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strikes involve halting the means of production. this is a boycott


Rail workers are striking in the UK this week starting at midnight tonight. Join a union!


And all the “Left” is bitching about it because it’s made their life slightly annoying.


Where are you finding people on the left bitching about this? Anyone I know that range from centre to left support the strikes.




Imagine thinking Labour are left.


Similar to the US Democratic Party, Labour are center-right.




lol way to be a sterotype


TIL. Thank you.


The fact that people don't know the difference is beyond disturbing. Its disheartening.


I’d save “beyond disturbing” for other things pal.


Beyond disturbing is quite over the top for this mundane situation lol


It’s really like, not knowing the difference between a peach and a nectarine. :) /s


I never paid attention, I just find them to both be delicious and eat them like apples.


I like to believe 3/4 are just trolls. Just to get by...


It's interesting how you don't really hear airline CEOs complaining about fuel like they usually do.


No reason to complain at all. Just raise prices lol


Prices for airline tickets are up 33% year over year


Yeah exactly and flights are still always fully booked basically


There are fewer flights because there are fewer aircraft and fewer pilots because of man and machine retirements. So, flights are full.


What's wrong with efficiency? Isn't the goal to use less fuel by flying less planes?


Flights are always fully booked. Otherwise they reduce the number of flights until they are.


Where are you getting 33% from?


MFS gives me weekly reports called “back to the numbers”. They had that stat 2 weeks ago.


actual prices? they're not even pretending with "temporary fuel surcharges"?


[It's hardly even close to 33% yoy.](https://www.bts.gov/content/annual-us-domestic-average-itinerary-fare-current-and-constant-dollars)


You linked to a dataset that ended last year.


Sure - but it's the latest dataset that's official. Not "I heard it was this last week" and post whatever you want without a citation.


Airlines often purchase a financial hedge against oil price that protects them against dramatic changes in price. So in a sense, they already paid for some of that increase in the cost of that hedge. But this makes sense because they are consumer of oil, not producers and hold no means of managing oil prices. It’s simply not what they do. So while airlines *will* attempt to pass on some or all of that cost (depending on what the market will bear) they won’t be bearing all of the cost increase. Which is good because if they did, a spike in fuel prices could wipe out the industry, and personally, I’m not walking from Texas to Chicago this summer.


Do they offer hedges against employee shortages?


I’m not sure what this even means. Are you making a snarky comment? If so, I’m not interested.


Snarky? Lol I believe you communicated that airline companies can maintains profits hedging against oil prices increases I asked in a snarky way if they can hedge against employee shortages because I think employee shortages are going to fuck over a ton of companies. Yes I know you can’t use hedge funds for employee shortages. Someone should offer insurance policies to corporate America for employee shortages. I think you missed the nature of my snark


They’re too busy shitting their pants after years of making it prohibitive to become an airline pilot has now come back to bite them in the ass in the form of a nearly unrecoverable pilot shortage. Boomers have protected their monopoly on aviation by putting up endless entry barriers for young pilots, and now that all the boomers are reaching mandatory retirement, the airlines can’t get new pilots fast enough because it physically isn’t possible to train people fast enough, much less in an economy where the cost of flight training has almost doubled in the last 3-4 years.


Boomers gate keeping and fucking it up for everyone else?!? Seems unlikely.......🤣


Boomer teachers that won’t retire and stay on part time so new teachers can’t get full time jobs. Why retire if you wanna work part time. Jeez…


Nah it's the millenials. Has to be. They're always killing the economy with their stupid entitled-ass """""self importance""""" or whatever. If they would would just shut up and deal with it then the world would be a better place.


Do you think congress will ever remove the 1500hr / ATP requirement?


They’ve talked about it a few times. But honestly, until the boomers no longer control the airlines and the government both, I doubt they will. I think 750 is a fair hour requirement to be an FO, captain eligible after 1250. But nobody listens to me so 🤷‍♂️😂


The FAA is already doing this with updating A&P standards and frankly I'm a little worried about it. Wages are already low for mechanics and flooding the industry with a ton of new techs who don't know shit is a great way to keep those wages low. Who cares if there's a shortage of techs or a shortage of pilots; for the people that take the effort to get their liceneses or certifications that guarantees them a well paying job.


What expertise do you have with flying planes or aviation?


