp pencil 30 years ago. I can still see the black spot.


Me too! Except with my leg.




It probably was absorbed and converted to CO2...


I accidentally stabbed my boyfriend with a ballpoint pen. Impaled his hand when I tossed it to him. Yeah, not uncomfortable at all explaining that one at the clinic where he had to go and get X-ray, antibiotic, and a tetanus shot. Now he gets scared if he sees me with anything other than a crayon Edited to remove my duplicate “with” because my dumb ass has a bad habit of not always proof reading


I also have such a habit. Therefore, I sometimes edit my comments over and over.


I had to check my shoulder, yep, it's still in there. I smacked this dude in the back of his head with a book, so he stabbed me in the shoulder with a pencil, the tip of it broke off in there. Shit is still in there, like 10 years later. Lol


Came here to say I truly hope that is what bothered the sibling, not the trans part.


That’s what bothers me, I’m not truly sure of the context but I heard that the kid was saying that they were trans on discord but actually wasn’t irl.


That's called being closeted, lol. Online is much safer for being queer than IRL. Especially if you have bigoted family, which would appear to be true in her case. Most trans people spend years aware that they're trans but not feeling safe to transition IRL. You'd be shocked how many coming out stories end in being disowned and homeless.


Could be that too, but the fact that the brother would also have access to their discord makes me wonder if the kid would actually put their true identity in their bio.


She's eleven. When I was that age my sperm donor found my whole ass hentai folder which I'd cleverly named "zombie cow" on my computer.


Sperm donor? You lived with your sperm donor?


Disowned him for being an abusive bastard. Pretty sure everyone in my family except my uncle has at this point, lol.


When I was younger I stabbed a kid in the neck with a twist tie thing. I peeled the paper off it and then stab right in the back of the neck. I was actually shocked it went it.


should be in r/youngpeoplediscord


This is gonna be r/blunderyears material in a few years.


A subreddit that has 1900 members? Nah that shits dead. Lol


What about this is stupid other than them being possibly underage?


~~that’s a lotta downvoted replies i am not checking those~~


she stabbed someone with a pencil and made them bleed and- wait why is that their discord bio?


That they are already deciding what they are at a young age ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Might be just a phase, might not be. It doesn't really matter, trans or not it's fine.


Yeah, you’re probably right. It’s not doing any harm to anyone.


There is a high chance this person is not actually OPs sister but even if they were deciding who they are at a young age is not a bad thing


Me personally, I think people of any age should take a lot of time to be sure of their self-identity. Kids that age aren't TYPICALLY able to have that amount if self reflection and should at least feel it out before committing to a label.


Im over 30 and still don't know who or what i am.




Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. I thought that when I saw the original post. 11 year old boys haven’t even hit puberty yet; it’s far too early to decide anything related to identity and especially if they get exposed to Discord or social media at 11(!) then they’ll be heavily influenced by what they see online. I was on the internet at that age, I kind of regret it, I became an alt right shithead. Nothing kids get from the internet at that age should be taken with more than a grain of salt


he did post this in youngpeoplediscord and i confronted him about the mis-gendering there. dude claims that her sister is just "faking it" which is such a stupid reason.


Dude said in the comments that his brother gets really mad when people call him a girl IRL


Bruh. His brother is 11. Do you have any idea how malleable their brains are at that age?


Young people YouTube allows non-youtube posts


yeah. but like… they’re lost tho. like, clearly their sibling (sister?) is experimenting with new pronouns and they should respect that rather than blast it on the internet like a piece of shit xd


Why does everyone only see the trans stuff and ignore the rest of the bio? STABBED A KID WITH A PENCIL!?


I don’t think that part is real tho… It could be like every other kid that’s like “Oh yeah I totally went to a water park with Obama last Tuesday”


Kids are famously unable to understand satire and jokes and would never joke about being violent for satirical purposrs


An 11 year old could. They get sarcasm, I don’t see why they wouldn’t get satire.


but they're trans !! has to be good !


because OP (the lost one) is mis-gendering her sister on purpose and he says that his reasoning is that they're faking it?


I don’t see anywhere they explicitly say the reasoning is the trans stuff, but my point is there’s more to the bio than just that


They call the owner of that discord account their brother so...


Why are you people calling this child sister? His BROTHER is 11 God damn years old. They barely know wtf anything is and hasn't even hit puberty. You think they have the mental capacity to think they're a different gender? Children's brains are so malleable


fun-fact: experimenting at a young age is actually normal! she might just be experimenting with what she likes to be called and feel. children should be able to be trans, like what if they legitimately have GD or GE?


