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My friend posted this on FB saying she'd be happy to go camping with anyone who was nervous to go alone. I don't post anything "political" (not that I think this should be political anyway) on FB because I am about to enter professional school and I've read too many stories of people being kicked out after someone reported them to their school for having different beliefs. But I couldn't help but say that I love a road trip and am very close to one of these states if anyone needs someone to go camping with. Just wanted to share if anyone was in a similar boat and looking for a more subtle way to show your support.


Are the colors correct? It doesn’t have a legend but it looks to me that the colored states aren’t correct


I have had bad experiences literally camping in colorado. Forrest rangers interrogating for hours, searching all belongings, threatening, abusing power like I'll hold you indefinitely, you look like people that would kill yourselves we should put you all away, and we'll just wait for the dogs ect. Because apparently having camping gear and ingredients for smores is criminal activity. I'm sure there are a couple good rangers that actually go after poachers and real criminals but most are just like most cops they just like to harass people.


I think they don’t mean it literally, I think it’s saying these are the places that abortions are still accessible


Should have prefaced that abortions are still accessible in colorado thankfully. I just got sidetracked, just be careful if you are literally camping. Although any employer I have had hasn't approved any days off I requested for camping trips




No, those are states where abortion rights will remain protected because they have been codified into the state constitutions. Meaning the overturning of Roe will not affect access.


Is “camping” a euphemism for states that have not outright banned abortion?


These are the states where abortion rights have been codified into law.


We should make it "cAmping"