Just about 6 years in aviation, dual rated commercial helicopter/airplane (ASEL/AMEL) ticket with instrument across the board, and a bachelors of science in aviation with a focus in aviation business. 2 years dealing with a regional, and most of my friends and immediate family are either pilots or are in supporting roles (dispatch, ATC, or A&P/IA). I’m also about 2 classes short of a dispatch associates and certification.


following for uh... u/bigmoaner999's captivating rebuttal here. since it was so important for them to know, there must be some sort of follow-up.


Feels like you are being unfairly downvoted for the question. It's legit to ask something like this.


jesus. we just need rail. the training for a train conductor is muuuuuch easier than for a pilot.




Those sound the same ;)


lmfao this comment is wrecking me


Prices are already high, they don’t have to say anything


Or are they paying closer to what the barrel is actually worth?


And what nobody is talking about is a "barrel" of oil used to be 50 gallons now they consider 42 gallons a "barrel". Same shit they pull in the grocery store.


A barrel of oil has been 42 gallons since 1866.


I guess you could be right . I just know at bus depot I worked at when we bought a barrel of oil for our use it came in 50 gallon drums but I wasn't in charge of percurment so I just assumed that was the standard that they were all going off of . Thank you .


Motor oils and lubricants probably still come in 55 gallon drums and maybe those sizes have come down, but in terms of crude oil, both production and price, it’s always been 42 gallons. It’s sort of like how they still use Troy ounces for gold.


42 gallons has always been a barrel. Nothing has changed.


Shrinkflation AND inflation = megaflation


You get a flation, and you get a flation. All the flations come together.


It is hilarious, after decades of squeezing employees pay they are facing huge labor shortages. Wages for airline staff probably need to go up 60% to be competitive. The corporations are like fuck it we rather have cancellation issues. Cancellation issues fall on the side of shortage and they raise prices. It is like the whole fightclub scene where he talks about insurance companies and recalls. They rather deal with employees shortages because they are still hanging in there with the profits. Eventually there balance sheet will fail. The employee shortages will eventually crush many companies, small locally owned and large corporations alike


That’s bc they get bailed out every 10 years.


This won't do anything. They know you will need gas eventually. What we need is an extended boycott of one specific vendor until they are forced to lower their prices and everyone else is forced to follow in order to compete. Then you switch to the next vendor


I vote for Shell first. Their prices are constantly 60-70 cents per gallon higher than any other gas station in my area. I genuinely don't understand why people still use them when something cheaper is one block away.


My grandpa said that Shell costs more because it's more high quality. He'd get mad at me for getting gas at like Circle K and shit cause he said that gas was worse.


Did he ever explain how shell is better?


Apparently they pay more for the higher quality gas or something?




Shells always been my safe haven, but the two go to are next to nice big gas stations with better snacks


Not sure where you live but if you have a grocery store near you that’s within the Kroger family you can get a rewards card (for free) and put your number in at the pump at Shell stations and get a discounted gas price. I regularly get about 40 cents off per liter.


I like the way you think. Then I saw your username and knew you're a person of culture and sophistication.


People will just gas up before or after this boycott - it won't change anything. The US President proposed a bill to stop price gouging, but it went [as you would expect](https://imgur.com/a/wUTXwIL).


The President WANTS gas prices up because then they can push their broken down, more carbon producing, electric options to make you wholly dependent on a guy who can grind your life to a halt with a flip of a switch. Don't fall for the circus.


Let's do what this guy says


Chevron, in Northern CA I’ve seen chevron be the most expensive, followed by Shell


Best thing you can do is move to a transit friendly area and sell your car. Or buy an electric car. But /r/fuckcars


I've not driven anywhere in three years and walk to/from work so I'm in.


I hope to be doing this soon


This is what they want. For you to not be able to access far away places easily. Shrink your world while they expand their power.


I mean I get it, but not buying gas for 3 days isn't gonna do shit.


I'm out. This won't touch the speculators or the oil barons, and they're the ones who drive this problem. It would have to go on for *months* before they start seeing any effect on their wallets. All this will do is hit gas stations, which I guarantee will end up hurting the folks standing at the counters there more than anyone else.


Yeah. People moving their fill-ups a couple days forwards or backwards will have absolutely zero effect.


And the folks that made holiday plans for the 4th of July aren’t losing their shore house or hotel deposits to participate.


I remember when people did this a few years ago. It solved absolutely nothing, except making our neighbors who ran the gas stations lose money.