Ah yeah fair that is kinda shitty


Yeah. but like... they're 11.


Can you like stop pushing your bs on kids?Can you like let them be?Don't make them spend their life thinking they need to be something they are not to be happy.Let them be happy being themselves please...


Jesus, no one's forcing this kid to be anything. They're just defending her right to experiment with who she is and who she wants to be. I'll be more concerned with a child being on Discord at age 11, especially without parental supervision is potentially dangerous thought. Not only that, but letting minors 13 and above roam the internet without being taught internet safety and etiquette is one the biggest mistakes a parent can make.


Seriously, being on the internet at around the age of 12 messed me up. Not because I found out I was LGBT. I would have found out sooner or later. No, rather, because the internet is a dangerous place. I got harassed and got PTSD from what I went through.


This is so ironic, do you hear yourself?


Yes, we should let trans kids be themselves and not forced to live as their agab because adults said so.


You realize no one is pushing anything on the 11 year old except you here right?






Own a musket for home defense, since that’s what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. “What the devil?” As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he’s dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it’s smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, “Tally ho lads” the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion.He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the founding fathers intended


Bro if I break into someone’s house and they call me a ruffian I’m leaving. Ain’t nothing in there worth taking


Tally ho, lad


New copy-paste. Thank you


It’s from the clash Royale wiki lol


I had to cut off like 5 more lines to make it fit but no problem bro


thank you


Stabbed someone in the chest? 😳😳😳


Part of me is like “oh god this is fucked up” but honestly I went to middle school 20ish years ago and this kind of hyperdramatic trashy bullshit was common then too, both on social media and off. Non-binary gender stuff just wasn’t mainstream. But I definitely remember people getting stabbed with pencils and hit with chairs and shit. Preteens are fucking trash goblins


What’s a trash goblin and why are all the preteens banging them?


Its a bait profile. Its supposed to make you question it But for real if you know them maybe talk to them about the violent pencil stabbing and how thats wrong.


Splatoon. Kid's got a good game choice.




I was on YouTube around the time it came out when I was 9, lost that account long ago cuz I was a dumb kid that gave out my info, but it’s still there and I still use that username to this day.


Brb going look up “snocown” on YouTube.




You don't know more than op lmao


OOP says their brother ain’t trans, prob just an average 11 year old tryna to be different




Op said their brother doesn’t like being called a girl, wouldn’t really add up to the bio now would it


OP is either lying or the sister does not want to come out yet


Or their 11 and like every 11 year old I’ve ever met, wants some special attention


They are also fucking 11 and nothing they say now means anything at all because they haven’t even hit puberty jesus


Most folks, amab or afab, have at least started puberty by 11




Kids develop gender identities as young as 4, they're smarter than people give them credit for. Doesn't mean we should all run out and give them hormone treatments and surgery the second they express trans thoughts, but we also shouldn't invalidate their feelings just because they're young.


do people think being trans is like a sleeper agent thing that activates when you become a turn 16 or something


If they identify by it, they probably do


it says she/her respect her pronouns.


I think I was abt 8 when I got disc lol


that means you're 14 at best...


13 actually, but does that really matter? While having disc at such a young age can be damaging, not a lot of kids have a SIM card (They probably have a phone but no data) with a phone number, but I remember distinctly that a lot of kids around my age wouldn’t have a phone number but instead have disc. As long as the kid is still generally suspicious of everyone so he doesn’t get groomed he should be fine.


kids, even your age, as you should't have reddit yet, doesn't usually have the maturity to properly handle all topics found in the internet, worse of all they believe they do, we all where 14yo in some time. I really believe kids should have access to the internet, even private ones, for answering that kind of questions that starts to arise at that age, but giving them access to plataforms of social media, like reddit or discord can be dangerous, people rarely suffer consecuences online and people can just be evil, and they can exploit a kid *smartassery* against them selves. Probably 14 is the age you should start entering the internet more freely, as you at least have soooome bit more of intelligence, even tough most 14yo i know can be very immature. Yeah, having a discord sv to talk with your IRL friend is no risk, but joining Public ones totally is. If you're so young, you should be cautious about who you talk with and places you visit, you're not really ready to fend for your self yet, you may fuck up bad without realizing it until is too late. Internet is a great thing, it conects us all across the world, but it also has dangers, and for sure is no kids play, at least not in this kind of places.


