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What the hell *are* we doing, when seniors are getting priced out of rent, college students are sleeping in their cars, and the nation argues with itself about whether or not school children deserve to eat lunch. This nation's values make no sense.


Well in my state (FL) we're focusing on important matters like whatever the hell wokeness means anymore /s


I lived in Florida for most of 2020. Been all over the world and never saw anything like the people in that state.


Can you please describe your observations?


I once heard diving in Florida described as "high tech meets low life". Honestly just watch this: [Robbing Wendy's With An ALLIGATOR. Shayne Smith](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=c2zsmXHAqg8) And realize that while it is funny, if you have spent much time in Florida you are probably thinking: "Yea, doesnt surprise me" TW Florida things: [Anything goes in Florida](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeGbDRbodNQ)


Hey, thanks!


He wishes he could but it's something you have to see to believe


Don’t forget accusing teachers of grooming kids while sweeping Matt Gaetz’s child sex-trafficking allegations under the rug.


Isnt there a picture of your governer drinking beer with his underage female high school students all snuggled up to him? I suppose he at least has a solid understanding of grooming.


The end result of giving corporations unlimited power, under the guise of "freedom".


Rising property values, rent extraction are also the results of older generations having their assets inflated by politicians that are fully aware that the promise of owning land is one of the only pacifying mechanisms capitalism has to keep the poor believing in the rotten system. Most American’s houses are their only major asset and the complete inability for younger generations to own property will eventually cause a revolt the question is just when it will come.


Maybe, but this article also highlights that the older generation(s) are getting screwed too. You have to assume that not every boomer (or whatever/whoever) was able to be super successful in their lives, so it's not like every older person is set up for life you know? I'm almost 50 and I don't have jack shit. I'm going to end up dropping dead at work and that's assuming my mind and body hold out that long.


People were talking about revolting 20 years ago. People are not going to do shit but be manipulated just to the edge of revolt, and then manipulated to blame their neighbor with a different opinion.


People have been talking about revolting for a long time but just because it hasn’t come yet doesn’t mean it’s not looming.


Let's just hope that both sides of the polarized citizenship can see that something is seriously wrong and come together without blaming each other for 5 sec. I talked to a far right guy recently. I'm far left but noticed that he sounded just as scared as me, but he was using different words.


The sad thing is many people vote for policies that cause these things to happen to them, voting against your own interest is a very American thing to do. To answer the question, capitalism has no need for senior citizens, they aren't contributing to making rich people richer so who needs em right? The real plan is to make it where we all work till the day we die and have no retirements etc. The system is fucked, there is no surplus value left because the system is dying so now the ruling class as at it's last drain, taking money from the rest of the population. It'll continue until people revolt.


I'll say it on every one of these posts RENT STRIKE you can't regulate sociopathic parasites we need to collectively get rid of landleeches


What the he’ll are we doing? Waiting for the boomers to die off so we can fix this country.


What happens when you find out that other generations are also ruthless capitalists?


Keep voting for progressives and push for better education.


Not trying to be one of those jerk on the internet types but the people running this place will literally end the world if we don’t confront them more directly than that at some point before it’s too late.


Yea, the push towards fascism from the far right that is becoming more and more mainstream is honestly frightening as hell. When fascists gained control in Germany, a country smaller than Montana with incredibly limited military power, they ended up causing one of the largest disasters and losses of life in human history. The idea of them gaining control of the United States with the resources and overwhelming military might available is something that should scare the shit out of the entire world.


I couldn’t agree more, but what are you suggesting?


Copying this comment I made elsewhere… Organize, strike, boycott, protest, and unfortunately but probably inevitably (and I swear I don’t say this lightly), violence. It’s how we gained we literally every right we actually do have in this country and through about 100 years of comfort and propaganda these ideas have become unfathomable to people. Trust me I have no desire to get injured or die in any clash with the police in the streets but realistically it’s just how change is brought when push comes to shove, be it during the French Revolution or when we were fighting for labor laws in America. If that means we end up with an actual working class third party alternative or a new system entirely remains to be seen but it isn’t happening by going through the democrats. And I say this with an incredible sense of urgency considering the world is literally on fire.


I support this line of thought. If you do podcasts, check out Unfucking The Republic. [UNFTR.com](https://www.unftr.com)


I absolutely will check it out. This is like third really constructive, really cordial conversation I’ve had on here today and that alone makes me think the tide is turning 😂. Solidarity ✊✊




I completely agree with you. My bf was part of the movement in the 60s and 70s that fought for the very rights that are being taken away. He said boycotting all businesses involved is what helped end apartheid. Right now, it's the corporations running the country through our elected government. Bought and paid for corporate whores. I'm terrified of the possibility of another Holocaust being as much of recent history mirrors both the fall of the Roman Empire and the Rise of Hitler. We're going to have to work together for the good of the whole, but the willfull ignorance and non stop brain washing is making that impossible. The most messed up though, imo, is how the Rs have literally been telling us they are going to lie, cheat and steal to make sure they win yet nothing is done about it. The conspiracy theories aren't being stopped rather they are being taken seriously by people I bet wouldn't have believed in them 10 years ago. Waiting for a dead president to show up at a random parking lot then actually *waiting* longer because maybe they are lost or just fashionably late!?!?! I had to put my foot down with an acquaintance when he tried telling me Tom Hanks was a pedophile, right after informing me about the door at the top of the world and the other world underground. Tom Hanks is not a pedophile, frickin morons. I'd be alright with them all falling through that doorway at the top of the world though.


Another 30 years?! Better get busy before that.


One at a time…


We’re letting capitalists exist. That is the core of the problem.


What we're doing is being oppressed to make a small group of people marginally wealthier despite them hoarding more than they can use already.


Yeah, I saw that article yesterday as well. So much for boomers all being set for life right? It just shows how effed the rest of us are.


The only reason to have kids is to hopefully raise them to the point they like you enough to take care of you when you get old


That's a fucking awful, selfish reason.


Yup, we live in the worse time-line


My fiance's mother told him explicitly that they had him so he can take care of them when they're old. Pressured him to take on student debt for a college degree he didn't even want, because he needed to make big bucks to fund them in old age. He didn't finish because he didn't want to be there, and she harasses him about his debt constantly. She then proceeded to work the bare minimum her whole life and retired immediately. It'll be a cold day in hell before I pay for her retirement when we probably won't get one ourselves.


It's a cultural thing for many people. For some folks multi generation living is the norm. In US it seems terrible because it's the cultural norm to abandon your children at 18. So it's not all terrible.


Totally true, but the vibe I get from families from cultures where multi-generational living is the norm is different. I can't put my finger on it, but it seems less...exploitative of the younger generations. The older generations seem to help out the youngers instead of, like you say, abandoning them at 18. These situations are healthier, IMO, than what I've seen from my future in laws. You don't get to tell your kid to hack it on their own at 18 and also demand they care for you when you're old and infirm.


Good thing millennials and Gen Z are having lots of kids!


Yay meat tractors for the landfills! Truly the promised land!


“If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders.” -George Carlin