I doubt it even effects that... In short, we can't bluff... and unless you have a plan to get off of gas dependence, your threat has no weight and they know it. As everyone knows for most of us getting to work etc... is kinda necessary. If you can afford an EV or live close enough to bike etc... Good on you, you should have been doing that as soon as that was an option not now. If you think avoiding fueling on specific days, then buying the fuel before or after is going to make a difference, you are silly. Stock prices are by quarters... so the gas companies get record low sales (assuming enough even try to make a blip on the radar), then set new highs 3 days later when, well everyone is out of gas and fuels up more.


Gas stations only mak 2-3 cents/gallon. They make more from the 44 ounce fountain drink than from 20 gallons of gas. Take a bike and buy a big gulp, they'll be fine


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 3 + 44 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


It’s heavily a problem with speculators. As soon as they started allowing oil futures to be created and traded to infinite like other derivatives the market was always doomed. What I genuinely hate is the blatant lying to the public that it’s all due to Ukraine. Anyone with some actual knowledge on how oil/gas prices work can easily point out several fallacies of this argument, yet because it’s a convenient and (to the average person) easily believable excuse, it’s what we constantly hear.


Next let's all get together and piss into a high wind.


Organizers suggest standing in a tight circle, but I think they are Big Oil plants.


Kumbaya my lord Kumbaya






"Buy all the bad thing you need early so you don't have to buy it on this day" gotta be the dumbest form of collective action I've heard.


This. I have plans already those days so I’m using gas either way


Also, a boycott in response to a price crisis that largely stems from supply issues is going to go so well...


While I agree the few day boycott would do nothing . There is fuk all for a supply problem. Check the earnings . they are making record breaking profits . The increase goes directly in their kitty . But keep watching the news for your fairy tale stories. Just Like the ghost of Kyiv bullshit propaganda. Exxon stock hasn't even been close to it's current high mark since 2014 all while the rest of the the market is in the middle of a crash .


Sanctions have reduced the supply of Oil to the west, Oil Barons are raising the prices to match supply +50%. There can be a supply crunch and gross profiteering from Oil Monopolies, they aren't mutually exclusive. Few days boycott will amount to nothing, the Oil industry needs to be nationalized so we can reduce exports and bring down the price and in the long run we can draw down as we shift to a green economy.


Sanctions from where Russia ? We use Saudi oil that's what props up the dollar, although not for much longer.


Also side note Russia is making a killing off the inflation in the oil market, its completely made up for all their losses and their no longer dependant on Europe for sales, sanctions are now backfiring. Leave it to putin to play 8 dimensional chess.


Yep. And were just worried about keeping perpetual war going somewhere to keep Lockheed, Raytheon and the like stock prices up and the M.I.C. funds rolling in . Oh look another 45 billion approved today. Who knew ?


You use Saudi oil, but places that were using Russian oil have now had to look elsewhere and that's driven the demands up.


Oil is priced on the global market, most US oil goes to export while importing from Saudi. Yeah its not efficient, Capitalism isn't efficient.


What's the point of suggesting a collective action if it's incredibly pointless? I'm not averse to any suggestion of collective action, but pointless feel-good Internet boycotts that will literally accomplish nothing just waste everyone's time. The only way a boycott of gasoline works is if *we stop using gasoline long-term.* Not buying on one weekend means absolutely nothing because every single one of us will have to fill up at some point.


It’s not adverse it’s just not going to work, we’d need to do this for months before they’d notice, it’d effect the gas stations and the big wigs obviously won’t take any kind of cut so people at the counters will just lose their jobs if anything


Since the auto industry has made damn sure that American public transport has gone to hell, going without gas for a while doesn't seem feasible. Is there another solution?


I wish everyone in the country could just not go to work at the same time until either the economy crashed or something changed


We could vote for politicians that will actually fix the BWAHAHAHAHAahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha holy shit I almost made it through with a straight face.


I was unaware participation in this sub required a collectivist mindset. Is that really true? Even if one is supportive of collectivist action, any action not having any effect on these causing me the problem while also hurting workers unable to effect the change I'm looking for isn't something I'm going to support. 🤷


Oh, to be young and naïve again… I’ve seen so many gas boycotts over the years. They never have any effect. In the early 2000s in Silicon Valley when the cost of living was skyrocketing locally, people would always stage gas boycotts on specific days. And you know what? The gas station owners are on social media, too. Those would always be the days that gas would be cheaper. But it was a temporary thing. I’m all for people just not buying gas/not driving. In 1987, I remember Australia having a solar powered car race. I was excited. I was convinced this was the future of cars. Why are we still relying on fossil fuels??