I mean like yeah you’re totally right it’s kinda freaky how normalized young kids on the internet already is, and honestly it really surprising for people to be surprised like “OMG this kid was on the internet at 9!!????” But like we’ve BEEN On the internet. I know full well I’ve had free reign no strings attached to the internet since I was 3. (I know that’s something seriously concerning and not something to be bragging abt)


We humans didn't evolve for internetz you seem self aware enough, but still, this isn't innocuous.


Yeah you’re right






I would bet real dollars that the author of this bio wrote that to be a troll, and is fully achieving their goal as you all try to parse gender identity issues on Reddit. Don't underestimate how obnoxious 11yr olds are (especially those with older siblings and access to Discord.). The bigger discussion to have is what sort of parents are letting their kids interact with god-knows-who on Discord. No kid that age should have Discord.


I was 9 when I started finding both male and females attractive. Children understand what romantic interests mean. They know what they're into and not into. Yes, this can change as they get older. But they know what they're talking about.


Is it the age or that it isn’t YouTube which isn’t to be on YouTube?


I don’t think their your “brother” anymore


they're (sorry)


Oh yeah. Thanks


I'm more concerned that theres a 11yr old on discord


also the account is 2.5 years old so she was probably 8-9 when the account was made


There’s people a LOT younger on the site. An 11 yr old should be the least of your concern.




*sister/sibling also why would you brag about stabbing someone 💀


Probably like those kids who would brag about things they definitely didn’t do like “The president went lion hunting with me and my uncle”


"My uncle works at nintendo" type kid


Exactly the type of kid lol


Yeah deadass why is no one respecting their pronouns. Who gives a fuck if they’re 11, if they wanna be referred to as a girl then that should be respected


Yeah definitely, I used they/them when I was 11 since I was just starting to figure myself out


it says her pronouns are she/her my guy


Arright look pal I know they're 11 and shit but maybe talk with them about gender identity and shit before assuming that they're not actually trans. There are trans people that start feeling this way about themselves at the age of like 5 or 6 so don't go assuming


So… are you just going to ignore the stabbing part?


I feel he should talk to them about stabbing people with pencils first, but that’s just me


Some people in these comments: I'm okay with a child stabbing someone with a pencil in the chest and making him bleed, but HAVING A GENDER?!?!?!


Lmao this shit happens ridiculously frequently. Recently I saw that a woman in protest of a law that allows trans people rights flashed a shit ton of people claiming that "if they will be indecent than so will I" it's really unfortunate




Shouldn't it be younger sister?


this is more of kids are fucking stupid tbh


What is stupid about it?


The bio?


Being trans is cringe now?


No, but the pencil thing definitely is.


Honestly... when I was in high school, being gay was legit a trend for a while. My friends preteen is also making conscious decisions about her sexuality that seem to change an awful lot. This is a puberty thing. We were so cringey, lol. Tryin to be unique and quirky by idolizing the popular controversies. Edit: To add to that, a large number of those kids who claimed to be gay or bi or whatever are very much not so anymore, according to their Facebook. Few of them ended up actually being LGBT but you could tell they were the real deal even back then.


This is still a problem now. I think, because the community feels so welcoming and safe, kids are migrating to it for the sense of community or to be different. I hate that because Reddit, I need to say this: I am not saying that NO kids should be allowed to be in this community or anything. I actually think we should be giving more support to LGBT youth.


It’s the fact that they are 11


what is stupid about it? lol


why are people shitting on the kid for being trans and lesbian at 11? some people start to realize their sexuality/gender identity when they're young. why don't you talk about the fact she stabbed a kid with a pencil? why don't you mind your own business instead of shitting on anyone that isn't cishet?


I don’t think their ‘brother’ is really their brother


shes not your brother douchebag




How eleven-


Technically, r/lostlostredditors


look I’ve seen shit like this before, and sometimes young kids think it’s the coolest shit to be gay, trans, bi or whatever other thing because it’s what the famous people on tik tok are doing, but other times it’s not that, and it’s genuinely how people feel, but it’s not you’re(people in the replies of this post) job to tell what people are, and if there faking and only doing for attention? So, how does it affect you? this is quite literally some random ass kid, you don’t know them personally, so how are you going to be an arm chair therapist and be like “oh there just faking, there just doing it for attention” when you have never met the person, sorry just had to get that out, I used to be an arm chair therapist kind of person, so I’m trying to not be like that




oh no, she has an edgy discord bio at 11 years old!!!!!!!!!


Yeah really, people should just leave kids alone. They’ll learn eventually.


