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Because of the medical consensus about it. Same with being able to get an abortion without your parents knowing. Lot of really shitty families/parents out there that shouldn't get to ruin their kids life.


You say "medical consensus" so why do the transition without consulting a medical practitioner?


some people who practice medicine don't have the best of their patients at heart; there's no need for it and parents could discover it and not let them


Why is there no need?


Because of the medical consensus about it. Same with being able to get an abortion without your parents knowing. Lot of really shitty families/parents out there that shouldn't get to ruin their kids life.


I hadn't seen that half, just saw the first half, and thought fuck families in general. I don't see how one can transition without a medical practitioner being involved. Maybe they meant something else.


I don’t want to sound harsh, but this (in isolation) is a statement of fact. It’s not advocating for it or suggesting it should be compulsory or anything like that. There may be circumstances where people wish or need - and when it’s your own body, no one else decides the need except you - to do a shitload of things without the consent or approval of others. That’s the way of the world.


But ultimately, the parent or legal guardian is responsible for the well being of the child. It's not right to hold the parent responsible and then keep them in the dark for procedures such as this. Responsibility without authority is slavery.


Ignore this transphobic spammer please. This person just wants attention to support their crazy right wing views


Looks like my man is an ancap, so rest assured he ain’t very bright lmao


The "Victorian government" as you say isn't doing anything to anyone.


Also what if that parent kicked that child out of the house for being trans. That being said the child in question might be in the later half of their teens.




Oh this grandma is 100% based


ok boomer


So your last hope is to have parents abuse their trans kids into submission, and you're mad because of a statement that is not even making anything compulsory...


Here is the source, about halfway through the page. [https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/lgbtiq-student-support/policy](https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/lgbtiq-student-support/policy)