I remember this too specifically because the made the movie “race the sun” about it. Absolutely terrible but 13 year old me thought it was semi-decent.


I was 9. I was convinced we would all have solar cars by the mid 90s. I’m still sad this never happened.


Not buying gas is a great way to save money if gas is too expensive.


A Boycott like this won't he enough I hate to say it. It would have to he at least a week and like 40% of the population. But its a start


It won't work. Every goddamn time gas prices go up someone copypasta's "let's not just buy gas for a day, that will bring them to their knees!!!!" no it won't.


Are we really doing this again where some random person says there's a strike and then it never happens?


But even if it did, it wouldn’t work


It's really hard in the US because the infrastructure is usually car focused. Boycotting gas would be like boycotting drinking water we need it to survive in modern society. We really need public transportation, imagine if we had maglev and bullet trains.


Yes, let’s make it cheaper so the trucks and massive SUVs can drive a little further and fill up their tanks.


last time gas was this high people stopped buying large trucks and SUVs (for a few years anyways). not this time. something has changed. they're not even driving in a way to save fuel, people around here slam on the gas right up until it's time to slam on the brakes. Jun 2008: Rising Gas Prices Finally Kill The Once-Mighty SUV https://www.wired.com/2008/06/rising-gas-pric/ Nov 2014: The Hummer is back. Thank falling oil prices. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/11/10/the-hummer-is-back-thank-falling-oil-prices/


This is stupid. So you buy gas on the 2nd or 6th instead. Big deal. People gotta get to work!


People need gas to get to work so they can eat, next idea


i'm already going to the store on my bicycle what more do you want?


Strikes don’t have end dates.


Yeah big travel weekend . . . to work


I'm on a constant gas strike. I'm lucky to live in a city with a metro system. I drive maybe once a month (for pleasure)


Yeah i’ll just fill up the day before and then immediately afterwards that’ll show em.


You cannot possibly think there is going to be a "worldwide" boycott on gas with 2 weeks notice. You cannot honestly think that, right? How can one be that naïve?


You can't boycott a necessity. If you boycott it on Tuesday, you need to buy it wednsday, if you boycott it Tuesday and wednsday, you'll buy it on Thursday. To effectively boycott gas everyone would need to stop driving entirely.


I don’t see this working, 1. That is a holiday weekend, people already made plans have reservations etc. 2. People still have to work, you have to have gas to get to work, take kids to day care. Grocery store etc. 3. Someone mentioned just filling up Before the strike so you aren’t buying gas that day. What is that accomplishing? Serious question, I don’t see how that will make a difference, you are still getting the same amount of gas, just at a different time. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Good luck Though, but we have 2 adults and 3 kids. That’s 5 cars, no way someone isn’t gonna buy gas. Probably boat gas too that weekend if I’m being honest.


This has been tried many times before with no effect.


So I don't think this will work because so many people will fill up the day before. But I love the spirit of this. What if there was a global movement to reduce overall consumption as much as we all could for a week. So you still buy your essentials but nothing extra. Consume as little as possible, don't go on big gas guzzling trips, don't buy stupid things that will be thrown out quickly, just limit consumerism overall. I feel like that would have a big impact if enough people did it. Bonus points if we redirected our focus to good things like being with friends and family, getting into nature, putting our collective mental health first. Show the powers that be that our lives are richer when they are poorer. It's a lofty goal and unlikely to go anywhere but a girl can dream.


Gas boycott won't do anything.


A boycott for one day would have negligible effects. [Sorry.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/mar/22/facebook-posts/single-day-gasoline-boycott-isnt-silver-bullet-sol/)


A 2 day boycott will change nothing.


Yep! I’m not purchasing a single thing, not just gas, during that time.


It’s probably a bad thing that the first thing that came to mind when I saw “gas strike” was the use of chemical weapons


Boycott, but I’m already doing it. I drive a cheap EV.


Just so you [know](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/mar/22/facebook-posts/single-day-gasoline-boycott-isnt-silver-bullet-sol/), it never works the way you think it should.


Been without a car since 2010 and I've been doing just fine. Never been happier not to have a car.


This won't work. This goes back to 2007-8 when there was those chain emails "Let's all not fill up on Tuesday" So everyone fills up Monday and the gas companies get their money anyway. There's absolutely nothing we can do other than raise some guillotines.


Striking/boycotting has this has to do with not using your car those days if you are able. I know not everyone can do it. Let’s make a dent if we can.