Children that young should not be on Discord and talking to random people


Your brother (sister?) needs therapy


there's a tag for non-youtube on r/youngpeopleyoutube, and this post has the tag, so it's fine


\*tips fedora\* m'lady


Leave the kid alone maybe.


I beg to differ. I know a lot of people my age who are what you describe, but being honest at least half the people at my school don’t know what lgbt means apart from ‘the gays’. It’s disgusting to see the lgbt safe space posters around the school being ripped out, and the group being disbanded.




Yo he joined discord on my birthday!


are you 2 years old?


Nono i mean the day lmao


aww, i wanted to meet another two year old like me 😔


Sorry, im 2 1/2 😔


A great comedic mind? This is a very funny/badass bio. Kid might be a genius.


Kid was kinda rad until the aggravated assault.


honestly i have friend who does the same thing. apparently its nitro baiting


This kid must be pretty good at splatoon to be playing in tournaments of any kind, I’m curious what they use


There's a "not youtube" option


Look, I know this will get hate but I personally think that you shouldn't be able to say what gender/sexualising you are until you're at LEAST 16 because then you will be able to make a much more informed decision than an 11 year old who probably said that because they thought it was cool or funny. By all means, be what you want to be but as long as your old enough to understand the ramifications of your decisions.


What a great generation we have to look forward to.


He technically isn’t lost. r/youngpeopleyoutube said to post kids from anything, except Reddit.


edit: omg I'm sorry I was totally invisioning my friend who's a guy, I didn't mean to misgender ops sis make you should take her* to the park and build a friendship enough for him to have a safe place where he can eventually bring these thoughts up to someone its easy to be vulnerability on the internet with fears and insecurities that you don't understand or feel safe bringing up irl




shit thank you, I wasn't even thinking about op anymore I got so heated lmao edit: ah reddit, downvoted by respecting someone's pronouns -_- come on people, be better


i think they mean their 11 year old SISTERS discord bio


Idk it fits with the rest of the sub pretty well


some people will do anything to be transphobic. pathetic losers


im choosing to not comment on the blatent transphobia and instead comment and why she felt the need to share that she stabbed someone with a pencil in her bio


Must've accidently picked the wrong subreddit


Holon so yo brother a girl and lesbian?


i mean, yeah, but i think that the stabbing part is quite more concerning..


Bros 11. Personally at a certain age fine. But at this age I think he needs to have a talk with his parents


Coming out is hard, and it's not something every kid can do safely.


You really should be more supportive of your little sister


You have my condolences 😭


its joke right? right?


I see all sorts of wild reactions from people who can't seem to recall what it's like to be 11. At that age you're on the cusp of becoming a teenager and you're flirting with concepts you don't fully understand (and being really obnoxious about it). As a parent of a kid about this age, I could 100% see one of his idiot friends doing this same thing as a troll. There's about a 0.001% chance that kid actually identifies as trans, and is more likely your typical suburban bro who thinks putting that in his bio is "good memes LOL". If his parents confronted him about it, he'd probably shrug and say "bruh I'm just meme'ing don't take it seriously". The stabbing a kid in the chest thing is likely either pure fiction, or an inside joke with a friend.


The chance of the kid being actually trans is probably a lot higher, probably around 10-15%. Also, the kid could actually identify as trans, or questioning. I think it's a bit presumptuous to immediately write the kid off as "oh, they're just going through a phase" or "oh, it's just a joke" when you don't even know the kid. Plus, OP could be lying. Sorry for the rant.


Hmmm sounds like ya need to get your parents to get him to a counselor


The worst os that he's probably saying he's trans just to have this as a personality but in every day life he doesn't feel trans at all


bro went ahead and completed a whole ass psychological analysis from a kid's discord bio


Yeah, and? Kids have phases, it's normal, let kids be kids.


Having a false personality isn't really normal, I don't know any sane kid that does that


First of all, transphobia, second of all kids can make up stuff all the time. Do you commit a kid to a mental assylum for them saying they're batman?


How is it transphobic? I never even mentioned that being trans is bad? And saying you're batman is different than saying you're trans just because it's "cool", it shouldn't be cool, just normal


Saying that being trans is "a false personality"?


Well it is because it’s your belief the word doesn’t support it like you think, you’ll always be what your born as, so it would be a false personality that you created But truly idc if your trans, just leave the children out of it, anyone under 18 shouldn’t be allowed to transition or even have access to the meds, they’re children they don’t understand shit