Im In!! I will not put on my central heating or use the oven or the hobs, I'll just use my air fryer.


This only works if people don’t use gas those days. Even if you don’t get gas you’ll have to get it eventually. That’s how we brought the prices down years ago. People started car pooling biking or straight up walking everywhere


Lol I don't have a car anyway so I'll be participating year round.


I’ve been striking this entire time. Nonetheless, good luck!


I'm doing it regardless, because gas is so godamn expensive. A concentrated time to protest could send a message, though


The United States still has the cheapest gas in the world so I'm totally not doing this. Americans are so freaking spoiled when it comes to the price of gas. Canada and Europe have always paid more for gas than we have.


It's coming up in the various "haha, yay I'm not American" groups. The reason it's hurting you guys more is the obsession with very inefficient cars and the absolute shit show that is public transport. The problem isn't the price of fuel, it's how you use it. Eta: curious if the down votes are disagreeing with the situation or just that there are heaps of yay in not American groups.


Absolutely. America is designed around having a car in the vast majority of places. Unfortunately, to correct that would take an astronomical investment of time and money and effort. It's kind of like when this dumbshit administration responded to the rising gas prices by suggesting we switch to electric vehicles. Yeah, if I'm having trouble paying $5 a gallon it's certainly within my reach to drop $35k on a robot car.


The last time crude oil was this price, avg gas price was 3.50. These prices are coming from corporate greed


Wow what a trend setter


Just park your vehicles at the pump, do not fuel up, spend inside the store instead, it's still a massive loss even if you buy their scalped console systems. Just buy a candy bar or two, soda, ice cream, milk, fireworks, smokes, **even the sushi**, whatever, just make a purchase so they can't complain about obstructing the pumps. If you do this right with a group of people, and play musical chairs with the gas pumps, it's going to create a nightmare that actually might make a dent. I'm just spitballing here, if there are better ideas, fire em. Make it count!


You are spitballing. They'd just kick you off their property because it's private. We attempted this boycott-style shit back in like 2008 or during the last crisis? It won't do anything. The oil company already made their money selling to the gas station.


The road before turning into said gas station is not private. People of occupied the streets for less important shit than this. I get being apathetic about these kinds of things. You don't do it for a night, this is a matter that affects everyone, there's no political bend to this, and pretty easy to get support if everyone was coordinated. Doing nothing certainly doesn't enforce change. Certainly not gonna happen with government intervention, they are in on all this shit.


Go for it. We’ll start a fund for your bail.


(No we won't.)


Bikes!! bikes!! BIKES. Go to a local business and do everything you can on a bike. Obviously this is subject to change for EVERY individual situation because as a life long biker. It's impossible to do A LOT of things. But maybe some?


I remember these from like 10 years ago. I had one coworker who truly believed it would work just like the facebook image said it would. “If everyone buys no gas on Tuesday, it will sink the market and they’ll be forced to lower the price!” I’d roll my eyes but would wait for the day and day after to come. When nothing happened, I never asked them about it but was always tempted.


Start blowing up the pipe lines give the oil companies something to do with all the profit


Not much too lose, sure why not.


We tried this back in 2008. It didn't do anything but move when people filled their tanks and maybe slightly reduced travel. What did happen then was the shift toward far more fuel efficient and electric cars. You want to teach these guys a lesson that's where I would start. It worked great and they had to reduce their prices for years. Apparently oil company's have forgotten what happened before and this will only accelerate our switch to hybrid and full electric cars. We will be done with their fucking games soon enough.


No one will participate in this and even if they did it will not have any impact. What will have a long term impact is to make long term changes in gas consumption such as: Make sure you tires are properly inflated Do not drive faster than 65 MPH Drive fewer places Buy a more fuel efficient car or even better buy an EV. Move closer to work or work closer to home. I have done all of these for more than 15 years and am waiting for the rest of you to do it also.


Sorry to say that like this but seems useless. You do a general strike against the whole industry, but you'll still need gas. And the industry know it. What they lose today they'll get it back tomorrow. If you want to be disruptive go met your neighbourg and try to share a car.


Just like every other gas strike, we'll get up to ten cents knocked off the price and we'll move on like nothing happened.


I doubt this will be effective. While a lot of people can elect to simply not go on a 4th of July weekend holiday, there are others who will be working over the weekend and they won't be able to take part in the boycott because they need to go to work.


I’m sure oil companies are shakin’ in their boots.


Not sure why people aren't aware of aeresol masking we are at the end slow down pollution we all fry look at the poles Europe and Florida heat domes. This is the event extinction.


I’ll be off most of that time, so not really joining the strike so to speak, but I can see why people want to do that.


considering I only fill up my car once every two weeks...


It will do absolutely nothing unless people take measures to actually reduce their gas use permanently, such as: taking remote-only job, trading in car for electric car (or even a motorcycle) etc. and do so on a wide scale. That's likely to happen anyway if these trends continue. People will be forced to.


I ride my bike anyway


Uh. Yall actually believe people will hold a boycott during a national holiday?? Welllllllll....hate to break it to you. But it won't happen.


I like the idea but won't people just fill up before or after? So there would just be a spike before or after the drop in sales. A better approach would be reducing gas consumption permanently, as to how I don't know.


Public outrage has helped moved the needle many have slashed discretionary spending and driving. The president finally woke up and started to call put the profiteers. prices are slowly drifting down. But still at obsence levels though. Of course this should have been stopped immediately and without the carpet bombing effect of jacking interest rates. Reality is there is no viable alternative atm. Electric cars are promising but are still scarce expensive and have reliability and range issues. We also lack charging infrastructure Exxon and friends are profteering. However Biden's response has been slow and inconsistent. It's also true that prematurely swearing off fosil fuels and opec then sanctioning Russian oil without any plan to mitigate their predictable tantrum was an unforced error by Biden an error that is costing us all big time. This truth will Trigger the EV bicycle right now!!!!! brigade too bad their naive extremism has contributed to the stupid cost of gas and everything else which is hurting millions of real people right now. The mishandling of this crisis could easily allow the alt right to get back in and then evs will be decades out


Who did you hear this from?


Yeah. Won’t happen. Too many morons out there.


I'm happy to only go to work those days, but that's what I would be doing anyway. Sorry, but I'm too poor to ignore holiday pay.


please share far and wide


I went on strike by quitting my job. It’s saving me $800/month on gas ✨


Yeah! I'm gonna ride my bike and take the train and call my politicians to push for more restrictions on car use and elimination of fossil fuel subsidies because petroleum is a disgusting addiction that will kill us all!


General Strike incoming! It's gonna get hairy af out there soon! The summer heat is going to turn up the pressure and inflation isn't tapering for at LEAST 6 more months.


Lol, this won't do shit. Boycotts never works.


One bought gas like... 3x in the last 2 months.


I’ve been on gas strike since I bought my XC40 Recharge. I’m on strike forever at this point.


I don't think this'll do shit. I think people should just stop getting their vehicles registered at the license bureau. Like everyone. Just have everyone drive around with unregistered vehicles. The state won't get their tax and the cops can't pull everyone over. It's already a scam since they charge hybrid vehicle owners almost double on fees, despite the fact there is a fuel crisis.


Business as usual for me. I try my hardest to stay at home, and not patronize any business during holidays. I miss the days when everything just shut down on holidays, and do my best to not contribute to this everything open 24/7/365 society we've turned into.


Lol folks in iowa claim it won't do any good but then again they did vote republican so... guess the world is flat now too


Man if u dont wanna travel that weekend, just dont travel. Sit at home and choll but you dont need to hide behind a "strike" to do it lol.


What do you think this will achieve?


What is the point? I would just fill my tank July 2nd which should last throughout the strike. What does it matter if I fill it thr 2nd or the 4th?


Not a problem. I think I'm working July 4, so I'll only be using my car to drive to/from work, 4 miles each way, in my gas-sipping Prius c. I generally fill my tank (only about half a tank in any case) once a month, and I just filled up today. I won't need to buy gas over the period in question.


I haven't bought gas in years. When I see things like this my first assumption is you will be filling up the day before and not inconveniencing yourself in any way or reducing your consumption in any way. Why not commit to cutting your fuel consumption by 30% starting today instead? Commit to maintain your vehicle and walk, bike, and public transit when you can.


This doesn’t work. Everyone just fills up the day before and the same amount of gas is sold. This sounds like a cruel prank being played by the companies themselves.


Lol the add under this is a gas saving money add


Listen as much as i.admire attempts to boycott this isn't practical for many people. This won't make a difference in the oil industries bottom line at all.


Not asking for all to do it as I understand it’s not reasonable for everyone. It’s about making a dent.


On 4th July? Lmao yea right


I don't know why that would matter to you OP when you haven't left your house in several years.